public void TestAssumptionAboutParams() { using (CaptureConsole) { var a = ItemsViaParams("very", "happy", "person"); var b = ItemsWithoutParams(new[] { "very", "happy", "person" }); var c = ItemsViaParams(a); Assert.True(a.SequenceEqual(b)); Assert.True(a.SequenceEqual(c)); Assert.True(c.SequenceEqual(b)); var items = Flatten(a, "more").ToArray(); foreach (var i in items) { Console.WriteLine(i); } var q = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; IEnumerable twoItems = a.Take(2).Concat(c).ConcatSingleItem(new string[] { "Help", null, "me" }).ConcatSingleItem(q); foreach (var i in Flatten(twoItems)) { Console.WriteLine(i); } } }
public bool TakesAFileStream(FileStream ms) { Console.WriteLine("HUH?"); Console.WriteLine("Type of stream is {0}", ms.GetType().Name); Console.WriteLine("Name of stream is {0}", ms.Name); return(ms != null); }
public void ResolvePackageSourceTest() { using (CaptureConsole) { lock (Provider) { Reset(); Console.WriteLine("hi"); Assert.NotNull(Provider); // ask without any parameters var sources = Provider.ResolvePackageSources(Host()).ToArray(); AssertNoErrors(); Assert.NotEmpty(sources); foreach (var source in sources) { Console.WriteLine("Source {0} => {1}", source.Name, source.Location); } sources = Provider.ResolvePackageSources(Host(new { // override just GetSources() GetSources = new Func <IEnumerable <string> >(() => "source2".SingleItemAsEnumerable()) })).ToArray(); AssertNoErrors(); Assert.Equal(1, sources.Length); Assert.Equal("location2", sources[0].Location); Assert.Equal(_providerName, sources[0].ProviderName); Assert.Equal(Provider, sources[0].Provider); } } }
public string DoSomething(string someText, ThePluginImplementationOfTheRequest theRequest) { // since we're able to use the request object as the plugin's strongly type version // we can call methods on it directly. Tests.Set("BadImplementationwithHandlerCalled"); Console.WriteLine("We get into the call, but we're going to throw."); throw new Exception("ha ha"); }
public void TestUsingStaticOnDyanmicType() { using (CaptureConsole) { Assert.Throws <RuntimeBinderException>(() => { dynamic x = new TUSODT(); Console.WriteLine(x.Hello()); }); } }
public Delegate CreateDelegate(string method, string[] parameterNames, Type[] parameterTypes, Type returnType) { if (method == "AddPackageSource4") { return(new Func <string, string, bool>((s, s1) => { Console.WriteLine("works finehere."); return true; })); } return(null); }
internal void UseSecretData(SecureString secret) { using (CaptureConsole) { IntPtr bstr = Marshal.SecureStringToBSTR(secret); try { // Use the bstr here string plainPass = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(bstr); Console.WriteLine("Plain {0}", plainPass); } finally { // Make sure that the clear text data is zeroed out Marshal.ZeroFreeBSTR(bstr); } } }
public void TestPipeline() { using (CaptureConsole) { dynamic ps = new DynamicPowershell(); DynamicPowershellResult result = ps.Dir(@"c:\"); DynamicPowershellResult result2 = ps.TestPath(result); foreach (var r in result2) { Console.WriteLine(r); } } }
public void FindPackageTest() { using (CaptureConsole) { var packages = Provider.FindPackage("test", null, null, null, new BasicHostImpl()).ToArray(); Assert.Equal(2, packages.Length); var pkg1 = packages[0]; Assert.Equal("first", pkg1.Name); Assert.Equal("1.0", pkg1.Version); Assert.Equal(Iso19770_2.VersionScheme.MultipartNumeric, pkg1.VersionScheme); Assert.Equal("testvalue", pkg1.Attributes[XNamespace.Get("") + "testkey"]); Assert.Equal(1, pkg1.Meta.Count()); Assert.Equal("first package", pkg1.Summary); Assert.Equal("first package", pkg1.Meta.FirstOrDefault()["summary"]); Assert.Equal("Shiny", pkg1.Meta.FirstOrDefault()["Something"]); Assert.Equal(2, pkg1.Links.Count()); Assert.Equal(new Uri("swidtest:second/1.1"), pkg1.Links.FirstOrDefault().HRef); Assert.Equal("requires", pkg1.Links.FirstOrDefault().Relationship); Assert.Equal(1, pkg1.Dependencies.Count()); Assert.Equal("swidtest:second/1.1", pkg1.Dependencies.FirstOrDefault()); Assert.Equal(1, pkg1.Entities.Count()); Assert.Contains("publisher", pkg1.Entities.FirstOrDefault().Roles); Assert.NotNull(pkg1.Payload); Assert.Null(pkg1.Evidence); Assert.Equal(1, pkg1.Payload.Directories.Count()); Assert.Equal(1, pkg1.Payload.Directories.FirstOrDefault().Files.Count()); Assert.Equal(1, pkg1.Payload.Resources.Count()); Assert.Equal(1, packages[1].Dependencies.Count()); Assert.Equal("swidtest:third/[1.0]", packages[1].Dependencies.FirstOrDefault()); foreach (var pkg in packages) { Console.WriteLine("PKG : {0}", pkg.SwidTagText); } } }
public void TestAsFunction() { using (CaptureConsole) { var d = new DynInst(); var t = d.As <Two>(); t(); var p = new { Two = new Func <bool>(() => { Console.WriteLine("In Func<bool> for Two!"); return(true); }) }; var q = p.As <Two>(); q(); var z = new { }; // this creates a dummy function now. var tz = z.As <Two>(); tz(); Func <bool> fTwo = new Func <bool>(() => { Console.WriteLine("In fTwo"); return(true); }); fTwo.As <Two>()(); Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => { Func <string> fThree = new Func <string>(() => { Console.WriteLine("In fThree"); return("true"); }); fThree.As <Two>()(); }); } }
