Example #1
    public float solve(out Vec3 outx, float svd_tol,
                       int svd_sweeps, float pinv_tol)
        if (this.data.numPoints == 0)
            throw new UnityException("...");

        this.massPoint.set(this.data.massPoint_x, this.data.massPoint_y, this.data.massPoint_z);
        VecUtils.scale(out this.massPoint, 1.0f / this.data.numPoints, this.massPoint);


        Vec3 tmpv;

        MatUtils.vmul_symmetric(out tmpv, this.ata, this.massPoint);
        VecUtils.sub(out this.atb, this.atb, tmpv);

        float result = Svd.solveSymmetric(this.ata, this.atb, out this.x,
                                          svd_tol, svd_sweeps, pinv_tol);

        VecUtils.addScaled(out this.x, 1.0f, this.massPoint);

        outx             = x;
        this.hasSolution = true;
Example #2
        internal static Plane FromPointsSVD(GeoPoint[] Points, out double MaxDistance, out bool isLinear)
            isLinear    = false;
            MaxDistance = double.MaxValue;
            GeoPoint centroid = new GeoPoint(Points);
            Matrix   m        = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[Points.Length, 3]);

            for (int i = 0; i < Points.Length; i++)
                GeoVector v = Points[i] - centroid;
                m[i, 0] = v.x;
                m[i, 1] = v.y;
                m[i, 2] = v.z;
                Svd <double> svd    = m.Svd();
                GeoVector    normal = new GeoVector(svd.U[0, 0], svd.U[0, 1], svd.U[0, 2]);
                return(new Plane(centroid, normal));
Example #3
    private float[] MovePINV(float[] q_current, float[] error)
        Matrix <float> jac = IIWAjacobian(q_current);

        Vector <float> errorV = Vector <float> .Build.DenseOfArray(error);

        Svd <float> svd = jac.Svd();
        //float[] singularVal = new float[6];

        Matrix <float> S = Matrix <float> .Build.DenseIdentity(7, 6);

        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            if (svd.S[i] != 0)
                S[i, i] = svd.S[i] / (svd.S[i] * svd.S[i] + 1);
                S[i, i] = 1000000000;

        Matrix <float> jac3 = svd.VT.Transpose() * S * svd.U.Transpose();

        Vector <float> qPINV = jac3 * errorV;

        float[] qOut = new float[7];
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
            qOut[i] = qPINV[i];
Example #4
        private static Matrix <double> PseudoInverse(Svd <double> svd)
            Matrix <double> W = svd.W();
            Vector <double> s = svd.S();

            // The first element of W has the maximum value.
            double tolerance = Precision.EpsilonOf(2) * Math.Max(svd.U().RowCount, svd.VT().ColumnCount) * W[0, 0];

            for (int i = 0; i < s.Count; i++)
                if (s[i] < tolerance)
                    s[i] = 0;
                    s[i] = 1 / s[i];


            // (U * W * VT)T is equivalent with V * WT * UT
            return((svd.U() * W * svd.VT()).Transpose());
Example #5
 private void polarize(Svd<double> DG_SVD, out Vector3d RotationAxis, out double RotationAngle)
     DenseMatrix RotationalMatrix = (DenseMatrix)DG_SVD.U.Multiply(DG_SVD.VT);
     Quaterniond RotationQ = OpenTK_To_MathNET.MatrixToQuaternion(RotationalMatrix);
     RotationQ.ToAxisAngle(out RotationAxis, out RotationAngle);
Example #6
        public static async Task <ProcessingResult> Encrypt(string originalFilePath, string originalFileName, string originalKeyPath, int brightness, int contrast, int mode)
            var originalContainerBitmap = new Bitmap(originalFilePath);
            var originalKeyBitmap       = new Bitmap(originalKeyPath);

            var encryptionStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            switch (mode)
            case 1:
                originalContainerBitmap =
                    Helpers.SetContrast(Helpers.SetBrightness(originalContainerBitmap, brightness), contrast);

            case 2:
                originalKeyBitmap =
                    Helpers.SetContrast(Helpers.SetBrightness(originalKeyBitmap, brightness), contrast);

            var result = await Svd.Encrypt(originalContainerBitmap, originalKeyBitmap, originalFileName);

            var encryptionPsnr = Helpers.CalculatePsnr(result.InputContainer, result.OutputContainer);

            return(new ProcessingResult
                Psnr = encryptionPsnr,
                Time = encryptionStopwatch.Elapsed,
                AverageBlueColor = result.AverageBlueColor,
                AverageGreenColor = result.AverageGreenColor,
                AverageRedColor = result.AverageRedColor
Example #7
    public void solve()
        if (_weight > 0.0)
            Matrix <double> covariance = (_moment - (_sum1 / _weight).ToColumnMatrix() * _sum2.ToRowMatrix()) / _weight;
            Svd <double>    svd        = covariance.Svd();

            Matrix <double> rotation = (svd.VT.Transpose()) * (svd.U.Transpose());
            int             sign     = rotation.Determinant() > 0 ? 1 : -1;

            Matrix <double> coordinate = DenseMatrix.Build.DenseIdentity(3, 3);
            coordinate[2, 2] = sign;

            rotation = (svd.VT.Transpose()) * coordinate * (svd.U.Transpose());

            _resultRotation = QuaternionFromMatrix(rotation);
            _startCentroid  = numericToUnity(_sum1) / (float)_weight;
            _endCentroid    = numericToUnity(_sum2) / (float)_weight;
            _resultRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            _startCentroid  = Vector3.zero;
            _endCentroid    = Vector3.zero;
Example #8
        public static async Task <ProcessingResult> HandleEncryption(Bitmap originalContainerBitmap, Bitmap originalKeyBitmap, string originalFileName)
            var encryptionStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var result = await Svd.Encrypt(originalContainerBitmap, originalKeyBitmap, originalFileName);


            var encryptionMse  = Helpers.CalculateMse(result.InputContainer, result.OutputContainer);
            var encryptionPsnr = Helpers.CalculatePsnr(encryptionMse);

            return(new ProcessingResult
                Psnr = encryptionPsnr,
                Mse = encryptionMse,
                Time = encryptionStopwatch.Elapsed,
                AverageBlueColor = result.AverageBlueColor,
                AverageGreenColor = result.AverageGreenColor,
                AverageRedColor = result.AverageRedColor,
                AverageBlueColorWatermark = result.AverageBlueColorWatermark,
                AverageGreenColorWatermark = result.AverageGreenColorWatermark,
                AverageRedColorWatermark = result.AverageRedColorWatermark,
                ContainerHeight = result.ContainerHeight,
                ContainerWidth = result.ContainerWidth,
                WatermarkHeight = result.WatermarkHeight,
                WatermarkWidth = result.WatermarkWidth,
                ContainerWithWatermark = result.OutputContainer
Example #9
        static public Line GaussFitLine(PointSet PS)
            Position pos_average = Position.Zero;

