public void PlayTrumpOrderTest() { var players = PlayersSetup.BuildFourAIPlayers(); var fourthPlayer = players[3]; var cardsHeldByPlayer = new Dictionary <IPlayer, List <Card> >(); var cardsPlayedByPlayer = new Dictionary <IPlayer, List <Card> >(); var heart = SuitHelper.GetSuit(CardSuit.Heart); cardsHeldByPlayer[players[0]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("7"), heart) }; cardsHeldByPlayer[players[1]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("A"), heart) }; cardsHeldByPlayer[players[2]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("8"), heart) }; cardsHeldByPlayer[players[3]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("9"), heart) }; var trick = new Trick(players, heart); trick.Play(cardsHeldByPlayer, cardsPlayedByPlayer); var winner = trick.GetTaker(); Assert.AreEqual(fourthPlayer, winner); }
public void PlayMultipleColors() { var players = PlayersSetup.BuildFourAIPlayers(); var firstPlayer = players[0]; var cardsHeldByPlayer = new Dictionary <IPlayer, List <Card> >(); var cardsPlayedByPlayer = new Dictionary <IPlayer, List <Card> >(); var heart = SuitHelper.GetSuit(CardSuit.Heart); var spade = SuitHelper.GetSuit(CardSuit.Spade); var club = SuitHelper.GetSuit(CardSuit.Club); cardsHeldByPlayer[players[0]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("7"), heart) }; cardsHeldByPlayer[players[1]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("A"), club) }; cardsHeldByPlayer[players[2]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("8"), club) }; cardsHeldByPlayer[players[3]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("9"), club) }; var trick = new Trick(players, spade); trick.Play(cardsHeldByPlayer, cardsPlayedByPlayer); var winner = trick.GetTaker(); Assert.AreEqual(firstPlayer, winner); }
public override void HandleCardPlayed(Seats source, Suits suit, Ranks rank) { #if syncTrace Log.Trace(2, "{0}.HandleCardPlayed: {1} plays {3} of {2}", this.Owner, source, suit, rank); #endif var manForCurrentCard =; base.HandleCardPlayed(source, suit, rank); #if syncTrace Log.Trace(2, "{0}.HandleCardPlayed: next card by {1}", this.Owner, this.Play.whoseTurn); #endif if ((source == && != this.Play.Dummy) || (source == this.Play.Dummy && == this.Play.Dummy.Partner())) { var message = string.Format("{0} plays {2}{1}", // TM bug: TM does not recognize the phrase 'Dummy plays 8C', eventhough the protocol defines it //whoseTurn != ? "Dummy" : whoseTurn.ToString(), source, SuitHelper.ToXML(suit), rank.ToXML()); if (manForCurrentCard == 1) { this.tmc.ChangeState(TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForLead, false, false, new string[] { "" }, message); } else { this.tmc.ChangeState(this.tmc.state, false, this.Play.PlayEnded || ( == 1 && (this.Play.whoseTurn == || (this.Play.whoseTurn == this.Play.Dummy && == this.Play.Contract.Declarer))), this.tmc.tableManagerExpectedResponse, message); } } }
public void BuildAllSuitsTest() { var allSuits = SuitHelper.BuildAllSuits(); Assert.AreEqual(4, allSuits.Count); var allSuitsName = string.Join("|", allSuits.Select(t => t.ToString())); Assert.AreEqual("♠|♥|♦|♣", allSuitsName); }
public static void HandleProtocolPlay(string message, BridgeEventBus bus) { // North plays 3C string[] answer = message.Split(' '); var player = SeatsExtensions.FromXML(answer[0]); var suit = SuitHelper.FromXML(answer[2][1]); var rank = Rank.From(answer[2][0]); bus.HandleCardPosition(player, suit, rank); bus.HandleCardPlayed(player, suit, rank); }
public void Play() { Trump = SuitHelper.GetSuit("Heart"); var trick = new Trick(Players, Trump); for (int i = 0; i < BelotteRules.TrickNumber; i++) { trick.Play(CardsHeldByPlayers, CardsPlayedByPlayers); var newPlayersOrder = RoundHelper.OrderPlayersForNewTrick(Players, trick.GetTaker()); LastTrickWinner = trick.GetTaker(); trick = new Trick(newPlayersOrder, Trump); } }
