public AssemblyComparerItem(string name, Guid?sourceId, string sourceVersion, Guid?otherId, string otherVersion) { var result = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceVersion) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(otherVersion)) { var sv = new Version(sourceVersion); var ov = new Version(otherVersion); result = sv > ov ? ">" : sv < ov ? "<" : ""; } else { result = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceVersion) ? "<<" : ">>"; } Text = name; SubItems.AddRange(new [] { sourceId?.ToString() ?? "", sourceVersion ?? "", "", result, otherId?.ToString() ?? "", otherVersion ?? "", "" }); }
public WebResourceComparerItem(string name, Guid?sourceId, string sourceContent, Guid?otherId, string otherContent) { string result; if (sourceId != null && otherId != null) { var sourceContentLength = sourceContent?.Length ?? 0; var otherContentLength = otherContent?.Length ?? 0; result = sourceContentLength > otherContentLength ? ">" : sourceContentLength < otherContentLength ? "<" : ""; } else { result = sourceId == null ? "<<" : ">>"; } Text = name; SubItems.AddRange(new[] { sourceId?.ToString() ?? "", "", sourceId != null ? sourceContent?.Length.ToString() ?? "0" : "", result, otherId?.ToString() ?? "", "", otherId != null ? otherContent?.Length.ToString() ?? "0" : "" }); }
public KeybindListViewItem(Keybind keybind) : base() { Keybind = keybind; Text = Keybind?.Name ?? "Unnamed Macro"; Checked = (Keybind?.Enabled).GetValueOrDefault(); string keys = string.Join(Keybind.KeysSeparator, Keybind?.Keys); SubItems.AddRange(new ListViewSubItem[] { //new ListViewSubItem(this, (Keybind?.Enabled).GetValueOrDefault() ? "✔" : "✕"){ Name = "Enabled" }, new ListViewSubItem(this, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keys) ? keys : "Not set") { Name = "Keys" }, new ListViewSubItem(this, Keybind?.Condition?.Name ?? "N/A") { Name = "Condition" }, new ListViewSubItem(this, Keybind?.Macro?.Name ?? "N/A - Blocking") { Name = "Macro" }, }); }
public LVI_Ex(IExposable value) : base() { Value = value; //SubItems are always at least 1 SubItems.AddRange(value.TextValues().Select((t, i) => new LVSI_Ex(this, Value, i)).ToArray()); SubItems.RemoveAt(0); }
public ItemListViewItem(Item item) : base(item.Id.ToString()) { ItemValue = item; SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { item.Loc, item.Cat.Name, item.Name, item.Desc, (item.Qt - SRIMSForm.Instance.CheckoutManager.QuantityCheckedOut(item)).ToString(), item.Qt.ToString() }); }
public async Task LoadFolder(bool shouldSetLoading = true) { try { if (shouldSetLoading) { isLoadedSubject.OnNext(true); } var allFiles = (await GetFiles())?.ToList(); var directories = (await GetFolders())?.ToList(); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (allFiles != null) { SubItems.AddRange(allFiles.Select(CreateNewFileItem)); if (directories != null) { if (allFiles.Count == 0 && directories.Count == 0) { CanExpand = false; } SubItems.AddRange(directories.Select(CreateNewFolderItem)); if (SubItems.ViewModels.Count > maxItemsCount) { CanExpand = false; WasContentLoaded = true; isLoadedSubject.OnNext(true); LoadingMessage = $"Too many items in folder ({SubItems.ViewModels.Count})"; } RefreshType(); RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(SubItems)); OnGetFolderInfo(); } else { CanExpand = false; } } else { CanExpand = false; } WasContentLoaded = true; }); } finally { if (shouldSetLoading && SubItems.ViewModels.Count < maxItemsCount) { isLoadedSubject.OnNext(false); } } }
public FolderItem(CloudBlobDirectory directory) : base(Path.GetFileName(directory.Prefix.Substring(0, directory.Prefix.Length - 1))) { ImageKey = "folder.png"; Directory = directory; SubItems.AddRange(new ListViewSubItem[] { new ListViewSubItem(), // spacer new ListViewSubItem(this, "File Folder") }); }
