Example #1
        protected IList <FeatureResult> Run(string text, Type actionStepsType)
            var parser = new StupidGherkinParser();
            var result = parser.Parse(text);

            var activator = new TrivialObjectActivator();
            var runner    = new FeatureRunner(activator,
                                              new IntelligentPropertySetter(new TrivialPropertySetter(), activator));

                   .Select(f => runner.Run(f, new[] { actionStepsType }, NullFilter()))
Example #2
        public void IgnoresCommentsAnywhereTheyAreEncountered()
            var result = parser.Parse(@"
# comment outside of anything

Feature: Distribution with energy constraints
    # comment in the story text
	Verifies that the energy constraints are taken into account when distributing.
    # comment in the story text

        # comment in background
		Given that the test site exists

	Scenario: Test Scenario
        # comment in scenario
		Given the following analog local units:
			| Alias			| TechMin	| TechMax	| ForecastMin	| ForecastMax	| EstMaxCap	| ObsMin	| ObsMax	| ProdOrConsCost	| Efficiency	|
			| REG_T1_001	| 9 kW		| 12 kW		| 0 kW			| 12 kW			| 2 kWh		| 0 m		| 2 m		| 10				| 1				|
			| REG_T1_002	| 9 kW		| 12 kW		| 0 kW			| 12 kW			| 2 kWh		| 0 m		| 2 m		| 100				| 1				|
        # comment in scenario
        # comment in scenario
        # comment in scenario
		and the following signals:
			| Tag				| Value	|
			| REG_T1_001.CurObs	| 2		|
			| REG_T1_002.CurObs	| 2		|"                        );

            var features = result.Features;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, features.Count);
            var feature = features[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("Distribution with energy constraints", feature.Headline);
            Assert.AreEqual("Verifies that the energy constraints are taken into account when distributing.\r\n", feature.Description);
            var scenarios = feature.Scenarios;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, scenarios.Count);
            var scenario = scenarios[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("Test Scenario", scenario.Headline);
            var steps = scenario.Steps;

            Assert.AreEqual(2, steps.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(Step.Given("the following analog local units:").ToString(), steps[0].ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(Step.And("the following signals:", StepType.Given).ToString(), steps[1].ToString());