public static List <List <Structure> > SetConstraints(ref ExternalPlanSetup plan, HNPlan hnPlan, List <List <Structure> > matchingStructures, bool checkOptis = false)
            StructureSet ss = plan.StructureSet;
            //Will be checking if opti structures need to be made. If so, they will be created and used for optimization. So we need a new matching list
            //which contains structures (opti or not) that are actually used during optimization.
            List <List <Structure> > optimizedStructures = new List <List <Structure> >();

            if (!checkOptis)
                optimizedStructures = new List <List <Structure> >(matchingStructures);
                for (int i = 0; i < hnPlan.ROIs.Count; i++)
                    hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures = new List <Structure>(hnPlan.ROIs[i].MatchingStructures);

            //Need to set all optimization constraints now. First clear all the current constraints
            foreach (var objective in plan.OptimizationSetup.Objectives.OfType <OptimizationPointObjective>())
            foreach (var objective in plan.OptimizationSetup.Objectives.OfType <OptimizationMeanDoseObjective>())
            //Now loop over all constraints and set them
            for (int i = 0; i < hnPlan.ROIs.Count; i++)    //Loop over all structures
                if (checkOptis)
                    hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures = new List <Structure>();
                    optimizedStructures.Add(new List <Structure>());

                for (int match = 0; match < matchingStructures[i].Count; match++)
                    //Here I want to make sure that the matched structure does not overlap with PTVs, and if it does I want to make an opti structure.
                    if (checkOptis)
                        if (!hnPlan.ROIs[i].Critical)
                            Structure opti = CheckOverlap_OptiMaker(matchingStructures[i][match], ref ss, false);
                            Structure opti = CheckOverlap_OptiMaker(matchingStructures[i][match], ref ss, true);
                    if (hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match].Volume < 0.5)

                    for (int j = 0; j < hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints.Count; j++)    //Loop over all constraints for the current structure
                        plan.OptimizationSetup.AddNormalTissueObjective(80.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, 40.0f, 0.05f);

                        string type      = hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Type;
                        string subscript = hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Subscript;
                        string relation  = hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].EqualityType;
                        double value     = hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Value;
                        string format    = hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Format;
                        double volume    = hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match].Volume;

                        OptimizationObjectiveOperator constraintType;
                        if (relation == "<")
                            constraintType = OptimizationObjectiveOperator.Upper;
                            constraintType = OptimizationObjectiveOperator.Lower;
                        if (type.ToLower() == "d")                   //if a dose constraint
                            try                                      //subscript is a number
                                volume = Convert.ToInt32(subscript); //need to analyze DVH data if a number.

                                //convert to cGy (90% of maximum for optimization)
                                                                         constraintType, new DoseValue(value, "cGy"), volume, hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Priority);
                            catch //is a mean or max restriction
                                if (subscript.ToLower() == "mean")
                                    double dose = value * 0.9; //take 90 percent of dose constraint dose to start
                                    OptimizationObjective objective = plan.OptimizationSetup.AddMeanDoseObjective(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match],
                                                                                                                  new DoseValue(dose, "cGy"), hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Priority);
                                    //update subsegment constraints if organ is subsegmented
                                    if (hnPlan.ROIs[i].HasSubsegments)
                                        //replace whole organ constraint with subsegment constraints

                                        //plan.OptimizationSetup.RemoveObjective(objective); //uncomment if don't also want the whole organ constraint
                                        foreach (Structure structure in ss.Structures)
                                            if ((structure.Name.Contains(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match].Name.Substring(0, 5))) && (structure.Name.ToLower().Contains("subseg")))
                                                                                            new DoseValue(dose, "cGy"), hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Priority);
                                else if (subscript.ToLower() == "max")
                                    double dose = value * 0.9; //take 90 percent of constraint dose to start

