private void FileOpen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Get the Name of the Subject folder
            CommonOpenFileDialog dialog = new CommonOpenFileDialog();

            dialog.IsFolderPicker = true;
            string FolderPath = "";

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok)
                FolderPath = dialog.FileName + '\\';

            // Get the number of '\\'s in FolderPath
            var NumberOfSlashes = StringHelper.ReturnNumberOfDeliniters(FolderPath, '\\');

            // Get the Subjects Name from the item a position NumberOfSlashes -1
            var FolderName = StringHelper.ReturnItemAtPos(FolderPath, '\\', NumberOfSlashes - 1);

            tblkSubjectName.Text = FolderName;

            //Communicate the FolderPath to the ViewModel.SubjectNodeViewModel's OpenFile method

            //lvSubjects.ItemsSource = SubjectStaticMembers.DisplayList;
            string rootItem = (string)SubjectStaticMembers.DisplayList[0];

        private void CreateNewChildSubjectNode(int currentItemCount)
            // Instantiate a SubjectNode with the currentItemCount
            NewChildNode = new SubjectNodes(currentItemCount);

            // Get the Parent Node
            NewParentNode = GetParentNode();

            //Get the Parent's Number of Children to calcuate the child's NodeLevelName
            int ParentsNumchildren = NewParentNode.NOC;

            //Get the Child's NodeLevelPosition
            string ChildsNodeLevelPosition = SubjectStaticMembers.GetNodeLevelPosition(ParentsNumchildren);

            // Set the NewChildNodes NodeLevel
            NewChildNode.NodeLevelName = NewParentNode.NodeLevelName + ChildsNodeLevelPosition;
            NewChildNode.LeadingChars  = SubjectStaticMembers.GetLeadingChars(NewChildNode.NodeLevelName);
            NewChildNode.LeadingChars  = "- ";
            NewChildNode.TitleText     = tbxNodeName.Text;
            NewChildNode.HasData       = false;
            NewChildNode.NOC           = 0;

            // Add this child to the dictionary

            // reeset the displau
            List <string> DisplayList = SubjectStaticMembers.ResetDisplayList(NewChildNode.NodeLevelName);

            foreach (string item in DisplayList)

            //Increment and save the ItemsIndex
        private void rbNewChild_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var rbNewChild = sender as RadioButton;

            if (tbxNodeName.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must Enter text into the Enter Node Text TextBox and select a Parent Node");
            if (SelectedNode == null)
                MessageBox.Show("You Must select a Parent Node before Clicking Create a New Child Node");

            // Get ItemIndex

            int CurrentItemCount = SubjectStaticMembers.GetCurrentItemCount();

            // Create a new node
