Example #1
        public async Task <SubmissionIdentifier> Submit(SubmissionOptions options)
            string url      = ApiBaseUrl + $"?access_token={this.apiAccessToken}";
            string jsonData = this.jsonUtils.Serialize(options);

            return(await this.requester.PostJsonAsync <SubmissionIdentifier>(url, jsonData));
        public async Task ReportCountIsControlledBySubmissionOptions(SectorTypes testSector, int testEditableReportCount)
            // Arrange
            var testConfig = new SubmissionOptions {
                EditableReportCount = testEditableReportCount
            var testOrg = new Organisation {
                OrganisationId = 1, SectorType = testSector
            var testUserOrg = new UserOrganisation {
                Organisation = testOrg
            DateTime testSnapshotDate = mockSharedBusinessLogic.GetAccountingStartDate(testOrg.SectorType);

            var mockService = new Mock <SubmissionPresenter>(

            // Call the real functions unless overridden
            mockService.CallBase = true;

            // Act
            SubmissionPresenter    testService   = mockService.Object;
            List <ReportInfoModel> actualResults = await testService.GetAllEditableReportsAsync(testUserOrg, testSnapshotDate);

            // Assert
                $"Expected editable report count to be {testEditableReportCount}");
        public ShortForm(string name)
            var controls = new List <IControl>
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true, Label = "First name", Type = ControlType.TextBox, Name = "FirstName",
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what goes here",
                    Validation      = new List <IControlValidation>
                        new MinimumLengthControlValidation {
                            HasValue = true, ValidationRule = "minlength", ValidationValue = "3", ValidationErrorMessage = "too short"
                        new MaximumLengthControlValidation {
                            HasValue = true, ValidationRule = "maxlength", ValidationValue = "5", ValidationErrorMessage = "too long"
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true, Label = "Email address", Type = ControlType.Email, Name = "EmailAddress",
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about putting your email in this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what is an email",
                    Validation      = new List <IControlValidation>
                        new EmailControlValidation {
                            HasValue = true, ValidationRule = "email", ValidationErrorMessage = "not valid email"
                //new Control
                //    IsRequired = true, Label = "Pick a date", Type = ControlType.Calendar, Name = "DatePick"
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true, Label = "Enter a Uk Postcode", Type = ControlType.TextBox, Name = "UkPostcode",
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what goes here",
                    Validation      = new List <IControlValidation>
                        new RegularExpressionControlValidation {
                            HasValue = true, ValidationRule = "regular-expression", ValidationValue = "(GIR ?0AA|[A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]{1,2}|([A-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9ABEHMNPRV-Y])?)|[0-9][A-HJKPS-UW]) ?[0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})$", ValidationErrorMessage = "not right"

            var submissionOptions = new SubmissionOptions
                DisplayText = "thanks for submitting"

            Name              = name;
            SubmitText        = "Submit";
            SubmissionOptions = submissionOptions;
            Controls          = controls;
        public IForm Create(BizFormInfo info)
            if (info == null)
                return(new Form());

            var autoresponder = new Autoresponder
                Sender   = info.FormConfirmationSendFromEmail,
                Subject  = info.FormConfirmationEmailSubject,
                Template = info.FormConfirmationTemplate

            var notification = new Notification
                Sender     = info.FormSendFromEmail,
                Recipients = info.FormSendToEmail,
                Subject    = info.FormEmailSubject,
                Template   = info.FormEmailTemplate,
                AttachUploadedDocuments = info.FormEmailAttachUploadedDocs

            var submissionOptions = new SubmissionOptions
                DisplayText    = info.FormDisplayText,
                ClearAfterSave = info.FormClearAfterSave,
                RedirectUrl    = info.FormRedirectToUrl

            var hasAutoResponder     = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(autoresponder.Sender);
            var hasNotificationEmail = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(notification.Sender) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(notification.Recipients);

            var form = new Form
                Name              = info.FormName,
                SubmitText        = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.FormSubmitButtonText) ? info.FormSubmitButtonText : "Save",
                Autoresponder     = hasAutoResponder ? autoresponder : null,
                Notification      = hasNotificationEmail ? notification : null,
                SubmissionOptions = submissionOptions

            foreach (var controlInfo in info.Form.GetFields(true, false))
                var control = _controlFactory.Create(controlInfo);
                if (control == null)


