Example #1
	public WWW RequestGameInfo(SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
		string game_key = GA.Settings.GameKey;
		string requestInfo = "game_key=" + game_key + "&keys=area%7Cevent_id%7Cbuild";
		//Get the url with the request type
		string url = GetURL(Requests[RequestType.GA_GetHeatmapGameInfo]);
		url += "/?" + requestInfo;
		//Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key
		Hashtable headers = new Hashtable();
		headers.Add("Authorization", GA.API.Submit.CreateMD5Hash(requestInfo + GA.Settings.ApiKey));
		Debug.Log("API Key: " + GA.Settings.ApiKey);
		url = url.Replace(" ", "%20");
		//Try to send the data
		WWW www = new WWW(url, new byte[] { 0 }, headers);

		GA.RunCoroutine(Request(www, RequestType.GA_GetHeatmapGameInfo, successEvent, errorEvent),()=>www.isDone);
		return www;
Example #2
    public WWW RequestGameInfo(SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GA.SettingsGA.GameKey))
            GA.LogWarning("Game key not set - please setup your Game key in GA_Settings, under the Basic tab");
            return null;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GA.SettingsGA.ApiKey))
            GA.LogWarning("API key not set - please setup your API key in GA_Settings, under the Advanced tab");
            return null;

        string game_key = GA.SettingsGA.GameKey;

        string requestInfo = "game_key=" + game_key + "&keys=area%7Cevent_id%7Cbuild";

        requestInfo = requestInfo.Replace(" ", "%20");

        //Get the url with the request type
        string url = GetURL(Requests[RequestType.GA_GetHeatmapGameInfo]);

        url += "/?" + requestInfo;

        WWW www = null;

        #if UNITY_FLASH

        //Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key
        Hashtable headers = new Hashtable();
        headers.Add("Authorization", GA_Submit.CreateMD5Hash(requestInfo + GA.SettingsGA.ApiKey));

        //Try to send the data
        www = new WWW(url, new byte[] { 0 }, headers);


        //Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key
        #if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_0_1 || UNITY_4_0
        Hashtable headers = new Hashtable();
        Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        headers.Add("Authorization", GA_Submit.CreateMD5Hash(requestInfo + GA.SettingsGA.ApiKey));

        //Try to send the data
        www = new WWW(url, new byte[] { 0 }, headers);


        GA.RunCoroutine(Request(www, RequestType.GA_GetHeatmapGameInfo, successEvent, errorEvent),()=>www.isDone);

        return www;
Example #3
    public WWW RequestGameInfo(SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GA.SettingsGA.GameKey))
            GA.LogWarning("Game key not set - please setup your Game key in GA_Settings, under the Basic tab");
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GA.SettingsGA.ApiKey))
            GA.LogWarning("API key not set - please setup your API key in GA_Settings, under the Advanced tab");

        string game_key = GA.SettingsGA.GameKey;

        string requestInfo = "game_key=" + game_key + "&keys=area%7Cevent_id%7Cbuild";

        requestInfo = requestInfo.Replace(" ", "%20");

        //Get the url with the request type
        string url = GetURL(Requests[RequestType.GA_GetHeatmapGameInfo]);

        url += "/?" + requestInfo;

        WWW www = null;

                #if !UNITY_WP8 && !UNITY_METRO
        //Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key
        Hashtable headers = new Hashtable();
        headers.Add("Authorization", GA.API.Submit.CreateMD5Hash(requestInfo + GA.SettingsGA.ApiKey));

        //Try to send the data
        www = new WWW(url, new byte[] { 0 }, headers);
        //Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key
        Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();
        headers.Add("Authorization", GA.API.Submit.CreateMD5Hash(requestInfo + GA.SettingsGA.ApiKey));

        //Try to send the data
        www = new WWW(url, new byte[] { 0 }, headers);

        GA.RunCoroutine(Request(www, RequestType.GA_GetHeatmapGameInfo, successEvent, errorEvent), () => www.isDone);