            foreach (var p in PS)
                pos_average += p.Pos;
            pos_average /= PS.Count;
            DenseMatrix jacobian = new DenseMatrix(PS.Count, 3);

            foreach (var p in PS)
                var gradient = (p.Pos - pos_average).Pos;
                jacobian.SetRow(PS.IndexOf(p), gradient);
            Svd <double> svd = jacobian.Svd(true);
            // get matrix of left singular vectors with first n columns of U
            Matrix <double> U1 = svd.U.SubMatrix(0, PS.Count, 0, 3);
            // get matrix of singular values
            Matrix <double> S = new DiagonalMatrix(3, 3, svd.S.ToArray());
            // get matrix of right singular vectors
            Matrix <double> V = svd.VT.Transpose();

            Vector <double> parameters = new DenseVector(3);

            parameters = V.Column(0);

            Line result = new Line(pos_average, new Vector(parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2]), 1);

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse
        /// If A = U • Σ • VT is the singular value decomposition of A, then A† = V • Σ† • UT.
        /// For a diagonal matrix such as Σ, we get the pseudoinverse by taking the reciprocal of each non-zero element
        /// on the diagonal, leaving the zeros in place, and transposing the resulting matrix.
        /// In numerical computation, only elements larger than some small tolerance are taken to be nonzero,
        /// and the others are replaced by zeros. For example, in the MATLAB or NumPy function pinv,
        /// the tolerance is taken to be t = ε • max(m,n) • max(Σ), where ε is the machine epsilon. (Wikipedia)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="M">The matrix to pseudoinverse</param>
        /// <returns>The pseudoinverse of this Matrix</returns>
        public static Matrix PseudoInverse(this Matrix M)
            Svd    D = M.Svd(true);
            Matrix W = (Matrix)D.W();
            Vector s = (Vector)D.S();

            // The first element of W has the maximum value.
            double tolerance = Precision.EpsilonOf(2) * Math.Max(M.RowCount, M.ColumnCount) * W[0, 0];

            for (int i = 0; i < s.Count; i++)
                if (s[i] < tolerance)
                    s[i] = 0;
                    s[i] = 1 / s[i];

            // (U * W * VT)T is equivalent with V * WT * UT
            return((Matrix)(D.U() * W * D.VT()).Transpose());
Example #11
 public svd_operation(Bitmap x, double[,] color)
     row   = x.Width >> 1;
     col   = x.Height >> 1;
     src   = new double[row, col];
     src   = init_src(color, row, col);
     Input = DenseMatrix.OfArray(src);
     svd   = Input.Svd(true);
Example #12
        public void Test03()
            Matrix m = new Matrix(
                new RowVector(1, 2, 5),
                new RowVector(2, 5, 7));
            Svd svd = Func.Svd(m);

            Assert.That(svd.U * svd.S * Matrix.T(svd.V), Is.EqualTo(m).Within(Ep));
Example #13
        public void Test01()
            Matrix m = new Matrix(
                new RowVector(0, 1, -1),
                new RowVector(-1, 1, 0),
                new RowVector(2, 1, 0));
            Svd svd = Func.Svd(m);

            Assert.That(svd.U * svd.S * Matrix.T(svd.V), Is.EqualTo(m).Within(Ep));
Example #14
        protected void Decompose(Transformation matrix)
            Svd <Complex> svd = matrix.Matrix.Svd();

            U              = new Transformation(svd.U);
            VT             = new Transformation(svd.VT);
            Sigma          = new Transformation(CreateMatrix.DenseOfDiagonalVector(svd.S));
            SingularValues = svd.S.ToArray();
            SigmaRank      = svd.Rank;
            TraceNorm      = svd.S.Sum().Real;
Example #15
        private static Matrix <Double> SVD(List <Double> values, int accuracy) //Singular Value Decomposition
            Matrix <Double> X = BuildTrayectoryMatrix(values);

            Matrix <Double> V   = X.Transpose() * X;
            Svd <Double>    svd = V.Svd(true);
            Matrix <Double> U   = svd.VT;
            Matrix <Double> rca = U * V.Inverse();

Example #16
        public static Transform Kabsch(List <Point3d> P, List <Point3d> Q)
            Transform xf = Transform.Identity;

            if (P.Count != Q.Count)
            Point3d CenP = new Point3d(), CenQ = new Point3d();

            for (int i = 0; i < P.Count; i++)
                CenP += P[i];
                CenQ += Q[i];
            CenP /= P.Count; CenQ /= Q.Count;
            DenseMatrix MX = new DenseMatrix(P.Count, 3);
            DenseMatrix MY = new DenseMatrix(P.Count, 3);

            for (int i = 0; i < P.Count; i++)
                DenseVector v1 = new DenseVector(3);
                DenseVector v2 = new DenseVector(3);
                v1[0] = P[i].X - CenP.X; v2[0] = Q[i].X - CenQ.X;
                v1[1] = P[i].Y - CenP.Y; v2[1] = Q[i].Y - CenQ.Y;
                v1[2] = P[i].Z - CenP.Z; v2[2] = Q[i].Z - CenQ.Z;
                MX.SetRow(i, v1); MY.SetRow(i, v2);
            DenseMatrix     H   = DenseMatrix.OfMatrix(MX.TransposeThisAndMultiply(MY));
            Svd             svd = H.Svd(true);
            Matrix <double> UT  = svd.U().Transpose();
            Matrix <double> V   = svd.VT().Transpose();
            Matrix <double> R   = V.Multiply(UT);
            double          d   = R.Determinant();

            if (d > 0)
                d = 1;
                d = -1;
            DenseMatrix I = new DenseMatrix(3, 3, new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, d });

            R      = V.Multiply(I).Multiply(UT);
            xf.M00 = R[0, 0]; xf.M01 = R[0, 1]; xf.M02 = R[0, 2];
            xf.M10 = R[1, 0]; xf.M11 = R[1, 1]; xf.M12 = R[1, 2];
            xf.M20 = R[2, 0]; xf.M21 = R[2, 1]; xf.M22 = R[2, 2];
            Transform tf = Transform.Translation(CenQ - CenP);

            return(Transform.Multiply(tf, xf));
Example #17
    public static float solveLeastSquares(Mat3 a, Vec3 b, out Vec3 x,
                                          float svd_tol, int svd_sweeps, float pinv_tol)
        Mat3  at;
        SMat3 ata;
        Vec3  atb;

