public IActionResult Post([FromBody] PaymentModel payment)
            // You can optionally create a customer first, attached this to patientID
            var charge = new StripeChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(payment.Amount) * 100, //The default value is in cents, hence multply by 100
                Currency    = "ZAR",
                Description = "We Must bind the product details here",
                SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = payment.Token
            var service = new StripeChargeService("sk-testxxxxxx");//api key

                //BONGA: I keep getting an error for the next line of code, will come back to it when we need to set up
                //var response = service.Capture(charge);

                //Record or do something with charge info
            catch (StripeException ex)
                StripeError stripeError = ex.StripeError;

                //handle error
            return(OK(true));//will have to revisit this
Example #2
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] PaymentModel payment)
            // only receive the token here, no credit card information is coming to the server at all.
            //You will want to make sure your API is using HTTPS and you provide any further authentication as necessary.

            // You can optionally create a customer first, and attached this to the CustomerId
            // var charge = new StripeChargeCreateOptions
            //    Amount = Convert.ToInt32(payment.Amount * 100), // In cents, not rands, times by 100 to convert
            //    Currency = "zar", // or the currency you are dealing with
            //    Description = "something awesome",
            //    SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = payment.Token

            //var service = new StripeChargeService("sk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxx");

                // var response = service.Create(charge);

                // Record or do something with the charge information
            catch (StripeException ex)
                StripeError stripeError = ex.StripeError;

                // Handle error

            // Ideally you would put in additional information, but you can just return true or false for the moment.
Example #3
        public Response Post(PaymentModel payment)
            Response res = new Response();
            // You can optionally create a customer first, and attached this to the CustomerId
            var charge = new ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(payment.Amount * 100), // In cents, not dollars, times by 100 to convert
                Currency    = "usd",                                 // or the currency you are dealing with
                Description = "something awesome",
                SourceId    = payment.Token

            var service = new ChargeService("sk_test_LJ2dJvulsi1f4rsGrqLHCKGC00gP6buBnU");

                var response = service.Create(charge);
                res.Status  = 1;
                res.Message = response.Status;

                // Record or do something with the charge information
            catch (StripeException ex)
                StripeError stripeError = ex.StripeError;
                res.Status  = 0;
                res.Message = ex.Message;
                // Handle error

            // Ideally you would put in additional information, but you can just return true or false for the moment.
Example #4
        public async Task Init()
            IsBusy = true;
            PaymentModel vm = new PaymentModel()
                CreditCard = new ISNogometniStadion.Model.CreditCardVM()
                    amount           = Amount,
                    CreditCardNumber = CreditCardNumber,
                    CVV      = CVV,
                    ExpMonth = ExpMonth,
                    ExpYear  = ExpYear
            StripeError e = await PaymentAPIService.Post <StripeError>(vm);

            Msg = e.Message;
            if (Msg == null)
                Msg = "Neuspješna uplata";

            if (Msg == "Uspješna uplata")
                Uspjesno = true;
                Uspjesno = false;
Example #5
        public async void StripeProcess(string Token)
            var charge = new StripeChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(Total * 100), // In cents, not dollars, times by 100 to convert
                Currency    = "usd",                        // or the currency you are dealing with
                Description = "StadiYUM Order",
                SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = "tok_visa"

            var service = new StripeChargeService("sk_test_fMQSO85L4eNQWH7LEESCbY71");

                var response = service.Create(charge);
                if (response.Paid)
                    await DisplayAlert("Order Confirmed", "Go to Orders to view status", "OK");
                // Record or do something with the charge information
            catch (StripeException ex)
                StripeError stripeError = ex.StripeError;
                DisplayAlert("Error", stripeError.Error, "OK");

                // Handle error

            // Ideally you would put in additional information, but you can just return true or false for the moment.
    private void btnPay_Click(string stripeToken)
        string stripeCharge = "";
        var    myCharge     = new StripeChargeCreateOptions
            // convert the amount of £15.95 to pennies i.e. 1595
            Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(noofweeks.Value) * 480 * 100,
            Currency    = "usd", // or whatever currency your dealing in
            Description = "121", // for example an order ID
            SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = stripeToken,

        var chargeService = new StripeChargeService("sk_test_PJ6gMyIQDj3kl743NfGFzO1X");

            receipt.Visible = true;
        catch (StripeException ex)
            StripeError stripeError = ex.StripeError;
            // Handle error

