public ClassNode(string content_class_name, string content_method_name, string content_method_descriptor , int content_method_invocation_type, string lambda_class_name, string lambda_method_name , string lambda_method_descriptor, StructClass classStruct) { // lambda class constructor this.type = Class_Lambda; this.classStruct = classStruct; // 'parent' class containing the static function lambdaInformation = new ClassesProcessor.ClassNode.LambdaInformation(); lambdaInformation.method_name = lambda_method_name; lambdaInformation.method_descriptor = lambda_method_descriptor; lambdaInformation.content_class_name = content_class_name; lambdaInformation.content_method_name = content_method_name; lambdaInformation.content_method_descriptor = content_method_descriptor; lambdaInformation.content_method_invocation_type = content_method_invocation_type; lambdaInformation.content_method_key = InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey(lambdaInformation .content_method_name, lambdaInformation.content_method_descriptor); anonymousClassType = new VarType(lambda_class_name, true); bool is_method_reference = (content_class_name != classStruct.qualifiedName); if (!is_method_reference) { // content method in the same class, check synthetic flag StructMethod mt = classStruct.GetMethod(content_method_name, content_method_descriptor ); is_method_reference = !mt.IsSynthetic(); } // if not synthetic -> method reference lambdaInformation.is_method_reference = is_method_reference; lambdaInformation.is_content_method_static = (lambdaInformation.content_method_invocation_type == ICodeConstants.CONSTANT_MethodHandle_REF_invokeStatic); }
private static void MapClassMethods(ClassesProcessor.ClassNode node, Dictionary < ClassWrapper, MethodWrapper> map) { bool noSynthFlag = DecompilerContext.GetOption(IFernflowerPreferences.Synthetic_Not_Set ); ClassWrapper wrapper = node.GetWrapper(); foreach (MethodWrapper method in wrapper.GetMethods()) { StructMethod mt = method.methodStruct; if ((noSynthFlag || mt.IsSynthetic()) && mt.GetDescriptor().Equals("(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;" ) && mt.HasModifier(ICodeConstants.Acc_Static)) { RootStatement root = method.root; if (root != null && root.GetFirst().type == Statement.Type_Trycatch) { CatchStatement cst = (CatchStatement)root.GetFirst(); if (cst.GetStats().Count == 2 && cst.GetFirst().type == Statement.Type_Basicblock && cst.GetStats()[1].type == Statement.Type_Basicblock && cst.GetVars()[0].GetVarType ().Equals(new VarType(ICodeConstants.Type_Object, 0, "java/lang/ClassNotFoundException" ))) { BasicBlockStatement body = (BasicBlockStatement)cst.GetFirst(); BasicBlockStatement handler = (BasicBlockStatement)cst.GetStats()[1]; if (body.GetExprents().Count == 1 && handler.GetExprents().Count == 1) { if (Body_Expr.Equals(body.GetExprents()[0]) && Handler_Expr.Equals(handler.GetExprents ()[0])) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(map, wrapper, method); break; } } } } } } // iterate nested classes foreach (ClassesProcessor.ClassNode nd in node.nested) { MapClassMethods(nd, map); } }
private void ComputeMethodType(ClassesProcessor.ClassNode node, MethodWrapper method ) { NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Normal; if (method.root != null) { DirectGraph graph = method.GetOrBuildGraph(); StructMethod mt = method.methodStruct; if ((noSynthFlag || mt.IsSynthetic()) && mt.HasModifier(ICodeConstants.Acc_Static )) { if (graph.nodes.Count == 2) { // incl. dummy exit node if (graph.first.exprents.Count == 1) { Exprent exprent = graph.first.exprents[0]; MethodDescriptor mtdesc = MethodDescriptor.ParseDescriptor(mt.GetDescriptor()); int parcount = [email protected]; Exprent exprCore = exprent; if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Exit) { ExitExprent exexpr = (ExitExprent)exprent; if (exexpr.GetExitType() == ExitExprent.Exit_Return && exexpr.GetValue() != null) { exprCore = exexpr.GetValue(); } } switch (exprCore.type) { case Exprent.Exprent_Field: { FieldExprent fexpr = (FieldExprent)exprCore; if ((parcount == 1 && !fexpr.IsStatic()) || (parcount == 0 && fexpr.IsStatic())) { if (fexpr.GetClassname().Equals(node.classStruct.qualifiedName)) { // FIXME: check for private flag of the field if (fexpr.IsStatic() || (fexpr.GetInstance().