Example #4
	public WWW RequestHeatmapData(List<string> events, string area, DateTime? startDate, DateTime? endDate, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
		string game_key = GA.SettingsGA.GameKey;
		string event_ids = "";
		for (int i = 0; i < events.Count; i++)
			if (i == events.Count - 1)
				event_ids += events[i];
				event_ids += events[i] + "|";
		string requestInfo = "game_key=" + game_key + "&event_ids=" + event_ids + "&area=" + area;
		requestInfo = requestInfo.Replace(" ", "%20");

		if (startDate.HasValue && endDate.HasValue)
			DateTime startDT = new DateTime(startDate.Value.Year, startDate.Value.Month, startDate.Value.Day, 0, 0, 0);
			DateTime endDT = new DateTime(endDate.Value.Year, endDate.Value.Month, endDate.Value.Day, 0, 0, 0);
			requestInfo += "&start_ts=" + DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(startDT) + "&end_ts=" + DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(endDT);
		//Get the url with the request type
		string url = GetURL(Requests[RequestType.GA_GetHeatmapData]);
		url += "/?" + requestInfo;
		//Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key
		Hashtable headers = new Hashtable();
		headers.Add("Authorization", GA.API.Submit.CreateMD5Hash(requestInfo + GA.SettingsGA.ApiKey));
		//Try to send the data
		WWW www = new WWW(url, new byte[] { 0 }, headers);

		GA.RunCoroutine(Request(www, RequestType.GA_GetHeatmapData, successEvent, errorEvent),()=>www.isDone);
		return www;
Example #5
    public WWW RequestHeatmapData(List <string> events, string area, string build, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?endDate, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
        string game_key  = GA.SettingsGA.GameKey;
        string event_ids = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < events.Count; i++)
            if (i == events.Count - 1)
                event_ids += events[i];
                event_ids += events[i] + "|";

        string requestInfo = "game_key=" + game_key + "&event_ids=" + event_ids + "&area=" + area;

        if (!build.Equals(""))
            requestInfo += "&build=" + build;

        requestInfo = requestInfo.Replace(" ", "%20");

        if (startDate.HasValue && endDate.HasValue)
            DateTime startDT = new DateTime(startDate.Value.Year, startDate.Value.Month, startDate.Value.Day, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime endDT   = new DateTime(endDate.Value.Year, endDate.Value.Month, endDate.Value.Day, 0, 0, 0);

            requestInfo += "&start_ts=" + DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(startDT) + "&end_ts=" + DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(endDT);

        //Get the url with the request type
        string url = GetURL(Requests[RequestType.GA_GetHeatmapData]);

        url += "/?" + requestInfo;

        WWW www = null;

                #if !UNITY_WP8 && !UNITY_METRO
        //Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key
        Hashtable headers = new Hashtable();
        headers.Add("Authorization", GA.API.Submit.CreateMD5Hash(requestInfo + GA.SettingsGA.ApiKey));

        //Try to send the data
        www = new WWW(url, new byte[] { 0 }, headers);
        //Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key
        Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();
        headers.Add("Authorization", GA.API.Submit.CreateMD5Hash(requestInfo + GA.SettingsGA.ApiKey));

        //Try to send the data
        www = new WWW(url, new byte[] { 0 }, headers);

        GA.RunCoroutine(Request(www, RequestType.GA_GetHeatmapData, successEvent, errorEvent), () => www.isDone);

Example #6
 public WWW RequestHeatmapData(List <string> events, string area, string build, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
     return(RequestHeatmapData(events, area, build, null, null, successEvent, errorEvent));
Example #7
    private IEnumerator Request(WWW www, RequestType requestType, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
        yield return(www);

        GA.Log("GameAnalytics: URL " + www.url);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error))
                throw new Exception(www.error);

            //Get the JSON object from the response
            string text = www.text;
            text = text.Replace("null", "0");
            Hashtable returnParam = (Hashtable)GA_MiniJSON.JsonDecode(text);

            if (returnParam != null)
                GA.Log("GameAnalytics: Result: " + text);

                if (successEvent != null)
                    successEvent(requestType, returnParam, errorEvent);
                throw new Exception(text);
        catch (Exception e)
            if (errorEvent != null)
Example #8
    private IEnumerator Request(WWW www, RequestType requestType, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
        yield return www;

        GA.Log("GameAnalytics: URL " + www.url);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error))
                throw new Exception(www.error);

            //Get the JSON object from the response
            string text = www.text;
            text = text.Replace("null","0");
            Hashtable returnParam = (Hashtable)GA_MiniJSON.JsonDecode(text);

            if (returnParam != null)