        MatUtils.transpose(out at, a);
        MatUtils.mmul_ata(out ata, a);
        MatUtils.vmul(out atb, at, b);
        return(Svd.solveSymmetric(ata, atb, out x, svd_tol, svd_sweeps, pinv_tol));
Example #18
        public GPOut Predict(double TestPointX, Svd <double> svd1 = null, int results = 1)
            //if(results< TrainingPointsX.Count)
            //    results = TrainingPointsX.Count;
            double[] TestPointsX;
            if (results > 1)
                TestPointsX = MathNet.Numerics.Generate.LinearSpaced(results, TrainingPointsX.Min(), TestPointX);
                TestPointsX = new double[] { TestPointX }

            if (Kte == null || results != Kte.ColumnCount)
                if (results == 1)
                    Kte = kernel.Main(Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(1, 1), length);
                    Kte = kernel.Main(DistanceMatrix.Instance.Matrix.SubMatrix(0, results, 0, results), length);

            var          gpOut = new GPOut();
            Svd <double> svd;

            if (TrainingPointsX.Count > 0 && svd1 != null /* && TestPointsX.Length>= TrainingPointsX.Count*/)
                (gpOut.mu, svd) = MathHelper.Evaluate(TestPointsX, TrainingPointsY.ToArray(), TrainingPointsX.ToArray(), kernel, length, svd1, Kte);
                gpOut.mu = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(Enumerable.Range(0, results).Select(_ => 0d).ToArray());

                //gpOut.sd95 = 1.98 * (Kte.Diagonal()).PointwiseSqrt();
                svd = Kte.Svd();

            gpOut.proj = svd.U * Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfDiagonalVector(svd.S.PointwiseSqrt());

            gpOut.sd95 = 1.98 * (gpOut.proj * gpOut.proj.Transpose()).Diagonal().PointwiseSqrt();
            gpOut.X    = TestPointsX;

        public void TestMakeLowRankMatrix()
            Matrix <double> x = SampleGenerator.MakeLowRankMatrix(
                numSamples: 50,
                numFeatures: 25,
                effectiveRank: 5,
                tailStrength: 0.01,
                randomState: new Random(0));

            Assert.AreEqual(50, x.RowCount, "X shape mismatch");
            Assert.AreEqual(25, x.ColumnCount, "X shape mismatch");

            Svd    svd = x.Svd(true);
            double sum = svd.S().Sum();

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(sum - 5) < 0.1, "X rank is not approximately 5");
Example #20
        public static async Task <ProcessingResult> Decrypt(string originalFileName, Bitmap originalKeyBitmap)
            var decryptionFileName = $"{originalFileName}_Container";
            var decryptionFilePath = Path.Combine(MainConstants.ContainersProcessedPath, $"{decryptionFileName}.bmp");

            var decryptionStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var decryptionResult    = await Svd.Decrypt(new Bitmap(decryptionFilePath), decryptionFileName);

            var decryptionPsnr = Helpers.CalculatePsnr(originalKeyBitmap, decryptionResult);

            return(new ProcessingResult
                Psnr = decryptionPsnr,
                Time = decryptionStopwatch.Elapsed
Example #21
        public void TestIdealMatrices()
            List <Image <Arthmetic, double> > ptsReal = new List <Image <Arthmetic, double> >();
            List <PointF> pts1 = new List <PointF>();
            List <PointF> pts2 = new List <PointF>();

            Random rand = new Random(1003);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                var real = new Image <Arthmetic, double>(new double[, , ] {
                    { { rand.Next(100, 200) } },
                    { { rand.Next(100, 200) } },
                    { { rand.Next(50, 100) } },
                    { { 1 } },

                var i1 = P1.Multiply(real).ToPointF();

                var i2 = P2.Multiply(real).ToPointF();

            MatchingResult match = new MatchingResult()
                LeftPoints  = new VectorOfPointF(pts1.ToArray()),
                RightPoints = new VectorOfPointF(pts2.ToArray()),

            var F   = ComputeMatrix.F(match.LeftPoints, match.RightPoints);
            var E   = ComputeMatrix.E(F, K);
            var svd = new Svd(E);

            FindTransformation.DecomposeToRTAndTriangulate(pts1, pts2, K, E, out var RR, out var tt, out Image <Arthmetic, double> X);

            var tt1 = T12.Mul(1 / T12.Norm);
            var tt2 = tt.Mul(1 / tt.Norm);

            var KK   = EstimateCameraFromImagePair.K(F, 700, 400);
            var EE   = ComputeMatrix.E(F, KK);
            var svd2 = new Svd(EE);
Example #22
        public override void Estimate(List <Point3D> datas)
            double sum_x = 0;
            double sum_y = 0;
            double sum_z = 0;

            foreach (Point3D temp in datas)
                sum_x += temp.x;
                sum_y += temp.y;
                sum_z += temp.z;
            sum_x /= datas.Count;
            sum_y /= datas.Count;
            sum_z /= datas.Count;

            DenseMatrix jacobian = new DenseMatrix(datas.Count, 3);

            foreach (Point3D temp in datas)
                Vector <double> gradient = new DenseVector(3);
                gradient[0] = temp.x - sum_x;
                gradient[1] = temp.y - sum_y;
                gradient[2] = temp.z - sum_z;
                jacobian.SetRow(datas.IndexOf(temp), gradient);
            Svd svd = jacobian.Svd(true);
            // get matrix of left singular vectors with first n columns of U
            Matrix <double> U1 = svd.U().SubMatrix(0, datas.Count, 0, 3);
            // get matrix of singular values
            Matrix <double> S = new DiagonalMatrix(3, 3, svd.S().ToArray());
            // get matrix of right singular vectors
            Matrix <double> V = svd.VT().Transpose();

            Vector <double> parameters = new DenseVector(3);

            parameters = V.Column(0);
            x          = sum_x;
            y          = sum_y;
            z          = sum_z;
            i          = parameters[0];
            j          = parameters[1];
            k          = parameters[2];
        public RandomVector(Vector <double> M, Matrix <double> Cov)
            this.M = M;
            Svd <double> Cov_svd = Cov.Svd();