                                    if (hnPlan.ROIs[i].IsPTV)  //if ptv, go halfway between the max dose and prescription dose
                                        dose = (value + (double)hnPlan.ROIs[i].PTVDose) * 0.5;
                                    OptimizationObjective objective = plan.OptimizationSetup.AddPointObjective(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match], constraintType,
                                                                                                               new DoseValue(dose, "cGy"), 0, hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Priority);
                                    if (hnPlan.ROIs[i].HasSubsegments)
                                        //replace whole organ constraint with subsegment constraints
                                        //plan.OptimizationSetup.RemoveObjective(objective); //uncomment if don't also want the whole organ constraint
                                        foreach (Structure structure in ss.Structures)
                                            if ((structure.Name.Contains(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match].Name.Substring(0, 5))) && (structure.Name.Contains("subseg")))
                                                plan.OptimizationSetup.AddPointObjective(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match], constraintType,
                                                                                         new DoseValue(dose, "cGy"), 0, hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Priority);
                                else if (subscript.ToLower() == "min")
                                    double dose = value * 1.05; //take 110% percent of constraint dose to start
                                    OptimizationObjective objective = plan.OptimizationSetup.AddPointObjective(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match], constraintType,
                                                                                                               new DoseValue(dose, "cGy"), 100, hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Priority);
                                    if (hnPlan.ROIs[i].HasSubsegments)
                                        //replace whole organ constraint with subsegment constraints
                                        //plan.OptimizationSetup.RemoveObjective(objective); //uncomment if don't also want the whole organ constraint
                                        foreach (Structure structure in ss.Structures)
                                            if ((structure.Name.Contains(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match].Name.Substring(0, 5))) && (structure.Name.Contains("subseg")))
                                                plan.OptimizationSetup.AddPointObjective(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match], constraintType,
                                                                                         new DoseValue(dose, "cGy"), 100, hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Priority);
                        else if (type.ToLower() == "v")
                            try                                               //in case can't parse the subscript into Int32
                                if (format.ToLower() == "abs")                //I assume here that an absolute volume constraint will always be an upper bound OAR consatraint
                                    double dose = Convert.ToInt32(subscript); //convert to cGy
                                    //Need to convert to relative volume.
                                    volume  = value / volume * 100;
                                    volume *= 0.9; //Make it an even harsher constraint
                                    if (volume <= 0.2)
                                        volume = 0;
                                    plan.OptimizationSetup.AddPointObjective(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match], constraintType,
                                                                             new DoseValue(dose * 0.95, "cGy"), volume, hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Priority);
                                else  //if relative, will belong to a PTV
                                    double dose = StringOperations.FindPTVNumber(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match].Name.ToLower()) * 100;
                                    volume = value;
                                    volume = 100; //set to 100 to push the optimizer
                                    plan.OptimizationSetup.AddPointObjective(hnPlan.ROIs[i].OptimizationStructures[match], constraintType,
                                                                             new DoseValue(dose, "cGy"), volume, hnPlan.ROIs[i].Constraints[j].Priority);
        public static List <string> UpdateConstraints(ref ExternalPlanSetup plan, ref StructureSet ss, ref HNPlan hnPlan, ScriptContext context, List <List <Structure> > optimizedStructures, List <List <Structure> > matchingStructures, int numCycles)
            List <string> log = new List <string>();

            if (numCycles == 1)
                log.Add("Preliminary Optimization Iteration Update Log: <br>");
                log.Add("Full VMAT Optimization Update: <br>");

            //Go through all plan types and check all constraints.

            PlanSetup p = context.PlanSetup;

            p.DoseValuePresentation = DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;
            double     prescriptionDose = p.TotalDose.Dose;
            List <ROI> ROIs             = hnPlan.ROIs;

            for (int s = 0; s < hnPlan.ROIs.Count; s++)                           //Gothrough all the different constrained structures
                for (int match = 0; match < matchingStructures[s].Count; match++) //FOr each structure in ss that matches the hnplan structure
                    for (int i = 0; i < ROIs[s].Constraints.Count; i++)           //first go one by one through the constraints.
                        //Get DVH data for structure:
                        DVHData dvhData = p.GetDVHCumulativeData(matchingStructures[s][match], DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3, 0.01);

                        //Get type of constraint
                        string type          = ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Type;
                        string subscript     = ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Subscript;
                        string relation      = ROIs[s].Constraints[i].EqualityType;
                        double value         = ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Value;
                        string format        = ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Format;
                        int    priority      = ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Priority;
                        int    priorityLower = ROIs[s].Constraints[i].PriorityRange[0];
                        int    priorityUpper = ROIs[s].Constraints[i].PriorityRange[1];

