Example #1
        void ExternalKeyImportSample(Tpm2 tpm, TestContext testCtx)
            // Create a software key (external to any TPM).
            int keySize        = 2048;
            var externalRsaKey = new RawRsa(keySize);

            // When an external key comes from a cert, one would need to extract the key size and
            // byte buffers representing public and private parts of the key from the cert, an use
            // them directly in the call to ImportExternalRsaKey() below (i.e. no RawRsa object is
            // necessary).

            // Signing scheme to use (it may come from the key's cert)
            TpmAlgId sigHashAlg = Substrate.Random(TpmCfg.HashAlgs);
            var      sigScheme  = new SchemeRsassa(sigHashAlg);

            // An arbitrary external key would not have TPM key attributes associated with it.
            // Yet some of them may be inferred from the cert based on the declared key purpose
            // (ObjectAttr.Sign below). The others are defined by the intended TPM key usage
            // scenarios, e.g. ObjectAttr.UserWithAuth tells TPM to allow key usage authorization
            // using an auth value (random byte buffer) in a password or an HMAC session.
            ObjectAttr keyAttrs = ObjectAttr.Sign | ObjectAttr.UserWithAuth;

            // Generate an auth value for the imported matching in strength the signing scheme
            byte[] authVal = Substrate.RandomAuth(sigHashAlg);

            // We need a storage key to use as a parent of the imported key.
            // The following helper creates an RSA primary storage key.
            TpmHandle hParent = Substrate.CreateRsaPrimary(tpm);

            TssObject importedKey = ImportExternalRsaKey(tpm, hParent,
                                                         keySize, sigScheme,
                                                         externalRsaKey.Public, externalRsaKey.Private,
                                                         keyAttrs, authVal);

            // Now we can load the newly imported key into the TPM, ...
            TpmHandle hImportedKey = tpm.Load(hParent, importedKey.Private, importedKey.Public);

            // ... let the TSS know the auth value associated with this handle, ...

            // ... and use it to sign something to check if import was OK
            TpmHash         toSign = TpmHash.FromRandom(sigHashAlg);
            ISignatureUnion sig    = tpm.Sign(hImportedKey, toSign, null, new TkHashcheck());

            // Verify that the signature is correct using the public part of the imported key
            bool sigOk = importedKey.Public.VerifySignatureOverHash(toSign, sig);

            testCtx.Assert("Signature.OK", sigOk);

            // Cleanup
            // The parent key handle can be flushed immediately after it was used in the Load() command

            // Imported private/public key pair (in the TssObject) can be stored on disk, in the cloud,
            // etc. (no additional protection is necessary), and loaded into the TPM as above whenever
            // the key is needed.

            // Alternatively the key can be persisted in the TPM using the EvictControl() command
        } // ExternalKeyImportSample