            Sigma = Cov_svd.U * Cov_svd.W.PointwiseSqrt() * Cov_svd.VT;
            //if (Cov.FrobeniusNorm() == 0)
            //    Sigma = Cov;
            //    Sigma = Cov.Cholesky().Factor;
            distrs = new T[M.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < M.Count; i++)
                distrs[i] = new T();
Example #24
        public static async Task <ProcessingResult> DecryptFromBitmap(Bitmap encrypptedContainer, string originalFileName, Bitmap originalKeyBitmap)
            var decryptionFileName = $"{originalFileName}_Container";

            var decryptionStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var decryptionResult    = await Svd.Decrypt(encrypptedContainer, decryptionFileName,
                                                        originalKeyBitmap.Width, originalKeyBitmap.Height);

            var decryptionMse  = Helpers.CalculateMse(originalKeyBitmap, decryptionResult);
            var decryptionPsnr = Helpers.CalculatePsnr(decryptionMse);

            return(new ProcessingResult
                Psnr = decryptionPsnr,
                Mse = decryptionMse,
                Time = decryptionStopwatch.Elapsed,
                ExtractedWatermark = decryptionResult
Example #25
        public static void LinePlaneEstimate(List <Point3d> datas, out Line line, out Plane plane)
            Point3d     cen      = Point3d.GetCenter(datas);
            DenseMatrix jacobian = new DenseMatrix(datas.Count, 3);

            foreach (Point3d temp in datas)
                Vector <double> gradient = new DenseVector(3);
                gradient[0] = temp.X - cen.X;
                gradient[1] = temp.Y - cen.Y;
                gradient[2] = temp.Z - cen.Z;
                jacobian.SetRow(datas.IndexOf(temp), gradient);
            Svd             svd         = jacobian.Svd(true);
            Matrix <double> V           = svd.VT().Transpose();
            Vector <double> parameters  = V.Column(2);
            Vector <double> parameters2 = V.Column(0);

            plane = new Plane(cen, new Vector3d(parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2]));
            line  = new Line(cen, cen + new Vector3d(parameters2[0], parameters2[1], parameters2[2]));
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a rotation matrix. Points in given buffers have to be translated into origin of a coordinate system.
        /// Algorithm can behave incorectly if they would not be translated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourcePoints">Source points (points that are rotated).</param>
        /// <param name="">Target points.</param>
        /// <returns>The rotation matrix.</returns>
        public Matrix <float> CalculateRotation(List <Vector <float> > sourcePoints, List <Vector <float> > targetPoints)
            Log.Info("Calculating rotation matrix.");
            // Creates matrices from points in origin.
            Matrix <float> sourceMatrix = Matrix <float> .Build.DenseOfColumnVectors(sourcePoints.ToArray());

            Matrix <float> targetMatrix = Matrix <float> .Build.DenseOfColumnVectors(targetPoints.ToArray());

            // Mutiply target and source matrices and calculates singular value decomposition of the result.
            Svd <float>    singularDecomposition = (targetMatrix * sourceMatrix.Transpose()).Svd();
            Matrix <float> rotationMatrix        = singularDecomposition.U * singularDecomposition.VT;

            rotationMatrix[3, 0] = 0;
            rotationMatrix[3, 1] = 0;
            rotationMatrix[3, 2] = 0;
            rotationMatrix[3, 3] = 1;

            Log.Debug("Found rotation matrix: " + rotationMatrix);

Example #27
        public void UpdateCoefficients(double l2Penalty)
            if (X_svd == null)
                X_svd = X.Svd();

            Matrix <double> V = X_svd.VT.Transpose();

            double[]        s = X_svd.W.ToRowWiseArray();
            Matrix <double> U = X_svd.U;

            for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                s[i] = s[i] / (s[i] * s[i] + l2Penalty);

            Matrix <double> S = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfDiagonalArray(s);

            Matrix <double> Z = V.Multiply(S).Multiply(U.Transpose());

            _coefficients = Z.Multiply(Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(Y)).ToArray();

            _fitted = X.Multiply(Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(_coefficients)).ToArray();
            double errorVariance = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _residuals.Length; i++)
                _residuals[i]  = Y[i] - _fitted[i];
                errorVariance += _residuals[i] * _residuals[i];
            errorVariance = errorVariance / (X.RowCount - X.ColumnCount);

            Matrix <double> errorVarianceMatrix = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseIdentity(Y.Length).Multiply(errorVariance);

            Matrix <double> coefficientsCovarianceMatrix = Z.Multiply(errorVarianceMatrix).Multiply(Z.Transpose());

            _standarderrors = GetDiagonal(coefficientsCovarianceMatrix);
        /// <summary>
        /// Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse
        /// If A = U • Σ • VT is the singular value decomposition of A, then A† = V • Σ† • UT.
        /// For a diagonal matrix such as Σ, we get the pseudoinverse by taking the reciprocal of each non-zero element
        /// on the diagonal, leaving the zeros in place, and transposing the resulting matrix.
        /// In numerical computation, only elements larger than some small tolerance are taken to be nonzero,
        /// and the others are replaced by zeros. For example, in the MATLAB or NumPy function pinv,
        /// the tolerance is taken to be t = ε • max(m,n) • max(Σ), where ε is the machine epsilon. (Wikipedia)
        /// Edited by MH
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="M">The matrix to pseudoinverse</param>
        /// <returns>The pseudoinverse of this Matrix</returns>
        public static Matrix <float> PseudoInverse(Matrix <float> M)
            Svd <float> D = M.Svd(true);
            var         W = (Matrix <float>)D.W;
            var         s = (Vector <float>)D.S;

            for (int i = 0; i < s.Count; i++)
                if (s[i] < 0.1) // Tolerance suggested by dc paper (TODO: can s be negative?)
                    s[i] = 0;
                    s[i] = 1 / s[i];

            // (U * W * VT)T is equivalent with V * WT * UT
            return((Matrix <float>)(D.U * W * D.VT).Transpose());
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Generates sigma-points given the mean x, covarianve P and spread parameter lambda</para>
        /// <para>- Xi_0 = x</para>
        /// <para>- Xi_i = x + sqrt((L+lambda)P)_i, i = 1,...,L</para>
        /// <para>- Xi_i = x - sqrt((L+lambda)P)_{i-L}, i = L+1,...,2L </para>
        /// <para>L - dimention of x, sqrt(P) - Cholesky decomposition </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">Mean</param>
        /// <param name="P">Covariance</param>
        /// <param name="lambda">Spread parameter</param>
        /// <returns>Matrix of sigma points</returns>
        public static Matrix <double> Generate(Vector <double> x, Matrix <double> P, double lambda)
            int L = x.Count;

            //Matrix<double> Sqrt = (Math.Sqrt(lambda + L)) * P.Cholesky().Factor.Transpose();
            Svd <double>    Psvd = P.Svd();
            Matrix <double> Sqrt = (Math.Sqrt(lambda + L)) * Psvd.U * Psvd.W.PointwiseSqrt() * Psvd.VT;

            Matrix <double> Xi = x.ToColumnMatrix();

            for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                Xi = Xi.Append((x + Sqrt.Column(i)).ToColumnMatrix());
            for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                Xi = Xi.Append((x - Sqrt.Column(i)).ToColumnMatrix());

