Example #1
        public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection, HttpPostedFileBase file)
                myHandler = new BusinessLogicHandler();
                book = new Book();
                book.BookTitle = collection.GetValue("books.BookTitle").AttemptedValue.ToString();
                book.Synopsis = collection.GetValue("books.Synopsis").AttemptedValue.ToString();
                book.ISBN = collection.GetValue("books.ISBN").AttemptedValue.ToString();
                book.BookCategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(collection.GetValue("CategoryName").AttemptedValue);
                book.PublisherID = Convert.ToInt32(collection.GetValue("PublisherName").AttemptedValue);
                book.SupplierID = Convert.ToInt32(collection.GetValue("Name").AttemptedValue);
                //book.AuthorID = Convert.ToInt32(collection.GetValue("FullName").AttemptedValue);
                string[] Authors = (string[])collection.GetValue("FullName").RawValue;
                book.CostPrice = Convert.ToDouble(collection.GetValue("books.CostPrice").AttemptedValue);
                book.SellingPrice = Convert.ToDouble(collection.GetValue("books.SellingPrice").AttemptedValue);
                book.DateAdded = DateTime.Now;

                //TryUpdateModel(book); //CONSIDER REMOVING THIS..!
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (file != null)
                        file.SaveAs(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/Books/") + file.FileName);
                        book.CoverImage = file.FileName;

                    Book ba = new Book();
                    BookAuthor bookAuthors = new BookAuthor();

                    ba = myHandler.AddExperimentBook(book);
                    ba.BookTitle = book.BookTitle;
                    ba.Synopsis = book.Synopsis;
                    ba.ISBN = book.ISBN;
                    ba.BookCategoryID = book.BookCategoryID;
                    ba.PublisherID = book.PublisherID;
                    ba.SupplierID = book.SupplierID;
                    ba.CoverImage = book.CoverImage;

                    bookAuthors = myHandler.TrialInsertBook(ba);

                    foreach (var item in Authors) //INSERTING BOOK AUTHORS
                        bookAuthors.AuthorID = Convert.ToInt32(item);
                    TempData["AlertMessage"] = "Book Successfully Entered";

                //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Book", book);
                return RedirectToAction("Create", "Book", null); //REDIRECT TO GET ACTION METHOD #INCASE THEY WANT TO INSERT ANOTHER BOOK :)
                AddNewBookViewModel model = new AddNewBookViewModel();
                #region Create
                SupplierHandler supHandler = new SupplierHandler();
                /*TEMP LIST*/
                //List<Supplier> nameList = new List<Supplier>();
                IEnumerable<Supplier> nameList = (IEnumerable<Supplier>)supHandler.GetBookSupplierList();
                var disp = from nameAndId in nameList
                           select new { Value = nameAndId.SupplierID, Text = nameAndId.Name };

                ViewBag.SupplierList = new SelectList(disp.ToList());

                BookCategoryHandler typeHandler = new BookCategoryHandler();
                IEnumerable<BookCategory> typeList = (IEnumerable<BookCategory>)typeHandler.GetBookCategoryList();
                var dispBC = from name in typeList
                             select new { Value = name.BookCategoryID, Text = name.CategoryName };

                ViewBag.BookCategoryList = new SelectList(dispBC.ToList());

                AuthorHandler authHandler = new AuthorHandler();
                IEnumerable<Author> authList = (IEnumerable<Author>)authHandler.GetAuthorList();
                var dispAuth = from nameAndSurname in authList
                               select new { Value = nameAndSurname.AuthorID, Text = nameAndSurname.Name, nameAndSurname.Surname };
                ViewBag.authList = new SelectList(dispAuth.ToList());

                PublisherHandler publHandler = new PublisherHandler();
                IEnumerable<Publisher> pubList = (IEnumerable<Publisher>)publHandler.GetPublisherList();
                var dispPublisher = from pubName in pubList
                                    select new { Value = pubName.PublisherID, Text = pubName.Name };
                ViewBag.pubList = new SelectList(dispPublisher.ToList());


                #region Display
                List<SelectListItem> bookCategory = new List<SelectListItem>();
                //bookCategory.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Category", Value = "", Selected = true });
                foreach (var item in typeList)
                    bookCategory.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.CategoryName, Value = item.BookCategoryID.ToString() });
                model.bookCategories = new List<SelectListItem>();
                model.bookCategories = bookCategory;
                ViewData["bookCategories"] = bookCategory;

