protected override void OnNewSubMove(Move m, SubMove sm)
            if ((sm.agent is ConnectedBlock cBlock))
                if (siblings.Contains(cBlock))                //we must move with this, because we are connected.
                    if (CanMoveInDir(sm.dir))
                        m.AddAgentToMove(this, sm.dir, false, sm, null, 50);                        //should relies on be a submove?
            //If this is not a chain setup (which should exit the function before this code happens).

            if (sm.destinationNode == _node)
                if (CanMoveInDir(sm.dir))
                    m.AddAgentToMove(this, sm.dir, false, sm, sm, 60);
Example #2
        protected override void OnNewSubMove(Move m, SubMove sm)
            //if we are not already involved. There is absolutely a way for this recursive move tree to get bungled up by the first thing saying "yes you can move" and a second one saying "no you cannot".
            // if (!m.IsInvolved(this))
            // {
            //we check pushing because a move should be invalid if we are being pushed.
            //below, the move should only be invalid if we are forcefully sticky. (todo: rename that lol).
            //This could be cleaned up with a check where we set the criticalToMove bool to 'destination == current || forcefullysticky'. But uh, thats conceptually harder, even if this is uglier. Whatever.
            if (sm.destinationNode == _node)
                if ((sm.destinationNode.cellPos - _node.cellPos).magnitude != 1)
                    // Debug.Log("edge case found?");

                // bool critical = sm.agent is Player;
                //a tile agent is moving to here, we need to either invalidate the move or get pushed or move out of the way or whatever.
                if (CanMoveInDir(sm.dir))
                    //critical to move should be true! but only if the move that was passed to us is critical. If we are being pushed by a stickyblock, then we aren't critical....
                    m.AddAgentToMove(this, sm.dir, false, sm, sm, 19);
                    //we are being pushed, and we cannot move. so the submove trying to push us cannot move.
                if (onlyStickToPlayer)
                    if (!(sm.agent is Player))

                //we arent being pushed. Time to behave like a sticky object, getting scraped off!
                //if we are adjacent to the moving object...
                if ((_node.cellPos - sm.startingNode.cellPos).magnitude == 1)
                    if (CanMoveInDir(sm.dir))
                        //we follow along. If we don't get to move, thats fine! The thing pushing us isn't a big problem, ya know?
                        m.AddAgentToMove(this, sm.dir, false, null, sm, -5);
                        //uh oh, youre stuck to us now! sucks lol.
                        if (forcefulSticky)
        protected override void OnNewSubMove(Move m, SubMove sm)
            if (!m.IsInvolved(this))
                if (sm.destinationNode == _node)//if we are being pushed.
                    //a tile agent is moving to here, we need to either invalidate the move or get pushed or move out of the way or whatever.
                    if (CanMoveInDir(sm.dir))
                        //critical to
                        m.AddAgentToMove(this, sm.dir, false, sm, sm, 20);
                        //we are being pushed, and we cannot move. So the submove tr
                    Vector3Int dir = (Vector3Int)(sm.startingNode.cellPos - _node.cellPos);
                    if ((Vector3Int)FacingDir == dir && dir.magnitude == 1)//facingDir
                        //We need to check if another agent is moving into the spot of the player.

                        SubMove otherMove = m.GetSubMoveWithDestination(sm.startingNode);
                        if (otherMove != null)
                            if (otherMove.subMovePriority < 11)//ijjj
                                //that other thing is less important.
                                //we can't move, a more important thing is moving.

                        if (CanMoveInDir(dir))
                            //critical to
                            SubMove newSM = m.AddAgentToMove(this, dir, false, null, sm, 11);
Example #4
 protected override void OnNewSubMove(Move m, SubMove sm)
     if (sm.destinationNode == _node)
         //this is almost identical to the default tileAgent except for this "sm.agent is player" check. Only can be pushed by the playER
         if (CanMoveInDir(sm.dir) && sm.agent is Player)
             m.AddAgentToMove(this, sm.dir, false, sm);
Example #5
 protected virtual void OnNewSubMove(Move m, SubMove sm)
     //if we are not already involved with the move.
     if (!m.IsInvolved(this))
         if (sm.destinationNode == _node)                //if we are being pushed.
             //a tile agent is moving to here, we need to either invalidate the move or get pushed or move out of the way or whatever.
             if (CanMoveInDir(sm.dir))
                 //critical to
                 m.AddAgentToMove(this, sm.dir, false, sm, sm, 20);
                 //we are being pushed, and we cannot move. So the submove tryu
        protected override void OnNewSubMove(Move m, SubMove sm)
            //distance between us and the cell we would move to (the thing we are following's starting cell).
            Vector3Int dir = sm.startingNode.cellPos - _node.cellPos;

            if (dir.magnitude == 1 && dir != -sm.dir)    //we are one block away, and not being pushed.
                bool agentIsPlayer = (sm.agent is Player);
                if (!(sm.agent is FollowerAgent) && !agentIsPlayer)
                SubMove otherMove = m.GetSubMoveWithDestination(sm.startingNode);
                if (otherMove != null)
                    if (otherMove.subMovePriority < 10)    //ijjj
                        //that other thing is less important.
                        //we can't move, a more important thing is moving.
                int bonus = agentIsPlayer ? 2 : 0;       //prioritize first leader in a chain
                bonus += (dir == sm.dir ? 1 : 0);        //prioritize following straight over following curved
                m.AddAgentToMove(this, dir, false, null, sm, movePriority + bonus);
                //If we are being pushed and are one block away.
                if (sm.destinationNode == _node && dir.magnitude == 1 && dir == -sm.dir)
                    //a tile agent is moving to here, we need to either invalidate the move or get pushed or move out of the way or whatever.
                    if (CanMoveInDir(sm.dir))
                        if (m.GetValidSubMove(this, out SubMove sm2))
                        //critical to move should be true! but only if the move that was passed to us is critical. If we are being pushed by a stickyblock, then we aren't critical....
                        //If we ARE being pushed, criticalFor should NOT be null, or the player could end up landing on the current fella in odd edge cases.
                        m.AddAgentToMove(this, sm.dir, false, sm, sm, 12);       //this needs to be lower than the follower ones, or a follower 'further back' on a chain will push those ahead of it instead of them moving to the side.
                        //If we are moving already, then lets just move on out of the way!
                        if (m.GetValidSubMove(this, out SubMove sm2))
                            // sm.Invalidate();//cant move in dir that sm moves in...
                            //we need to tell the system that sm MIGHT be valid if we move out of the way... but we don't yet know if that will happen.