                GA.Log("GameAnalytics: Result: " + text);

                if (successEvent != null)
                    successEvent(requestType, returnParam, errorEvent);
                throw new Exception(text);
        catch (Exception e)
            if (errorEvent != null)
Example #9
 public WWW RequestHeatmapData(List<string> events, string area, string build, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
     return RequestHeatmapData(events, area, build, null, null, successEvent, errorEvent);
    /// <summary>
    /// Devides a list of messages into categories and calls Submit to send the messages to the GA servers.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">
    /// The list of messages (queue) <see cref="Item"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="successEvent">
    /// If successful this will be fired <see cref="SubmitSuccessHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="errorEvent">
    /// If an error occurs this will be fired <see cref="SubmitErrorHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    public void SubmitQueue(List <Item> queue, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent, bool gaTracking, string pubKey, string priKey)
        if ((_publicKey.Equals("") || _privateKey.Equals("")) && (pubKey.Equals("") || priKey.Equals("")))
            if (!gaTracking)
                GA.LogError("Game Key and/or Secret Key not set. Open GA_Settings to set keys.");


        //GA_TODO: Optimize by moving dictionary outside this fucntion. Submit is called often
        Dictionary <CategoryType, List <Item> > categories = new Dictionary <CategoryType, List <Item> >();

        /* Put all the items in the queue into a list containing only the messages of that category type.
         * This way we end up with a list of items for each category type */
        foreach (Item item in queue)
            if (categories.ContainsKey(item.Type))
                /* If we already added another item of this type then remove the UserID, SessionID, and Build values if necessary.
                 * These values only need to be present in each message once, since they will be the same for all items */

                /* TODO: below not supported yet in API (exclude information)
                 * activate once redundant data can be trimmed */

                 * if (item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]))
                 *      item.Parameters.Remove(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]);
                 * if (item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID]))
                 *      item.Parameters.Remove(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID]);
                 * if (item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build]))
                 *      item.Parameters.Remove(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build]);

                /* TODO: remove below when API supports exclusion of data */
                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID], GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID);

                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID], GA.API.GenericInfo.SessionID);

                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build], GA.SettingsGA.Build);

                /* If we did not add another item of this type yet, then add the UserID, SessionID, and Build values if necessary.
                 * These values only need to be present in each message once, since they will be the same for all items */

                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID], GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID);

                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID], GA.API.GenericInfo.SessionID);

                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build], GA.SettingsGA.Build);

                categories.Add(item.Type, new List <Item> {

        GA.RunCoroutine(Submit(categories, successEvent, errorEvent, gaTracking, pubKey, priKey));
Example #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes a dictionary with a item list for each category type. All items in each category are submitted together to the GA server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">
    /// The list of items, each holding a message and service type <see cref="Item"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="successEvent">
    /// If successful this will be fired <see cref="SubmitSuccessHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="errorEvent">
    /// If an error occurs this will be fired <see cref="SubmitErrorHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    /// A <see cref="IEnumerator"/>
    /// </returns>
    public void Submit(Dictionary <CategoryType, List <Item> > categories, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent, bool gaTracking, string pubKey, string priKey)
        if (pubKey.Equals(""))
            pubKey = _publicKey;

        if (priKey.Equals(""))
            priKey = _privateKey;

        //For each existing category, submit a message containing all the items of that category type
        foreach (KeyValuePair <CategoryType, List <Item> > kvp in categories)
            List <Item> items = kvp.Value;

            if (items.Count == 0)

            //Since all the items must have the same category (we make sure they do below) we can get the category from the first item
            CategoryType serviceType = items[0].Type;
            string       url         = GetURL(Categories[serviceType], pubKey);

            //Make sure that all items are of the same category type, and put all the parameter collections into a list
            List <Hashtable> itemsParameters = new List <Hashtable>();

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                if (serviceType != items[i].Type)
                    GA.LogWarning("GA Error: All messages in a submit must be of the same service/category type.");
                    if (errorEvent != null)

                // if user ID is missing from the item add it now (could f.x. happen if custom user id is enabled,
                // and the item was added before the custom user id was provided)
                if (!items[i].Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]))
                    items[i].Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID], GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID);
                else if (items[i].Parameters[GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]] == null)
                    items[i].Parameters[GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]] = GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID;

