public SupportPowerTooltipLogic(Widget widget, TooltipContainerWidget tooltipContainer, SupportPowersWidget palette, World world)
			widget.IsVisible = () => palette.TooltipIcon != null;
			var nameLabel = widget.Get<LabelWidget>("NAME");
			var hotkeyLabel = widget.Get<LabelWidget>("HOTKEY");
			var timeLabel = widget.Get<LabelWidget>("TIME");
			var descLabel = widget.Get<LabelWidget>("DESC");
			var nameFont = Game.Renderer.Fonts[nameLabel.Font];
			var timeFont = Game.Renderer.Fonts[timeLabel.Font];
			var descFont = Game.Renderer.Fonts[descLabel.Font];
			var name = "";
			var time = "";
			var desc = "";
			var baseHeight = widget.Bounds.Height;
			var timeOffset = timeLabel.Bounds.X;

			SupportPowerInstance lastPower = null;
			tooltipContainer.BeforeRender = () =>
				var icon = palette.TooltipIcon;

				if (icon == null)

				var sp = icon.Power;

				if (sp.Info == null)
					return;		// no instances actually exist (race with destroy)

				var remaining = WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.RemainingTime, world.Timestep);
				var total = WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.Info.ChargeTime * 25, world.Timestep);
				time = "{0} / {1}".F(remaining, total);

				if (sp == lastPower)

				name = sp.Info.Description;
				desc = sp.Info.LongDesc.Replace("\\n", "\n");

				var hotkey = icon.Hotkey;
				var hotkeyText = "({0})".F(hotkey.DisplayString());
				var hotkeyWidth = hotkey.IsValid() ? nameFont.Measure(hotkeyText).X + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X : 0;
				hotkeyLabel.GetText = () => hotkeyText;
				hotkeyLabel.Bounds.X = nameFont.Measure(name).X + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X;
				hotkeyLabel.Visible = hotkey.IsValid();

				var timeWidth = timeFont.Measure(time).X;
				var topWidth = nameFont.Measure(name).X + hotkeyWidth + timeWidth + timeOffset;
				var descSize = descFont.Measure(desc);
				widget.Bounds.Width = 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X + Math.Max(topWidth, descSize.X);
				widget.Bounds.Height = baseHeight + descSize.Y;
				timeLabel.Bounds.X = widget.Bounds.Width - nameLabel.Bounds.X - timeWidth;
				lastPower = sp;

			nameLabel.GetText = () => name;
			timeLabel.GetText = () => time;
			descLabel.GetText = () => desc;
Example #2
        public SupportPowerTooltipLogic(Widget widget, TooltipContainerWidget tooltipContainer, SupportPowersWidget palette)
            widget.IsVisible = () => palette.TooltipPower != null;
            var nameLabel = widget.Get<LabelWidget>("NAME");
            var timeLabel = widget.Get<LabelWidget>("TIME");
            var descLabel = widget.Get<LabelWidget>("DESC");
            var nameFont = Game.Renderer.Fonts[nameLabel.Font];
            var timeFont = Game.Renderer.Fonts[timeLabel.Font];
            var descFont = Game.Renderer.Fonts[descLabel.Font];
            var name = "";
            var time = "";
            var desc = "";
            var baseHeight = widget.Bounds.Height;
            var timeOffset = timeLabel.Bounds.X;