Example #5
        public async Task <IEnumerable <SubmissionIdentifier> > ExecuteTests(string sourceCode, Language language, IEnumerable <string> inputs)
            var identifiers = new List <SubmissionIdentifier>();

            foreach (var testInput in inputs)
                var option = new SubmissionOptions
                    Input      = testInput,
                    Language   = language,
                    SourceCode = sourceCode

                identifiers.Add(await this.engine.Submit(option));

Example #6
        public ActionResult Submit()
            // Variables.
            var tempGuid = default(Guid);
            var keys     = Request.Form.AllKeys;
            var fileKeys = Request.Files.AllKeys;
            var formId   = Guid.Parse(Request["FormId"]);
            var pageId   = NumberUtility.AttemptParseInt(Request["PageId"]);
            var pageNode = pageId.HasValue
                ? Umbraco.TypedContent(pageId.Value)
                : null;
            var pageUrl  = pageNode?.Url;
            var pageName = pageNode?.Name;

            // Get values.
            var values = keys
                         .Where(x => Guid.TryParse(x, out tempGuid))
                         .Select(x =>
                var fieldValue = Request.Form.GetValues(x);
                return(new FieldSubmission
                    FieldId = Guid.Parse(x),
                    FieldValues = fieldValue

            // Get file values.
            var fileValues = fileKeys
                             .Where(x => Guid.TryParse(x, out tempGuid))
                             .Select(x =>
                // Variables.
                var fileValue = Request.Files.Get(x);

                // Extract file data: http://stackoverflow.com/a/16030326/2052963
                var reader   = new BinaryReader(fileValue.InputStream);
                var fileData = reader.ReadBytes((int)fileValue.InputStream.Length);
                var filename = fileValue.FileName;

                // Return file field submission.
                return(new FileFieldSubmission()
                    FieldId = Guid.Parse(x),
                    FileData = fileData,
                    FileName = filename

            // Payload.
            var payload = new[]
                new PayloadSubmission()
                    Name  = "URL",
                    Value = pageUrl
                new PayloadSubmission()
                    Name  = "Page Name",
                    Value = pageName
            }.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Value));

            // Submit form.
            var context = new FormRequestContext()
                CurrentPage    = pageNode,
                HttpContext    = HttpContext,
                Services       = Services,
                UmbracoContext = UmbracoContext,
                UmbracoHelper  = Umbraco
            var options = new SubmissionOptions()
                Validate = Config.EnableServerSideValidation
            var result = Submissions.SubmitForm(formId, values, fileValues, payload, options, context);

            // Return result.
                Success = result.Success
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Submits a form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formId">
        /// The ID of the form to submit.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// The form data to submit.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="files">
        /// The file data to submit.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="payload">
        /// Extra data related to the submission.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="options">
        /// The options for this submission.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="context">
        /// The contextual information for the form request.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The result of the submission.
        /// </returns>
        public SubmissionResult SubmitForm(Guid formId,
                                           IEnumerable <FieldSubmission> data, IEnumerable <FileFieldSubmission> files,
                                           IEnumerable <PayloadSubmission> payload, SubmissionOptions options,
                                           FormRequestContext context)
            // Is the form ID valid?
            var form = Forms.Retrieve(formId);

            if (form == null)
                return(new SubmissionResult()
                    Success = false

            // Create submission context.
            var submissionContext = new FormSubmissionContext()
                Files               = files,
                Data                = data,
                Form                = form,
                Payload             = payload,
                CurrentPage         = context.CurrentPage,
                HttpContext         = context.HttpContext,
                Services            = context.Services,
                UmbracoContext      = context.UmbracoContext,
                UmbracoHelper       = context.UmbracoHelper,
                SubmissionId        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                ExtraContext        = new Dictionary <string, object>(),
                SubmissionCancelled = false

            // Invoke submitting event (gives listeners a chance to change the submission).

