public ActionResult Presence(int subjectId) { // Get the specified subject. var subject = _subjectRepository.GetById(subjectId); if (subject == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } // Get the current presence. int studentId = Student.Id; var presence = _presenceRepository.GetByStudent(studentId); // Map the subject to a view model. var subjectModel = Mapper.Map <SubjectModel>(subject); // Create the presence view model. var presenceModel = new PresenceModel { Subject = subjectModel, // Check if student is already present. AlreadyPresent = presence.Any(p => p.IsPresent(subjectId, studentId)), PastSubject = subject.IsPastSubject() }; return(View(presenceModel)); }
public IHttpActionResult GetSubjectById(int id) { var subject = subjectRepo.GetById(id); if (subject == null) { return(Content(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Item does not exist")); } return(Ok(subject)); }
public ActionResult ExportSubjectGrade(int id) { Subject subject = new Subject(); SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); Export export = new Export(); DataTable gradeTable = export.SubjectGrades(subject); GridView Grid = new GridView(); Grid.DataSource = gradeTable; Grid.DataBind(); string filename = "attachment; filename=" + subject.Name + "_" + ".xls"; Response.ClearContent(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", filename); Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; Response.Charset = ""; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); Grid.RenderControl(htw); Response.Output.Write(sw.ToString()); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult EditSubjects(int id, AdminControllerSubjectVM subjectModel) { TryUpdateModel(subjectModel); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Subject subject = null; SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); if (id > 0) { subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); subject.Name = subjectModel.Name; subjectRepository.Save(subject); return(RedirectToAction("ManageSubjects")); } else { subject = subjectRepository.GetAll(filter: s => s.Name == subjectModel.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (subject == null) { subject = new Subject(); subject.Name = subjectModel.Name; subjectRepository.Save(subject); return(RedirectToAction("ManageSubjects")); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid subject name"); } } } return(View(subjectModel)); }
public ActionResult SubjectIndex(Guid id) { var subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(_context); var subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); var viewModel = SubjectViewModel.FromEntity(subject, 3); return(PartialView("_SubjectIndex", viewModel)); }
public void testGetById() { // Arrange int count = repo.All().Count(); Subject c = repo.All().FirstOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(c); // Act Subject actual = repo.GetById(c.Id); // Assert Assert.NotNull(actual); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { // Get the subject by its id. var subjects = _subjectRepository.GetById(id); if (subjects == null) { return(RedirectToAction("List")); } // Map the subject to a view model. var model = Mapper.Map <SubjectModel>(subjects); // Prepare the view model. model.StartDateString = model.StartDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"); model.EndDateString = model.EndDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"); PrepareSubjectModel(model); return(View(model)); }
public IHttpActionResult Get(int tid, int sid) { List <Subject> subList = techRepo.GetSubjectByTeacher(tid); Subject subject = subRepo.GetById(sid); bool check = false; foreach (var item in subList) { if (item.SubjectId == subject.SubjectId) { check = true; } } if (subject == null || check == false) { return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); } return(Ok(subject)); }
public ActionResult Edit(Guid id) { var knowledgeAreaRepository = new KnowledgeAreaRepository(_context); var knowledgeAreas = knowledgeAreaRepository.ListActiveKnowledgeAreas(); ViewBag.KnowledgeAreas = new SelectList(knowledgeAreas, "Id", "Name"); var subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(_context); var subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); return(View(SubjectViewModel.FromEntity(subject, 0))); }
public void Get_subject_by_id_test() { var repo = new SubjectRepository(context); var model = new SubjectEntity("AM", "Analiza matematyczna"); var model2 = new SubjectEntity("MD", "Matematyka dyskretna"); repo.AddNew(model); repo.AddNew(model2); var result = repo.GetById(model2.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(model2.Id, result.Id); }
