private static void ProcessTestSummaryTransformers(CommandLine commandLine, TestCaseSummary testResultsSummary) { var transformers = SummaryTransformerFactory.GetTransformers(new FileSystemWrapper()); foreach (var transformer in transformers.Where(x => commandLine.UnmatchedArguments.ContainsKey(x.Name))) { var path = commandLine.UnmatchedArguments[transformer.Name]; transformer.Transform(testResultsSummary, path); } }
public void ReturnsSummaryTransformers_AsPerSummaryTransformerFactory() { var expected = SummaryTransformerFactory.GetTransformers(GetFileSystemWrapper()); var actual = new SummaryTransformerProvider().GetTransformers(GetFileSystemWrapper()); foreach (var actualTransformer in actual) { var matchingByType = expected.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType() == actualTransformer.GetType()); Assert.NotNull(matchingByType); Assert.Equal(matchingByType.Name, actualTransformer.Name); Assert.Equal(matchingByType.Description, actualTransformer.Description); } Assert.Equal(expected.Count(), actual.Count()); }
static void PrintUsage() { string executableName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("usage: {0} [options]", executableName); Console.WriteLine("usage: {0} <testFile> [options]", executableName); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Valid options:"); Console.WriteLine(" /silent : Do not output running test count"); Console.WriteLine(" /teamcity : Forces TeamCity mode (normally auto-detected)"); Console.WriteLine(" /wait : Wait for input after completion"); Console.WriteLine(" /failOnError : Return a non-zero exit code if any script errors or timeouts occurs"); Console.WriteLine(" /failOnScriptError : Alias for failOnError (deprecated)"); Console.WriteLine(" /debug : Print debugging information and tracing to console"); Console.WriteLine(" /trace : Logs tracing information to chutzpah.log"); Console.WriteLine(" /openInBrowser : Launch the tests in the default browser"); Console.WriteLine(" /timeoutMilliseconds : Amount of time to wait for a test file to finish before failing. (Defaults to {0})", Constants.DefaultTestFileTimeout); Console.WriteLine(" /parallelism [n] : Max degree of parallelism for Chutzpah. Defaults to number of CPUs + 1"); Console.WriteLine(" : If you specify more than 1 the test output may be a bit jumbled"); Console.WriteLine(" /path path : Adds a path to a folder or file to the list of test paths to run."); Console.WriteLine(" : Specify more than one to add multiple paths."); Console.WriteLine(" : If you give a folder, it will be scanned for testable files."); Console.WriteLine(" : (e.g. /path test1.html /path testFolder)"); Console.WriteLine(" /file path : Alias for /path (deprecated)"); Console.WriteLine(" /vsoutput : Print output in a format that the VS error list recognizes"); Console.WriteLine(" /coverage : Enable coverage collection"); Console.WriteLine(" /coverageIncludes pat : Only instrument files that match the given shell patterns (in glob format), comma separated."); Console.WriteLine(" /coverageExcludes pat : Don't instrument files that match the given shell pattern (in glob format), comma separated."); Console.WriteLine(" /compilercachefile : File where compiled scripts can be cached. Defaults to a file in the temp directory."); Console.WriteLine(" /compilercachesize : The maximum size of the cache in Mb. Defaults to 32Mb."); Console.WriteLine(" /testMode : The mode to test in (All, Html, AllExceptHTML, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, JavaScript)"); Console.WriteLine(" /showFailureReport : Show a failure report after the test run. Usefull if you have a large number of tests."); foreach (var transformer in SummaryTransformerFactory.GetTransformers(new FileSystemWrapper())) { Console.WriteLine(" /{0} filename : {1}", transformer.Name, transformer.Description); } Console.WriteLine(); }
static void PrintUsage() { string executableName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("usage: {0} [options]", executableName); Console.WriteLine("usage: {0} <testFile> [options]", executableName); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Valid options:"); Console.WriteLine(" /nologo : Do not show the copyright message"); Console.WriteLine(" /silent : Do not output running test count"); Console.WriteLine(" /teamcity : Forces TeamCity mode (normally auto-detected)"); Console.WriteLine(" /wait : Wait for input after completion"); Console.WriteLine(" /failOnError : Return a non-zero exit code if any script errors or timeouts occurs"); Console.WriteLine(" /debug : Print debugging information and tracing to console"); Console.WriteLine(" /trace : Logs tracing information to chutzpah.log"); Console.WriteLine(" /openInBrowser : Launch the tests in the default browser"); Console.WriteLine(" /parallelism [n] : Max degree of parallelism for Chutzpah. Defaults to number of CPUs + 1"); Console.WriteLine(" : If you specify more than 1 the test output may be a bit jumbled"); Console.WriteLine(" /path path : Adds a path to a folder or file to the list of test paths to run."); Console.WriteLine(" : Specify more than one to add multiple paths."); Console.WriteLine(" : If you give a folder, it will be scanned for testable files."); Console.WriteLine(" : (e.g. /path test1.html /path testFolder)"); Console.WriteLine(" /vsoutput : Print output in a format that the VS error list recognizes"); Console.WriteLine(" /coverage : Enable coverage collection"); Console.WriteLine(" /showFailureReport : Show a failure report after the test run. Usefull if you have a large number of tests."); Console.WriteLine(" /settingsFileEnvironment : Sets the environment properties for a chutzpah.json settings file."); Console.WriteLine(" : Specify more than one to add multiple environments."); Console.WriteLine(" : (e.g. settingsFilePath;prop1=val1;prop2=val2)."); foreach (var transformer in SummaryTransformerFactory.GetTransformers(new FileSystemWrapper())) { Console.WriteLine(" /{0} filename : {1}", transformer.Name, transformer.Description); } Console.WriteLine(); }
public void Supports_JUnitXmlTransformer() { Assert.True(SummaryTransformerFactory.GetTransformers(GetFileSystemWrapper()).Any(x => x.GetType() == typeof(JUnitXmlTransformer))); }