            SupportPowerManager.SupportPowerInstance lastPower = null;
            tooltipContainer.BeforeRender = () =>
                var sp = palette.TooltipPower;
                if (sp == null)

                if (sp.Info == null)
                    return;		// no instances actually exist (race with destroy)

                time = "{0} / {1}".F(WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.RemainingTime),

                if (sp == lastPower)

                name = sp.Info.Description;
                desc = sp.Info.LongDesc.Replace("\\n", "\n");
                var timeWidth = timeFont.Measure(time).X;
                var topWidth = nameFont.Measure(name).X + timeWidth + timeOffset;
                var descSize = descFont.Measure(desc);
                widget.Bounds.Width = 2*nameLabel.Bounds.X + Math.Max(topWidth, descSize.X);
                widget.Bounds.Height = baseHeight + descSize.Y;
                timeLabel.Bounds.X = widget.Bounds.Width - nameLabel.Bounds.X - timeWidth;
                lastPower = sp;

            nameLabel.GetText = () => name;
            timeLabel.GetText = () => time;
            descLabel.GetText = () => desc;
Example #3
        public SupportPowerTooltipLogic(Widget widget, TooltipContainerWidget tooltipContainer, SupportPowersWidget palette)
            widget.IsVisible = () => palette.TooltipPower != null;
            var nameLabel  = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("NAME");
            var timeLabel  = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("TIME");
            var descLabel  = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("DESC");
            var nameFont   = Game.Renderer.Fonts[nameLabel.Font];
            var timeFont   = Game.Renderer.Fonts[timeLabel.Font];
            var descFont   = Game.Renderer.Fonts[descLabel.Font];
            var name       = "";
            var time       = "";
            var desc       = "";
            var baseHeight = widget.Bounds.Height;
            var timeOffset = timeLabel.Bounds.X;

            SupportPowerManager.SupportPowerInstance lastPower = null;
            tooltipContainer.BeforeRender = () =>
                var sp = palette.TooltipPower;
                if (sp == null)

                time = "{0} / {1}".F(WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.RemainingTime),
                                     WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.Info.ChargeTime * 25));

                if (sp == lastPower)

                name = sp.Info.Description;
                desc = sp.Info.LongDesc.Replace("\\n", "\n");
                var timeWidth = timeFont.Measure(time).X;
                var topWidth  = nameFont.Measure(name).X + timeWidth + timeOffset;
                var descSize  = descFont.Measure(desc);
                widget.Bounds.Width  = 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X + Math.Max(topWidth, descSize.X);
                widget.Bounds.Height = baseHeight + descSize.Y;
                timeLabel.Bounds.X   = widget.Bounds.Width - nameLabel.Bounds.X - timeWidth;
                lastPower            = sp;

            nameLabel.GetText = () => name;
            timeLabel.GetText = () => time;
            descLabel.GetText = () => desc;
        public SupportPowerTooltipLogic(Widget widget, TooltipContainerWidget tooltipContainer, SupportPowersWidget palette)
            widget.IsVisible = () => palette.TooltipIcon != null;
            var nameLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("NAME");
            var hotkeyLabel = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("HOTKEY");
            var timeLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("TIME");
            var descLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("DESC");
            var nameFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[nameLabel.Font];
            var timeFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[timeLabel.Font];
            var descFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[descLabel.Font];
            var name        = "";
            var time        = "";
            var desc        = "";
            var baseHeight  = widget.Bounds.Height;
            var timeOffset  = timeLabel.Bounds.X;

            SupportPowerInstance lastPower = null;

            tooltipContainer.BeforeRender = () =>
                var icon = palette.TooltipIcon;

                if (icon == null)

                var sp = icon.Power;

                if (sp.Info == null)
                    return;                             // no instances actually exist (race with destroy)
                time = "{0} / {1}".F(WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.RemainingTime),
                                     WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.Info.ChargeTime * 25));

                if (sp == lastPower)

                name = sp.Info.Description;
                desc = sp.Info.LongDesc.Replace("\\n", "\n");

                var hotkey      = icon.Hotkey;
                var hotkeyText  = "({0})".F(hotkey.DisplayString());
                var hotkeyWidth = hotkey.IsValid() ? nameFont.Measure(hotkeyText).X + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X : 0;
                hotkeyLabel.GetText  = () => hotkeyText;
                hotkeyLabel.Bounds.X = nameFont.Measure(name).X + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X;
                hotkeyLabel.Visible  = hotkey.IsValid();

