Example #1
        public ApiResponse ChangePlan(ChangePlanRequest postedModel)
            var stripeApi = new StripeApi();

            var expirationSplit = postedModel.Expiration.Split('/');

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Account.StripeCustomerId) || stripeApi.GetCustomer(Account.StripeCustomerId) == null)
                    var response = stripeApi.StartMonthly(Account.Id.ToString(), LoggedInUser.Email, postedModel.PlanId,
                                                          postedModel.CardNumber, expirationSplit[0], expirationSplit[1],

                    Account.StripeCustomerId = response;
                    var response = stripeApi.UpdateMonthly(Account.StripeCustomerId, postedModel.PlanId,
                                                           postedModel.CardNumber, expirationSplit[0], expirationSplit[1],
            catch (StripeException exception)
                return(new ApiResponse(exception.StripeError.Message));

            Account.ActivePlanId = postedModel.PlanId;

            return(new ApiResponse(success: "Credit card added and your plan was changed successfuly, thanks for using Movid HEP."));
Example #2
        public CurrentAccountStatusViewModel GetCurrent()
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Account.StripeCustomerId))
                var freeVm = new CurrentAccountStatusViewModel()
                    PlanName    = "Free Trial",
                    Price       = 0,
                    StartedOn   = Account.CreatedDate,
                    Quantity    = 1,
                    TrialLength = 30,
                    StartDate   = Account.CreatedDate


            var customer = new StripeApi().GetCustomer(Account.StripeCustomerId);

            var vm = new CurrentAccountStatusViewModel()
                PlanName    = customer.StripeSubscription.StripePlan.Name,
                Id          = customer.StripeSubscription.StripePlan.Id,
                Price       = customer.StripeSubscription.StripePlan.AmountInCents.Value * .01,
                StartedOn   = customer.StripeSubscription.PeriodStart.Value,
                Quantity    = customer.StripeSubscription.Quantity,
                StartDate   = Account.CreatedDate,
                TrialLength = 30

Example #3
        public List <PlanViewModel> GetSubscriptionOptions(string group)
            var stripePlans = new StripeApi().GetPlans();

            if (group.ToLower() == "upgrade")
                stripePlans = stripePlans.Where(x => x.Id != "Free");

            return(stripePlans.Select(stripePlan => new PlanViewModel(stripePlan)).OrderBy(x => x.Ordinal).ToList());
Example #4
        private async Task <bool> ProcessStep21(IDbConnection c, IDbTransaction t, EnrollmentData enroll)
            var dbTeamPlayer = GetTeamPlayer(c, t, enroll.IdTeam);

            // Calculate the amount of selected options (from teamData.enrollmentData)
            // To do that, get the aplicable workflow to this player and team
            var(total, selectedOptionsTotal) = GetPaymentAmounts(c, t, GetUserId(), enroll.IdTeam, enroll.IdTournament, dbTeamPlayer.EnrollmentData);
            if (selectedOptionsTotal > 0)
                // Total before fees is more than 0, process charge.
                var amount = total;

                Audit.Information(this, "{0}: Players.Enrollment: Payment: {0}", GetUserId(), amount);

                // We get the card token from the client
                var cardToken = enroll.PaymentGatewayResult;
                if (cardToken == null)
                    throw new Exception("Error.NoCardToken");

                var orgSecrets = GetOrgWithSecrets(c, t);

                if (orgSecrets.PaymentGetawayType != "paypal") // Stripe
                    // Now, call the payment gateway with the card token and amount.
                    var charge = await StripeApi.SendCharge(orgSecrets.PaymentKey, cardToken, orgSecrets.PaymentCurrency, amount, orgSecrets.PaymentDescription);

                    if (!charge.Paid)
                        throw new Exception("Error.PaymentFailed");
                    dbTeamPlayer.EnrollmentPaymentData = charge.Id;

                    // Add user event for payment
                    LogPaymentEvent(c, t, charge, enroll.IdPlayer, enroll.IdTeam, enroll.IdTournament);
                    // Paypal has already process the payment.
                    var ev = new UserEvent
                        IdCreator   = GetUserId(),
                        IdUser      = GetUserId(),
                        TimeStamp   = DateTime.Now,
                        Description = Localization.Get("Pago de inscripciĆ³n", null),
                        Type        = (int)UserEventType.PlayerPaymentSuccess,
                        Data1       = enroll.PaymentGatewayResult,
                        Data2       = amount.ToString("N2"),
                        Data3       = enroll.IdTeam.ToString()

                    c.Insert(ev, t);

                // Notify org admins there is a new enrollment pending verification
                var(userName, teamName, tournamentName) = GetPlayerTeamTournament(c, t, GetUserId(), dbTeamPlayer.IdTeam, enroll.IdTournament);

                mNotifications.NotifyAdminsGenericEmail(Request, c, t, GetUserId(),
                                                        Localization.Get("Nuevo pago de jugador", null),
                                                        Localization.Get("El jugador '{0}' ha hecho un pago de inscripciĆ³n de {1:0.00} {2} en el equipo '{3}', torneo '{4}'", null,
                                                                         userName, amount, orgSecrets.PaymentCurrency, teamName, tournamentName),

            // Set player status as paid. If amount before fees was 0, we still do this to move to next step.
            dbTeamPlayer.Status        |= (int)TeamPlayerStatusFlags.Paid;
            dbTeamPlayer.EnrollmentStep = 100;
            dbTeamPlayer.EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Now;
            c.Update(dbTeamPlayer, t);