            // Fail the form submission if SubmissionCancelled is true.
            if (submissionContext.SubmissionCancelled)
                return(new SubmissionResult()
                    Success = false

            // Validate against native field validations.
            foreach (var field in form.Fields)
                var fieldId = field.Id;
                var value   = data.Where(x => x.FieldId == fieldId)
                              .SelectMany(x => x.FieldValues);
                if (!field.IsValid(value))
                    return(new SubmissionResult()
                        Success = false

            // Validate?
            if (options.Validate)
                var valuesById = data.GroupBy(x => x.FieldId).Select(x => new
                    Id     = x.Key,
                    Values = x.SelectMany(y => y.FieldValues).ToList()
                }).ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x.Values);
                var filesById = files.GroupBy(x => x.FieldId).Select(x => new
                    Id     = x.Key,
                    Values = x.Select(y => y).ToList()
                }).ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x.Values);
                foreach (var field in form.Fields)
                    var validations = field.Validations
                                      .Select(x => Validations.Retrieve(x))
                    if (!validations.Any())
                    var validationContext = new ValidationContext()
                        Field = field,
                        Form  = form
                    foreach (var validation in validations)
                        var dataValues = valuesById.ContainsKey(field.Id)
                            ? valuesById[field.Id]
                            : new List <string>();
                        var fileValues = filesById.ContainsKey(field.Id)
                            ? filesById[field.Id]
                            : new List <FileFieldSubmission>();
                        var isValid = validation
                                      .IsValueValid(dataValues, fileValues, validationContext);
                        if (!isValid)
                            return(new SubmissionResult()
                                Success = false

            // Prepare the form handlers.
            // This occurs on the current thread in case the handler needs information
            // only available in the current thread.
            var enabledHandlers = form.Handlers
                                  .Where(x => x.Enabled)

                foreach (var handler in enabledHandlers)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error <Submissions_Instance>(ex, PreHandlerError);

                return(new SubmissionResult()
                    Success = false

            // Initiate form handlers on a new thread (they may take some time to complete).
            var task = new Task(() =>
                foreach (var handler in enabledHandlers)

            task.ContinueWith(FormHandlersExceptionHandler, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);

            // Return success.
            return(new SubmissionResult()
                Success = true
        public LongForm(string name)
            var controls = new List <IControl>
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true, Label = "Upload an image", Type = ControlType.UploadFile, Name = "ImageUpload",
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about this field",
                    Tooltip         = "only image file extensions for now"
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true, Label = "First name", Type = ControlType.TextBox, Name = "FirstName",
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what goes here",
                    Validation      = new List <IControlValidation>
                        new MinimumLengthControlValidation {
                            HasValue = true, ValidationRule = "minlength", ValidationValue = "3", ValidationErrorMessage = "too short"
                        new MaximumLengthControlValidation {
                            HasValue = true, ValidationRule = "maxlength", ValidationValue = "5", ValidationErrorMessage = "too long"
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true, Label = "Enter a Uk Postcode", Type = ControlType.TextBox, Name = "UkPostcode",
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what goes here",
                    Validation      = new List <IControlValidation>
                        new RegularExpressionControlValidation {
                            HasValue = true, ValidationRule = "regular-expression", ValidationValue = "(GIR ?0AA|[A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]{1,2}|([A-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9ABEHMNPRV-Y])?)|[0-9][A-HJKPS-UW]) ?[0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})$", ValidationErrorMessage = "not right"
                new Control
                    IsRequired = true, Label = "Surname", Type = ControlType.TextBox, Name = "Surname",
                    Validation = new List <IControlValidation>
                        new MaximumLengthControlValidation {
                            HasValue = true, ValidationRule = "maxlength", ValidationValue = "9", ValidationErrorMessage = "too long"
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true, Label = "Email address", Type = ControlType.Email, Name = "EmailAddress",
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about putting your email in this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what is an email",
                    Validation      = new List <IControlValidation>
                        new EmailControlValidation {
                            HasValue = true, ValidationRule = "email", ValidationErrorMessage = "not valid email"
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true, Label = "This is a checkbox", Type = ControlType.CheckBox, Name = "CheckYes",
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what goes here",
                    DefaultValue    = "Yes",
                    DefaultValues   = new Dictionary <string, bool> {
                        { "Yes", true }
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true,
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what goes here",
                    Label           = "Radio button options",
                    Type            = ControlType.RadioButton,
                    Name            = "Shop",
                    DefaultValue    = "Daily\r\nWeekly\r\nFornightly\r\nMonthly",
                    DefaultValues   = new Dictionary <string, bool> {
                        { "Daily", true }, { "Weekly", false }, { "Monthly", false }
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true,
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what goes here",
                    Label           = "Multiple choices",
                    Type            = ControlType.MultipleChoice,
                    Name            = "Where",
                    DefaultValue    = "Buses|Radio",
                    DefaultValues   = new Dictionary <string, bool> {
                        { "Buses", true }, { "Posters", false }, { "Heart Radio", true }
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true,
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what goes here",
                    Label           = "Drop Down List",
                    Type            = ControlType.DropDownList,
                    Name            = "Show",
                    DefaultValue    = " \r\nYes\r\nNo",
                    DefaultValues   = new Dictionary <string, bool> {
                        { " ", false }, { "Yes", true }, { "No", false }
                new Control
                    IsRequired      = true,
                    ExplanationText = "explanation about this field",
                    Tooltip         = "a tool tip saying what goes here",
                    Label           = "Radio button opt in",
                    Type            = ControlType.RadioButton,
                    Name            = "Optin",
                    DefaultValue    = "Yes",
                    DefaultValues   = new Dictionary <string, bool> {
                        { "Yes", true }, { "No", true }