                var timeWidth = timeFont.Measure(time).X;
                var topWidth  = nameFont.Measure(name).X + hotkeyWidth + timeWidth + timeOffset;
                var descSize  = descFont.Measure(desc);
                widget.Bounds.Width  = 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X + Math.Max(topWidth, descSize.X);
                widget.Bounds.Height = baseHeight + descSize.Y;
                timeLabel.Bounds.X   = widget.Bounds.Width - nameLabel.Bounds.X - timeWidth;
                lastPower            = sp;

            nameLabel.GetText = () => name;
            timeLabel.GetText = () => time;
            descLabel.GetText = () => desc;
        public SupportPowerTooltipLogic(Widget widget, TooltipContainerWidget tooltipContainer, Player player, SupportPowersWidget palette, World world,
                                        PlayerResources playerResources)
            widget.IsVisible = () => palette.TooltipIcon != null && palette.TooltipIcon.Power.Info != null;
            var nameLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("NAME");
            var hotkeyLabel = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("HOTKEY");
            var timeLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("TIME");
            var descLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("DESC");
            var costLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("COST");
            var nameFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[nameLabel.Font];
            var hotkeyFont  = Game.Renderer.Fonts[hotkeyLabel.Font];
            var timeFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[timeLabel.Font];
            var descFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[descLabel.Font];
            var costFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[costLabel.Font];
            var baseHeight  = widget.Bounds.Height;
            var timeOffset  = timeLabel.Bounds.X;
            var costOffset  = costLabel.Bounds.X;

            SupportPowerInstance lastPower = null;
            Hotkey lastHotkey           = Hotkey.Invalid;
            var    lastRemainingSeconds = 0;

            tooltipContainer.BeforeRender = () =>
                var icon = palette.TooltipIcon;
                if (icon == null)

                var sp = icon.Power;

                // HACK: This abuses knowledge of the internals of WidgetUtils.FormatTime
                // to efficiently work when the label is going to change, requiring a panel relayout
                var remainingSeconds = (int)Math.Ceiling(sp.RemainingTime * world.Timestep / 1000f);

                var hotkey = icon.Hotkey != null?icon.Hotkey.GetValue() : Hotkey.Invalid;

                if (sp == lastPower && hotkey == lastHotkey && lastRemainingSeconds == remainingSeconds)

                var cost       = sp.Info.Cost;
                var costString = costLabel.Text + cost.ToString();
                costLabel.GetText  = () => costString;
                costLabel.GetColor = () => playerResources.Cash + playerResources.Resources >= cost
                                        ? Color.White : Color.Red;
                costLabel.IsVisible = () => cost != 0;

                nameLabel.Text = sp.Info.Description;
                var nameSize = nameFont.Measure(nameLabel.Text);

                descLabel.Text = sp.Info.LongDesc.Replace("\\n", "\n");
                var descSize = descFont.Measure(descLabel.Text);

                var remaining = WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.RemainingTime, world.Timestep);
                var total     = WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.Info.ChargeTime * 25, world.Timestep);
                timeLabel.Text = "{0} / {1}".F(remaining, total);
                var timeSize = timeFont.Measure(timeLabel.Text);

                var hotkeyWidth = 0;
                hotkeyLabel.Visible = hotkey.IsValid();
                if (hotkeyLabel.Visible)
                    var hotkeyText = "({0})".F(hotkey.DisplayString());

                    hotkeyWidth          = hotkeyFont.Measure(hotkeyText).X + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X;
                    hotkeyLabel.Text     = hotkeyText;
                    hotkeyLabel.Bounds.X = nameSize.X + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X;

                var timeWidth = timeSize.X;
                var costWidth = costFont.Measure(costString).X;
                var topWidth  = nameSize.X + hotkeyWidth + timeWidth + timeOffset;

                if (cost != 0)
                    topWidth += costWidth + costOffset;

