public async Task <IActionResult> CreateSubAdministrator([FromBody] UserRequest userRequest) { if (userRequest == null) { _logger.LogError("CreateSubAdministrator: userRequest object sent from client is null."); return(BadRequest("userRequest object is null")); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { _logger.LogError("CreateSubAdministrator: Invalid userRequest object sent from client."); return(BadRequest("Invalid userRequest object")); } var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(userRequest.UserName); if (user != null) { _logger.LogError("CreateSubAdministrator: username already exists."); return(BadRequest("Username already exists")); } user = new IdentityUser { UserName = userRequest.UserName }; var passwordValidator = new PasswordValidator <IdentityUser>(); if (!(await passwordValidator.ValidateAsync(_userManager, null, userRequest.Password)).Succeeded) { _logger.LogError("CreateSubAdministrator: Provided password is not strong enough."); return(BadRequest("Provided password is not strong enough")); } await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, userRequest.Password); var subAdministrator = new SubAdministrator { UserId = user.Id }; _coadaptService.SubAdministrator.CreateSubAdministrator(subAdministrator); await _coadaptService.SaveAsync(); if (!await _roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(Role.SubAdministratorRole)) { await _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(Role.SubAdministratorRole)); } await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, Role.SubAdministratorRole); return(CreatedAtRoute("SubAdministratorById", new { id = subAdministrator.Id }, subAdministrator)); }
private static async Task <IdentityUser> CreateUser(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string testUserPw, string userName, string role, string code = "") { var logger = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILoggerManager>(); var userManager = serviceProvider.GetService <UserManager <IdentityUser> >(); if (userManager == null) { throw new Exception("User manager is null"); } var user = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(userName); if (user == null) { user = new IdentityUser { UserName = userName }; await userManager.CreateAsync(user, testUserPw); logger.LogInfo($"User {user.UserName} created"); var coadaptService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IRepositoryWrapper>(); if (role.Equals(Role.AdministratorRole)) { var adminUser = new Administrator { UserId = user.Id }; coadaptService.Administrator.CreateAdministrator(adminUser); await coadaptService.SaveAsync(); logger.LogInfo($"Administrator entry with ID {adminUser.Id} created on {adminUser.CreatedOn}"); } else if (role.Equals(Role.SubAdministratorRole)) { var subAdminUser = new SubAdministrator { UserId = user.Id }; coadaptService.SubAdministrator.CreateSubAdministrator(subAdminUser); await coadaptService.SaveAsync(); logger.LogInfo($"Sub-administrator entry with ID {subAdminUser.Id} created on {subAdminUser.CreatedOn}"); } else if (role.Equals(Role.SupervisorRole)) { var supervisorUser = new Supervisor { UserId = user.Id }; coadaptService.Supervisor.CreateSupervisor(supervisorUser); await coadaptService.SaveAsync(); logger.LogInfo($"Supervisor entry with ID {supervisorUser.Id} created on {supervisorUser.CreatedOn}"); } else if (role.Equals(Role.TherapistRole)) { var therapistUser = new Therapist { UserId = user.Id }; coadaptService.Therapist.CreateTherapist(therapistUser); await coadaptService.SaveAsync(); logger.LogInfo($"Therapist entry with ID {therapistUser.Id} created on {therapistUser.CreatedOn}"); } else if (role.Equals(Role.ParticipantRole)) { var participantUser = new Participant { UserId = user.Id, Code = code }; coadaptService.Participant.CreateParticipant(participantUser); await coadaptService.SaveAsync(); coadaptService.Participant.DetachParticipant(participantUser); logger.LogInfo($"Participant entry with ID {participantUser.Id} created on {participantUser.CreatedOn}"); } var roleManager = serviceProvider.GetService <RoleManager <IdentityRole> >(); if (roleManager == null) { throw new Exception("Role manager is null"); } if (!await roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(role)) { await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(role)); logger.LogInfo($"{role} role created"); } else { logger.LogWarn($"{role} role already exists!"); } await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, role); } else { logger.LogWarn($"User {userName} already exists!"); } return(user); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateSite(int id, [FromBody] SiteRequest siteRequest) { if (siteRequest == null) { _logger.LogError("UpdateSite: SiteRequest object sent from client is null."); return(BadRequest("SiteRequest object is null")); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { _logger.LogError("UpdateSite: Invalid SiteRequest object sent from client."); return(BadRequest("Invalid SiteRequest object")); } var dbSite = await _coadaptService.Site.GetSiteByIdAsync(id); if (dbSite.IsEmptyObject()) { _logger.LogError($"UpdateSite: Site with ID {id} not found."); return(NotFound("Site with requested ID does not exist")); } string userId = HttpContext.User.Claims.Single(x => x.Type == "id").Value; string role = HttpContext.User.Claims.Single(x => x.Type == "").Value; SubAdministrator subAdministrator = new SubAdministrator(); Organization organization = new Organization(); Supervisor supervisor = new Supervisor(); var originalStudy = await _coadaptService.Study.GetStudyByIdAsync(dbSite.StudyId); if (role == Role.SubAdministratorRole) { subAdministrator = await _coadaptService.SubAdministrator.GetSubAdministratorByUserIdAsync(userId); organization = await _coadaptService.Organization.GetOrganizationBySubAdministratorIdAsync(subAdministrator.Id); if (organization.IsEmptyObject()) { _logger.LogWarn($"UpdateSite: Currently logged in sub-administrator is not assigned to any organization!"); return(BadRequest("Currently logged in sub-administrator is not assigned to any organization")); } if (originalStudy.OrganizationId != organization.Id) { _logger.LogWarn($"UpdateSite: Study of updated site does not belong to the organization of the currently logged in sub-administrator!"); return(BadRequest("Study of updated site does not belong to the organization of the currently logged in sub-administrator")); } } else if (role == Role.SupervisorRole) { supervisor = await _coadaptService.Supervisor.GetSupervisorByUserIdAsync(userId); if (originalStudy.SupervisorId != supervisor.Id) { _logger.LogWarn($"UpdateSite: Study of updated site does not belong to the currently logged in supervisor!"); return(BadRequest("Study of updated site does not belong to the currently logged in supervisor")); } } if (siteRequest.StudyId == 0) { siteRequest.StudyId = dbSite.StudyId; } if (siteRequest.StudyId != dbSite.StudyId) { var study = await _coadaptService.Study.GetStudyByIdAsync(siteRequest.StudyId); if (study.IsEmptyObject()) { _logger.LogError($"UpdateSite: Study with ID {siteRequest.StudyId} not found."); return(BadRequest("Study with requested ID does not exist")); } if (role == Role.SubAdministratorRole) { if (study.OrganizationId != organization.Id) { _logger.LogWarn($"UpdateSite: Requested study does not belong to the organization of the currently logged in sub-administrator!"); return(BadRequest("Requested study does not belong to the organization of the currently logged in sub-administrator")); } } else if (role == Role.SupervisorRole) { if (study.SupervisorId != supervisor.Id) { _logger.LogWarn($"UpdateSite: Requested study does not belong to the currently logged in supervisor!"); return(BadRequest("Requested study does not belong to the currently logged in supervisor")); } } } if (siteRequest.Shortname == "") { siteRequest.Shortname = dbSite.Shortname; } if (siteRequest.Shortname != dbSite.Shortname) { var siteOfSameShortname = await _coadaptService.Site.GetSiteOfStudyByShortnameAsync(siteRequest.Shortname, siteRequest.StudyId); if (!siteOfSameShortname.IsEmptyObject()) { _logger.LogError($"UpdateSite: Site with same short name already exists in study!"); return(BadRequest("Site with same short name already exists in study")); } } if (siteRequest.Name == "") { siteRequest.Name = dbSite.Name; } var site = new Site { Name = siteRequest.Name, Shortname = siteRequest.Shortname, StudyId = siteRequest.StudyId }; _coadaptService.Site.UpdateSite(dbSite, site); await _coadaptService.SaveAsync(); return(NoContent()); }
public static void Map(this SubAdministrator dbSubAdministrator, SubAdministrator subAdministrator) { dbSubAdministrator.UserId = subAdministrator.UserId; dbSubAdministrator.CreatedOn = subAdministrator.CreatedOn; }