Example #1
    public override bool ParseXmlAttribute(XmlAttribute _attribute)
        bool   based = base.ParseXmlAttribute(_attribute);
        string name  = _attribute.Name;
        bool   used  = true;

        if (name == "scale")
            string val = _attribute.Value;
            if (val.Contains(','))
                scale = StringParsers.ParseVector3(val);
                float v = float.Parse(val);
                scale = v * Vectors.Float.One;
            used = false;
        return(used || based);
    // Over-ride for CopyProperties to allow it to read in StartingQuests.
    public override void CopyPropertiesFromEntityClass()
        EntityClass entityClass = EntityClass.list[this.entityClass];

        flEyeHeight = EntityUtilities.GetFloatValue(entityId, "EyeHeight");

        // Read in a list of names then pick one at random.
        if (entityClass.Properties.Values.ContainsKey("Names"))
            string   text  = entityClass.Properties.Values["Names"];
            string[] Names = text.Split(',');

            int index = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, Names.Length);
            strMyName = Names[index];

        if (entityClass.Properties.Values.ContainsKey("SleeperInstantAwake"))
            isAlwaysAwake = true;

        if (entityClass.Properties.Values.ContainsKey("Titles"))
            string   text  = entityClass.Properties.Values["Titles"];
            string[] Names = text.Split(',');
            int      index = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, Names.Length);
            strTitle = Names[index];

        if (entityClass.Properties.Classes.ContainsKey("Boundary"))
            DisplayLog(" Found Bandary Settings");
            String            strBoundaryBox     = "0,0,0";
            String            strCenter          = "0,0,0";
            DynamicProperties dynamicProperties3 = entityClass.Properties.Classes["Boundary"];
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> keyValuePair in dynamicProperties3.Values.Dict.Dict)
                DisplayLog("Key: " + keyValuePair.Key);
                if (keyValuePair.Key == "BoundaryBox")
                    DisplayLog(" Found a Boundary Box");
                    strBoundaryBox = dynamicProperties3.Values[keyValuePair.Key];

                if (keyValuePair.Key == "Center")
                    DisplayLog(" Found a Center");
                    strCenter = dynamicProperties3.Values[keyValuePair.Key];

            Vector3 Box    = StringParsers.ParseVector3(strBoundaryBox, 0, -1);
            Vector3 Center = StringParsers.ParseVector3(strCenter, 0, -1);
            ConfigureBounaryBox(Box, Center);
Example #3
    public Vector3 dsi      = new Vector3(4f, 1f, 1f); // duration, speed, interleave
    // NB:
    // - depends on entity mass ...
    // - (ghost) (4f, 1f, 1f) is very small (4f, 1f, 0f) is way too strong
    //  - (4,2,1): very strong, but remains alive most of the time
    // todo: random duration / trigger on duration

    public override bool ParseXmlAttribute(XmlAttribute _attribute)
        bool   based = base.ParseXmlAttribute(_attribute);
        string name  = _attribute.Name;
        bool   used  = true;

        if (name == "checkothers")
            this.CheckOthers = bool.Parse(_attribute.Value);
        if (name == "dirrandom")
            this.dirrandom = float.Parse(_attribute.Value);
        if (name == "strength")
            this.strength = float.Parse(_attribute.Value);
        if (name == "dsi")
            this.dsi = StringParsers.ParseVector3(_attribute.Value);
            used = false;
        return(used || based);
Example #4
    public override void Execute(List <string> _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo)
         * Direction not perfect, always moving up, jumping diagonally (issue of not waiting callback ?)
        Entity target = GameManager.Instance.World.GetLocalPlayers()[0];

        if (_params.Count > 0 && _params[0] == "sg")
            Vector3  pos  = target.GetPosition();
            Vector3i ipos = Vectors.ToInt(pos);
            Printer.Print("pos: ", pos, "=>", ipos, "=>", Vectors.ToFloat(ipos));
            Printer.Print("pos: ", ipos, "=>", Vectors.ToFloat(ipos), "=>", Vectors.ToInt(Vectors.ToFloat(ipos)));
            target.SetPosition(pos); // _MoveSetPos only
            // also check conversion in Emplacement

        int     check = 0;
        int     eid   = -1;
        Vector3 dir   = Vectors.Float.UnitY;

        if (_params.Count > 0)
            eid = int.Parse(_params[0]);
        if (_params.Count > 1)
            check = int.Parse(_params[1]);
        if (_params.Count > 2)
            dir = StringParsers.ParseVector3(_params[2]);

        if (eid > 0)
            target = GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntity(eid);
        if (target == null)
            Printer.Print("Entity not there ", eid); return;

