Example #1
        void addsubproblems(double [,] oldgraph, int row, int col, ref HashSet <Subproblem> priorityqueue, Subproblem currentnodetoadd, int location, double addcosttogethere, double bestscore, ref int numberofstatescreated, ref int numberofstatespruned) //adds thing to the queue
            if (currentnodetoadd.score > bestscore)                                                                                                                                                                                                           //pruning measure
            if (currentnodetoadd.mylist.Contains(location))//don't go inloops forever
            if (addcosttogethere == Double.PositiveInfinity)//another pruning measure
            double[,] newgraph = updatethegraph(oldgraph, row, col);//create new seprate graph an n^2 +n operation for time and n for space
            List <int> mylist = new List <int>();

            Subproblem temp       = new Subproblem(currentnodetoadd.score, newgraph, mylist, location);
            double     lowerbound = normalizearray(ref temp.mygraph);//update graph an n^2+n operation and get lowerbound

            temp.score += lowerbound;
            temp.score += addcosttogethere;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// performs a Branch and Bound search of the state space of partial tours
        /// stops when time limit expires and uses BSSF as solution
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>results array for GUI that contains three ints: cost of solution, time spent to find solution, number of solutions found during search (not counting initial BSSF estimate)</returns>
        public string[] bBSolveProblem()
            int       numberofupdates = 0;
            Stopwatch timer           = new Stopwatch();

            HashSet <Subproblem> priorityqueue = new HashSet <Subproblem>(); //my pq is a simple list

            string[] results = new string[3];
            double[,] mygraph = new double[Cities.Length, Cities.Length]; //graph is a simple 2d array
            for (int x = 0; x < Cities.Length; x++)                       //this sets up the intial matrix which is insignificant in the grad scheme of things. it would be n^2 for the number of cities but  this is only done once so its constant
                for (int y = 0; y < Cities.Length; y++)
                    if (x == y)
                        mygraph[x, y] = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                        mygraph[x, y] = Cities[x].costToGetTo(Cities[y]);
            double     lowerbound = normalizearray(ref mygraph); //call my normalize function which is big o(n^2)
            List <int> path       = new List <int>();

            Subproblem currentsubproblem = new Subproblem(lowerbound, mygraph, path, 0);

            double bestscore             = Convert.ToDouble(greedySolveProblem()[COST]); //call the greedy function which is n^2 to get a nice lower cost hopefully.
            int    numberofstatescreated = 0;
            int    numberofstatespruned  = 0;
            int    maxiumumpqsize        = 0;

            while (priorityqueue.Count > 0) //While we can keep checking things
                if (timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > TIME_LIMIT)
                for (int i = 1; i < Cities.Length; i++)                                                                                                                                                                                                          //n for the number of cities for time and also n subproblems each with n^2 matrices for space
                    addsubproblems(currentsubproblem.mygraph, currentsubproblem.location, i, ref priorityqueue, currentsubproblem, i, currentsubproblem.mygraph[currentsubproblem.location, i], bestscore, ref numberofstatescreated, ref numberofstatespruned); //adds problems to explore see the function for description and analysis
                if (priorityqueue.Count > maxiumumpqsize)
                    maxiumumpqsize = priorityqueue.Count;
                priorityqueue.Remove(currentsubproblem);//get rid of element we don't need
                if (priorityqueue.Count == 0)
                    break;//escape if we get to 0 stuff
                Subproblem bestone = new Subproblem(Double.MaxValue, null, path, -1);
                foreach (Subproblem s in priorityqueue) //n operation to get best element off of prioirty queue NOT the most efficient but still works.
                    if (s.score / (s.mylist.Count * 2) < bestone.score / (bestone.mylist.Count * 2))
                        bestone = s;
                currentsubproblem = bestone;
                if (currentsubproblem.mylist.Count == Cities.Length)//if we have a potential solution
                    Console.WriteLine("a solution approaches");
                    for (int i = 0; i < currentsubproblem.mylist.Count; i++)
                    if (currentsubproblem.score < bestscore && Cities[currentsubproblem.mylist[currentsubproblem.mylist.Count - 1]].costToGetTo(Cities[currentsubproblem.mylist[0]]) != Double.PositiveInfinity) //a check to see if we have a better score
                        bestscore = currentsubproblem.score;
                        path      = currentsubproblem.mylist;
                    if (Cities[currentsubproblem.mylist[currentsubproblem.mylist.Count - 1]].costToGetTo(Cities[currentsubproblem.mylist[0]]) == Double.PositiveInfinity)//bad if an infinity sneaks through
            if (path.Count != Cities.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("failure");  //aka I wasn't able to get anything better then the GREEDY APROACH.
                //converts my path route into its equivalent City Route.   Just a constant time based on the number of Cities n SO pretty insigninficant.
                for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                bssf = new TSPSolution(Route);
            //print out my results for the table in the write up
            Console.WriteLine("My maximum queue size is " + maxiumumpqsize);
            Console.WriteLine("My maximum number of states created " + numberofstatescreated);
            Console.WriteLine("My maximum number of prunings I do is " + numberofstatespruned);
            results[COST]  = Convert.ToString(bestscore);
            results[TIME]  = timer.Elapsed.ToString();
            results[COUNT] = Convert.ToString(numberofupdates);