        // Successfully Authorised, do your post-succesful payment processing here...
Example #7
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] PaymentModel payment)
            // You can optionally create a customer first, and attached this to the CustomerId
            var charge = new ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(payment.Amount * 100), // In cents, not dollars, times by 100 to convert
                Currency    = "usd",                                 // or the currency you are dealing with
                Description = "something awesome",
                Source      = payment.Token

            var service = new ChargeService();

                var api_options = new RequestOptions
                    ApiKey = "sk_test_P4flPzJBB89yG0N0Ghsm5Pzq00JmS8gy3L"
                var response = service.Create(charge, api_options);

                // Record or do something with the charge information
            catch (StripeException ex)
                StripeError stripeError = ex.StripeError;

                // Handle error

            // Ideally you would put in additional information, but you can just return true or false for the moment.
Example #8
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] PaymentModel payment)
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_1fkshXMQqrBjU8e4u7pghwAt001ToqSHEy";
            // You can optionally create a customer first, and attached this to the CustomerId
            var charge = new ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(payment.Amount * 100), // In cents, not dollars, times by 100 to convert
                Currency    = "mxn",                                 // or the currency you are dealing with
                Description = "Algo bien HD",
                Source      = payment.Token,

            //var service = new StripeChargeService("sk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxx");
            var service = new ChargeService();

                var response = service.Create(charge);
                // Record or do something with the charge information
            catch (StripeException ex)
                StripeError stripeError = ex.StripeError;

                // Handle error

            // Ideally you would put in additional information, but you can just return true or false for the moment.
        public string Post([FromBody] PaymentModel payment)
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = ("pk_test_DaPhATJ0sS0GJYJnXbgubW6C00oJqhvxio");
            var tokenOptions = new Stripe.TokenCreateOptions()
                Card = new Stripe.CreditCardOptions()
                    Number   = payment.CreditCard.CreditCardNumber,
                    ExpYear  = payment.CreditCard.ExpYear,
                    ExpMonth = payment.CreditCard.ExpMonth,
                    Cvc      = payment.CreditCard.CVV
            var tokenService = new Stripe.TokenService();

            Stripe.Token stripeToken;
                stripeToken = tokenService.Create(tokenOptions);
            catch (StripeException ex)
                StripeError stripeError = ex.StripeError;

            string token = stripeToken.Id; // This is the token

            // You can optionally create a customer first, and attached this to the CustomerId
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = ("sk_test_02wLfkfPFikWAuf5q8QwhcEb00RHbAsnJc");

            var charge = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(payment.CreditCard.amount * 100), // Ocekuje request u najmanjoj jedinici pa *100 da se pretvori
                Currency    = "EUR",                                            // or the currency you are dealing with
                Description = "Informacijski sistem za nogometni stadion",
                Source      = token
            var service = new ChargeService();

                var response = service.Create(charge);
                // Record or do something with the charge information
            catch (StripeException ex)
                StripeError stripeError = ex.StripeError;
                // Handle error
            // Ideally you would put in additional information, but you can just return true or false for the moment0
            StripeError stripeError1 = new StripeError()
                Message = "Uspješna uplata"

Example #10
        internal static StripeException BuildStripeException(HttpStatusCode statusCode, string requestUri, string responseContent)
            var stripeError = new StripeError();

            if (requestUri.Contains("oauth"))
                stripeError = Mapper <StripeError> .MapFromJson(responseContent);
                stripeError = Mapper <StripeError> .MapFromJson(responseContent, "error");

            return(new StripeException(statusCode, stripeError, stripeError.Message));
        public void RetreiveSubscriptionItem(string Api_key, string Subscription_Item_Id, ref string Response, ref string Errors, ref int ErrorCode)

                var stripeSubscriptionItemService = new StripeSubscriptionItemService();
                var stripeSubscriptionItem        = stripeSubscriptionItemService.Get(Subscription_Item_Id);
                Response  = stripeSubscriptionItem.StripeResponse.ResponseJson;
                ErrorCode = 0;
            catch (StripeException e)
                ErrorCode = 1;
                Serializer  serializer  = new Serializer();
                StripeError stripeError = e.StripeError;
                Errors = serializer.Serialize <StripeError>(stripeError);
        public void DeleteCustomer(string Api_Key, string customerId, ref string Response, ref string Errors, ref int ErrorCode)

                var           customerService = new StripeCustomerService();
                StripeDeleted deletedCustomer = customerService.Delete(customerId);
                Response  = deletedCustomer.StripeResponse.ResponseJson;
                ErrorCode = 0;
            catch (StripeException e)
                ErrorCode = 1;
                Serializer  serializer  = new Serializer();
                StripeError stripeError = e.StripeError;
                Errors = serializer.Serialize <StripeError>(stripeError);
        public void RetreivePlan(string Api_Key, string planId, ref string Response, ref string Errors, ref int ErrorCode)