public MessageListViewItem(ListView lv, SmsMessage msg) { msg_ = msg; lvOwner_ = lv; msg_.lvi = this; SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "" }); UpdateState(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DebugItem"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="dl">The download.</param> public DebugItem(WebDownload dl) { m_webDownload = dl; m_startTime = dl.DownloadStartTime; Text = m_startTime.ToLongTimeString(); m_url = dl.Url; m_savedFilePath = dl.SavedFilePath == null ? "<Memory>" : dl.SavedFilePath; SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { "", "", m_status, "", m_url, m_savedFilePath, "", "" }); ForeColor = Color.Blue; }
public void SetSubItems() { SubItems.AddRange(new[] { Container, //Container TypeString, //Type m_PathID.ToString(), //PathID FullSize.ToString(), //Size }); }
public ServerListItem(Dictionary <string, object> info) { Text = info.ContainsKey("name") ? info["name"].ToString() : "<missing>"; SubItems.AddRange(new[] { info.ContainsKey("gametype") ? info["gametype"].ToString() : "<missing>", info.ContainsKey("map") ? info["map"].ToString() : "<missing>", "- / -" }); }
public EpiListStatus(string SrvName, string Connection) { this.Text = SrvName; string[] splts = Connection.Split(':'); this.Connection = splts[0]; int.TryParse(splts[1], out Port); LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { "", "" }); SubItems[1].Text = "0"; SubItems[2].Text = "Offline"; }
public FileItem(Models.File file, ImageList imageList) : base(file.DisplayName()) { File = file; ImageKey = FileSystem.AddIcon(imageList, file.Name ?? file.Path, FileSystem.IconSize.Small, "folder.png"); SubItems.AddRange(new ListViewSubItem[] { new ListViewSubItem(this, file.Path), new ListViewSubItem(this, file.DateModified.ToString("M/d/yy h:mm t")), new ListViewSubItem(this, FileSystem.GetFileSize(file.Length)) }); }
public void SetSubItems() { SubItems.AddRange(new[] { Container, //Container TypeString, //Type m_PathID.ToString(), //PathID StringHelper.GetSizeStr(FullSize), Info }); }
public BlobItem(CloudBlockBlob blob, ImageList imageList, bool showPath = false) : base((showPath) ? blob.Name : Path.GetFileName(blob.Name)) { Blob = blob; ImageKey = FileSystem.AddIcon(imageList, blob.Name, FileSystem.IconSize.Small); SubItems.AddRange(new ListViewSubItem[] { new ListViewSubItem(this, blob.Properties.LastModified.Value.DateTime.ToString()), new ListViewSubItem(this, FileSystem.GetFileType(blob.Name)), new ListViewSubItem(this, FileSystem.GetFileSize(blob.Properties.Length)), new ListViewSubItem(this, blob.Properties.ContentType) }); }
public ReputationViewItem(Reputation reputation) { Reputation = reputation; Text = reputation.Username; SubItems.AddRange(new[] { reputation.Number.ToString("+#;-#;0"), reputation.Comment, reputation.Time }); }
public AssemblyListViewItem(FileVersionInfo info) { AssemblyInfo = info; _filePath = new FilePath(info.FileName); this.Text = _filePath.FileName; SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { info.FileVersion, _filePath.FullPath, }); }
public DomainViewItem(int number, string domain) { Domain = domain; Text = number.ToString(); SubItems.AddRange(new [] { domain, "Not Checked", "-" }); }