                Hashtable parameters;

                if (items[i].Count > 1)
                    /* so far we don't do anything special with stacked messages - we just send a single message
                     * GA_TODO: stacked messages should be handle correctly.*/
                    parameters = items[i].Parameters;
                    parameters = items[i].Parameters;


            //Make a JSON array string out of the list of parameter collections
            string json = DictToJson(itemsParameters);

            /* If we do not have access to a network connection (or we are roaming (mobile devices) and GA_static_api.Settings.ALLOWROAMING is false),
             * and data is set to be archived, then archive the data and pretend the message was sent successfully */
            if (GA.SettingsGA.ArchiveData && !gaTracking && !GA.SettingsGA.InternetConnectivity)
                if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugMode)
                    GA.Log("GA: Archiving data (no network connection).");

                GA.API.Archive.ArchiveData(json, serviceType);
                if (successEvent != null)
                    successEvent(items, true);
            else if (!GA.SettingsGA.InternetConnectivity)
                if (!gaTracking)
                    GA.LogWarning("GA Error: No network connection.");

                if (errorEvent != null)

            string jsonHash = CreateMD5Hash(json + priKey);

            WWW www = CreateSubmitWWW(url, json, jsonHash);

            GA.RunCoroutine(SendWWW(www, successEvent, errorEvent, gaTracking, json, jsonHash, items));
Example #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes a dictionary with a item list for each category type. All items in each category are submitted together to the GA server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">
    /// The list of items, each holding a message and service type <see cref="Item"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="successEvent">
    /// If successful this will be fired <see cref="SubmitSuccessHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="errorEvent">
    /// If an error occurs this will be fired <see cref="SubmitErrorHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    /// A <see cref="IEnumerator"/>
    /// </returns>
    public void Submit(Dictionary<CategoryType, List<Item>> categories, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent, bool gaTracking, string pubKey, string priKey)
        if (pubKey.Equals(""))
            pubKey = _publicKey;

        if (priKey.Equals(""))
            priKey = _privateKey;

        //For each existing category, submit a message containing all the items of that category type
        foreach (KeyValuePair<CategoryType, List<Item>> kvp in categories)
            List<Item> items = kvp.Value;

            if (items.Count == 0)

            //Since all the items must have the same category (we make sure they do below) we can get the category from the first item
            CategoryType serviceType = items[0].Type;
            string url = GetURL(Categories[serviceType], pubKey);

            //Make sure that all items are of the same category type, and put all the parameter collections into a list
            List<Hashtable> itemsParameters = new List<Hashtable>();

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                if (serviceType != items[i].Type)
                    GA.LogWarning("GA Error: All messages in a submit must be of the same service/category type.");
                    if (errorEvent != null)

                // if user ID is missing from the item add it now (could f.x. happen if custom user id is enabled,
                // and the item was added before the custom user id was provided)
                if (!items[i].Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]))
                    items[i].Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID], GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID);
                else if (items[i].Parameters[GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]] == null)
                    items[i].Parameters[GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]] = GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID;

                Hashtable parameters;

                if (items[i].Count > 1)
                    /* so far we don't do anything special with stacked messages - we just send a single message
                     * GA_TODO: stacked messages should be handle correctly.*/
                    parameters = items[i].Parameters;
                    parameters = items[i].Parameters;


            //Make a JSON array string out of the list of parameter collections
            string json = DictToJson(itemsParameters);

            /* If we do not have access to a network connection (or we are roaming (mobile devices) and GA_static_api.Settings.ALLOWROAMING is false),
             * and data is set to be archived, then archive the data and pretend the message was sent successfully */
            if  (GA.SettingsGA.ArchiveData && !gaTracking && !GA.SettingsGA.InternetConnectivity)
                if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugMode)
                    GA.Log("GA: Archiving data (no network connection).");

                GA.API.Archive.ArchiveData(json, serviceType);
                if (successEvent != null)
                    successEvent(items, true);
            else if (!GA.SettingsGA.InternetConnectivity)
                if (!gaTracking)
                    GA.LogWarning("GA Error: No network connection.");

                if (errorEvent != null)

            string jsonHash = CreateMD5Hash(json + priKey);

            WWW www = CreateSubmitWWW(url, json, jsonHash);

