Example #1
        public void CreatePDF(Stream stream)
            using (var ds = new DataSet())
                // Fetch data:
                ds.ReadXml(Path.Combine("Resources", "data", "GcNWind.xml"));

                DataTable dtProds = ds.Tables["Products"];
                DataTable dtSupps = ds.Tables["Suppliers"];

                var products =
                    from prod in dtProds.Select()
                    join supp in dtSupps.Select()
                    on prod["SupplierID"] equals supp["SupplierID"]
                    orderby prod["ProductName"]
                    select new
                    ProductID       = prod["ProductID"],
                    ProductName     = prod["ProductName"],
                    Supplier        = supp["CompanyName"],
                    QuantityPerUnit = prod["QuantityPerUnit"],
                    UnitPrice       = $"{prod["UnitPrice"]:C}"

                // Load the template - HTML file with {{mustache}} data references:
                var template = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine("Resources", "Misc", "ProductListTemplate.html"));
                // Bind the template to data:
                var builder       = new Stubble.Core.Builders.StubbleBuilder();
                var boundTemplate = builder.Build().Render(template, new { Query = products });
                var tmp           = Path.GetTempFileName();
                // Render the bound HTML:
                using (var re = new GcHtmlRenderer(boundTemplate))
                    // PdfSettings allow to provide options for HTML to PDF conversion:
                    var pdfSettings = new PdfSettings()
                        Margins             = new Margins(0.2f, 1, 0.2f, 1),
                        IgnoreCSSPageSize   = true,
                        DisplayHeaderFooter = true,
                        HeaderTemplate      = "<div style='color:#1a5276; font-size:12px; width:1000px; margin-left:0.2in; margin-right:0.2in'>" +
                                              "<span style='float:left;'>Product Price List</span>" +
                                              "<span style='float:right'>Page <span class='pageNumber'></span> of <span class='totalPages'></span></span>" +
                        FooterTemplate = "<div style='color: #1a5276; font-size:12em; width:1000px; margin-left:0.2in; margin-right:0.2in;'>" +
                                         "<span>(c) GrapeCity, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</span>" +
                                         "<span style='float:right'>Generated on <span class='date'></span></span></div>"
                    // Render the generated HTML to the temporary file:
                    re.RenderToPdf(tmp, pdfSettings);
                // Copy the created PDF from the temp file to target stream:
                using (var ts = File.OpenRead(tmp))
                // Clean up:
            // Done.
        public void CreatePDF()
            using (var ds = new DataSet())
                // Fetch data:

                DataTable dtProds = ds.Tables["Statement"];

                var accounting =
                    from prod in dtProds.Select()
                    orderby prod["AccountSuffix"]
                    select new
                    TranDate      = prod["TranDate"],
                    AccountNumber = prod["AccountNumber"],
                    AccountSuffix = prod["AccountSuffix"],
                    CurrencyCode  = prod["CurrencyCode"],
                    Explanation   = prod["Explanation"],
                    DebitAmount   = $"{prod["DebitAmount"]} TRY",
                    CreditAmount  = $"{prod["CreditAmount"]} TRY",
                    Balance       = $"{prod["Balance"]} TRY",
                    CustomerName  = prod["CustomerName"]
                var headerField = new { Name = "BARIŞ ELVANOĞLU", Address = "SULTAN ORHAN MAH.KIŞLA CD. 1136 SK." };

                var template = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\barisel\source\repos\IronPdfSample\IronPdfSample\Resources\Misc\ProductListTemplate.html");

                var builder       = new Stubble.Core.Builders.StubbleBuilder();
                var boundTemplate = builder.Build().Render(template, new { Query = accounting, Header = headerField });
                var tmp           = Path.GetTempFileName();

                var Renderer = new HtmlToPdf();
                Renderer.PrintOptions.PaperSize    = PdfPrintOptions.PdfPaperSize.A4;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.CssMediaType = PdfPrintOptions.PdfCssMediaType.Print;
                Renderer.PrintOptions.CustomCssUrl = "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css";
                //Set the width of the resposive virtual browser window in pixels
                //Renderer.PrintOptions.MarginBottom = 0;

                Renderer.PrintOptions.Footer = new SimpleHeaderFooter()
                    RightText = "Sayfa {page}",
                    FontSize  = 10

                var PDF = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(boundTemplate);
                Renderer.PrintOptions.PrintHtmlBackgrounds = true;
                //PDF.WatermarkPage("<h2 style='color:red'>Denizbank kaşe imza</h2>", 1,PdfDocument.WaterMarkLocation.MiddleCenter, 50, -45, "https://www.nuget.org/packages/IronPdf");
                var OutputPath = "HtmlToPDF.pdf";
                PdfDocument.Merge(new PdfDocument(@"C:\Users\barisel\source\repos\IronPdfSample\IronPdfSample\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Watermarked.pdf"), PDF).SaveAs("Combined.Pdf");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var builder = new Stubble.Core.Builders.StubbleBuilder();

            builder.Configure(opts =>
                opts.SetPartialTemplateLoader(new DictionaryLoader(
                                                  new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Body", BodyTemplate },
            var renderer = builder.Build();

            var data = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Url", "https://github.com" }

            var output = renderer.Render(BaseTemplate, data);