        Printer.Print("ConsoleCmdEMover", eid, check, dir);
        EntityMover mover = new EntityMover(3, 0.2f); // .Config(1);

        mover.checkCollision = check == 1;
        mover.Apply(target, dir); // This is a routine... so check not executed ...
Example #5
 public override void Init()
     if (this.Properties.Values.ContainsKey("ParticleName"))
         this.particleName = this.Properties.Values["ParticleName"];
     if (this.Properties.Values.ContainsKey("ParticleOffset"))
         this.offset = StringParsers.ParseVector3(this.Properties.Values["ParticleOffset"], 0, -1);
    public override void CopyPropertiesFromEntityClass()
        this.npcID = "animalFarm";

        EntityClass entityClass = EntityClass.list[this.entityClass];

        if (entityClass.Properties.Values.ContainsKey("BoundaryBox"))
            Vector3 dim = StringParsers.ParseVector3(entityClass.Properties.Values["BoundaryBox"], 0, -1);
        InvokeRepeating("CheckAnimalEvent", 1f, 60f);
Example #7
    public override bool ParseXmlAttribute(XmlAttribute _attribute)
        bool   based = base.ParseXmlAttribute(_attribute);
        string name  = _attribute.Name;
        bool   used  = true;

        if (name == "particle")
            this.particle = _attribute.Value;
            if (this.particle.StartsWith("p_"))
                this.particle = this.particle.Substring(2);
        else if (name == "offset")
            this.offset = StringParsers.ParseVector3(_attribute.Value);
        else if (name == "rcol")
            this.rcol = StringParsers.ParseVector3(_attribute.Value);
        else if (name == "rpos")
            this.rpos = StringParsers.ParseVector3(_attribute.Value);
        else if (name == "sound")
            this.sound = _attribute.Value;
        else if (name == "color")
            this.color = ParseColor(_attribute.Value);
        else if (name == "rep")
            this.rep = int.Parse(_attribute.Value);
        else if (name == "dt")
            this.dt = int.Parse(_attribute.Value);
            used = false;
        return(used || based);
Example #8
    // Over-ride for CopyProperties to allow it to read in StartingQuests.
    public override void CopyPropertiesFromEntityClass()
        EntityClass entityClass = EntityClass.list[this.entityClass];

        // Read in a list of names then pick one at random.
        if (entityClass.Properties.Values.ContainsKey("Names"))
            string   text  = entityClass.Properties.Values["Names"];
            string[] Names = text.Split(',');
            int      index = random.Next(0, Names.Length);
            strMyName = Names[index];

        if (entityClass.Properties.Values.ContainsKey("Titles"))
            string   text  = entityClass.Properties.Values["Titles"];
            string[] Names = text.Split(',');
            int      index = random.Next(0, Names.Length);
            strTitle = Names[index];
        if (entityClass.Properties.Values.ContainsKey("HireCost"))
            HireCost = int.Parse(entityClass.Properties.Values["HireCost"]);

        if (entityClass.Properties.Values.ContainsKey("HireCurrency"))
            this.HireCurrency = ItemClass.GetItem(entityClass.Properties.Values["HireCurrency"], false);
            if (this.HireCurrency.IsEmpty())
                this.HireCurrency = ItemClass.GetItem("casinoCoin", false);

        this.lstHungryBuffs  = ConfigureEntityClass("HungryBuffs", entityClass);
        this.lstThirstyBuffs = ConfigureEntityClass("ThirstyBuffs", entityClass);

        if (entityClass.Properties.Classes.ContainsKey("Boundary"))
            DisplayLog(" Found Bandary Settings");
            String            strBoundaryBox     = "0,0,0";
            String            strCenter          = "0,0,0";
            DynamicProperties dynamicProperties3 = entityClass.Properties.Classes["Boundary"];
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> keyValuePair in dynamicProperties3.Values.Dict.Dict)
                DisplayLog("Key: " + keyValuePair.Key);
                if (keyValuePair.Key == "BoundaryBox")
                    DisplayLog(" Found a Boundary Box");
                    strBoundaryBox = dynamicProperties3.Values[keyValuePair.Key];

                if (keyValuePair.Key == "Center")
                    DisplayLog(" Found a Center");
                    strCenter = dynamicProperties3.Values[keyValuePair.Key];

            Vector3 Box    = StringParsers.ParseVector3(strBoundaryBox, 0, -1);
            Vector3 Center = StringParsers.ParseVector3(strCenter, 0, -1);
            ConfigureBounaryBox(Box, Center);