            GA.RunCoroutine(SendWWW(www, successEvent, errorEvent, gaTracking, json, jsonHash, items));
Example #13
    public static IEnumerator SendWWW(WWW www, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent, bool gaTracking, string json, string jsonHash, List<Item> items)
        #if !UNITY_FLASH && !UNITY_WP8 && !UNITY_METRO
        //Set thread priority low
        www.threadPriority = ThreadPriority.Low;

        //Wait for response
        yield return www;

        if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugMode && !gaTracking)
            GA.Log("GA URL: " + www.url);
            GA.Log("GA Submit: " + json);
            GA.Log("GA Hash: " + jsonHash);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error) && !CheckServerReply(www))
                throw new Exception(www.error);

            //Get the JSON object from the response
            Hashtable returnParam = (Hashtable)GA_MiniJSON.JsonDecode(www.text);

            //If the response contains the key "status" with the value "ok" we know that the message was sent and recieved successfully
            if ((returnParam != null &&
                returnParam.ContainsKey("status") && returnParam["status"].ToString().Equals("ok")) ||
                if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugMode && !gaTracking)
                    GA.Log("GA Result: " + www.text);

                if (successEvent != null)
                    successEvent(items, true);
                /* The message was not sent and recieved successfully: Stop submitting all together if something
                 * is completely wrong and we know we will not be able to submit any messages at all..
                 * Such as missing or invalid public and/or private keys */
                if (returnParam != null &&
                    returnParam.ContainsKey("message") && returnParam["message"].ToString().Equals("Game not found") &&
                    returnParam.ContainsKey("code") && returnParam["code"].ToString().Equals("400"))
                    if (!gaTracking)
                        GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + www.text + " (NOTE: make sure your Game Key and Secret Key match the keys you recieved from the Game Analytics website. It might take a few minutes before a newly added game will be able to recieve data.)");

                    //An error event with a null parameter will stop the GA wrapper from submitting messages
                    if (errorEvent != null)
                    if (!gaTracking)
                        GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + www.text);

                    if (errorEvent != null)
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!gaTracking)
                GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + e.Message);

            /* If we hit one of these errors we should not attempt to send the message again
             * (if necessary we already threw a GA Error which may be tracked) */
            if (e.Message.Contains("400 Bad Request"))
                //An error event with a null parameter will stop the GA wrapper from submitting messages
                if (errorEvent != null)
                if (errorEvent != null)
Example #14
    public static IEnumerator SendWWW(WWW www, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent, bool gaTracking, string json, string jsonHash, List <Item> items)
                #if !UNITY_FLASH && !UNITY_WP8 && !UNITY_METRO
        //Set thread priority low
        www.threadPriority = ThreadPriority.Low;

        //Wait for response
        yield return(www);

        if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugMode && !gaTracking)
            GA.Log("GA URL: " + www.url);
            GA.Log("GA Submit: " + json);
            GA.Log("GA Hash: " + jsonHash);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error) && !CheckServerReply(www))
                throw new Exception(www.error);

            //Get the JSON object from the response
            Hashtable returnParam = (Hashtable)GA_MiniJSON.JsonDecode(www.text);

            //If the response contains the key "status" with the value "ok" we know that the message was sent and recieved successfully
            if ((returnParam != null &&
                 returnParam.ContainsKey("status") && returnParam["status"].ToString().Equals("ok")) ||
                if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugMode && !gaTracking)
                    GA.Log("GA Result: " + www.text);

                if (successEvent != null)
                    successEvent(items, true);
                /* The message was not sent and recieved successfully: Stop submitting all together if something
                 * is completely wrong and we know we will not be able to submit any messages at all..
                 * Such as missing or invalid public and/or private keys */
                if (returnParam != null &&
                    returnParam.ContainsKey("message") && returnParam["message"].ToString().Equals("Game not found") &&
                    returnParam.ContainsKey("code") && returnParam["code"].ToString().Equals("400"))
                    if (!gaTracking)
                        GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + www.text + " (NOTE: make sure your Game Key and Secret Key match the keys you recieved from the Game Analytics website. It might take a few minutes before a newly added game will be able to recieve data.)");

                    //An error event with a null parameter will stop the GA wrapper from submitting messages
                    if (errorEvent != null)
                    if (!gaTracking)
                        GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + www.text);

                    if (errorEvent != null)
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!gaTracking)
                GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + e.Message);