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && ((VarExprent )fexpr.GetInstance()).GetIndex() == 0)) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Field_Get; } } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Var: { // qualified this if (parcount == 1) { // this or final variable if (((VarExprent)exprCore).GetIndex() != 0) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Field_Get; } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Function: { // for now detect only increment/decrement FunctionExprent functionExprent = (FunctionExprent)exprCore; if (functionExprent.GetFuncType() >= FunctionExprent.Function_Imm && functionExprent .GetFuncType() <= FunctionExprent.Function_Ppi) { if (functionExprent.GetLstOperands()[0].type == Exprent.Exprent_Field) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Function; } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Invocation: { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Method; break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Assignment: { AssignmentExprent asexpr = (AssignmentExprent)exprCore; if (asexpr.GetLeft().type == Exprent.Exprent_Field && asexpr.GetRight().type == Exprent .Exprent_Var) { FieldExprent fexpras = (FieldExprent)asexpr.GetLeft(); if ((parcount == 2 && !fexpras.IsStatic()) || (parcount == 1 && fexpras.IsStatic( ))) { if (fexpras.GetClassname().Equals(node.classStruct.qualifiedName)) { // FIXME: check for private flag of the field if (fexpras.IsStatic() || (fexpras.GetInstance().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && ( (VarExprent)fexpras.GetInstance()).GetIndex() == 0)) { if (((VarExprent)asexpr.GetRight()).GetIndex() == parcount - 1) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Field_Set; } } } } } break; } } if (type == NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Method) { // FIXME: check for private flag of the method type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Normal; InvocationExprent invexpr = (InvocationExprent)exprCore; bool isStatic = invexpr.IsStatic(); if ((isStatic && invexpr.GetLstParameters().Count == parcount) || (!isStatic && invexpr .GetInstance().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && ((VarExprent)invexpr.GetInstance() ).GetIndex() == 0 && invexpr.GetLstParameters().Count == parcount - 1)) { bool equalpars = true; int index = isStatic ? 0 : 1; for (int i = 0; i < invexpr.GetLstParameters().Count; i++) { Exprent parexpr = invexpr.GetLstParameters()[i]; if (parexpr.type != Exprent.Exprent_Var || ((VarExprent)parexpr).GetIndex() != index) { equalpars = false; break; } index += mtdesc.@params[i + (isStatic ? 0 : 1)].stackSize; } if (equalpars) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Method; } } } } else if (graph.first.exprents.Count == 2) { Exprent exprentFirst = graph.first.exprents[0]; Exprent exprentSecond = graph.first.exprents[1]; if (exprentFirst.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment && exprentSecond.type == Exprent .Exprent_Exit) { MethodDescriptor mtdesc = MethodDescriptor.ParseDescriptor(mt.GetDescriptor()); int parcount = [email protected]; AssignmentExprent asexpr = (AssignmentExprent)exprentFirst; if (asexpr.GetLeft().type == Exprent.Exprent_Field && asexpr.GetRight().type == Exprent .Exprent_Var) { FieldExprent fexpras = (FieldExprent)asexpr.GetLeft(); if ((parcount == 2 && !fexpras.IsStatic()) || (parcount == 1 && fexpras.IsStatic( ))) { if (fexpras.GetClassname().Equals(node.classStruct.qualifiedName)) { // FIXME: check for private flag of the field if (fexpras.IsStatic() || (fexpras.GetInstance().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && ( (VarExprent)fexpras.GetInstance()).GetIndex() == 0)) { if (((VarExprent)asexpr.GetRight()).GetIndex() == parcount - 1) { ExitExprent exexpr = (ExitExprent)exprentSecond; if (exexpr.GetExitType() == ExitExprent.Exit_Return && exexpr.GetValue() != null) { if (exexpr.GetValue().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && ((VarExprent)asexpr.GetRight ()).GetIndex() == parcount - 1) { type = NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Field_Set; } } } } } } } } } } } } if (type != NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess.Normal) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapMethodType, method, type); } else { Sharpen.Collections.Remove(mapMethodType, method); } }