public void TestSecureString() { using (CaptureConsole) { var password = "******"; var p = password.ToCharArray(); var s = new SecureString(); foreach (char c in p) { s.AppendChar(c); } UseSecretData(s); var ps = s.ToProtectedString("garrett"); Console.WriteLine("PS: {0}", ps); var ss = ps.FromProtectedString("garret"); //Console.WriteLine("ss: {0}", ss); UseSecretData(ss); } }
public void TestGetTypes() { using (CaptureConsole) { var asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var types = asm.GetTypes(); foreach (var t in types) { if (t.IsEnum) { Console.WriteLine("ENUM: {0}", t.Name); continue; } if (t.IsDelegate()) { Console.WriteLine("Delegate: {0}", t.Name); continue; } } } }
public void TestChaining() { using (CaptureConsole) { var instance = DynamicInterface.DynamicCast <IDynTest>( new { One = new Action(() => { Console.WriteLine("Instance1::One"); }), }, new { Two = new Func <bool>(() => { Console.WriteLine("Instance1::Two"); return(true); }) } ); instance.One(); // override 1:one var instance2 = DynamicInterface.DynamicCast <IDynTest>( new { One = new Action(() => { Console.WriteLine("Instance3::One"); }), Two = new Func <bool>(() => { return(instance.Two()); }) } , instance); var instance3 = DynamicInterface.DynamicCast <IDynTest>( new { Four = new Func <int, string>((i) => { Console.WriteLine("Instance3::Four"); return("::" + i); }), }, instance2); instance3.One(); instance3.Two(); instance3.Three(); instance3.Four(100); instance3.Five(100, "hi"); } }
public void TestWhichWayWorksForAggregate() { using (CaptureConsole) { var a = new string[] { "one" }; var b = new string[] { "one", "two" }; var c = new string[] { "one", "two", "three" }; var aa = a.Aggregate((current, each) => current + "," + each); var bb = b.Aggregate((current, each) => current + "," + each); var cc = c.Aggregate((current, each) => current + "," + each); Console.WriteLine(aa); Console.WriteLine(bb); Console.WriteLine(cc); Console.WriteLine(GetType().GetMethod("SampleMethod").ToSignatureString()); } }
public string Three() { Console.WriteLine("In three"); return("Three"); }
public bool Two() { Console.WriteLine("In Two"); return(true); }
public void One() { Console.WriteLine("In One"); }
public virtual string Five(int a, string b) { Console.WriteLine("DefaultImplementation"); return("NO ANSWER"); }
public bool AddPackageSource(string name, string location) { Console.WriteLine("name: {0}, location: {1}", name, location); return(true); }
public void CheckForAcceptableTypes() { using (CaptureConsole) { var x = new ActualImplementation().As <ClientInterface>(); var y = x.ActuallyReturnsString(); var z = x.ActuallyReturnsFileStream(); Console.WriteLine("Y is {0}", y.GetType().Name); Console.WriteLine("Z is {0}", z.GetType().Name); // this function doesn't match anything in the implemention // so a stub method gets created (which returns null) // MemoryStream a = x.ActuallyRetunsMemoryStream(); // Assert.Null(a); // the clientinterface is more restricted than the implementation // but that's ok. MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); Assert.True(x.TakesAStream(ms)); // the clientinterface is less restrictive than the implementation // and that's not ok. Assert.False(x.TakesAFileStream(ms)); var shouldWork = new { TakesAStream = new Func <Stream, bool>(stream => { return(stream != null); }) }.As <ClientInterface>(); Assert.True(shouldWork.TakesAStream(ms)); var shouldNotWork = new { TakesAFileStream = new Func <MemoryStream, bool>(stream => { Console.WriteLine("never called"); return(stream != null); }) }.As <ClientInterface>(); Assert.False(shouldWork.TakesAFileStream(ms)); var shouldWorkToo = new { ActuallyReturnsString = new Func <object>(() => "hello") }.As <ClientInterface>(); Assert.NotNull(shouldWorkToo.ActuallyReturnsString()); var shouldNotWorkToo = new { ActuallyRetunsMemoryStream = new Func <Stream>(() => new MemoryStream()) }.As <ClientInterface>(); Assert.Null(shouldNotWorkToo.ActuallyRetunsMemoryStream()); Func <object> fReturnsAString = new Func <object>(() => "hello"); var fShouldWork = fReturnsAString.As <ReturnsAnObject>(); Assert.NotNull(fShouldWork()); Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => { // this shouldn't work because the return type object // can't be expressed as a string. var fShouldNotWork = fReturnsAString.As <ReturnsAString>(); }); } }
public string CallBackToTheHost(string someText) { Console.WriteLine(someText); return("Success"); }
public string Four(int a) { Console.WriteLine("Four {0}", a); return("Four" + a); }
public void OnUnhandledException(string methodName, Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Method : {0}", methodName); Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}/{1}/{2}", e.GetType().Name, e.Message, e.StackTrace); Tests.Set("UnhandledExceptionCalled"); }
public string Five(int a, string b) { Console.WriteLine("Five {0} {1}", a, b); return("Four" + a + b); }
public void OnUnhandledException(string methodName, Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected Exception thrown in '{0}::{1}' -- {2}\\{3}\r\n{4}", PackageProviderName, methodName, exception.GetType().Name, exception.Message, exception.StackTrace); }