public void PlayWithRankTest() { var players = PlayersSetup.BuildFourAIPlayers(); var secondPlayer = players[1]; var cardsHeldByPlayer = new Dictionary <IPlayer, List <Card> >(); var cardsPlayedByPlayer = new Dictionary <IPlayer, List <Card> >(); var heart = SuitHelper.GetSuit(CardSuit.Heart); var spade = SuitHelper.GetSuit(CardSuit.Spade); cardsHeldByPlayer[players[0]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("7"), heart) }; cardsHeldByPlayer[players[1]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("A"), heart) }; cardsHeldByPlayer[players[2]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("8"), heart) }; cardsHeldByPlayer[players[3]] = new List <Card> { new Card(RankHelper.GetRank("9"), heart) }; var trick = new Trick(players, spade); trick.Play(cardsHeldByPlayer, cardsPlayedByPlayer); var winner = trick.GetTaker(); Assert.AreEqual(secondPlayer, winner); var playedCards = trick.GetPlayedCards(); Assert.IsNotNull(playedCards); Assert.AreEqual(4, playedCards.Count); }
private void ProcessMessage(string message) { #if syncTrace Log.Trace(2, "Client {1} processing '{0}'", message, seat); #endif if (message == "End of session" || message.StartsWith("NS:") // something new from Bridge Moniteur: session ends with ) { this.EventBus.HandleTournamentStopped(); return; } if (Expected(message)) { try { switch (this.state) { case TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForSeated: this.HandleSeated(); this.ChangeState(TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForTeams, false, false, new string[] { "Teams" }, "{0} ready for teams",; break; case TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForTeams: this.teamNS = message.Substring(message.IndexOf("N/S : \"") + 7); this.teamNS = teamNS.Substring(0, teamNS.IndexOf("\"")); this.teamEW = message.Substring(message.IndexOf("E/W : \"") + 7); this.teamEW = teamEW.Substring(0, teamEW.IndexOf("\"")); if ( != ( ? this.teamNS : this.teamEW)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("team", "Seated in another team"); } this.HandleTeams(teamNS, teamEW); this.ChangeState(TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForStartOfBoard, false, false, new string[] { "Start of board", "End of session" }, "{0} ready to start",; break; case TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForStartOfBoard: if (message.StartsWith("Teams")) { // bug in BridgeMoniteur when tournament is restarted } else if (message.StartsWith("Timing")) { // Timing - N/S : this board [minutes:seconds], total [hours:minutes:seconds]. E/W : this board [minutes:seconds], total [hours:minutes:seconds]". // Bridge Moniteur does not send the '.' at the end of the message // Timing - N/S : this board 01:36, total 0:01:36. E/W : this board 01:34, total 0:01:34 if (!message.EndsWith(".")) { message += "."; } string[] timing = message.Split('.'); string[] parts = timing[0].Split(','); string boardNS = "00:" + parts[0].Substring(parts[0].IndexOf("board") + 6).Trim(); string totalNS = parts[1].Substring(parts[1].IndexOf("total") + 6).Trim(); parts = timing[1].Split(','); string boardEW = "00:" + parts[0].Substring(parts[0].IndexOf("board") + 6).Trim(); string totalEW = parts[1].Substring(parts[1].IndexOf("total") + 6).Trim(); TimeSpan _boardNS = ParseTimeUsed(boardNS); TimeSpan _totalNS = ParseTimeUsed(totalNS); TimeSpan _boardEW = ParseTimeUsed(boardEW); TimeSpan _totalEW = ParseTimeUsed(totalEW); this.EventBus.HandleTimeUsed(_boardNS, _totalNS, _boardEW, _totalEW); } else { this.ChangeState(TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForBoardInfo, false, false, new string[] { "Board number" }, "{0} ready for deal",; } break; case TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForBoardInfo: // "Board number 1. Dealer North. Neither vulnerable." string[] dealInfoParts = message.Split('.'); int boardNumber = Convert.ToInt32(dealInfoParts[0].Substring(13)); this.theDealer = SeatsExtensions.FromXML(dealInfoParts[1].Substring(8)); Vulnerable vulnerability = Vulnerable.Neither; switch (dealInfoParts[2].Substring(1)) { case "Both vulnerable": vulnerability = Vulnerable.Both; break; case "N/S vulnerable": vulnerability = Vulnerable.NS; break; case "E/W vulnerable": vulnerability = Vulnerable.EW; break; } var board = new Board2(this.theDealer, vulnerability, new Distribution()); this.CurrentResult = new TMBoardResult(this, board, new SeatCollection <string>(new string[] { this.teamNS, this.teamEW, this.teamNS, this.teamEW })); this.EventBus.HandleBoardStarted(boardNumber, this.theDealer, vulnerability); this.ChangeState(TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForMyCards, false, false, new string[] { + "'s cards : " }, "{0} ready for cards",; break; case TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForMyCards: // "North's cards : S J 8 5.H A K T 8.D 7 6.C A K T 3." // "North's cards : S J 8 5.H A K T 8.D.C A K T 7 6 3." // "North's cards : S -.H A K T 8 4 3 2.D.C A K T 7 6 3." string cardInfo = message.Substring(2 + message.IndexOf(":")); string[] suitInfo = cardInfo.Split('.'); for (int s1 = 0; s1 < 4; s1++) { suitInfo[s1] = suitInfo[s1].Trim(); Suits s = SuitHelper.FromXML(suitInfo[s1].Substring(0, 1)); if (suitInfo[s1].Length > 2) { string cardsInSuit = suitInfo[s1].Substring(2) + " "; if (cardsInSuit.Substring(0, 1) != "-") { while (cardsInSuit.Length > 1) { Ranks rank = Rank.From(cardsInSuit.Substring(0, 1)); this.EventBus.HandleCardPosition(, s, rank); cardsInSuit = cardsInSuit.Substring(2); } } } } //this.EventBus.WaitForEventCompletion(); // TM is now expecting a response: either a bid or a 'ready for bid' this.EventBus.HandleCardDealingEnded(); break; case TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForOtherBid: if (message.StartsWith("Explain ")) { message = message.Substring(8); string[] answer = message.Split(' '); Seats bidder = SeatsExtensions.FromXML(answer[0]); var bid = new Bid(answer[answer.Length - 1], ""); this.EventBus.HandleExplanationNeeded(bidder, bid); } else { this.WaitForBridgeEvents = true; ProtocolHelper.HandleProtocolBid(message, this.EventBus); } break; case TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForDummiesCards: //Log.Trace("Client {1} processing dummies cards", message, seat); string dummiesCards = message.Substring(2 + message.IndexOf(":")); string[] suitInfo2 = dummiesCards.Split('.'); for (Suits s = Suits.Spades; s >= Suits.Clubs; s--) { int suit = 3 - (int)s; suitInfo2[suit] = suitInfo2[suit].Trim(); if (suitInfo2[suit].Length > 2) { string cardsInSuit = suitInfo2[suit].Substring(2) + " "; if (cardsInSuit.Substring(0, 1) != "-") { while (cardsInSuit.Length > 1) { Ranks rank = Rank.From(cardsInSuit.Substring(0, 1)); this.EventBus.HandleCardPosition(this.CurrentResult.Play.Dummy, s, rank); cardsInSuit = cardsInSuit.Substring(2); } } } } this.WaitForProtocolSync = false; this.EventBus.HandleShowDummy(this.CurrentResult.Play.Dummy); break; case TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForLead: this.WaitForProtocolSync = false; break; case TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForCardPlay: if (message.Contains("to lead")) { /// This indicates a timing issue: TM sent a '... to lead' message before TD sent its HandleTrickFinished event /// Wait until I receveive the HandleTrickFinished event Log.Trace(1, "TableManagerClient.ProcessMessage {0}: received 'to lead' before HandleTrickFinished",; //Debugger.Break(); } else { string[] cardPlay = message.Split(' '); Seats player = SeatsExtensions.FromXML(cardPlay[0]); Card card = new Card(SuitHelper.FromXML(cardPlay[2].Substring(1, 1)), Rank.From(cardPlay[2].Substring(0, 1))); if (player != this.CurrentResult.Play.Dummy) { this.EventBus.HandleCardPosition(player, card.Suit, card.Rank); } this.WaitForBridgeEvents = true; this.EventBus.HandleCardPlayed(player, card.Suit, card.Rank); } break; case TableManagerProtocolState.WaitForDisconnect: this.state = TableManagerProtocolState.Finished; this.EventBus.HandleTournamentStopped(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Trace(0, "Error while processing message '{0}' in state {1}: {2}", message, state, ex.ToString()); throw; } } else { // unexpected message } }
public void GetSuitTest() { var rank = SuitHelper.GetSuit(CardSuit.Heart); Assert.IsNotNull(rank); }