private Exprent ReplaceAccessExprent(ClassesProcessor.ClassNode caller, MethodWrapper methdest, InvocationExprent invexpr) { ClassesProcessor.ClassNode node = DecompilerContext.GetClassProcessor().GetMapRootClasses ().GetOrNull(invexpr.GetClassname()); MethodWrapper methsource = null; if (node != null && node.GetWrapper() != null) { methsource = node.GetWrapper().GetMethodWrapper(invexpr.GetName(), invexpr.GetStringDescriptor ()); } if (methsource == null || !mapMethodType.ContainsKey(methsource)) { return(null); } // if same method, return if (node.classStruct.qualifiedName.Equals(caller.classStruct.qualifiedName) && methsource .methodStruct.GetName().Equals(methdest.methodStruct.GetName()) && methsource.methodStruct .GetDescriptor().Equals(methdest.methodStruct.GetDescriptor())) { // no recursive invocations permitted! return(null); } NestedMemberAccess.MethodAccess type = mapMethodType.GetOrNull(methsource); // // FIXME: impossible case. MethodAccess.NORMAL is not saved in the map // if(type == MethodAccess.NORMAL) { // return null; // } if (!SameTree(caller, node)) { return(null); } DirectGraph graph = methsource.GetOrBuildGraph(); Exprent source = graph.first.exprents[0]; Exprent retexprent = null; switch (type.ordinal()) { case 1: { ExitExprent exsource = (ExitExprent)source; if (exsource.GetValue().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { // qualified this VarExprent var = (VarExprent)exsource.GetValue(); string varname = methsource.varproc.GetVarName(new VarVersionPair(var)); if (!methdest.setOuterVarNames.Contains(varname)) { VarNamesCollector vnc = new VarNamesCollector(); vnc.AddName(varname); methdest.varproc.RefreshVarNames(vnc); methdest.setOuterVarNames.Add(varname); } int index = methdest.counter.GetCounterAndIncrement(CounterContainer.Var_Counter); VarExprent ret = new VarExprent(index, var.GetVarType(), methdest.varproc); methdest.varproc.SetVarName(new VarVersionPair(index, 0), varname); retexprent = ret; } else { // field FieldExprent ret = (FieldExprent)exsource.GetValue().Copy(); if (!ret.IsStatic()) { ret.ReplaceExprent(ret.GetInstance(), invexpr.GetLstParameters()[0]); } retexprent = ret; } break; } case 2: { AssignmentExprent ret_1; if (source.type == Exprent.Exprent_Exit) { ExitExprent extex = (ExitExprent)source; ret_1 = (AssignmentExprent)extex.GetValue().Copy(); } else { ret_1 = (AssignmentExprent)source.Copy(); } FieldExprent fexpr = (FieldExprent)ret_1.GetLeft(); if (fexpr.IsStatic()) { ret_1.ReplaceExprent(ret_1.GetRight(), invexpr.GetLstParameters()[0]); } else { ret_1.ReplaceExprent(ret_1.GetRight(), invexpr.GetLstParameters()[1]); fexpr.ReplaceExprent(fexpr.GetInstance(), invexpr.GetLstParameters()[0]); } // do not use copied bytecodes ret_1.GetLeft().bytecode = null; ret_1.GetRight().bytecode = null; retexprent = ret_1; break; } case 4: { retexprent = ReplaceFunction(invexpr, source); break; } case 3: { if (source.type == Exprent.Exprent_Exit) { source = ((ExitExprent)source).GetValue(); } InvocationExprent invret = (InvocationExprent)source.Copy(); int index_1 = 0; if (!invret.IsStatic()) { invret.ReplaceExprent(invret.GetInstance(), invexpr.GetLstParameters()[0]); index_1 = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < invret.GetLstParameters().Count; i++) { invret.ReplaceExprent(invret.GetLstParameters()[i], invexpr.GetLstParameters()[i + index_1]); } retexprent = invret; break; } } if (retexprent != null) { // preserve original bytecodes retexprent.bytecode = null; retexprent.AddBytecodeOffsets(invexpr.bytecode); // hide synthetic access method bool hide = true; if (node.type == ClassesProcessor.ClassNode.Class_Root || (node.access & ICodeConstants .Acc_Static) != 0) { StructMethod mt = methsource.methodStruct; if (!mt.IsSynthetic()) { hide = false; } } if (hide) { node.GetWrapper().GetHiddenMembers().Add(InterpreterUtil.MakeUniqueKey(invexpr.GetName (), invexpr.GetStringDescriptor())); } } return(retexprent); }