Example #30
        public Matrix <double> SingulerValueDecomposition(Matrix <double> A, Matrix <double> b)
             * Svd<double> svd = A.Svd(true);
             * double ConditionMumber = svd.ConditionNumber;
             * Debug.WriteLine("Cond: {0}", svd.ConditionNumber);
             * if((svd.ConditionNumber == double.PositiveInfinity) || (svd.ConditionNumber == double.NegativeInfinity)) {
             *      Debug.WriteLine("Condition number is infinity");
             *      return null;
             * }
             * // get matrix of left singular vectors with first n columns of U
             * Matrix<double> U1 = svd.U.SubMatrix(0, A.RowCount, 0, A.ColumnCount);
             * // get matrix of singular values
             * Matrix<double> S = new DiagonalMatrix(A.ColumnCount, A.ColumnCount, svd.S.ToArray());
             * // get matrix of right singular vectors
             * Matrix<double> V = svd.VT.Transpose();
             * return V.Multiply(S.Inverse()).Multiply(U1.Transpose().Multiply(b));

            Svd <double> svd             = A.Svd(true);
            double       ConditionMumber = svd.ConditionNumber;

            Debug.WriteLine("Rank, Det, Cond: {0},{1},{2}", svd.Rank, svd.Determinant, svd.ConditionNumber);

            if ((svd.ConditionNumber == double.PositiveInfinity) || (svd.ConditionNumber == double.NegativeInfinity))
                Debug.WriteLine("Condition number is infinity");

Example #31
        public double MatchIteration(Matrix X, Matrix Y, Matrix V1, Matrix V2, Matrix t1, Matrix t2)
            double timeused = 0;

            var tk = t1.Clone(); // tk=t1;
            int w = 4;
            int ndum = (int)(nsamp * ndum_frac);
            nsamp1 = nsamp2 = nsamp;

            #region demo2迭代
            Matrix Xk = X.Clone();
            int N1 = V1.Rows, N2 = V2.Columns;

            if (display_flag) {
                Draw(X, Y, V1, V2, @"D:\Play Data\Iteration\原图.bmp", "原始图像和采样");
                //DrawGradient(X, Y, t1, t2, N2, N1, @"D:\Play Data\Iteration\原图梯度.bmp", "原始图像切向量");

            int k = 0;
            var out_vec_1 = Utils.InitArray<bool>(nsamp1, false);//out_vec_1=zeros(1,nsamp1);
            var out_vec_2 = Utils.InitArray<bool>(nsamp2, false);//out_vec_2=zeros(1,nsamp2);

            double ori_weight = 0.1;
            double tan_eps = 1.0;
            bool affine_start_flag = true;
            bool polarity_flag = true;
            double matchcost = double.MaxValue;
            double sc_cost = 0, aff_cost = 0, E = 0;

            Matrix cx = null, cy = null; // cx, cy是插值线性方程组的解的两列
            Matrix axt = null, wxt = null, ayt = null, wyt = null, d2 = null, U = null,
                X2 = null, Y2 = null, X2b = null, X3b = null, Y3 = null;
            double mean_dist_1 = 0, mean_dist_2 = 0;
            var min1 = new[] { new { Val = 0.0, Idx = 0 } };
            var min2 = min1;

            #region 用于打网格的坐标
            Matrix coordX = null, coordY = null;
            int coordMargin = (int)(N1 * coordMarginRate);
            MatrixUtils.CreateGrid(N1 + coordMargin * 2, N2 + coordMargin * 2, out coordX, out coordY);
            coordX = coordX.Each(v => v - coordMargin * 2);
            coordY = coordY.Each(v => v - coordMargin * 2);
            //int MM = N1 * N2 / 25; // M=length(x);

            timeused += timer.StopAndSay("初始化");

            while (k < n_iter) {
                Debug("Iter={0}", k);

                #region 计算两个形状上下文
                // [BH1,mean_dist_1]=sc_compute(Xk',zeros(1,nsamp),mean_dist_global,nbins_theta,nbins_r,r_inner,r_outer,out_vec_1);
                var BH1 = ComputeSC(Xk.Transpose(), Zeros(1, nsamp), mean_dist_global, out mean_dist_1, out_vec_1);
                //var BH1 = ComputeSC(Xk.Transpose(), t1.Transpose(), mean_dist_global, out mean_dist_1, out_vec_1);

                // [BH2,mean_dist_2]=sc_compute(Y',zeros(1,nsamp),mean_dist_global,nbins_theta,nbins_r,r_inner,r_outer,out_vec_2);
                var BH2 = ComputeSC(Y.Transpose(), Zeros(1, nsamp), mean_dist_global, out mean_dist_2, out_vec_2);
                //var BH2 = ComputeSC(Y.Transpose(), t2.Transpose(), mean_dist_global, out mean_dist_2, out_vec_2);

                timeused += timer.StopAndSay("计算两个形状上下文");

                Debug("Mean_dist_1:{0:F4}", mean_dist_1);
                Debug("Mean_dist_2:{0:F4}", mean_dist_2);

                #region 计算lambda_o和beta_k
                double lambda_o;
                if (affine_start_flag) {
                    if (k == 0)
                        lambda_o = 1000;
                        lambda_o = beta_init * Math.Pow(r, k - 1); // lambda_o=beta_init*r^(k-2);
                } else {
                    lambda_o = beta_init * Math.Pow(r, k); // lambda_o=beta_init*r^(k-1);
                double beta_k = mean_dist_2 * mean_dist_2 * lambda_o;

                #region 计算代价矩阵
                var costmat_shape = HistCost(BH1, BH2); // costmat_shape = hist_cost_2(BH1, BH2);

                // theta_diff=repmat(tk,1,nsamp)-repmat(t2',nsamp,1);
                var theta_diff = tk.RepMat(1, nsamp) - t2.Transpose().RepMat(nsamp, 1);

                Matrix costmat_theta;
                if (polarity_flag) {
                    // costmat_theta=0.5*(1-cos(theta_diff));
                    //costmat_theta = 0.5 * (Ones(costmat_shape.Rows, costmat_shape.Columns) - theta_diff.Each(v => Math.Cos(v)));
                    costmat_theta = theta_diff.Each(v => 0.5 * (1 - Math.Cos(v)));
                } else {
                    // costmat_theta=0.5*(1-cos(2*theta_diff));
                    //costmat_theta = 0.5 * (Ones(costmat_shape.Rows, costmat_shape.Columns) - theta_diff.Each(v => Math.Cos(2 * v)));
                    costmat_theta = theta_diff.Each(v => 0.5 * (1 - Math.Cos(2 * v)));
                // costmat=(1-ori_weight)*costmat_shape+ori_weight*costmat_theta;
                var costmat = (1 - ori_weight) * costmat_shape + ori_weight * costmat_theta;

                int nptsd = nsamp + ndum; // nptsd=nsamp+ndum;
                var costmat2 = new DenseMatrix(nptsd, nptsd, eps_dum); // costmat2=eps_dum*ones(nptsd,nptsd);
                costmat2.SetSubMatrix(0, nsamp, 0, nsamp, costmat); // costmat2(1:nsamp,1:nsamp)=costmat;
                timeused += timer.StopAndSay("计算代价矩阵");

