private SubNodeBase DefineNode(int index, int max, NodeStructure configuration) { var minusHalfMax = -(max / 2); var indexFromMinusHalfMax = minusHalfMax + index; var forthPartOfPI = Math.PI / 4; //var var multiplierForLeftMove = Math.Sin(Math.PI / 2 + (Math.PI / 3.95 * indexFromMinusHalfMax)); var multiplierForTopMove = Math.Cos(Math.PI / 2 + (Math.PI / 3.95 * indexFromMinusHalfMax)); var radius = 120 + 5 * max / 2; var newSubNode = new SubNode(Canvas.GetLeft(this), Canvas.GetTop(this), Canvas.GetLeft(this) - multiplierForLeftMove * radius, Canvas.GetTop(this) - multiplierForTopMove * radius, //Canvas.GetTop(this) + ((max - 1) * 100 / 2) - index * 100, nodeStage + 1, configuration); //newSubNode.StartEjecting(); return(newSubNode); }
public ContentResult GetTree() { //Result<List<ParentNode>> returnResult = null; List <ParentNode> tree = new List <ParentNode>(); ParentNode parentNode = null; SubNode subNode = null; HXD.MS.Entity.User user = (HXD.MS.Entity.User)SessionHelper.Get("User"); if (user != null) { DataTable parents = menuBll.GetUserMenuData(user.Id, 0); foreach (DataRow dr in parents.Rows) { int menuId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Id"]); int parentId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ParentId"]); parentNode = new ParentNode(menuId, dr["Name"].ToString(), dr["Icon"].ToString()); DataTable subNodes = menuBll.GetUserMenuData(user.Id, menuId); if (subNodes.Rows.Count > 0) { parentNode.State = "closed"; } else { parentNode.State = "open"; } foreach (DataRow subMenu in subNodes.Rows) { menuId = Convert.ToInt32(subMenu["Id"]); parentId = Convert.ToInt32(subMenu["ParentId"]); subNode = new SubNode(menuId, subMenu["Name"].ToString(), subMenu["Link"].ToString(), subMenu["Icon"].ToString()); parentNode.children.Add(subNode); } tree.Add(parentNode); } } return(Content(AjaxMsgHelper.AjaxMsg(CodeType.Ok, "ok", tree))); }
public void RunCategory() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(p.BaseURL + "categories"); string xmlcontents = doc.InnerXml; XmlElement xelRoot = doc.DocumentElement; XmlNodeList Categories = xelRoot.SelectNodes("/Categories/Category"); foreach (XmlNode xndNode in Categories) { Category c = new Category(); c.Name = xndNode["Name"].InnerText; AllCat.Add(c); Console.WriteLine("Category: " + c.Name); XmlNodeList SubCategories = xndNode.SelectNodes("Subcategory"); foreach (XmlNode SubNode in SubCategories) { SubCategory sc = new SubCategory(); sc.Name = SubNode["Name"].InnerText; AllSubCat.Add(sc); Console.WriteLine("SubCategory: " + SubNode["Name"].InnerText); XmlNodeList SubSubCategories = SubNode.SelectNodes("Subcategory"); foreach (XmlNode SubSubNode in SubCategories) { SubSubCategory ssc = new SubSubCategory(); ssc.Name = SubSubNode["Name"].InnerText; AllSubSubCat.Add(ssc); Console.WriteLine("SubSubCategory: " + SubSubNode["Name"].InnerText); } } } }
private bool TryExpression(ParserContext context, out IAstNode instr) { IAstNode value2; if (context.Stream.Consume <IAstNode>(TryTerm, context, out var currInstr)) { instr = currInstr; while (!context.Stream.Eof) { if (context.Stream.Consume(TokenTypes.Plus)) { if (!context.Stream.Consume <IAstNode>(TryTerm, context, out value2)) { return(false); } currInstr = new AddNode(currInstr, value2); instr = currInstr; } else if (context.Stream.Consume(TokenTypes.Minus)) { if (!context.Stream.Consume <IAstNode>(TryTerm, context, out value2)) { return(false); } currInstr = new SubNode(currInstr, value2); instr = currInstr; } else if (context.Stream.Consume(TokenTypes.GreaterThan)) { if (!context.Stream.Consume <IAstNode>(TryTerm, context, out value2)) { return(false); } currInstr = new GreaterThanNode(currInstr, value2); instr = currInstr; } else if (context.Stream.Consume(TokenTypes.LessThan)) { if (!context.Stream.Consume <IAstNode>(TryTerm, context, out value2)) { return(false); } currInstr = new LessThanNode(currInstr, value2); instr = currInstr; } else if (context.Stream.Consume(TokenTypes.Equal)) { if (!context.Stream.Consume <IAstNode>(TryTerm, context, out value2)) { return(false); } currInstr = new EqualNode(currInstr, value2); instr = currInstr; } else if (context.Stream.Consume(TokenTypes.NotEqual)) { if (!context.Stream.Consume <IAstNode>(TryTerm, context, out value2)) { return(false); } currInstr = new NotEqualNode(currInstr, value2); instr = currInstr; } else { return(true); } } return(true); } instr = null; return(false); }
public void AddSub(SubNode subNodeToAdd) { _subList.Add(subNodeToAdd); }
