public IdeWindow() { InitializeComponent(); PluginManager.Core = this; InitializeDocking(); PluginManager.Register(null, _projectTree, "Project Tree"); Text = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", Versioning.Name, Versioning.Version, Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "x64" : "x86"); toolNew.DropDown = menuNew.DropDown; BuildEngine.Initialize(); Core.Settings.Apply(); Docking.Show(_projectTree); Docking.Activate(_projectTree); Refresh(); if (Core.Settings.AutoOpenLastProject) { menuOpenLastProject_Click(null, EventArgs.Empty); } StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
public AudioPlayerPane(IPluginMain plugin) { InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); FileExtensions = new[] { "mp3", "ogg", "flac", // compressed audio formats "mod", "it", "s3d", // tracker formats "wav" // uncompressed/PCM formats }; _playIcons.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; _playIcons.Images.Add("play", Properties.Resources.play_tool); _playIcons.Images.Add("pause", Properties.Resources.pause_tool); _playIcons.Images.Add("stop", Properties.Resources.stop_tool); _listIcons.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; _listIcons.Images.Add(Properties.Resources.Icon); _fileWatcher = new DeferredFileSystemWatcher { SynchronizingObject = this, Delay = 1000 }; _fileWatcher.Changed += fileWatcher_Changed; _fileWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true; _fileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false; WatchProject(PluginManager.Core.Project); trackList.SmallImageList = _listIcons; _trackBackColor = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(125, _labelColor)); _trackForeColor = new SolidBrush(_labelColor); }
public TaskListPane() { InitializeComponent(); _imagelist.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; _imagelist.Images.Add("not", Properties.Resources.lightbulb); _imagelist.Images.Add("done", Properties.Resources.lightbulb_off); ObjectTaskList.SmallImageList = _imagelist; olvColumn1.ImageGetter = delegate(object rowObject) { Task t = (Task)rowObject; return(t.Finished ? "done" : "not"); }; string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(TaskType)); foreach (string s in names) { EventHandler eh = SetType_Click; SetTypeItem.DropDownItems.Add(s, Properties.Resources.lightbulb, eh); } names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(TaskPriority)); foreach (string s in names) { EventHandler eh = SetPriorityItem_Click; SetPriorityItem.DropDownItems.Add(s, Properties.Resources.resultset_none, eh); } StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
public ConsolePane(PluginConf config) { InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); m_config = config; }
public InspectorPane() { InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); Enabled = false; }
public SettingsPage(ISettings conf) { InitializeComponent(); Control = this; _conf = conf; StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new instance of a DialogHeader. /// </summary> public DialogHeader() { TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; Height = 23; AutoSize = false; Dock = DockStyle.Top; StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new Quick Find control. Initially it's invisible. /// </summary> /// <param name="parent">The parent control. Quick Find will show in the top-right corner.</param> /// <param name="codeBox">The Scintilla control whose contents will be searched.</param> public QuickFind(Control parent, Scintilla codeBox) { InitializeComponent(); Visible = false; m_fullHeight = Height; m_codeBox = codeBox; m_parent = parent; m_parent.Controls.Add(this); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
public ConfigManager() { InitializeComponent(); UpdatePresetsList(); UpdatePluginsList(); UpdateDefaultsLists(); PresetsList_SelectedIndexChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
public ObjectViewer(Inferior inferior, string objectName, KiAtom value) { InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); m_nameTextBox.Text = string.Format("eval('{0}') = {1};", objectName.Replace(@"\", @"\\").Replace("'", @"\'").Replace("\n", @"\n").Replace("\r", @"\r"), value.ToString()); TreeIconImageList.Images.Add("object", Resources.StackIcon); TreeIconImageList.Images.Add("prop", Resources.VisibleIcon); TreeIconImageList.Images.Add("hiddenProp", Resources.InvisibleIcon); _inferior = inferior; _value = value; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the string input form. /// </summary> public StringInputForm(string caption, string labelText = null) { InitializeComponent(); if (caption != null) { Text = caption; } if (labelText != null) { m_heading.Text = labelText; } NumOnly = false; StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