                List<SelectListItem> supplier = new List<SelectListItem>();
                //supplier.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Supplier", Value = "", Selected = true });
                foreach (var item in nameList)
                    supplier.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.SupplierID.ToString() });
                model.suppliers = new List<SelectListItem>();
                model.suppliers = supplier;
                ViewData["suppliers"] = supplier;

                List<SelectListItem> author = new List<SelectListItem>();
                //author.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Author", Value = "", Selected = true });
                foreach (var item in authList)
                    author.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.AuthorID.ToString() });
                model.authors = new List<SelectListItem>();
                model.authors = author;
                ViewData["authors"] = author;

                List<SelectListItem> publisher = new List<SelectListItem>();
                //publisher.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Publisher", Value = "", Selected = true });
                foreach (var item in pubList)
                    publisher.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.PublisherID.ToString() });
                model.publishers = new List<SelectListItem>();
                model.publishers = publisher;
                ViewData["publishers"] = publisher;
                return View(model);
Example #2
        public ActionResult Edit(int productId)
            #region Prep Utilities

            AddNewBookViewModel model = new AddNewBookViewModel();
            model.model_ID = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111").ToString();

            myHandler = new BusinessLogicHandler();
            Book book = myHandler.GetBook(productId);

            IEnumerable<BookAuthor> bookAuthorList = myHandler.GetBookAuthors(book.BookID);

            model.books = new Book();
            model.books = book;

            #region Create
            SupplierHandler supHandler = new SupplierHandler();
            /*TEMP LIST*/
            //List<Supplier> nameList = new List<Supplier>();
            IEnumerable<Supplier> nameList = (IEnumerable<Supplier>)supHandler.GetBookSupplierList();
            var disp = from nameAndId in nameList
                       select new { Value = nameAndId.SupplierID, Text = nameAndId.Name };

            ViewBag.SupplierList = new SelectList(disp.ToList());

            BookCategoryHandler typeHandler = new BookCategoryHandler();
            IEnumerable<BookCategory> typeList = (IEnumerable<BookCategory>)typeHandler.GetBookCategoryList();
            var dispBC = from name in typeList
                         select new { Value = name.BookCategoryID, Text = name.CategoryName };

            ViewBag.BookCategoryList = new SelectList(dispBC.ToList());

            AuthorHandler authHandler = new AuthorHandler();
            IEnumerable<Author> authList = (IEnumerable<Author>)authHandler.GetAuthorList();
            var dispAuth = from nameAndSurname in authList
                           select new { Value = nameAndSurname.AuthorID, Text = nameAndSurname.Name, nameAndSurname.Surname };
            ViewBag.authList = new SelectList(dispAuth.ToList());

            PublisherHandler publHandler = new PublisherHandler();
            IEnumerable<Publisher> pubList = (IEnumerable<Publisher>)publHandler.GetPublisherList();
            var dispPublisher = from pubName in pubList
                                select new { Value = pubName.PublisherID, Text = pubName.Name };
            ViewBag.pubList = new SelectList(dispPublisher.ToList());


            Supplier sp = new Supplier();
            Author ath = new Author();
            BookCategory bkc = new BookCategory();
            Publisher pb = new Publisher();

            foreach (var item in nameList)
                if (item.SupplierID == model.books.SupplierID)
                    sp.SupplierID = item.SupplierID;
                    sp.Name = item.Name;


            int[] authors = new int[bookAuthorList.Count()];
            int x = 0;
            foreach (var item in bookAuthorList)
                if (item.BookID == model.books.BookID)
                    authors[x] = item.AuthorID;

            foreach (var item in pubList)
                if (item.PublisherID == model.books.PublisherID)
                    pb.PublisherID = item.PublisherID;
                    pb.Name = item.Name;

            foreach (var item in typeList)
                if (item.BookCategoryID == model.books.BookCategoryID)
                    bkc.BookCategoryID = item.BookCategoryID;
                    bkc.CategoryName = item.CategoryName;

            #region Display
            List<SelectListItem> publisher = new List<SelectListItem>();
            publisher.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = pb.PublisherID.ToString(), Text = pb.Name, Selected = true });
            foreach (var item in pubList)
                if (item.PublisherID != pb.PublisherID)
                publisher.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.PublisherID.ToString() });
            model.publishers = new List<SelectListItem>();
            model.publishers = publisher;
            ViewData["publishers"] = publisher;