                #region 匈牙利算法
                var costmat_int = new int[nptsd, nptsd];
                for (int i = 0; i < nptsd; ++i) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < nptsd; ++j) {
                        costmat_int[i, j] = (int)(costmat2[i, j] * 10000);
                var km = new KM(nptsd, costmat_int);
                matchcost = km.MatchResult / 10000.0;
                int[] cvec = km.MatchPair; // cvec=hungarian(costmat2);
                timeused += timer.StopAndSay("匈牙利算法");

                #region 计算野点标记向量,重排匹配点
                int[] cvec2 = cvec.Select((v, i) => new { Val = v, Idx = i })
                                  .OrderBy(v => v.Val)
                                  .Select(v => v.Idx)
                                  .ToArray();// [a,cvec2]=sort(cvec);
                out_vec_1 = cvec2.Take(nsamp1).Select(v => v > nsamp2).ToArray(); // out_vec_1=cvec2(1:nsamp1)>nsamp2;
                out_vec_2 = cvec.Take(nsamp2).Select(v => v > nsamp1).ToArray(); // out_vec_2=cvec(1:nsamp2)>nsamp1;

                //X2 = NaNs(nptsd, 2); // X2=NaN*ones(nptsd,2);
                //X2.SetSubMatrix(0, nsamp1, 0, X2.Columns, Xk); // X2(1:nsamp1,:)=Xk;
                //X2 = X2.SortRowsBy(cvec); // X2=X2(cvec,:);

                X2b = NaNs(nptsd, 2); // X2b=NaN*ones(nptsd,2);
                X2b.SetSubMatrix(0, nsamp1, 0, X2b.Columns, X); // X2b(1:nsamp1,:)=X;
                X2b = X2b.SortRowsBy(cvec); // X2b=X2b(cvec,:);

                Y2 = NaNs(nptsd, 2); // Y2=NaN*ones(nptsd,2);
                Y2.SetSubMatrix(0, nsamp2, 0, Y2.Columns, Y); // Y2(1:nsamp2,:)=Y;

                var ind_good = X2b.GetColumn(1).Take(nsamp).FindIdxBy(v => !double.IsNaN(v)); // ind_good=find(~isnan(X2b(1:nsamp,1)));
                int n_good = ind_good.Length; // n_good=length(ind_good);

                X3b = X2b.FilterRowsBy(ind_good);//  X3b=X2b(ind_good,:);
                Y3 = Y2.FilterRowsBy(ind_good); // Y3=Y2(ind_good,:);
                timeused += timer.StopAndSay("计算野点标记向量,重排匹配点");

                #region figure 2
                if (display_flag) {
                    //hold on
                    //h=plot([X2(:,1) Y2(:,1)]',[X2(:,2) Y2(:,2)]','k-');

                    //if display_flag
                    //%	 set(h,'linewidth',1)
                    //quiver(Xk(:,1),Xk(:,2),cos(tk),sin(tk),0.5,'b') // 画箭头
                    DrawGradient(Xk, Y, tk, t2, N2, N1,
                                 String.Format(@"D:\Play Data\Iteration\梯度\{0}.bmp", k),
                                 String.Format("Iter={0}梯度方向\n匹配点数{1}", k, n_good));
                    //hold off
                    //title([int2str(n_good) ' correspondences (warped X)'])
                    //axis([1 N2 1 N1])

                #region figure 3 显示未变形图的匹配关系
                if (display_flag) {
                    //% show the correspondences between the untransformed images
                    //hold on
                    //plot([X2b(:,1) Y2(:,1)]',[X2b(:,2) Y2(:,2)]','k-')
                    //hold off
                    //title([int2str(n_good) ' correspondences (unwarped X)'])
                    //axis([1 N2 1 N1])
                    Draw(X, Y, cvec, null, N2, N1, String.Format(@"D:\Play Data\Iteration\匹配\{0}.bmp", k),
                         String.Format("Iter={0}\n匹配代价{1},匹配数{2}", k, matchcost, n_good));

                #region 求解变换矩阵
                Bookstein(X3b, Y3, beta_k, ref cx, ref cy, ref E); // [cx,cy,E]=bookstein(X3b,Y3,beta_k);
                timeused += timer.StopAndSay("求解变换矩阵");

                #region 通过解出来的变换对点和梯度进行变换
                // % calculate affine cost
                var A = MatrixUtils.RankHorizon(
                    cx.GetSubMatrix(n_good + 1, 2, 0, 1), cy.GetSubMatrix(n_good + 1, 2, 0, 1)
                );//A=[cx(n_good+2:n_good+3,:) cy(n_good+2:n_good+3,:)];
                var s = new Svd(A, true).S(); // s=svd(A);
                aff_cost = Math.Log(s[0] / s[1]); // aff_cost=log(s(1)/s(2));

                // % calculate shape context cost
                min1 = costmat.GetColumns().Select(col => {
                    int minwhere = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < col.Count; ++i) {
                        if (col[i] < col[minwhere]) minwhere = i;
                    return new { Val = col[minwhere], Idx = minwhere };
                }).ToArray();// [a1,b1]=min(costmat,[],1);
                min2 = costmat.GetRows().Select(row => {
                    int minwhere = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < row.Count; ++i) {
                        if (row[i] < row[minwhere]) minwhere = i;
                    return new { Val = row[minwhere], Idx = minwhere };
                }).ToArray(); // [a2,b2]=min(costmat,[],2);}
                sc_cost = Math.Max(min1.Average(a => a.Val), min2.Average(a => a.Val)); // sc_cost=max(mean(a1),mean(a2));

                // % warp each coordinate
                axt = cx.GetSubMatrix(n_good, 3, 0, 1).Transpose(); // axt是cx中的最后三个,即a的x分量
                wxt = cx.GetSubMatrix(0, n_good, 0, 1).Transpose(); // wxt是cs中的前n个,即w的x分量
                ayt = cy.GetSubMatrix(n_good, 3, 0, 1).Transpose();
                wyt = cy.GetSubMatrix(0, n_good, 0, 1).Transpose();

                d2 = Dist2(X3b, X).Each(v => v > 0 ? v : 0); // d2=max(dist2(X3b,X),0);
                U = d2.PointMultiply(d2.Each(v => Math.Log(v + Epsilon))); // U=d2.*log(d2+eps);