public ResourceListViewItem(IResourceInfo resource, bool multiEngine) { Resource = resource; MultiEngine = multiEngine; //初始化结构 Text = resource.Title.GetSubString(100); SubItems.AddRange(new[] { "", "", resource.HasSubResources ? "(多个资源)" : resource.DownloadSizeValue == null ? (resource.DownloadSizeCalcauted == 0L ? resource.DownloadSize.DefaultForEmpty("<未知>") : resource.DownloadSizeCalcauted.ToSizeDescription()) : resource.DownloadSizeValue.Value.ToSizeDescription(), resource.FileCount == null ? "----" : resource.FileCount.Value.ToString("N0"), "", resource.UpdateTime.HasValue ? resource.UpdateTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : resource.UpdateTimeDesc }); Resource_PreviewTypeChanged(this, null); UseItemStyleForSubItems = true; ImageKey = resource.HasSubResources ? "multiresource" : multiEngine ? "e_" + resource.Provider.Info.Name : GetImageKey(resource); //初始化标记 RefreshItemMask(); if (!resource.IsHashLoaded) { Resource.DetailLoaded += Resource_DetailLoaded; } else { RefreshDownloadStatus(); RefreshIllegalStatus(); } resource.PreviewTypeChanged += Resource_PreviewTypeChanged; CheckRowStyle(); IsExpanded = false; if (resource.HasSubResources) { //多个资源项 if (resource.SubResources == null) { ChildItems.Add(new PaddingLoadingItem()); resource.SubResourceLoaded += (s, e) => AppContext.UiInvoke(LoadSubResources); } else { LoadSubResources(); IsExpanded = true; } } }
public TagReferenceListViewItem(TagDatum datum, int imageIndex = 0) { Reference = datum; Name = Path.ChangeExtension(datum.Identifier.GetPath(datum.CacheKey), datum.Class.ToString()); Text = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(datum.Identifier.GetPath(datum.CacheKey)), datum.Class.ToString( )); ImageIndex = imageIndex; SubItems.AddRange(new[] { datum.Class.ToString( ), datum.Length.ToString( ) }); }
public void UpdateItem(IFrame frame) { SubItems.Clear(); Text = "IL_" + Instruction.Offset.ToString("X4"); SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { string.Join(" ", Bytes.Select(x => x.ToString("X2"))), Instruction.OpCode.Name, Instruction.OperandToString() }); BackColor = GetBackgroundColor(frame); }
public DeviceListViewItem(KeybindDevice device) : base() { Device = device; Text = $"{(Device.Connected ? "" : "[Unplugged] ")}{Device.Name}"; SubItems.AddRange(new ListViewSubItem[] { new ListViewSubItem(this, Device?.ID) { Name = "ID" }, }); }
public void UpdateItem(IFrame frame) { SubItems.Clear(); Text = Instruction.Offset.ToString("X8"); SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { string.Join(" ", Bytes.Select(x => x.ToString("X2"))), Formatter.FormatMnemonic(Instruction.Mnemonic), Formatter.FormatOperand(Instruction.Operand1), Formatter.FormatOperand(Instruction.Operand2), }); BackColor = GetBackgroundColor(frame); }
public ArkServerListViewItem(AtlasServerData ServerData) { Checked = true; SetServerData(ServerData); UseItemStyleForSubItems = false; Text = ServerData.ServerPort.ToString(); SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { ServerData.ServerX.ToString().ToString(), ServerData.ServerY.ToString(), "Offline", "0", "0%", ServerData.AltSaveDirectory }); SubItems[0].ForeColor = Color.LightSlateGray; SubItems[1].ForeColor = Color.LightSkyBlue; SubItems[2].ForeColor = Color.YellowGreen; SubItems[4].ForeColor = Color.LightSeaGreen; SubItems[5].ForeColor = Color.LightCoral; SubItems[6].ForeColor = Color.LightSlateGray; UpdateStatus(); }
/// <summary> /// Konstruktor /// </summary> /// <param name="subitems">Die untergeordnetetn Einträge</param> public ControlFormularItemComboBoxItem(IEnumerable <ControlFormularItemComboBoxItem> subitems) : this() { SubItems.AddRange(subitems); }
/// <summary> /// Konstruktor /// </summary> /// <param name="subitems">Die untergeordnetetn Einträge</param> public ControlFormularItemComboBoxItem(params ControlFormularItemComboBoxItem[] subitems) : this() { SubItems.AddRange(subitems); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public MeasureLine(int segmentNumber) { SubItems.AddRange( new string[]{"","","", Units} ); Text = "S"+segmentNumber.ToString(); }