            List<SelectListItem> bookCategory = new List<SelectListItem>();
            bookCategory.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = bkc.BookCategoryID.ToString(), Text = bkc.CategoryName, Selected = true });
            foreach (var item in typeList)
                if (item.BookCategoryID != bkc.BookCategoryID)
                    bookCategory.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.CategoryName, Value = item.BookCategoryID.ToString() });
            model.bookCategories = new List<SelectListItem>();
            model.bookCategories = bookCategory;
            ViewData["bookCategories"] = bookCategory;

            List<SelectListItem> supplier = new List<SelectListItem>();
            supplier.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = sp.SupplierID.ToString(), Text = sp.Name, Selected = true });
            foreach (var item in nameList)
                if (item.SupplierID != sp.SupplierID)
                    supplier.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.SupplierID.ToString() });
            model.suppliers = new List<SelectListItem>();
            model.suppliers = supplier;
            ViewData["suppliers"] = supplier;

            List<SelectListItem> author = new List<SelectListItem>();

            foreach (var item in authList)
                if (authors.Contains(item.AuthorID))
                { author.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.AuthorID.ToString(), Selected = true }); }
                { author.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.AuthorID.ToString() }); }
            model.authors = new List<SelectListItem>();
            model.authors = author;
            ViewData["authors"] = author;

            return View(model);
Example #3
        public ActionResult Create()
            #region Create
            AddNewBookViewModel bookM = new AddNewBookViewModel();
            SupplierHandler supHandler = new SupplierHandler();
            /*TEMP LIST*/
            //List<Supplier> nameList = new List<Supplier>();
            IEnumerable<Supplier> nameList = (IEnumerable<Supplier>)supHandler.GetBookSupplierList();
            var disp = from nameAndId in nameList
                       select new { Value = nameAndId.SupplierID, Text = nameAndId.Name };

            ViewBag.SupplierList = new SelectList(disp.ToList());

            BookCategoryHandler typeHandler = new BookCategoryHandler();
            IEnumerable<BookCategory> typeList = (IEnumerable<BookCategory>)typeHandler.GetBookCategoryList();
            var dispBC = from name in typeList
                         select new { Value = name.BookCategoryID, Text = name.CategoryName };

            ViewBag.BookCategoryList = new SelectList(dispBC.ToList());

            AuthorHandler authHandler = new AuthorHandler();
            IEnumerable<Author> authList = (IEnumerable<Author>)authHandler.GetAuthorList();
            var dispAuth = from nameAndSurname in authList
                           select new { Value = nameAndSurname.AuthorID, Text = nameAndSurname.Name, nameAndSurname.Surname };
            ViewBag.authList = new SelectList(dispAuth.ToList());

            PublisherHandler publHandler = new PublisherHandler();
            IEnumerable<Publisher> pubList = (IEnumerable<Publisher>)publHandler.GetPublisherList();
            var dispPublisher = from pubName in pubList
                                select new { Value = pubName.PublisherID, Text = pubName.Name };
            ViewBag.pubList = new SelectList(dispPublisher.ToList());


            #region Display
            List<SelectListItem> bookCategory = new List<SelectListItem>();
            //bookCategory.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Category", Value = "", Selected = true });
            foreach (var item in typeList)
                bookCategory.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.CategoryName, Value = item.BookCategoryID.ToString() });
            bookM.bookCategories = new List<SelectListItem>();
            bookM.bookCategories = bookCategory;
            ViewData["bookCategories"] = bookCategory;

            List<SelectListItem> supplier = new List<SelectListItem>();
            //supplier.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Supplier", Value = "", Selected = true });
            foreach (var item in nameList)
                supplier.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.SupplierID.ToString() });
            bookM.suppliers = new List<SelectListItem>();
            bookM.suppliers = supplier;
            ViewData["suppliers"] = supplier;

            List<SelectListItem> author = new List<SelectListItem>();
            //author.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Author", Value = "", Selected = true });
            foreach (var item in authList)
                author.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.AuthorID.ToString() });
            bookM.authors = new List<SelectListItem>();
            bookM.authors = author;
            ViewData["authors"] = author;

            List<SelectListItem> publisher = new List<SelectListItem>();
            //publisher.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Publisher", Value = "", Selected = true });
            foreach (var item in pubList)
                publisher.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.PublisherID.ToString() });
            bookM.publishers = new List<SelectListItem>();
            bookM.publishers = publisher;
            ViewData["publishers"] = publisher;

            return View(bookM);