public ActionResult Delete(int id) { SubjectRepository repository = new SubjectRepository(); Subject subject = repository.GetById(id); SubjectViewModel model = new SubjectViewModel(); model.Title = subject.Title; model.Description = subject.Description; model.Credits = subject.Credits; model.TeacherId = subject.TeacherId; return(View(model)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TrainingDB"].ToString(); try { SQLHelper.Initialize(connString); SQLHelper.AssureDatabase("Subjects"); SQLHelper.AssureDatabase("Students"); SQLHelper.AssureDatabase("StudentsXSubjects"); StudentRepository studentRepository = new StudentRepository(); //StudentEntity student = new StudentEntity(); //student.Name = "Draghici"; //student.Surname = "Alice"; //student.PhoneNo = "0724059799"; //studentRepository.Add(student); //StudentEntity student2 = new StudentEntity(); //student2.Name = "Pavel"; //student2.Surname = "Marcela"; //student2.PhoneNo = "0729874154"; //studentRepository.Add(student2); SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); //SubjectEntity subject1 = new SubjectEntity(); //subject1.Description = "Matematica"; //SubjectEntity subject2 = new SubjectEntity(); //subject2.Description = "Algebra"; //subjectRepository.Add(subject1); //subjectRepository.Add(subject2); //subject2.Description = "Franceza"; //subjectRepository.Update(1, subject2); //subjectRepository.Delete(4); //subjectRepository.Delete(5); //subjectRepository.Delete(6); var subjects = subjectRepository.Get(); var subjectById = subjectRepository.GetById(2); studentRepository.AssignToSubject(7, 2); Console.Read(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { SubjectRepository repository = new SubjectRepository(); SubjectViewModel model = new SubjectViewModel(); if (id.HasValue) { Subject subject = repository.GetById(id.Value); model.Id = subject.Id; model.Title = subject.Title; model.Description = subject.Description; model.Credits = subject.Credits; model.Teachers = PopulateTeacherList(); model.TeacherId = subject.TeacherId; } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult EditSubjects(int id) { Subject subject = new Subject(); SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); AdminControllerSubjectVM subjectModel = new AdminControllerSubjectVM(); if (id > 0) { subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); subjectModel.Name = subject.Name; subjectModel.SubjectID = id; } if (id == 0) { subject.Name = subjectModel.Name; } return(View(subjectModel)); }
public SubjectDM GetById(int id) { try { return(_SubjectRepo.GetById(id)); } catch (Exception ex) { //Errors in this scope indicates system error (not validation errors) //If error not handled, log it and add system error if (!_GlobalErrors.ErrorHandled) { _Logger.Error(ex, "Database Error: Cannot Get Specific Subject!"); _GlobalErrors.AddSystemError("Database Error: Cannot Get Specific Subject!"); _GlobalErrors.ErrorHandled = true; } throw; } }
public JsonResult DeleteSubject(int id) { bool subjectInUse = false; CourseSubjectRepository courseSubjectRepository = new CourseSubjectRepository(); List <Course> courseList = new List <Course>(); courseList = courseSubjectRepository.GetAll(filter: cs => cs.Subject.Id == id).Select(c => c.Course).ToList(); if (courseList.Count > 0) { subjectInUse = true; } else { SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); Subject subject = new Subject(); subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); subjectRepository.Delete(subject); } return(Json(subjectInUse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Edit(Guid id, CourseViewModel viewModel) { var subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(_context); var userRepository = new UserRepository(_context); if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { var subject = subjectRepository.GetById(viewModel.SubjectId); var teacher = (Teacher)userRepository.GetById(viewModel.TeacherInChargeId); var courseRepository = new CourseRepository(_context); courseRepository.UpdateWithClasses(CourseViewModel.ToEntity(viewModel, subject, teacher)); _context.Save(_loggedUser); TempData["MessageType"] = "success"; TempData["MessageTitle"] = Resource.ContentManagementToastrTitle; TempData["Message"] = Resource.CourseUpdatedToastrMessage; return(Redirect(TempData["BackURL"].ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["MessageType"] = "error"; TempData["MessageTitle"] = Resource.ContentManagementToastrTitle; TempData["Message"] = ex.Message; } } var activeSubjects = subjectRepository.ListActiveSubjects(); ViewBag.Subjects = new SelectList(activeSubjects, "Id", "Name"); var activeTeachers = userRepository.ListActiveTeachers(); ViewBag.Teachers = new SelectList(activeTeachers, "Id", "Name"); return(View(viewModel)); }