                Debug("MatchCost:{0:F4}\taff_cost:{1:F4}\tsc_cost:{2:F4}\tE:{3:F8}", matchcost, aff_cost, sc_cost, E);

                var Z = Transformation(X, U, axt, wxt, ayt, wyt);

                //% apply the warp to the tangent vectors to get the new angles
                var Xtan = X + tan_eps * MatrixUtils.RankHorizon(t1.Each(Math.Cos), t1.Each(Math.Sin)); // Xtan=X+tan_eps*[cos(t1) sin(t1)];
                d2 = Dist2(X3b, Xtan).Each(v => v > 0 ? v : 0); // d2=max(dist2(X3b,Xtan),0);
                U = d2.PointMultiply(d2.Each(v => Math.Log(v + Epsilon))); // U=d2.*log(d2+eps);
                //Transformation(Xtan, U, axt, wxt, ayt, wyt, out fx, out fy);
                //var Ztan = MatrixUtils.RankVertical(fx, fy).Transpose(); // Ztan=[fx; fy]';
                var Ztan = Transformation(Xtan, U, axt, wxt, ayt, wyt);
                for (int i = 0; i < nsamp; ++i) {
                    tk[i, 0] = Math.Atan2(Ztan[i, 1] - Z[i, 1], Ztan[i, 0] - Z[i, 0]);
                timeused += timer.StopAndSay("通过解出来的变换对点和梯度进行变换");

                #region figure 4 显示变形后的点集
                if (display_flag) {
                    //title(['k=' int2str(k) ', \lambda_o=' num2str(lambda_o) ', I_f=' num2str(E) ', aff.cost=' num2str(aff_cost) ', SC cost=' num2str(sc_cost)])
                    //axis([1 N2 1 N1])
                    //% show warped coordinate grid
                    //fx_aff=cx(n_good+1:n_good+3)'*[ones(1,M); x'; y'];
                    //d2=dist2(X3b,[x y]);
                    //fy_aff=cy(n_good+1:n_good+3)'*[ones(1,M); x'; y'];
                    //hold on
                    //hold off
                    d2 = Dist2(X3b, MatrixUtils.RankHorizon(coordX, coordY));//d2=dist2(X3b,[x y]);
                    U = d2.PointMultiply(d2.Each(v => Math.Log(v + Epsilon)));
                    //Transformation(MatrixUtils.RankHorizon(coordX, coordY), U, axt, wxt, ayt, wyt, out fx, out fy);
                    //var coordsT = MatrixUtils.RankVertical(fx, fy).Transpose();
                    var coordsT = Transformation(MatrixUtils.RankHorizon(coordX, coordY), U, axt, wxt, ayt, wyt);

                    Draw(Z, Y, null, coordsT, N2, N1, String.Format(@"D:\Play Data\Iteration\变换\{0}.bmp", k),
                        String.Format("Iter={0}\nλo={1:F4},If={2:F4},aff_cost{3:F4},sc_cost{4:F4}", k, lambda_o, E, aff_cost, sc_cost));

                Xk = Z.Clone();


            #region 迭代完成后的代价计算

            #region 我来尝试计算Dsc
            // Xk是Q变换后的结果,而Y是模板图形P
             * Dsc = Avg_each_p_in_P(argmin(q in Q, C(p, T(q))) + Avg_each_q_in_Q(argmin(p in P, C(p, T(q)))
             * */
            double mean_dist_final_1;
            var scQ = ComputeSC(Xk.Transpose(), Zeros(1, nsamp), mean_dist_global, out mean_dist_final_1, out_vec_1);
            //var scQ = ComputeSC(Xk.Transpose(), Zeros(1, nsamp), mean_dist_1, out mean_dist_final_1, out_vec_1);
            //var scQ = ComputeSC(Xk.Transpose(), t1.Transpose(), mean_dist_1, out mean_dist_final_1, out_vec_1);

            double mean_dist_final_2;
            var scP = ComputeSC(Y.Transpose(), Zeros(1, nsamp), mean_dist_global, out mean_dist_final_2, out_vec_2);
            //var scP = ComputeSC(Y.Transpose(), Zeros(1, nsamp), mean_dist_2, out mean_dist_final_2, out_vec_2);
            //var scP = ComputeSC(Y.Transpose(), t2.Transpose(), mean_dist_2, out mean_dist_final_2, out_vec_2);

            var costmat_final = HistCost(scQ, scP);
            double distance_sc = costmat_final.GetRows().Select(row => row.Min()).Average()
                               + costmat_final.GetColumns().Select(col => col.Min()).Average();
            Debug("distance_sc:{0}", distance_sc);


            #region 图像变换和插值
            Matrix x = null, y = null;
            MatrixUtils.CreateGrid(N1, N2, out x, out y);
            //int M = N1 * N2; // M=length(x);
            d2 = Dist2(X3b, MatrixUtils.RankHorizon(x, y));//d2=dist2(X3b,[x y]);
            U = d2.PointMultiply(d2.Each(v => Math.Log(v + Epsilon)));
            //Transformation(MatrixUtils.RankHorizon(x, y), U, axt, wxt, ayt, wyt, out fx, out fy);
            var fxy = Transformation(MatrixUtils.RankHorizon(x, y), U, axt, wxt, ayt, wyt);

            //disp('computing warped image...')
            Matrix V1w = Interpolation(
                fxy.GetSubMatrix(0, fxy.Rows, 0, 1).Reshape(N1, N2),
                fxy.GetSubMatrix(0, fxy.Rows, 1, 1).Reshape(N1, N2),

            #region 这个山寨插值方法会造成图像裂缝,用闭运算来尝试修补
            Image<Gray, Byte> img = new Image<Gray, byte>(N2, N1);
            for (int i = 0; i < N2; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < N1; ++j) {
                    img[i, j] = new Gray(V1w[i, j] * 255);
            var see = new StructuringElementEx(new int[,] { { 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1 } }, 1, 1);
            //img = img.MorphologyEx(see, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CV_MORPH_OP.CV_MOP_CLOSE, 1);
            img = img.Dilate(1).Erode(1);
            for (int i = 0; i < N2; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < N1; ++j) {
                    V1w[i, j] = img[i, j].Intensity / 255;
            timeused += timer.StopAndSay("图像变换和插值");

            var ssd = (V2 - V1w).Each(v => v * v);//ssd=(V2-V1w).^2;			%%%%%%SSD在这里
            var ssd_global = ssd.SumAll();//ssd_global=sum(ssd(:));
            Debug("ssd_global:{0}", ssd_global);

