void launchSuper(SuperList super) { superActive = true; colorSave = team.GetPlayerColor(); switch (super) { case SuperList.superDash: MyDebug.Log("Dash Super attack !"); team.speedFactor = game.settings.Global.Super.superSpeedScale; team.setSpeed(); this.SuperTimeLeft = settings.SuperDashDurationTime; break; case SuperList.superTackle: MyDebug.Log("Tackle Super attack !"); team.tackleFactor = game.settings.Global.Super.superTackleBoxScale; team.setSpeed(); break; case SuperList.superStun: MyDebug.Log("Stun Super attack !"); team.opponent.StunEverybodyForSeconds(settings.SuperStunDurationTime); this.SuperTimeLeft = settings.SuperStunDurationTime; break; default: break; } //LauchFeedBack(super); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { SuperList <string> sll = new SuperList <string>(); sll.Add("abc"); sll.Add("cсссссcc"); sll = sll + "hi"; foreach (string st in sll) { Console.WriteLine(st); } Console.WriteLine("Элемент,равный заданному "); Console.WriteLine(sll.First(p => p.Equals("abc"))); Doctor dr = new Doctor(); Patient pat = new Patient(); dr.say_heal += pat.Heal; dr.CommandHeal(); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { IIterable list = new SuperList(); IIterator<int> iterator = list.GetIterator(); Console.WriteLine("SuperList iteration"); Console.WriteLine(iterator.Current); const int maxIteration = 10; int counter = 0; while (!iterator.IsDone && counter < maxIteration) { ++counter; iterator.Next(); Console.WriteLine(iterator.Current); } list = new OrdinaryList(10); var anotherIterator = list.GetIterator(); Console.WriteLine("OrdinaryList iteration"); Console.WriteLine(anotherIterator.Current); while (!anotherIterator.IsDone) { anotherIterator.Next(); Console.WriteLine(anotherIterator.Current); } Console.WriteLine("press <enter> to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Shorthand for adding a transition to an existing list /// </summary> /// <param name="node">First transition</param> /// <param name="others">Alternative transitions</param> /// <returns>Modified list of transitions</returns> public static SuperList operator |(GraphNode node, SuperList others) { var list = new SuperList { node }; list.AddRange(others); return(list); }
public void SuperlistStoresInitialValue() { SuperList <int> superint = new SuperList <int>(); superint.Add(1); int test = superint[0]; int expected = 1; Assert.AreEqual(test, expected); }
public void ContainmentTest() { SuperList <char> superList = new SuperList <char>() { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' }; int test = superList.Contains('c'); Assert.AreEqual(test, 2); }
public void event_Super(Team t, SuperList super) { foreach (State tmp in list) { if (tmp.OnSuper(t, super)) { return; } } }
public void ClearingListRaisesEvents() { SuperList <double> testList = new SuperList <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { testList.Add((double)i); } testList.Clear(); }
public void SuperListStringtest2() { SuperList <char> superlist = new SuperList <char>() { 'i', 't', 's', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'k', 'i', 'n', 'g' }; string result = superlist.ToString(); string expected = "itsworking"; Assert.AreEqual(result, expected); }
public void SuperListStringtest3() { SuperList <string> superlist = new SuperList <string>() { "it's ", "definitely ", "working!" }; string result = superlist.ToString(); string expected = "it's definitely working!"; Assert.AreEqual(result, expected); }
public void SuperlistCounts() { SuperList <int> superList = new SuperList <int>(); superList.Add(1); superList.Add(2); superList.Add(3); int count = 3; Assert.AreEqual(superList.Count, count); }
public void YeniOgeEkleninceSayiBirArtar() { SuperList <string> kelimeler = new SuperList <string>(); var oncekiAdet = kelimeler.Count(); kelimeler.Ekle("dünya"); var sonrakiAdet = kelimeler.Count(); bool birFazlasiMi = sonrakiAdet == oncekiAdet + 1; Assert.True(birFazlasiMi, "Ekleme sonrasý öðe sayýsý doðru deðil!"); }
public void SuperlistRemovesOne() { SuperList <int> superList = new SuperList <int>() { 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; superList.Remove(9); int test = 9; Assert.AreNotEqual(superList[0], test); }
public void SuperlistRemoveValueExpected() { SuperList <int> superList = new SuperList <int>() { 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; superList.Remove(9); int?test = 8; Assert.AreEqual(superList[0], test); }
public void SuperListStringtest1() { //i have to figure out how to detect types if I am going to be able to make the numbers format how I like. SuperList <int> superlist = new SuperList <int>() { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; string result = superlist.ToString(); string expected = "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void BosListeyeEklenenOgelerDogruSiradadir() { SuperList <int> sayilar = new SuperList <int>(); sayilar.Ekle(3); sayilar.Ekle(5); var ilkOge = sayilar.First(); var ikinciOge = sayilar.Skip(1).First(); Assert.Equal(3, ilkOge); Assert.Equal(5, ikinciOge); }
public void SilmeSonrasiAdetAzalmali() { var liste = new SuperList <char>(); liste.Ekle('a'); liste.Ekle('b'); liste.Ekle('c'); // silme öncesi adet 3 olmalı Assert.Equal(3, liste.Count()); liste.Sil('a'); // silme sonrası adet 2 olmalı Assert.Equal(2, liste.Count()); }
public void SuperlistStoresAdditionalValues() { SuperList <string> superList = new SuperList <string>(); superList.Add("is"); superList.Add("this"); superList.Add("working"); superList.Add("is"); superList.Add("this"); superList.Add("working"); //I like it, it's staying ugly. Assert.IsTrue(superList[0] == superList[3] && superList[1] == superList[4] && superList[2] == superList[5] && superList[0] != superList[1]); }