public JsonResult EditGrade(int gradeId, double gradeValue, int subjectId, int studentId) { Grade grade = new Grade(); GradeRepository gradeRepo = new GradeRepository(); SelectListItem gradeItem = null; if (gradeId != 0) { grade = gradeRepo.GetById(gradeId); gradeValue = System.Math.Round(gradeValue, 2); grade.GradeValue = gradeValue; gradeRepo.Save(grade); } else { UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); StudentRepository studentRepository = new StudentRepository(unitOfWork); GradeRepository gradeRepository = new GradeRepository(unitOfWork); SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(unitOfWork); Student student = new Student(); student = studentRepository.GetById(studentId); Subject subject = new Subject(); subject = subjectRepository.GetById(subjectId); grade.SubjectID = subjectId; grade.Subject = subject; grade.Student = student; gradeValue = System.Math.Round(gradeValue, 2); grade.GradeValue = gradeValue; gradeRepository.Save(grade); unitOfWork.Commit(); } gradeItem = new SelectListItem() { Text = grade.GradeValue.ToString(), Value = grade.Id.ToString() }; return(Json(gradeItem, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Index(Guid id) { var subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(_context); var subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); if (!subject.Active) { TempData["MessageType"] = "warning"; TempData["MessageTitle"] = Resource.WarningToastrTitle; TempData["Message"] = Resource.SubjectNotAvailableToastrMessage; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } var viewModel = SubjectViewModel.FromEntity(subject, 3); ViewBag.OtherSubjects = new SelectList(subject.KnowledgeArea.Subjects.Where(a => a.Active).Except(new List <Subject> { subject }), "Id", "Name"); return(View(viewModel)); }
public JsonResult DeleteSubject(int id) { bool subjectInUse = false; CourseSubjectRepository courseSubjectRepository = new CourseSubjectRepository(); List<Course> courseList = new List<Course>(); courseList = courseSubjectRepository.GetAll(filter: cs => cs.Subject.Id == id).Select(c => c.Course).ToList(); if (courseList.Count > 0) { subjectInUse = true; } else { SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); Subject subject = new Subject(); subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); subjectRepository.Delete(subject); } return Json(subjectInUse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public ActionResult EditSubjects(int id, AdminControllerSubjectVM subjectModel) { TryUpdateModel(subjectModel); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Subject subject = null; SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); if (id > 0) { subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); subject.Name = subjectModel.Name; subjectRepository.Save(subject); return RedirectToAction("ManageSubjects"); } else { subject = subjectRepository.GetAll(filter: s => s.Name == subjectModel.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (subject == null) { subject = new Subject(); subject.Name = subjectModel.Name; subjectRepository.Save(subject); return RedirectToAction("ManageSubjects"); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid subject name"); } } } return View(subjectModel); }
public ActionResult EditArticle(int id) { if (AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.GetType().BaseType.Equals(typeof(Teacher))) { ArticleControllerArticlesVM model = new ArticleControllerArticlesVM(); TeacherRepository teacherRepository = new TeacherRepository(); Article article = new Article(); ArticleRepository articleRepository = new ArticleRepository(); List <Subject> subjectList = new List <Subject>(); SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); Teacher teacher = new Teacher(); List <SelectListItem> listSubjects = new List <SelectListItem>(); teacher = teacherRepository.GetById(AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.Id); List <int> subjectId = new List <int>(); foreach (var item in teacher.CourseSubject) { subjectId.Add(item.Subject.Id); } subjectId = subjectId.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var item in subjectId) { subjectList.Add(subjectRepository.GetById(item)); } if (id > 0) { article = articleRepository.GetById(id); model.ArticleId = article.Id; model.TeacherID = teacher.Id; model.Title = article.Title; model.Content = article.Content; model.DateCreated = article.DateCreated; model.DateModified = article.DateModified; model.Subject = article.Subject; model.Teacher = teacher; listSubjects.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = article.Subject.Name, Value = article.Subject.Id.ToString(), Selected = true }); } if (id == 0) { model.ArticleId = 0; listSubjects.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Select subject", Value = "" }); } foreach (var item in subjectList) { if (item.Id != model.ArticleId) { listSubjects.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = item.Name, Value = item.Id.ToString() }); } } model.SubjectsListItems = listSubjects; return(View(model)); } return(RedirectToAction("Articles")); }