            /* If we hit one of these errors we should not attempt to send the message again
             * (if necessary we already threw a GA Error which may be tracked) */
            if (e.Message.Contains("400 Bad Request"))
                //An error event with a null parameter will stop the GA wrapper from submitting messages
                if (errorEvent != null)
                if (errorEvent != null)
Example #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes a dictionary with a item list for each category type. All items in each category are submitted together to the GA server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">
    /// The list of items, each holding a message and service type <see cref="Item"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="successEvent">
    /// If successful this will be fired <see cref="SubmitSuccessHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="errorEvent">
    /// If an error occurs this will be fired <see cref="SubmitErrorHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    /// A <see cref="IEnumerator"/>
    /// </returns>
    public IEnumerator Submit(Dictionary<CategoryType, List<Item>> categories, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
        //For each existing category, submit a message containing all the items of that category type
        foreach (KeyValuePair<CategoryType, List<Item>> kvp in categories)
            List<Item> items = kvp.Value;

            if (items.Count == 0)
                yield break;

            //Since all the items must have the same category (we make sure they do below) we can get the category from the first item
            CategoryType serviceType = items[0].Type;
            string url = GetURL(Categories[serviceType]);

            //Make sure that all items are of the same category type, and put all the parameter collections into a list
            List<Dictionary<string, object>> itemsParameters = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                if (serviceType != items[i].Type)
                    GA.LogWarning("GA Error: All messages in a submit must be of the same service/category type.");
                    if (errorEvent != null)
                    yield break;

                // if user ID is missing from the item add it now (could f.x. happen if custom user id is enabled,
                // and the item was added before the custom user id was provided)
                if (!items[i].Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]))
                    items[i].Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID], GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID);
                else if (items[i].Parameters[GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]] == null)
                    items[i].Parameters[GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]] = GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID;

                Dictionary<string, object> parameters;

                if (items[i].Count > 1)
                    /* so far we don't do anything special with stacked messages - we just send a single message
                     * GA_TODO: stacked messages should be handle correctly.*/
                    parameters = items[i].Parameters;
                    parameters = items[i].Parameters;


            //Make a JSON array string out of the list of parameter collections
            string json = DictToJson(itemsParameters);

            /* If we do not have access to a network connection (or we are roaming (mobile devices) and GA_static_api.Settings.ALLOWROAMING is false),
             * and data is set to be archived, then archive the data and pretend the message was sent successfully */
            if  (GA.Settings.ArchiveData && !GA.Settings.InternetConnectivity)
                if (GA.Settings.DebugMode)
                    GA.Log("GA: Archiving data (no network connection).");

                GA.API.Archive.ArchiveData(json, serviceType);
                if (successEvent != null)
                    successEvent(items, true);
                yield break;
            else if (!GA.Settings.InternetConnectivity)
                GA.LogWarning("GA Error: No network connection.");
                if (errorEvent != null)
                yield break;

            //Prepare the JSON array string for sending by converting it to a byte array
            byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(json);

            //Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key
            Hashtable headers = new Hashtable();
            headers.Add("Authorization", CreateMD5Hash(json + _privateKey));

            //Try to send the data
            WWW www = new WWW(url, data, headers);

            //Set thread priority low
            www.threadPriority = ThreadPriority.Low;

            //Wait for response
            yield return www;

            if (GA.Settings.DebugMode)
                GA.Log("GA URL: " + url);
                GA.Log("GA Submit: " + json);
                GA.Log("GA Hash: " + CreateMD5Hash(json + _privateKey));

                if (www.error != null && !CheckServerReply(www))
                    throw new Exception(www.error);

                //Get the JSON object from the response
                Dictionary<string, object> returnParam = JsonMapper.ToObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(www.text);

                //If the response contains the key "status" with the value "ok" we know that the message was sent and recieved successfully
                if ((returnParam != null &&
                    returnParam.ContainsKey("status") && returnParam["status"].ToString().Equals("ok")) ||
                    if (GA.Settings.DebugMode)
                        GA.Log("GA Result: " + www.text);

                    if (successEvent != null)
                        successEvent(items, true);
                    /* The message was not sent and recieved successfully: Stop submitting all together if something
                     * is completely wrong and we know we will not be able to submit any messages at all..
                     * Such as missing or invalid public and/or private keys */
                    if (returnParam != null &&
                        returnParam.ContainsKey("message") && returnParam["message"].ToString().Equals("Game not found") &&
                        returnParam.ContainsKey("code") && returnParam["code"].ToString().Equals("400"))
                        GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + www.text + " (NOTE: make sure your Game Key and Secret Key match the keys you recieved from the Game Analytics website. It might take a few minutes before a newly added game will be able to recieve data.)");

