Example #1
    public static int partition_count(int n, int[] w)

    //  Purpose:
    //    PARTITION_COUNT counts the solutions to a partition problem.
    //  Discussion:
    //    We are given a set of N integers W.
    //    We seek to partition W into subsets W0 and W1, such that the subsets
    //    have equal sums.
    //    The "discrepancy" is the absolute value of the difference between the
    //    two sums, and will be zero if we have solved the problem.
    //    For a given set of integers, there may be zero, one, or many solutions.
    //    In the case where the weights are distinct, the count returned by this
    //    function may be regarded as twice as big as it should be, since the
    //    partition (W0,W1) is counted a second time as (W1,W0).  A more serious
    //    overcount can occur if the set W contains duplicate elements - in the
    //    extreme case, W might be entirely 1's, in which case there is really
    //    only one (interesting) solution, but this function will count many.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    12 May 2012
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
    //  Parameters:
    //    Input, int N, the size of the set.
    //    Input, int W[N], the integers.
    //    Output, int PARTITION_COUNT, the number of solutions.
        int w_sum = typeMethods.i4vec_sum(n, w);

        int[] c     = new int[n];
        int   rank  = -1;
        int   count = 0;

        while (true)
            Subset.subset_next(n, ref c, ref rank);

            if (rank == -1)

            int discrepancy = Math.Abs(w_sum - 2 * typeMethods.i4vec_dot_product(n, c, w));

            switch (discrepancy)
            case 0:
                count += 1;

Example #2
    public static void partition_brute(int n, int[] w, ref int[] c, ref int discrepancy)

    //  Purpose:
    //    PARTITION_BRUTE approaches the partition problem using brute force.
    //  Discussion:
    //    We are given a set of N integers W.
    //    We seek to partition W into subsets W0 and W1, such that the subsets
    //    have equal sums.
    //    The "discrepancy" is the absolute value of the difference between the
    //    two sums, and will be zero if we have solved the problem.
    //    For a given set of integers, there may be zero, one, or many solutions.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    12 May 2012
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
    //  Parameters:
    //    Input, int N, the size of the set.
    //    Input, int W[N], the integers.
    //    Output, int C[N], indicates the proposed solution.
    //    C(I) is 0 for items in set W0 and 1 for items in set W1.
    //    Output, int &DISCREPANCY, the discrepancy.
        int w_sum = typeMethods.i4vec_sum(n, w);

        discrepancy = w_sum;

        int rank = -1;

        int[] d = new int[n];

        while (true)
            Subset.subset_next(n, ref d, ref rank);

            if (rank == -1)

            int d_discrepancy = Math.Abs(w_sum - 2 * typeMethods.i4vec_dot_product(n, d, w));

            if (d_discrepancy < discrepancy)
                discrepancy = d_discrepancy;
                typeMethods.i4vec_copy(n, d, ref c);

            if (discrepancy == 0)