public ArtistListViewItem(AllArtistsResult artist) : base(artist.Artist) { ArtistInfo = artist; SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { $"{artist.AlbumCount} albums", $"{artist.SongCount} songs" }); }
public LinkListViewItem(ILink assoc) : base(assoc.Name) { AssociatedLink = assoc; SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty }); }
void InitSubItems(ListViewEx owner) { Font = owner.Font; UseItemStyleForSubItems = true; Text = Ticket.start_train_date_page.ToString("MM-dd HH:mm"); //计算到达时间 var(_, _, baseInfo) = AppContext.ExtensionManager.GlobalKernel.Resolve <ITrainBaseInfoStorageProvider>() .Find( Ticket.stationTrainDTO.TrainDto?.TrainNo, Ticket.stationTrainDTO.from_station_telecode, Ticket.stationTrainDTO.to_station_telecode); var elapsedMinute = baseInfo?.ElapsedMinutes; var arriveTime = Ticket.stationTrainDTO.arrive_time?.ToLongTimeString(); if (elapsedMinute != null) { arriveTime = Ticket.start_train_date_page.AddMinutes(elapsedMinute.Value).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm"); } //"抵达时间", "车次", "发站", "到站", "距离", "票种", "席别", "车厢", "座位", "票价", "乘客", "证件", "证件号码", "状态" var textArray = new[] { arriveTime?.PadRight(14, ' ') ?? "---", Ticket.stationTrainDTO.station_train_code, Ticket.stationTrainDTO.from_station_name, Ticket.stationTrainDTO.to_station_name, Ticket.stationTrainDTO.distance + "公里", Ticket.ticket_type_name, Ticket.seat_type_name, Ticket.coach_name + "车厢", Ticket.seat_name, "¥" + (Ticket.ticket_price / 100).ToString("#0.00 "), Ticket.Passenger.Name, Ticket.Passenger.IdTypeName, Ticket.Passenger.IdNo + " ", Ticket.ticket_status_name }; SubItems.AddRange(textArray); if (Ticket.OrderStatus == OrderStatus.NotPay || Ticket.OrderStatus == OrderStatus.ResignNotPaid) { SubItems[SubItems.Count - 1].Text += "(请在 " + Ticket.pay_limit_time.ToShortTimeString() + " 前支付)"; } switch (Ticket.OrderStatus) { case OrderStatus.NotPay: ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Bold); break; case OrderStatus.TicketPrinted: ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Strikeout); break; case OrderStatus.Used: ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Strikeout); break; case OrderStatus.Refunded: ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Strikeout); break; case OrderStatus.Resigned: case OrderStatus.ResignChagneTsed: ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Strikeout); break; case OrderStatus.ResignTicket: case OrderStatus.ResignChagneTsTicket: if (Ticket.start_train_date_page < DateTime.Now) { ForeColor = Color.Gray; Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Strikeout); } else { ForeColor = Ticket.OrderStatus == OrderStatus.ResignTicket ? Color.Firebrick : Color.BlueViolet; Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Bold); } break; case OrderStatus.ResignNotPaid: case OrderStatus.ResignChangeTsNotPaid: Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Bold); ForeColor = Color.MediumBlue; break; case OrderStatus.Queue: Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Bold); ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0x00, 0x66, 0x99); break; case OrderStatus.BeResigned: case OrderStatus.ResignChangeTsIng: ForeColor = Color.SaddleBrown; break; case OrderStatus.Failed: Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Strikeout); ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; break; case OrderStatus.Paid: if (Ticket.start_train_date_page < DateTime.Now) { ForeColor = Color.Gray; Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Strikeout); } else { ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; Font = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Bold); } break; default: ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; break; } UiUtility.ApplySubStyle(this); }