                widget.Bounds.Width  = 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X + Math.Max(topWidth, descSize.X);
                widget.Bounds.Height = baseHeight + descSize.Y;
                timeLabel.Bounds.X   = widget.Bounds.Width - nameLabel.Bounds.X - timeWidth;

                if (cost != 0)
                    timeLabel.Bounds.X -= costWidth + costOffset;
                    costLabel.Bounds.X  = widget.Bounds.Width - nameLabel.Bounds.X - costWidth;

                lastPower            = sp;
                lastHotkey           = hotkey;
                lastRemainingSeconds = remainingSeconds;

            timeLabel.GetColor = () => palette.TooltipIcon != null && !palette.TooltipIcon.Power.Active
                                ? Color.Red : Color.White;
Example #6
        public SupportPowerTooltipLogic(Widget widget, TooltipContainerWidget tooltipContainer, SupportPowersWidget palette, World world, PlayerResources playerResources)
            widget.IsVisible = () => palette.TooltipIcon != null;
            var nameLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("NAME");
            var hotkeyLabel = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("HOTKEY");
            var timeLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("TIME");
            var descLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("DESC");
            var costLabel   = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("COST");
            var nameFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[nameLabel.Font];
            var timeFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[timeLabel.Font];
            var descFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[descLabel.Font];
            var costFont    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[costLabel.Font];
            var name        = "";
            var time        = "";
            var desc        = "";
            var baseHeight  = widget.Bounds.Height;
            var timeOffset  = timeLabel.Bounds.X;
            var costOffset  = costLabel.Bounds.X;

            SupportPowerInstance lastPower = null;

            tooltipContainer.BeforeRender = () =>
                var icon = palette.TooltipIcon;

                if (icon == null)

                var sp = icon.Power;

                if (sp.Info == null)
                    return;                             // no instances actually exist (race with destroy)
                var remaining = WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.RemainingTime, world.Timestep);
                var total     = WidgetUtils.FormatTime(sp.Info.ChargeTime * 25, world.Timestep);
                time = "{0} / {1}".F(remaining, total);

                if (sp == lastPower)

                var cost       = sp.Info.Cost;
                var costString = costLabel.Text + cost.ToString();
                costLabel.GetText  = () => costString;
                costLabel.GetColor = () => playerResources.Cash + playerResources.Resources >= cost
                                        ? Color.White : Color.Red;
                costLabel.IsVisible = () => cost != 0;

                name = sp.Info.Description;
                desc = sp.Info.LongDesc.Replace("\\n", "\n");

                var hotkey      = icon.Hotkey;
                var hotkeyText  = "({0})".F(hotkey.DisplayString());
                var hotkeyWidth = hotkey.IsValid() ? nameFont.Measure(hotkeyText).X + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X : 0;
                hotkeyLabel.GetText  = () => hotkeyText;
                hotkeyLabel.Bounds.X = nameFont.Measure(name).X + 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X;
                hotkeyLabel.Visible  = hotkey.IsValid();

                var timeWidth = timeFont.Measure(time).X;
                var costWidth = costFont.Measure(costString).X;
                var topWidth  = nameFont.Measure(name).X + hotkeyWidth + timeWidth + timeOffset;

                if (cost != 0)
                    topWidth += costWidth + costOffset;

                var descSize = descFont.Measure(desc);
                widget.Bounds.Width  = 2 * nameLabel.Bounds.X + Math.Max(topWidth, descSize.X);
                widget.Bounds.Height = baseHeight + descSize.Y;
                timeLabel.Bounds.X   = widget.Bounds.Width - nameLabel.Bounds.X - timeWidth;

                if (cost != 0)
                    timeLabel.Bounds.X -= costWidth + costOffset;
                    costLabel.Bounds.X  = widget.Bounds.Width - nameLabel.Bounds.X - costWidth;

                lastPower = sp;

            nameLabel.GetText = () => name;
            timeLabel.GetText = () => time;
            descLabel.GetText = () => desc;