Example #1
        public void BubbleSort_EmptyArr_Test()
            // arrange
            int[,] result = { };
            // act
            SumSort ss     = new SumSort(true);
            Sorter  sorter = new Sorter(ss);

            sorter.ChangeSortType(new MaxSort(true));

            // assert
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => sorter.Sort(result));
Example #2
        public void BubbleSort_NullArr_Test()
            // arrange
            int[,] result = null;
            // act
            SumSort ss     = new SumSort(true);
            Sorter  sorter = new Sorter(ss);

            sorter.ChangeSortType(new MaxSort(true));
            result = sorter.Sort(result);

            // assert
            Assert.ThrowsException <NullReferenceException>(() => sorter.Sort(result));
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double eps    = 0;
            double dx     = 9;
            int    x0     = 2;
            Newton newton = new Newton(eps);

            Console.WriteLine("Результат: " + newton.Exec(x0, dx));

            int[,] array = { { 26, 22, 14 }, { 23, 5, 13 }, { 44, 8, 11 } };
            Console.WriteLine("Input array");

            SumSort ss     = new SumSort(true);
            Sorter  sorter = new Sorter(ss);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of decreasing sums of elements of rows of the matrix");
            sorter.ChangeSortType(new SumSort(false));
            array = sorter.Sort(array);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of increasing sums of elements of rows of the matrix");
            sorter.ChangeSortType(new SumSort(true));
            array = sorter.Sort(array);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of decreasing max element of rows of the matrix");
            sorter.ChangeSortType(new MaxSort(false));
            array = sorter.Sort(array);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of increasing max element of rows of the matrix");
            sorter.ChangeSortType(new MaxSort(true));
            array = sorter.Sort(array);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of decreasing min element of rows of the matrix");
            sorter.ChangeSortType(new MinSort(false));
            array = sorter.Sort(array);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of increasing min element of rows of the matrix");
            sorter.ChangeSortType(new MinSort(true));
            array = sorter.Sort(array);
Example #4
        public void BubbleSort_AscMax_Test()
            // arrange
            int[,] result        = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 } };
            int[,] expectedarray = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 } };
            // act
            SumSort ss     = new SumSort(true);
            Sorter  sorter = new Sorter(ss);

            sorter.ChangeSortType(new MaxSort(true));
            result = sorter.Sort(result);

            // assert

            Assert.IsTrue(AreEqualse(expectedarray, result));
Example #5
        /// <summary> Sorts jagged array of integers by sum of elements</summary>
        /// <param name="array">Array to sort</param>
        /// <param name="type">Sort order</param>
        public static void SortBySum(ref int[][] array, SortType type)
            IComparer <int[]> comparer = new SumSort();

            BubbleSort(ref array, new InterfaceToDelegate(comparer).ComparerMethod, type);