                        //An error event with a null parameter will stop the GA wrapper from submitting messages
                        if (errorEvent != null)
                        GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + www.text);

                        if (errorEvent != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + e.Message);

                /* If we hit one of these errors we should not attempt to send the message again
                 * (if necessary we already threw a GA Error which may be tracked) */
                if (e.Message.Contains("400 Bad Request"))
                    //An error event with a null parameter will stop the GA wrapper from submitting messages
                    if (errorEvent != null)
                    if (errorEvent != null)
Example #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Devides a list of messages into categories and calls Submit to send the messages to the GA servers.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">
    /// The list of messages (queue) <see cref="Item"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="successEvent">
    /// If successful this will be fired <see cref="SubmitSuccessHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="errorEvent">
    /// If an error occurs this will be fired <see cref="SubmitErrorHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    public void SubmitQueue(List<Item> queue, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent)
        if (_publicKey.Equals("") || _privateKey.Equals(""))
            GA.LogError("Game Key and/or Secret Key not set. Open GA_Settings to set keys.");

        //GA_TODO: Optimize by moving dictionary outside this fucntion. Submit is called often
        Dictionary<CategoryType, List<Item>> categories = new Dictionary<CategoryType, List<Item>>();

        /* Put all the items in the queue into a list containing only the messages of that category type.
         * This way we end up with a list of items for each category type */
        foreach (Item item in queue)
            if (categories.ContainsKey(item.Type))

                /* If we already added another item of this type then remove the UserID, SessionID, and Build values if necessary.
                 * These values only need to be present in each message once, since they will be the same for all items */

                /* TODO: below not supported yet in API (exclude information)
             	* activate once redundant data can be trimmed */

                if (item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]))

                if (item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID]))

                if (item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build]))

                /* TODO: remove below when API supports exclusion of data */
                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID], GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID);

                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID], GA.API.GenericInfo.SessionID);

                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build], GA.Settings.Build);

                /* If we did not add another item of this type yet, then add the UserID, SessionID, and Build values if necessary.
                 * These values only need to be present in each message once, since they will be the same for all items */

                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID], GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID);

                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.SessionID], GA.API.GenericInfo.SessionID);

                if (!item.Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build]))
                    item.Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Build], GA.Settings.Build);

                categories.Add(item.Type, new List<Item> { item });

        GA.RunCoroutine(Submit(categories, successEvent, errorEvent));
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes a dictionary with a item list for each category type. All items in each category are submitted together to the GA server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">
    /// The list of items, each holding a message and service type <see cref="Item"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="successEvent">
    /// If successful this will be fired <see cref="SubmitSuccessHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="errorEvent">
    /// If an error occurs this will be fired <see cref="SubmitErrorHandler"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    /// A <see cref="IEnumerator"/>
    /// </returns>
    public IEnumerator Submit(Dictionary <CategoryType, List <Item> > categories, SubmitSuccessHandler successEvent, SubmitErrorHandler errorEvent, bool gaTracking, string pubKey, string priKey)
        if (pubKey.Equals(""))
            pubKey = _publicKey;

        if (priKey.Equals(""))
            priKey = _privateKey;

        //For each existing category, submit a message containing all the items of that category type
        foreach (KeyValuePair <CategoryType, List <Item> > kvp in categories)
            List <Item> items = kvp.Value;

            if (items.Count == 0)
                yield break;

            //Since all the items must have the same category (we make sure they do below) we can get the category from the first item
            CategoryType serviceType = items[0].Type;
            string       url         = GetURL(Categories[serviceType], pubKey);

            //Make sure that all items are of the same category type, and put all the parameter collections into a list
            List <Hashtable> itemsParameters = new List <Hashtable>();

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                if (serviceType != items[i].Type)
                    GA.LogWarning("GA Error: All messages in a submit must be of the same service/category type.");
                    if (errorEvent != null)
                    yield break;