public ActionResult EditJazz(int id) { return(View(subjectRepo.GetById(id))); }
public ActionResult ExportSubjectGrade(int id) { Subject subject = new Subject(); SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); Export export = new Export(); DataTable gradeTable = export.SubjectGrades(subject); GridView Grid = new GridView(); Grid.DataSource = gradeTable; Grid.DataBind(); string filename = "attachment; filename=" + subject.Name + "_" + ".xls"; Response.ClearContent(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", filename); Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; Response.Charset = ""; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); Grid.RenderControl(htw); Response.Output.Write(sw.ToString()); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); return View(); }
public JsonResult EditGrade(int gradeId, double gradeValue, int subjectId, int studentId) { Grade grade = new Grade(); GradeRepository gradeRepo = new GradeRepository(); SelectListItem gradeItem = null; if (gradeId != 0) { grade = gradeRepo.GetById(gradeId); gradeValue = System.Math.Round(gradeValue, 2); grade.GradeValue = gradeValue; gradeRepo.Save(grade); } else { UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); StudentRepository studentRepository = new StudentRepository(unitOfWork); GradeRepository gradeRepository = new GradeRepository(unitOfWork); SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(unitOfWork); Student student = new Student(); student = studentRepository.GetById(studentId); Subject subject = new Subject(); subject = subjectRepository.GetById(subjectId); grade.SubjectID = subjectId; grade.Subject = subject; grade.Student = student; gradeValue = System.Math.Round(gradeValue, 2); grade.GradeValue = gradeValue; gradeRepository.Save(grade); unitOfWork.Commit(); } gradeItem = new SelectListItem() { Text = grade.GradeValue.ToString(), Value = grade.Id.ToString() }; return Json(gradeItem, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public Subject Get(int id) { return(subjectRepository.GetById(id)); }
public ActionResult EditArticle(int id) { if (AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.GetType().BaseType.Equals(typeof(Teacher))) { ArticleControllerArticlesVM model = new ArticleControllerArticlesVM(); TeacherRepository teacherRepository = new TeacherRepository(); Article article = new Article(); ArticleRepository articleRepository = new ArticleRepository(); List<Subject> subjectList = new List<Subject>(); SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); Teacher teacher = new Teacher(); List<SelectListItem> listSubjects = new List<SelectListItem>(); teacher = teacherRepository.GetById(AuthenticationManager.LoggedUser.Id); List<int> subjectId = new List<int>(); foreach (var item in teacher.CourseSubject) { subjectId.Add(item.Subject.Id); } subjectId = subjectId.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var item in subjectId) { subjectList.Add(subjectRepository.GetById(item)); } if (id > 0) { article = articleRepository.GetById(id); model.ArticleId = article.Id; model.TeacherID = teacher.Id; model.Title = article.Title; model.Content = article.Content; model.DateCreated = article.DateCreated; model.DateModified = article.DateModified; model.Subject = article.Subject; model.Teacher = teacher; listSubjects.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = article.Subject.Name, Value = article.Subject.Id.ToString(), Selected = true }); } if (id == 0) { model.ArticleId = 0; listSubjects.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Select subject", Value = "" }); } foreach (var item in subjectList) { if (item.Id != model.ArticleId) { listSubjects.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = item.Name, Value = item.Id.ToString() }); } } model.SubjectsListItems = listSubjects; return View(model); } return RedirectToAction("Articles"); }
public ActionResult EditSubjects(int id) { Subject subject = new Subject(); SubjectRepository subjectRepository = new SubjectRepository(); AdminControllerSubjectVM subjectModel = new AdminControllerSubjectVM(); if (id > 0) { subject = subjectRepository.GetById(id); subjectModel.Name = subject.Name; subjectModel.SubjectID = id; } if (id == 0) { subject.Name = subjectModel.Name; } return View(subjectModel); }