public IHttpActionResult GetEmployeeSurveyQuestions(string id)
            //First get a list of all the questions

            var Survey = new Surveys();

            var surveyObject = new SurveyRaterSurvey();

            surveyObject.Type = "Annually";

            surveyObject.Period = "2016";

            surveyObject.Rater = new Surveys().getSurveyTeamEmployeeList().Where(c => c.AD_User_Name.ToLower() == Generic.GetCurrentLogonUserName().ToLower()).First().Employee;

            surveyObject.Ratee = id;

                var surveyList = new Surveys().getSurveyFor(surveyObject);

                //for (int i = 0; i < surveyList.Count(); i++)
                //    surveyList[counter].Q_No = counter;

                //    counter++;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        public IHttpActionResult GetEmployeeQuestionsByRater(string rater)
            var empSurveyObject = GetSurveyObject();

            var Survey = new Surveys();

            var surveyObject = new SurveyRaterSurvey();

            surveyObject.Type = "Annually";

            surveyObject.Period = "2016";

            surveyObject.Rater = new Surveys().getSurveyTeamEmployeeList().Where(c => c.AD_User_Name.ToLower() == Generic.GetCurrentLogonUserName().ToLower()).First().Employee;

            surveyObject.Ratee = rater;

            var raterListString = string.Empty;

            var surveyForList = new Surveys().getSurveyForVerifyAllRaters(empSurveyObject);

            foreach (var surveyObj in surveyForList)
                raterListString += surveyObj.Rater + ";";

            var list = new Surveys().getSurveyFor(surveyObject);

            list[0].Rater = raterListString;

        public SurveyRaterSurvey GetSurveyVerifyObject(string survey_For)
            var surveyObject = new SurveyRaterSurvey();

            surveyObject.Type = "Annually";

            surveyObject.Period = "2016";

        public IHttpActionResult GetSurveyForVerifybyRater(string id)
            //First get a list of all the questions

            var Survey = new Surveys();

            var surveyObject = new SurveyRaterSurvey();

            surveyObject.Type = "Annually";

            surveyObject.Period = "2016";

            surveyObject.Manager = new Surveys().getSurveyTeamEmployeeList().Where(c => c.AD_User_Name.ToLower() == Generic.GetCurrentLogonUserName().ToLower()).First().Employee;

            surveyObject.Ratee = id;

            surveyObject.Rater = surveyObject.Manager;

                var surveyList = new Surveys().getSurveyForVerifybyRater(surveyObject);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();

                SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("");

                mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");


                mail.Subject = "HR Performance System - Verify Survey - Manager";

                mail.Body = ex.Message + "User: " + Generic.GetCurrentLogonUserName();

                SmtpServer.Port = 25;


                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        public IHttpActionResult GetNextQuestion(string id, int questionNumber, string direction)
                var surveyObject = new SurveyRaterSurvey();

                surveyObject.Type = "Annually";

                surveyObject.Period = "2016";

                surveyObject.Rater = new Surveys().getSurveyTeamEmployeeList().Where(c => c.AD_User_Name.ToLower() == Generic.GetCurrentLogonUserName().ToLower()).First().Employee;

                surveyObject.Ratee = id;

                var surveyList = new Surveys().getSurveyFor(surveyObject);

                surveyList = direction == "Next" ? surveyList.Where(c => c.Q_No == questionNumber + 1).Distinct().ToList() : surveyList.Where(c => c.Q_No == questionNumber - 1).Distinct().ToList();

                // surveyList = surveyList.Where(c => c.Q_No == questionNumber + 1).Distinct().ToList();

                var nextQuestionObject = new SurveyQuestionnaire();

                if (surveyList.Count() > 0)
                    nextQuestionObject.Q_No = surveyList[0].Q_No;

                    nextQuestionObject.Question = surveyList[0].Question;

                    nextQuestionObject.Rating = surveyList[0].Rating;

                    nextQuestionObject.Question_ID = surveyList[0].Question_ID;

                    nextQuestionObject.Rater_Comment = surveyList[0].Rater_Comment;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);