                var        stripePlanService = new StripePlanService();
                StripePlan stripePlan        = stripePlanService.Get(planId);
                Response  = stripePlan.StripeResponse.ResponseJson;
                ErrorCode = 0;
            catch (StripeException e)
                ErrorCode = 1;
                Serializer  serializer  = new Serializer();
                StripeError stripeError = e.StripeError;
                Errors = serializer.Serialize <StripeError>(stripeError);
        public void CancelSubscription(string Api_Key, string SubscriptionId, bool CancelAtPeriodEnd, ref string Response, ref string Errors, ref int ErrorCode)

                var stripeSubscriptionService = new StripeSubscriptionService();

                var stripeSubscription = stripeSubscriptionService.Cancel(SubscriptionId, CancelAtPeriodEnd);
                Response  = stripeSubscription.StripeResponse.ResponseJson;
                ErrorCode = 0;
            catch (StripeException e)
                ErrorCode = 1;
                Serializer  serializer  = new Serializer();
                StripeError stripeError = e.StripeError;
                Errors = serializer.Serialize <StripeError>(stripeError);
        public void Balance(string Api_Key, ref string Response, ref string Errors, ref int ErrorCode)

                var balanceService = new StripeBalanceService();
                var balance        = balanceService.Get();

                var response = balance.StripeResponse;
                Response  = response.ResponseJson;
                ErrorCode = 0;
            catch (StripeException e)
                ErrorCode = 1;
                Serializer  serializer  = new Serializer();
                StripeError stripeError = e.StripeError;
                Errors = serializer.Serialize <StripeError>(stripeError);
Example #16
        private static StripeException BuildStripeException(StripeResponse response)
            JObject jObject = null;

                jObject = JObject.Parse(response.Content);
            catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException)

            // If the value of the `error` key is a string, then the error is an OAuth error
            // and we instantiate the StripeError object with the entire JSON.
            // Otherwise, it's a regular API error and we instantiate the StripeError object
            // with just the nested hash contained in the `error` key.
            var errorToken = jObject["error"];

            if (errorToken == null)

            var stripeError = errorToken.Type == JTokenType.String
                ? StripeError.FromJson(response.Content)
                : StripeError.FromJson(errorToken.ToString());

            stripeError.StripeResponse = response;

            return(new StripeException(
                       stripeError.Message ?? stripeError.ErrorDescription)
                StripeResponse = response,
        public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody] Payment payment)
            var charge = new StripeChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(payment.Amount * 100),
                Currency    = "usd",
                Description = "something awesome",
                SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = payment.Token

            var service = new StripeChargeService("sekret_key");

                var response = service.Create(charge);
            catch (StripeException ex)
                StripeError stripeError = ex.StripeError;

        public void UpdateSubscriptionItem(string Api_Key, string Subscription_Item_Id, string stripeSubscriptionItemUpdateOptionsJSON, ref string Response, ref string Errors, ref int ErrorCode)

                Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
                var        stripeSubscriptionItemUpdateOptions = serializer.Deserialize <StripeSubscriptionItemUpdateOptions>(stripeSubscriptionItemUpdateOptionsJSON);

                var stripeSubscriptionItemService = new StripeSubscriptionItemService();
                var stripeSubscriptionItem        = stripeSubscriptionItemService.Update(Subscription_Item_Id, stripeSubscriptionItemUpdateOptions);

                Response  = stripeSubscriptionItem.StripeResponse.ResponseJson;
                ErrorCode = 0;
            catch (StripeException e)
                ErrorCode = 1;
                Serializer  serializer  = new Serializer();
                StripeError stripeError = e.StripeError;
                Errors = serializer.Serialize <StripeError>(stripeError);
        public void CreatePlan(string Api_Key, string stripePlanCreateOptionsJSON, ref string Response, ref string Errors, ref int ErrorCode)

                Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
                StripePlanCreateOptions stripePlanCreateOptions = serializer.Deserialize <StripePlanCreateOptions>(stripePlanCreateOptionsJSON);

                var        stripePlanService = new StripePlanService();
                StripePlan stripePlan        = stripePlanService.Create(stripePlanCreateOptions);
                Response  = stripePlan.StripeResponse.ResponseJson;
                ErrorCode = 0;
            catch (StripeException e)
                ErrorCode = 1;
                Serializer  serializer  = new Serializer();
                StripeError stripeError = e.StripeError;
                Errors = serializer.Serialize <StripeError>(stripeError);
Example #20
 public StripeException(HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode, StripeError stripeError, string message) : base(message)
     this.HttpStatusCode = httpStatusCode;
     this.StripeError    = stripeError;