            #region figure 5
            if (display_flag) {
                //   figure(5)
                //   subplot(2,2,1)
                //   im(V1)
                //   subplot(2,2,2)
                //   im(V2)
                //   subplot(2,2,4)
                //   im(V1w)
                //   title('V1 after warping')
                //   subplot(2,2,3)
                //   im(V2-V1w)
                //   h=title(['SSD=' num2str(ssd_global)]);
                //   colormap(cmap)

            #region 窗口SSD比较

            //%%% windowed SSD comparison
            var wd = 2 * w + 1;//wd=2*w+1;
            var win_fun = MatrixUtils.GaussianKernal(wd); //win_fun=gaussker(wd);
            //% extract sets of blocks around each coordinate
            //% first do 1st shape; need to use transformed coords.
            var win_list_1 = Zeros(nsamp, wd * wd);//win_list_1=zeros(nsamp,wd^2);
            for (int qq = 0; qq < nsamp; ++qq) {
                int row_qq = (int)Xk[qq, 1],//   row_qq=round(Xk(qq,2));
                    col_qq = (int)Xk[qq, 0];//   col_qq=round(Xk(qq,1));
                row_qq = Math.Max(w + 1, Math.Min(N1 - w - 1, row_qq));//   row_qq=max(w+1,min(N1-w,row_qq));
                col_qq = Math.Max(w + 1, Math.Min(N2 - w - 1, col_qq));//   col_qq=max(w+1,min(N2-w,col_qq));
                //   tmp=V1w(row_qq-w:row_qq+w,col_qq-w:col_qq+w);
                var tmp = V1w.GetSubMatrix(row_qq - w, w * 2 + 1, col_qq - w, w * 2 + 1);
                tmp = win_fun.PointMultiply(tmp);//   tmp=win_fun.*tmp;
                //   win_list_1(qq,:)=tmp(:)';
                win_list_1.SetSubMatrix(qq, 1, 0, win_list_1.Columns, tmp.Reshape(1, tmp.Rows * tmp.Columns));

            //% now do 2nd shape
            var win_list_2 = Zeros(nsamp, wd * wd);//win_list_2=zeros(nsamp,wd^2);
            for (int qq = 0; qq < nsamp; ++qq) {
                int row_qq = (int)Y[qq, 1],//   row_qq = round(Y(qq, 2));
                    col_qq = (int)Y[qq, 0];//   col_qq = round(Y(qq, 1));
                row_qq = Math.Max(w + 1, Math.Min(N1 - w - 1, row_qq));//   row_qq=max(w+1,min(N1-w,row_qq));
                col_qq = Math.Max(w + 1, Math.Min(N2 - w - 1, col_qq));//   col_qq=max(w+1,min(N2-w,col_qq));
                //   tmp=V2(row_qq-w:row_qq+w,col_qq-w:col_qq+w)
                var tmp = V2.GetSubMatrix(row_qq - w, w * 2 + 1, col_qq - w, w * 2 + 1);
                tmp = win_fun.PointMultiply(tmp);//   tmp=win_fun.*tmp;
                win_list_2.SetSubMatrix(qq, 1, 0, win_list_2.Columns, tmp.Reshape(1, tmp.Rows * tmp.Columns));// win_list_2(qq,:)=tmp(:)';

            var ssd_all = Dist2(win_list_1, win_list_2).Each(Math.Sqrt);//ssd_all=sqrt(dist2(win_list_1,win_list_2));
            timeused += timer.StopAndSay("窗口SSD比较");

            #region 最后的KNN,不知道干嘛用

            //%%%%%%%	KNN在此
            //% loop over nearest neighbors in both directions, project in
            //% both directions, take maximum
            double cost_1 = 0, cost_2 = 0;
            //List<double> cost_1 = new List<double>(), cost_2 = new List<double>();
            for (int qq = 0; qq < nsamp; ++qq) {
                cost_1 += ssd_all[qq, min2[qq].Idx];//   cost_1=cost_1+ssd_all(qq,b2(qq));
                cost_2 += ssd_all[min1[qq].Idx, qq];//   cost_2=cost_2+ssd_all(b1(qq),qq);
                //cost_1.Add(ssd_all[qq, min2[qq].Idx]);
                //cost_2.Add(ssd_all[min1[qq].Idx, qq]);
            var ssd_local = (1.0 / nsamp) * Math.Max(cost_1, cost_2);
            var ssd_local_avg = (1.0 / nsamp) * 0.5 * (cost_1 + cost_2);
            //var ssd_local = (1.0 / nsamp) * Math.Max(cost_1.Average(), cost_2.Average());//ssd_local=(1/nsamp)*max(mean(cost_1),mean(cost_2));
            //var ssd_local_avg = (1.0 / nsamp) * 0.5 * (cost_1.Average() + cost_2.Average());//ssd_local_avg=(1/nsamp)*0.5*(mean(cost_1)+mean(cost_2));
            Debug("ssd_local:{0}", ssd_local);
            Debug("ssd_local_avg:{0}", ssd_local_avg);
            timeused += timer.StopAndSay("计算ssd_local");
            #region 最后的组合图
            //if display_flag
            //%   set(h,'string',['local SSD=' num2str(ssd_local) ', avg. local SSD=' num2str(ssd_local_avg)])
            //   set(h,'string',['local SSD=' num2str(ssd_local)])
            if (display_flag) {
                Draw(V1, @"D:\Play Data\Iteration\结果\0-V1.bmp", "V1");
                Draw(V2, @"D:\Play Data\Iteration\结果\1-V2.bmp", "V2");
                Draw(V1w, @"D:\Play Data\Iteration\结果\2-V1w.bmp", "V1 after warping");
                Draw(V2 - V1w, @"D:\Play Data\Iteration\结果\3-V2-V1w.bmp",
                     String.Format("local SSD={0:F8}", ssd_local_avg));


            var distance = 1.6 * ssd_local_avg + distance_sc + 0.3 * E; // 不知道最后的距离公式到底是什么
            Debug("distance={0:F8}", distance);
            return distance;
Example #32
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stiffnessMatrix"></param>
 /// <param name="forceVector"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected override KeyedVector<NodalDegreeOfFreedom> Solve(StiffnessMatrix stiffnessMatrix, KeyedVector<NodalDegreeOfFreedom> forceVector)
     Svd<NodalDegreeOfFreedom, NodalDegreeOfFreedom> svd = new Svd<NodalDegreeOfFreedom, NodalDegreeOfFreedom>(stiffnessMatrix, true);
     return svd.Solve(forceVector);