// Token: 0x0600280B RID: 10251 RVA: 0x00093E4C File Offset: 0x0009204C public static Enum107 smethod_0(Class141 toontownWindow, Class150 original_capture, Struct46 bounds, Class104 settings) { if (original_capture == null) { return(Enum107.const_2); } if (bounds.IsSizeEmpty) { return(Enum107.const_2); } IntPtr mainWindowHandle = toontownWindow.MainWindowHandle; if (!toontownWindow.ProcessOpen) { return(Enum107.const_2); } if (original_capture != null && !Struct46.smethod_0(bounds, Struct46.struct46_0)) { Rectangle rec = bounds.method_0(Class410.smethod_16(mainWindowHandle).Size); Enum107 result; using (Bitmap bitmap = Class364.smethod_3(mainWindowHandle, rec)) { using (Class125 @class = new Class125(bitmap)) { using (Class150 class2 = new Class150(@class)) { if (Class150.smethod_1(class2, original_capture, settings.MaxColorRange)) { result = Enum107.const_0; } else { result = Enum107.const_1; } } } } return(result); } return(Enum107.const_2); }
// Token: 0x0600172D RID: 5933 RVA: 0x0003824C File Offset: 0x0003644C protected bool method_10(string message, string question, Struct46 ratio, out Class125 bmp, out Struct46 resulting_ratio) { bmp = null; resulting_ratio = default(Struct46); if (!this.class141_0.ProcessOpen && !this.class141_0.smethod_1(this)) { return(false); } using (Class499 @class = new Class499(this, true)) { using (DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox(question, "Are you ready?", Enum90.const_0, null, false, Enum121.const_1, new Enum39[] { Enum39.const_0, Enum39.const_1 })) { @class.method_1(dialogBox, DialogResult.OK); DialogResult dialogResult = dialogBox.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } @class.method_4(); @class.method_6(); } if (this.class141_0.ProcessOpen) { Class410.smethod_8(this, this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); using (CountDown countDown = new CountDown()) { @class.method_1(countDown, DialogResult.OK); if (countDown.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { @class.method_6(); @class.method_4(); if (this.class141_0.ProcessOpen) { Class410.smethod_8(this, this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); EventHandler eventHandler = null; CaptureSetupForm.Class159 class2 = new CaptureSetupForm.Class159(); class2.regionSelector_0 = new RegionSelector(this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); try { @class.method_0(class2.regionSelector_0); Rectangle rectangle = Class410.smethod_16(this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); class2.regionSelector_0.SelectionBounds = Rectangle.Empty; class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedRegion = ratio.method_0(rectangle.Size); class2.regionSelector_0.RegionSelectorType = Enum124.const_0; class2.regionSelector_0.FullSelect = false; class2.regionSelector_0.FullSize = true; class2.regionSelector_0.FullScreenCapture = true; class2.regionSelector_0.MovableResizeMessage = message + " Press any key to accept or escape to cancel."; Form regionSelector_ = class2.regionSelector_0; if (eventHandler == null) { eventHandler = new EventHandler(class2.method_0); } regionSelector_.Shown += eventHandler; if (class2.regionSelector_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedRegion.smethod_2()) { bmp = class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedBitmap; resulting_ratio = Struct46.smethod_3(class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedRegion, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, rectangle.Size)); return(true); } } finally { if (class2.regionSelector_0 != null) { ((IDisposable)class2.regionSelector_0).Dispose(); } } } } } } } return(false); }
// Token: 0x06001798 RID: 6040 RVA: 0x000074C2 File Offset: 0x000056C2 protected void method_12(Rectangle window_bounds, Struct46 bounds) { this.method_13(window_bounds, bounds.method_0(window_bounds.Size).smethod_9()); }