Example #1
        public void Flash(EntityUid target, EntityUid?user, EntityUid?used, float flashDuration, float slowTo, bool displayPopup = true)
            var attempt = new FlashAttemptEvent(target, user, used);

            RaiseLocalEvent(target, attempt);

            if (attempt.Cancelled)

            if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent <FlashableComponent>(target, out var flashable))
                flashable.LastFlash = _gameTiming.CurTime;
                flashable.Duration  = flashDuration / 1000f; // TODO: Make this sane...

            _stunSystem.TrySlowdown(target, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(flashDuration / 1000f), true,
                                    slowTo, slowTo);

            if (displayPopup && user != null && target != user)
                // TODO Resolving the EntityUidhere bad.
                if (EntityManager.EntityExists(user.Value) && EntityManager.EntityExists(target))
                    user.Value.PopupMessage(target, Loc.GetString("flash-component-user-blinds-you",
                                                                  ("user", user.Value)));
        public void Flash(EntityUid target, EntityUid?user, EntityUid?used, float flashDuration, float slowTo, bool displayPopup = true, FlashableComponent?flashable = null)
            if (!Resolve(target, ref flashable, false))

            var attempt = new FlashAttemptEvent(target, user, used);

            RaiseLocalEvent(target, attempt, true);

            if (attempt.Cancelled)

            flashable.LastFlash = _gameTiming.CurTime;
            flashable.Duration  = flashDuration / 1000f; // TODO: Make this sane...

            _stunSystem.TrySlowdown(target, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(flashDuration / 1000f), true,
                                    slowTo, slowTo);

            if (displayPopup && user != null && target != user && EntityManager.EntityExists(user.Value))
                user.Value.PopupMessage(target, Loc.GetString("flash-component-user-blinds-you",
                                                              ("user", Identity.Entity(user.Value, EntityManager))));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Make an entity vomit, if they have a stomach.
        /// </summary>
        public void Vomit(EntityUid uid, float thirstAdded = -40f, float hungerAdded = -40f)
            /// Main requirement: You have a stomach
            var stomachList = _bodySystem.GetComponentsOnMechanisms <StomachComponent>(uid);

            if (stomachList.Count == 0)
            /// Vomiting makes you hungrier and thirstier
            if (TryComp <HungerComponent>(uid, out var hunger))

            if (TryComp <ThirstComponent>(uid, out var thirst))
                _thirstSystem.UpdateThirst(thirst, thirstAdded);

            // It fully empties the stomach, this amount from the chem stream is relatively small
            float solutionSize = (Math.Abs(thirstAdded) + Math.Abs(hungerAdded)) / 6;

            // Apply a bit of slowdown
            if (TryComp <StatusEffectsComponent>(uid, out var status))
                _stunSystem.TrySlowdown(uid, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(solutionSize), true, 0.5f, 0.5f, status);

            var puddle = EntityManager.SpawnEntity("PuddleVomit", Transform(uid).Coordinates);

            var puddleComp = Comp <PuddleComponent>(puddle);

            SoundSystem.Play("/Audio/Effects/Diseases/vomiting.ogg", Filter.Pvs(uid), uid, AudioHelpers.WithVariation(0.2f).WithVolume(-4f));

            _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("disease-vomit", ("person", uid)), uid, Filter.Pvs(uid));
            // Get the solution of the puddle we spawned
            if (!_solutionSystem.TryGetSolution(puddle, puddleComp.SolutionName, out var puddleSolution))
            // Empty the stomach out into it
            foreach (var stomach in stomachList)
                if (_solutionSystem.TryGetSolution(stomach.Comp.Owner, StomachSystem.DefaultSolutionName, out var sol))
                    _solutionSystem.TryAddSolution(puddle, puddleSolution, sol);
            // And the small bit of the chem stream from earlier
            if (TryComp <BloodstreamComponent>(uid, out var bloodStream))
                var temp = bloodStream.ChemicalSolution.SplitSolution(solutionSize);
                _solutionSystem.TryAddSolution(puddle, puddleSolution, temp);