            var submissionOptions = new SubmissionOptions
                DisplayText = "thanks for submitting"

            Name              = name;
            SubmitText        = "Submit";
            SubmissionOptions = submissionOptions;
            Controls          = controls;
        public ActionResult Submit()
            // Variables.
            var tempGuid = default(Guid);
            var keys = Request.Form.AllKeys;
            var fileKeys = Request.Files.AllKeys;
            var formId = Guid.Parse(Request["FormId"]);
            var pageId = NumberUtility.AttemptParseInt(Request["PageId"]);
            var pageNode = pageId.HasValue
                ? Umbraco.TypedContent(pageId.Value)
                : null;
            var pageUrl = pageNode?.Url;
            var pageName = pageNode?.Name;

            // Get values.
            var values = keys
                .Where(x => Guid.TryParse(x, out tempGuid))
                .Select(x =>
                    var fieldValue = Request.Form.GetValues(x);
                    return new FieldSubmission
                        FieldId = Guid.Parse(x),
                        FieldValues = fieldValue

            // Get file values.
            var fileValues = fileKeys
                .Where(x => Guid.TryParse(x, out tempGuid))
                .Select(x =>

                    // Variables.
                    var fileValue = Request.Files.Get(x);

                    // Extract file data: http://stackoverflow.com/a/16030326/2052963
                    var reader = new BinaryReader(fileValue.InputStream);
                    var fileData = reader.ReadBytes((int)fileValue.InputStream.Length);
                    var filename = fileValue.FileName;

                    // Return file field submission.
                    return new FileFieldSubmission()
                        FieldId = Guid.Parse(x),
                        FileData = fileData,
                        FileName = filename


            // Payload.
            var payload = new[]
                new PayloadSubmission()
                    Name = "URL",
                    Value = pageUrl
                new PayloadSubmission()
                    Name = "Page Name",
                    Value = pageName
            }.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Value));

            // Submit form.
            var context = new FormRequestContext()
                CurrentPage = pageNode,
                HttpContext = HttpContext,
                Services = Services,
                UmbracoContext = UmbracoContext,
                UmbracoHelper = Umbraco
            var options = new SubmissionOptions()
                Validate = Config.EnableServerSideValidation
            var result = Submissions.SubmitForm(formId, values, fileValues, payload, options, context);