public WolframAlphaQueryResult LoadResponse(XmlDocument Response) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); XmlNode MainNode = Response.SelectNodes("/queryresult")[0]; WA_QueryResult = new WolframAlphaQueryResult(); WA_QueryResult.Success = Convert.ToBoolean(MainNode.Attributes["success"].Value); WA_QueryResult.ErrorOccured = Convert.ToBoolean(MainNode.Attributes["error"].Value); WA_QueryResult.NumberOfPods = Convert.ToInt32(MainNode.Attributes["numpods"].Value); WA_QueryResult.Timing = Convert.ToDouble(MainNode.Attributes["timing"].Value.Replace(".", ",")); WA_QueryResult.TimedOut = MainNode.Attributes["timedout"].Value; WA_QueryResult.DataTypes = MainNode.Attributes["datatypes"].Value; WA_QueryResult.Pods = new List <WolframAlphaPod>(); foreach (XmlNode Node in MainNode.SelectNodes("pod")) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); WolframAlphaPod Pod = new WolframAlphaPod(); Pod.Title = Node.Attributes["title"].Value; Pod.Scanner = Node.Attributes["scanner"].Value; Pod.Position = Convert.ToInt32(Node.Attributes["position"].Value); Pod.ErrorOccured = Convert.ToBoolean(Node.Attributes["error"].Value); Pod.NumberOfSubPods = Convert.ToInt32(Node.Attributes["numsubpods"].Value); Pod.SubPods = new List <WolframAlphaSubPod>(); foreach (XmlNode SubNode in Node.SelectNodes("subpod")) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); WolframAlphaSubPod SubPod = new WolframAlphaSubPod(); SubPod.Title = SubNode.Attributes["title"].Value; foreach (XmlNode ContentNode in SubNode.SelectNodes("plaintext")) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); SubPod.PodText = ContentNode.InnerText; } foreach (XmlNode ContentNode in SubNode.SelectNodes("img")) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); WolframAlphaImage Image = new WolframAlphaImage(); Image.Location = new Uri(ContentNode.Attributes["src"].Value); Image.HoverText = ContentNode.Attributes["alt"].Value; Image.Title = ContentNode.Attributes["title"].Value; Image.Width = Convert.ToInt32(ContentNode.Attributes["width"].Value); Image.Height = Convert.ToInt32(ContentNode.Attributes["height"].Value); SubPod.PodImage = Image; } Pod.SubPods.Add(SubPod); } WA_QueryResult.Pods.Add(Pod); } return(WA_QueryResult); }
public abstract T Visit(SubNode node);
void Inherit() { string inheritedClass = ""; bool isAlreadyInherited = false; foreach (Node node in target.nodes) { if (node is InheritTargetNode t) { isAlreadyInherited = true; inheritedClass =; break; } } if (!isAlreadyInherited) { InheritTargetNode t = target.AddNode <InheritTargetNode>() as InheritTargetNode; = "Inherit Target"; =; t.IsDeletable = false; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(t, target); List <Node> createdNonSubNodes = new List <Node>(); Dictionary <string, List <string> > outputPorts = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); foreach (Node _node in inheritGraph.nodes) { if (_node == null) { continue; } if (_node is SubNode sub) { SubNode node = target.AddNode(_node.GetType()) as SubNode; node.OnCreated(); = inherited_prefix +; node.nodeName = sub.nodeName; node.isInherited = true; node.InheritFrom(_node); node.position = _node.position; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(node, target); } else if (_node is ITreeGraphNode i) { Node newNode = target.AddNode(_node.GetType()); newNode.OnCreated(); if (newNode is ITreeGraphNode new_i) { new_i.SetNodeName(i.GetNodeName()); new_i.InheritFrom(_node); } =; newNode.position = _node.position; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(newNode, target); string nodeName = i.GetNodeName(); if (!createdNonSubNodes.Contains(newNode)) { createdNonSubNodes.Add(newNode); if (!outputPorts.ContainsKey(nodeName)) { outputPorts[nodeName] = new List <string>(); var outputs = _node.GetOutputPort("output").GetConnections(); foreach (var output in outputs) { if (output.node is ITreeGraphNode ibt_output) { if (!outputPorts[nodeName].Contains(ibt_output.GetNodeName())) { outputPorts[nodeName].Add(ibt_output.GetNodeName()); } } } } } } } foreach (Node parent in createdNonSubNodes) { ITreeGraphNode ibt_parent = parent as ITreeGraphNode; if (outputPorts.ContainsKey(ibt_parent.GetNodeName())) { foreach (string outputTarget in outputPorts[ibt_parent.GetNodeName()]) { Node child = null; foreach (Node _child in createdNonSubNodes) { ITreeGraphNode ibt_target = _child as ITreeGraphNode; if (ibt_target.GetNodeName() == outputTarget) { child = _child; break; } } if (child != null) { parent.GetOutputPort("output").Connect(child.GetInputPort("input")); } } } } if (NodeEditorPreferences.GetSettings().autoSave) { AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } NodeEditorWindow.RepaintAll(); } else { Debug.LogError("This graph has already inherited \"" + inheritedClass + "\"."); } }