public void SuperAddCapacity() { SuperList <int> superList = new SuperList <int>(); int test1 = superList.Capacity; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { superList.Add(i); } int test2 = superList.Capacity; Assert.AreNotEqual(test1, test2); }
public void SuperlistRemoveAdjustsCount() { SuperList <int> superList = new SuperList <int>() { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }; int test1 = superList.Count; superList.Remove(1); int test2 = superList.Count; Assert.IsTrue(test1 == test2 + 1); }
public void RemoveAtTest() { SuperList <int> superList = new SuperList <int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; superList.RemoveAt(3); int test = superList[3]; int expeted = 5; Assert.AreEqual(test, expeted); }
public void OnSuper(Team team, SuperList super) { //if (team.captain.unitAnimator) //{ // team.captain.unitAnimator.PrepareSuper(); //} foreach (Unit u in team) { u.unitAnimator.PrepareSuper(); } this.refs.stateMachine.event_Super(team, super); }
public bool ObjectPosition(float x, float y, Type type) { if (SuperList.TryGetValue(type, out list) && list.Count != 0) { foreach (CollideableGameObject obj in list) { if (obj.X == x && obj.Y == y) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public void SuperListCopiesDataCorrectly2() { SuperList <int> superList = new SuperList <int>() { 1, 2, 3 }; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { superList.Add(5); } Assert.AreEqual(superList[1], 2); }
public void SuperSortUp() { SuperList <int> superlist = new SuperList <int>() { 9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5 }; superlist.SortUP(); for (int i = 0; i < superlist.Count; i++) { int num = i + 1; Assert.AreEqual(num, superlist[i]); } }
public void SuperlistCanStoreManyTypes() { SuperList <string> superstring = new SuperList <string>() { "0.025", "2" }; SuperList <double> superDouble = new SuperList <double>() { 0.025, 2.0 }; double test1 = double.Parse(superstring[0]); Assert.AreEqual(superDouble[0], test1); }
public void SuperListcountdecrementssOnRemove() { SuperList <int> superList = new SuperList <int>() { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }; int test1 = 3; superList.Remove(1); superList.Remove(1); superList.Remove(1); int test2 = superList.Count; Assert.AreEqual(test1, test2); }
public void SuperListCleanWorks() { SuperList <int> superList = new SuperList <int>() { 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; superList.RemoveAt(0); superList.RemoveAt(0); superList.RemoveAt(0); superList.CleanArray(); int test1 = superList.Capacity; Assert.AreEqual(test1, 2); }
public void CanGetAddEvent() { string testItem = "abc"; bool eventCaught = false; SuperList <string> testList = new SuperList <string>(); testList.ItemAdded += (s, e) => { eventCaught = true; Assert.AreEqual(testItem, e.Item); Assert.IsTrue(object.ReferenceEquals(testItem, e.Item)); }; testList.Add(testItem); Assert.IsTrue(eventCaught); }
public void SuperSortDown() { SuperList <int> superlist = new SuperList <int>() { 9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5 }; superlist.SortDown(); int counter = 0; for (int i = superlist.Count; i > 0; i--) { Assert.AreEqual(i, superlist[counter]); counter++; } }
public void SilinmeyiDogrula() { var liste = new SuperList <char>(); liste.Ekle('a'); liste.Ekle('b'); liste.Ekle('c'); // silme öncesi a,b,c listede bulunmalı Assert.Contains('a', liste); Assert.Contains('b', liste); Assert.Contains('c', liste); liste.Sil('b'); // silme sonrası a ve c durmalı b silinmiş olmalı Assert.Contains('a', liste); Assert.DoesNotContain('b', liste); Assert.Contains('c', liste); }
public void OnSuper(Team team, SuperList super) { //if (team.captain.unitAnimator) //{ // team.captain.unitAnimator.PrepareSuper(); //} foreach (Unit u in team) u.unitAnimator.PrepareSuper(); this.refs.stateMachine.event_Super(team, super); }
//Team "State Machine" public virtual bool OnSuper(Team t, SuperList super) { return (false); }
public void event_Super(Team t, SuperList super) { foreach (State tmp in list) { if (tmp.OnSuper(t, super)) return; } }
public override bool OnSuper(Team t, SuperList super) { sm.state_change_son(this, new WaitingState(sm,cam,game,3.5f,t)); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Shorthand for adding a transition to an existing list /// </summary> /// <param name="node">First transition</param> /// <param name="others">Alternative transitions</param> /// <returns>Modified list of transitions</returns> public static SuperList operator |(OwinNode node, SuperList others) { var list = new SuperList { node }; list.AddRange(others); return list; }
void LauchFeedBack(SuperList super) { team.PlaySuperParticleSystem(super, true); }
void launchSuper(SuperList super) { superActive = true; colorSave = team.GetPlayerColor(); switch (super){ case SuperList.superDash: MyDebug.Log("Dash Super attack !"); team.speedFactor = game.settings.Global.Super.superSpeedScale; team.setSpeed(); this.SuperTimeLeft = settings.SuperDashDurationTime; break; case SuperList.superTackle: MyDebug.Log("Tackle Super attack !"); team.tackleFactor = game.settings.Global.Super.superTackleBoxScale; team.setSpeed(); break; case SuperList.superStun: MyDebug.Log("Stun Super attack !"); team.opponent.StunEverybodyForSeconds(settings.SuperStunDurationTime); this.SuperTimeLeft = settings.SuperStunDurationTime; break; default: break; } //LauchFeedBack(super); }
public void PlaySuperParticleSystem(SuperList super, bool play) { this.PlaySuperParticleSystem(play); }
void StopFeedBack(SuperList super) { team.PlaySuperParticleSystem(super, false); }