public AboutDialog() { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = $"About {Versioning.Name}"; this.labelProductName.Text = $"{Versioning.Name} {Versioning.Version}"; this.labelCopyright.Text = $"\xA9 {Versioning.Copyright}"; this.labelCompanyName.Text = Versioning.Author; // get the installed Windows version var os = Environment.OSVersion; var windowsVersion = os.Version.Major == 5 && os.Version.Minor == 1 ? "XP" : os.Version.Major == 6 && os.Version.Minor == 0 ? "Vista" : os.Version.Major == 6 && os.Version.Minor == 1 ? "7" : os.Version.Major == 6 && os.Version.Minor == 2 ? "8" : os.Version.Major == 6 && os.Version.Minor == 3 ? "8.1" : os.Version.Major == 10 && os.Version.Minor == 0 ? "10" : $"{os.Version.Major}.{os.Version.Minor}"; string updateName = os.ServicePack; if (os.Version.Major == 10 && os.Version.Minor == 0) { // for Windows 10, there are multiple releases. figure out which one is in use // based on the build number. updateName = os.Version.Build == 10240 ? "RTM" : os.Version.Build == 10586 ? "November Update" : os.Version.Build == 14393 ? "Anniversary Update" : os.Version.Build == 15063 ? "Creators Update" : os.Version.Build == 16299 ? "Fall Creators Update" : os.Version.Build == 17134 ? "Apr. 2018 Update" : os.Version.Build == 17763 ? "Oct. 2018 Update" : os.Version.Build == 18362 ? "May 2019 Update" : os.Version.Build == 18363 ? "Nov. 2019 Update" : os.Version.Build == 19041 ? "May 2020 Update" : $"Build {os.Version.Build}"; } var platform = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? "x64" : "x86"; this.labelPlatform.Text = $"Windows\x2122 {windowsVersion} - {platform}\n{updateName}"; this.textBoxDescription.Text = Versioning.Credits; StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
public ProjectTreePane(IdeWindow hostForm) { InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); _hostForm = hostForm; // TODO: fix this ugly hack! (ProjectTree New submenu) NewFileItem.DropDown = _hostForm.menuNew.DropDown; NewFileItem.DropDownOpening += _hostForm.menuNew_DropDownOpening; NewFileItem.DropDownClosed += _hostForm.menuNew_DropDownClosed; _tip.ToolTipTitle = "Image"; _tip.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info; _tip.UseFading = true; ProjectTreeView.ImageList = _iconlist; _iconlist.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; }
public StartPageView(IdeWindow mainEditor) { InitializeComponent(); InitializeDocking(); Icon = Icon.FromHandle(Resources.SphereEditor.GetHicon()); _mainEditor = mainEditor; _listIcons.ImageSize = new Size(48, 48); _listIcons.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; _listIcons.Images.Add(Properties.Resources.SphereEditor); _listIconsSmall.ImageSize = new Size(16, 16); _listIconsSmall.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; _listIconsSmall.Images.Add(Properties.Resources.SphereEditor); GameFolders.LargeImageList = _listIcons; GameFolders.SmallImageList = _listIconsSmall; InitializeView(); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
public ScriptEditView(PluginMain main, bool highlight = false) { InitializeComponent(); InitializeAutoComplete(); Icon = Icon.FromHandle(Resources.ScriptIcon.GetHicon()); _main = main; _quickFind = new QuickFind(this, _codeBox); _codeBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; _codeBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; _codeBox.Styles[Style.Default].Font = StyleManager.Style.FixedFont.Name; _codeBox.Styles[Style.Default].SizeF = StyleManager.Style.FixedFont.Size; _codeBox.Styles[Style.Default].ForeColor = StyleManager.Style.TextColor; _codeBox.Styles[Style.Default].BackColor = StyleManager.Style.BackColor; _codeBox.StyleClearAll(); _codeBox.CharAdded += codeBox_CharAdded; _codeBox.InsertCheck += codeBox_InsertCheck; _codeBox.KeyDown += codebox_KeyDown; _codeBox.MarginClick += codeBox_MarginClick; _codeBox.SavePointLeft += codeBox_SavePointLeft; _codeBox.SavePointReached += codeBox_SavePointReached; _codeBox.TextChanged += codeBox_TextChanged; _codeBox.UpdateUI += codeBox_UpdateUI; Controls.Add(_codeBox); InitializeMargins(); if (highlight) { _codeBox.Lexer = Lexer.Cpp; InitializeHighlighting(""); InitializeFolding(); } StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
public SettingsPage(PluginMain main) { InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); m_main = main; }
public BuildLogPane() { InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
public SettingsCenter() { InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }
public IdeSettingsPage() { InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.AutoStyle(this); }