// $ANTLR start "additiveExpression" // JavaScript.g:302:1: additiveExpression : multiplicativeExpression ( ( ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) additiveExpression )=> ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) additiveExpression | ) ; public JavaScriptParser.additiveExpression_return additiveExpression() // throws RecognitionException [1] { JavaScriptParser.additiveExpression_return retval = new JavaScriptParser.additiveExpression_return(); retval.Start = input.LT(1); object root_0 = null; IToken LT357 = null; IToken char_literal358 = null; IToken char_literal359 = null; JavaScriptParser.multiplicativeExpression_return multiplicativeExpression356 = default(JavaScriptParser.multiplicativeExpression_return); JavaScriptParser.additiveExpression_return additiveExpression360 = default(JavaScriptParser.additiveExpression_return); object LT357_tree=null; object char_literal358_tree=null; object char_literal359_tree=null; try { // JavaScript.g:303:2: ( multiplicativeExpression ( ( ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) additiveExpression )=> ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) additiveExpression | ) ) // JavaScript.g:303:4: multiplicativeExpression ( ( ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) additiveExpression )=> ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) additiveExpression | ) { root_0 = (object)adaptor.GetNilNode(); PushFollow(FOLLOW_multiplicativeExpression_in_additiveExpression2725); multiplicativeExpression356 = multiplicativeExpression(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) adaptor.AddChild(root_0, multiplicativeExpression356.Tree); // JavaScript.g:303:29: ( ( ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) additiveExpression )=> ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) additiveExpression | ) int alt187 = 2; alt187 = dfa187.Predict(input); switch (alt187) { case 1 : // JavaScript.g:304:3: ( ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) additiveExpression )=> ( LT )* ( '+' | '-' ) additiveExpression { // JavaScript.g:304:44: ( LT )* do { int alt185 = 2; int LA185_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA185_0 == LT) ) { alt185 = 1; } switch (alt185) { case 1 : // JavaScript.g:304:44: LT { LT357=(IToken)Match(input,LT,FOLLOW_LT_in_additiveExpression2747); if (state.failed) return retval; } break; default: goto loop185; } } while (true); loop185: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop185' has no statements // JavaScript.g:304:47: ( '+' | '-' ) int alt186 = 2; int LA186_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA186_0 == 99) ) { alt186 = 1; } else if ( (LA186_0 == 100) ) { alt186 = 2; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae_d186s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 186, 0, input); throw nvae_d186s0; } switch (alt186) { case 1 : // JavaScript.g:304:48: '+' { char_literal358=(IToken)Match(input,99,FOLLOW_99_in_additiveExpression2752); if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) {char_literal358_tree = new AddNode(char_literal358) ; root_0 = (object)adaptor.BecomeRoot(char_literal358_tree, root_0); } } break; case 2 : // JavaScript.g:304:64: '-' { char_literal359=(IToken)Match(input,100,FOLLOW_100_in_additiveExpression2760); if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) {char_literal359_tree = new SubNode(char_literal359) ; root_0 = (object)adaptor.BecomeRoot(char_literal359_tree, root_0); } } break; } PushFollow(FOLLOW_additiveExpression_in_additiveExpression2767); additiveExpression360 = additiveExpression(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) adaptor.AddChild(root_0, additiveExpression360.Tree); } break; case 2 : // JavaScript.g:306:2: { } break; } } retval.Stop = input.LT(-1); if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.RulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.SetTokenBoundaries(retval.Tree, (IToken) retval.Start, (IToken) retval.Stop);} } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); // Conversion of the second argument necessary, but harmless retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.ErrorNode(input, (IToken) retval.Start, input.LT(-1), re); } finally { } return retval; }