void Start() { SunController = GameObject.Find("Sun")?.GetComponent <SunController>(); FaceDirect = Vector2.right; SetState(eDragonState.Idle); }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Awake() { FillGroundTileData(); gameController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <GameController>(); sun = gameController.sun; sun.ReceiveSun += ReceiveSun; }
/** Only the shooter's instance of the projectile has a collider */ void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) { if (destroyed) { return; // Don' process more than one collision... hope this helps...? } // The first thing a projectile hits should destroy it (unless it's the shooter) GameObject obj = col.gameObject; // Check if it's a player. If it is, filter out the shooter. PlayerMovementController pmc = obj.GetComponent <PlayerMovementController>(); bool hitPlayer = (pmc != null); if (hitPlayer) { // Is this the shooter? if (Tools.NullToEmptyString(obj.GetComponent <PhotonView>().Owner.UserId) == shooterId) { return; } } // Did we hit a pillar? PillarBehaviour pillar = obj.GetComponent <PillarBehaviour>(); bool hitPillar = (pillar != null); if (hitPillar) { // TODO: One day I'll find out why objects are suddenly null... if (pillarCtrl == null) { InitControllers(); } pillarCtrl.BroadcastHitPillar(pillar.id); } // Is this projectile seeking a targetable player? If so we need to tell him we're not seeking him anymore if (lockedOn) { target.BroadcastBecameUntargeted(shooterId); } // Did we hit the sun? SunController sun = obj.GetComponent <SunController>(); if (sun != null) { sun.BroadcastHit(shooterId); } // In any case, all collisions destroy the projectile explosionCtrl.BroadcastExplosion(transform.position, shooterId, false); projectileCtrl.BroadcastDestroyProjectile(projectileId); destroyed = true; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { time = new Timer(LimitMinute, LimitSeconds); time.Start(); sun = GameObject.Find("Sun"); sunCtrl = sun.GetComponent <SunController>(); moon = GameObject.Find("Moon"); moonCtrl = moon.GetComponent <MoonController>(); }
private void Awake() { if (sunControllerInstance != null && sunControllerInstance != this) { if (gameObject != null) { Destroy(gameObject); } return; } sunControllerInstance = this; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; _ui = FindObjectOfType <UIController>(); _ui.UpdateLevel(level); _ui.UpdateScore(_score); _sun = FindObjectOfType <SunController>(); gladiatorSpawns = gladiatorSpawnsParent.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); StartCoroutine(BeginTimedReleaseWaves()); }
private void AssignValues(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode) { if (scene.name != "MainMenu" && scene.name != "InitScene") { clock = FindObjectOfType <ClockendarController>(); clock.SetDate(date, weekdayIndex, seasonIndex); sun = FindObjectOfType <SunController>(); sun.SetStart(startHour); runClock = true; clock.UpdateClock(hour, minute); sun.UpdateFacing(hour, minute); StartCoroutine(RunClock()); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { if (!(meteorController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MeteorController").GetComponent<MeteorController>())) meteorController.ControllerStart(); if (!(hexController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HexController").GetComponent<HexController>())) hexController.ControllerStart(); if (!(planetController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Planet").GetComponent<PlanetController>())) planetController.ControllerStart(); if (!(cloudController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CloudController").GetComponent<CloudController>())) cloudController.ControllerStart(); if (!(hexViewController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HexViewController").GetComponent<HexViewController>())) hexViewController.ControllerStart(); if (!(sunController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SunController").GetComponent<SunController>())) sunController.ControllerStart(); Debug.Log(sunController.name); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // Grab the sun (for the radius) sun = GameObject.Find("Sun").GetComponent <SunController>(); if (sun == null) { Debug.LogError("Sun not found"); return; } // Set random color rend = sunMarker.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); Material mat = new Material(rend.sharedMaterial); mat.color = Random.ColorHSV(); rend.sharedMaterial = mat; // Deactivate renderer by default Hide(); }
public void StartGame() { sunController = Instantiate(Resources.Load <SunController>(SunModule.GameData.SUN_PREFAB_PATH)); Debug.Log(GameData.LOAD_GAME); if (GameData.LOAD_GAME) { saveData = saveController.GetLastSave(); CreateBots(true, 1); CreateMainPlanet(true); CreateBots(true, saveData.Bots.Length - 1); CreateGameUI(true); } else { CreateBots(false, 1); CreateMainPlanet(false); CreateBots(false, UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameData.MIN_BOTS, GameData.MAX_BOTS)); CreateGameUI(false); } //CreateGameUI(); }
void Awake() { HitSound = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("lava"); Earth = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <EarthController>(); Sun = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <SunController>(); Noise = MainVirtualCamera.GetCinemachineComponent <CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { var group = new GameObject(); group.name = "EnemyGroup" + i; group.transform.parent = transform.parent; var enemyCount = Random.Range(1, 5); for (int j = 0; j < enemyCount; j++) { var position = (Vector3)Random.insideUnitCircle; position.z = 10; GameObject enemy = null; switch (Random.Range(0, 3)) { case 0: enemy = Enemy1; break; case 1: enemy = Enemy2; break; case 2: enemy = Enemy3; break; } Instantiate(enemy, position, Quaternion.identity, group.transform); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { colorsOn = false; ui = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <CanvasManager> (); objects = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <OwnableObject> (); rm = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ResidentManager> (); isDay = true; //Sets values to control the sun turnTime = MONTH_LENGTH; dayCycleLength = TURNS_UNTIL_NIGHT; if (isServer) { sunController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <SunController> (); sunController.dayRotateSpeed.x = (-(360 / (turnTime * dayCycleLength))) / 2; sunController.nightRotateSpeed.x = (-(360 / (turnTime * dayCycleLength))) / 2; players = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Player> (); time = 0; monthsPassed = 1; foreach (OwnableObject o in objects) { //Gets rents of all buildings of a type if (o is Building) { Building building = o.GetComponent <Building> (); if (dictRent.ContainsKey(building.type)) { dictRent [building.type] += building.rent; } else { dictRent.Add(building.type, building.rent); } //Gets condition for all buildings of a type if (dictCondition.ContainsKey(building.type)) { dictCondition [building.type] += building.condition; } else { dictCondition.Add(building.type, building.condition); } //Gets safety for all buildings of a type if (dictSafety.ContainsKey(building.type)) { dictSafety [building.type] += building.safety; } else { dictSafety.Add(building.type, building.safety); } //Gets a dictionary of number of buildings of each type if (dictNumberOfType.ContainsKey(building.type)) { dictNumberOfType [building.type] += 1; } else { dictNumberOfType.Add(building.type, 1); } } } } }
private void Start() { leaveController = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent <HigerDimensionController>(); sunController = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent <SunController>(); moonController = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent <MoonController>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { var obj = GameObject.Find("Sun"); sunCtrl = obj.GetComponent <SunController>(); }