                // if user ID is missing from the item add it now (could f.x. happen if custom user id is enabled,
                // and the item was added before the custom user id was provided)
                if (!items[i].Parameters.ContainsKey(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]))
                    items[i].Parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID], GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID);
                else if (items[i].Parameters[GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]] == null)
                    items[i].Parameters[GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.UserID]] = GA.API.GenericInfo.UserID;

                Hashtable parameters;

                if (items[i].Count > 1)
                    /* so far we don't do anything special with stacked messages - we just send a single message
                     * GA_TODO: stacked messages should be handle correctly.*/
                    parameters = items[i].Parameters;
                    parameters = items[i].Parameters;


            //Make a JSON array string out of the list of parameter collections
            string json = DictToJson(itemsParameters);

            /* If we do not have access to a network connection (or we are roaming (mobile devices) and GA_static_api.Settings.ALLOWROAMING is false),
             * and data is set to be archived, then archive the data and pretend the message was sent successfully */
            if (GA.SettingsGA.ArchiveData && !gaTracking && !GA.SettingsGA.InternetConnectivity)
                if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugMode)
                    GA.Log("GA: Archiving data (no network connection).");

                GA.API.Archive.ArchiveData(json, serviceType);
                if (successEvent != null)
                    successEvent(items, true);
                yield break;
            else if (!GA.SettingsGA.InternetConnectivity)
                if (!gaTracking)
                    GA.LogWarning("GA Error: No network connection.");

                if (errorEvent != null)
                yield break;

            //Prepare the JSON array string for sending by converting it to a byte array
            byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);

            WWW www = null;

                        #if !UNITY_WP8 && !UNITY_METRO
            //Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key
            Hashtable headers = new Hashtable();
            headers.Add("Authorization", CreateMD5Hash(json + priKey));
            //headers.Add("Content-Length", data.Length);

            //Try to send the data
            www = new WWW(url, data, headers);
            //Set the authorization header to contain an MD5 hash of the JSON array string + the private key

            Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            headers.Add("Authorization", CreateMD5Hash(json + priKey));
            headers.Add("Content-Length", data.Length.ToString());

            //Try to send the data
            www = new WWW(url, data, headers);

                        #if !UNITY_FLASH && !UNITY_WP8 && !UNITY_METRO
            //Set thread priority low
            www.threadPriority = ThreadPriority.Low;

            //Wait for response
            yield return(www);

            if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugMode && !gaTracking)
                GA.Log("GA URL: " + url);
                GA.Log("GA Submit: " + json);
                GA.Log("GA Hash: " + CreateMD5Hash(json + priKey));

                if (www.error != null && !CheckServerReply(www))
                    throw new Exception(www.error);

                //Get the JSON object from the response
                Hashtable returnParam = (Hashtable)GA_MiniJSON.JsonDecode(www.text);

                //If the response contains the key "status" with the value "ok" we know that the message was sent and recieved successfully
                if ((returnParam != null &&
                     returnParam.ContainsKey("status") && returnParam["status"].ToString().Equals("ok")) ||
                    if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugMode && !gaTracking)
                        GA.Log("GA Result: " + www.text);

                    if (successEvent != null)
                        successEvent(items, true);
                    /* The message was not sent and recieved successfully: Stop submitting all together if something
                     * is completely wrong and we know we will not be able to submit any messages at all..
                     * Such as missing or invalid public and/or private keys */
                    if (returnParam != null &&
                        returnParam.ContainsKey("message") && returnParam["message"].ToString().Equals("Game not found") &&
                        returnParam.ContainsKey("code") && returnParam["code"].ToString().Equals("400"))
                        if (!gaTracking)
                            GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + www.text + " (NOTE: make sure your Game Key and Secret Key match the keys you recieved from the Game Analytics website. It might take a few minutes before a newly added game will be able to recieve data.)");

                        //An error event with a null parameter will stop the GA wrapper from submitting messages
                        if (errorEvent != null)
                        if (!gaTracking)
                            GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + www.text);

                        if (errorEvent != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!gaTracking)
                    GA.LogWarning("GA Error: " + e.Message);

                /* If we hit one of these errors we should not attempt to send the message again
                 * (if necessary we already threw a GA Error which may be tracked) */
                if (e.Message.Contains("400 Bad Request"))
                    //An error event with a null parameter will stop the GA wrapper from submitting messages
                    if (errorEvent != null)
                    if (errorEvent != null)