            // Return result.
            return Json(new
                Success = result.Success
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Submits a form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formId">
        /// The ID of the form to submit.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// The form data to submit.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="options">
        /// The options for this submission.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The result of the submission.
        /// </returns>
        public static SubmissionResult SubmitForm(Guid formId,
                                                  IEnumerable <FieldSubmission> data, SubmissionOptions options)
            // Is the form ID valid?
            var form = Forms.Retrieve(formId);

            if (form == null)
                return(new SubmissionResult()
                    Success = false

            // Validate?
            if (options.Validate)
                var valuesById = data.GroupBy(x => x.FieldId).Select(x => new
                    Id     = x.Key,
                    Values = x.SelectMany(y => y.FieldValues).ToList()
                }).ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x.Values);
                foreach (var field in form.Fields)
                    var validations = field.Validations.Select(x => Validations.Retrieve(x)).ToList();
                    foreach (var validation in validations)
                        //TODO: var validationResult = validation.Validate(form, field, valuesById);

            // Initiate form handlers on a new thread (they may take some time to complete).
            var t = new Thread(() =>
                    foreach (var handler in form.Handlers)
                        handler.HandleForm(form, data);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogHelper.Error <Submissions_Instance>(HandlerError, ex);

            t.IsBackground = true;

            // Return success.
            return(new SubmissionResult()
                Success = true
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Submits a form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formId">
        /// The ID of the form to submit.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// The form data to submit.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="files">
        /// The file data to submit.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="payload">
        /// Extra data related to the submission.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="options">
        /// The options for this submission.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="context">
        /// The contextual information for the form request.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The result of the submission.
        /// </returns>
        public static SubmissionResult SubmitForm(Guid formId,
                                                  IEnumerable <FieldSubmission> data, IEnumerable <FileFieldSubmission> files,
                                                  IEnumerable <PayloadSubmission> payload, SubmissionOptions options,
                                                  FormRequestContext context)
            // Is the form ID valid?
            var form = Forms.Retrieve(formId);

            if (form == null)
                return(new SubmissionResult()
                    Success = false

            // Create submission context.
            var submissionContext = new FormSubmissionContext()
                Files          = files,
                Data           = data,
                Form           = form,
                Payload        = payload,
                CurrentPage    = context.CurrentPage,
                HttpContext    = context.HttpContext,
                Services       = context.Services,
                UmbracoContext = context.UmbracoContext,
                UmbracoHelper  = context.UmbracoHelper,
                SubmissionId   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                ExtraContext   = new Dictionary <string, object>()

            // Invoke submitting event (gives listeners a chance to change the submission).

            // Validate?
            if (options.Validate)
                var valuesById = data.GroupBy(x => x.FieldId).Select(x => new
                    Id     = x.Key,
                    Values = x.SelectMany(y => y.FieldValues).ToList()
                }).ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x.Values);
                foreach (var field in form.Fields)
                    var validations = field.Validations.Select(x => Validations.Retrieve(x)).ToList();
                    foreach (var validation in validations)
                        //TODO: var validationResult = validation.Validate(form, field, valuesById);

            // Prepare the form handlers.
            // This occurs on the current thread in case the handler needs information
            // only available in the current thread.
                foreach (var handler in form.Handlers)
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Error <Submissions_Instance>(PreHandlerError, ex);
                return(new SubmissionResult()
                    Success = false

            // Initiate form handlers on a new thread (they may take some time to complete).
            var t = new Thread(() =>
                    foreach (var handler in form.Handlers)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogHelper.Error <Submissions_Instance>(HandlerError, ex);

            t.IsBackground = true;

            // Return success.
            return(new SubmissionResult()
                Success = true
Example #12
 public Task <IQuantumMachineJob> SubmitAsync <TIn, TOut>(
     EntryPointInfo <TIn, TOut> entryPoint, TIn argument, SubmissionOptions options) =>
 Task.FromResult <IQuantumMachineJob>(new ExampleJob());
Example #13
 public Task <IQuantumMachineJob> SubmitAsync(
     Stream qir, string entryPoint, IReadOnlyList <Argument> arguments, SubmissionOptions options) =>
 Task.FromResult <IQuantumMachineJob>(new ExampleJob());