                        if (type.ToLower() == "d")//now subscript can be mean, max, min, median?
                                double                sub = Convert.ToInt32(subscript); //need to analyze DVH data if a number.
                                VolumePresentation    vp  = VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
                                DoseValuePresentation dp  = new DoseValuePresentation();
                                dp = DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;
                                double volume = matchingStructures[s][match].Volume;
                                if (format.ToLower() == "rel")
                                    sub    = volume * sub / 100;
                                    value *= prescriptionDose / 100;
                                double doseQuant = p.GetDoseAtVolume(matchingStructures[s][match], sub, vp, dp).Dose;
                                if (p.GetDoseAtVolume(matchingStructures[s][match], sub, vp, dp).Unit == DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy) //convert to cGy if necessary
                                    doseQuant *= 100;
                                //now check the inequality:
                                if (relation == "<")
                                    if (doseQuant < value)
                                        //If an OAR, loosen priority if its satisfied by over 7Gy
                                        if ((ROIs[s].Type == "OAR") && (value - doseQuant > 1000))
                                            priority = (int)(priority * 0.8);
                                            //Make sure the priority is within the priority range:
                                            priority = Math.Min(priorityUpper, priority);
                                            priority = Math.Max(priorityLower, priority);
                                            hnPlan.ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Priority = priority;
                                            log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " SATISFIED. Dose (" + doseQuant.ToString() + "cGy) not within 10Gy of constraint - adjusted priority from " + string.Format("{0}", priority) + " to " + ((int)(priority * 0.8)).ToString() + ".");
                                            log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " SATISFIED. Dose (" + doseQuant.ToString() + "cGy). Unadjusted.");
                                        //By what percentage is the constraint being missed by (as ratio)?
                                        double percentageOff = 1 + (doseQuant - value) / value;

                                        int newPriority = Math.Max((int)(priority * percentageOff), priority + 10);

                                        newPriority = Math.Min(priorityUpper, newPriority);
                                        newPriority = Math.Max(priorityLower, newPriority);
                                        hnPlan.ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Priority = newPriority;
                                        log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " FAILED- Updating priority from " + string.Format("{0}", priority) + " to " + string.Format("{0}", (int)(newPriority)));
                                else if (relation == ">")
                                    if (doseQuant > value)
                                        log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " SATISFIED Dose (" + doseQuant.ToString() + "cGy). Unadjusted.");
                                        //By what percentage is the constraint being missed by (as ratio)?
                                        double percentageOff = 1 - (doseQuant - value) / value; //minus because its negative numerator

                                        int newPriority = Math.Max((int)(priority * percentageOff), priority + 10);

                                        newPriority = Math.Min(priorityUpper, newPriority);
                                        newPriority = Math.Max(priorityLower, newPriority);
                                        hnPlan.ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Priority = newPriority;
                                        log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " FAILED. Updating priority from " + string.Format("{0}", priority) + " to " + string.Format("{0}", newPriority));
                                    log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + "- Could not understand the relation given in the constraint.");
                            catch //mean median...
                                double dose = 0;
                                if (subscript.ToLower() == "mean")
                                    dose = dvhData.MeanDose.Dose;
                                else if (subscript.ToLower() == "max")
                                    dose = dvhData.MaxDose.Dose;
                                else if (subscript.ToLower() == "median")
                                    dose = dvhData.MedianDose.Dose;
                                else if (subscript.ToLower() == "min")
                                    dose = dvhData.MinDose.Dose;
                                    log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + "- Could not understand the relation given in the constraint. ");
                                if (dvhData.MeanDose.Unit == DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy) //convert to gy if necessary
                                    dose *= 100;
                                if (format.ToLower() == "rel")
                                    value *= prescriptionDose / 100;
                                //Now check the relation
                                if (relation == "<")
                                    if (dose < value)
                                        if ((ROIs[s].Type == "OAR") && (value - dose > 1000))
                                            log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " SATISFIED by over 10Gy. Decreasing priority to " + string.Format("{0}", (int)(priority * 0.8)));
                                            priority = (int)(priority * 0.8);
                                            priority = Math.Min(priorityUpper, priority);
                                            priority = Math.Max(priorityLower, priority);
                                            hnPlan.ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Priority = priority;
                                            log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " SATISFIED. Unadjusted");
                                        //By what percentage is the constraint being missed by (as ratio)?
                                        double percentageOff = 1 + (dose - value) / value;
                                        int    newPriority   = Math.Max((int)(priority * percentageOff), priority + 10);
                                        //Also don't want to increase priority by more than 20 at a time:
                                        newPriority = Math.Min(newPriority, priority + 20);
                                        if ((ROIs[s].Type == "OAR") && (ROIs[s].Critical == false))
                                            newPriority = Math.Min(newPriority, 70);
                                        if (dose - value > 2000) //if constraint is failing miserably, stop trying
                                            newPriority = 0;
                                            log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " Failed by more than 20Gy. Deleting constraint.");
                                            hnPlan.ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Priority = newPriority;
                                            log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " Failed. Updating priority from " + string.Format("{0}", priority) + " to " + string.Format("{0}", (int)(priority * 1.1)));
                                            newPriority = Math.Min(priorityUpper, newPriority);
                                            newPriority = Math.Max(priorityLower, newPriority);
                                            hnPlan.ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Priority = newPriority;
                                else if (relation == ">")
                                    if (dose > value)
                                        log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " SATISFIED. Unadjusted.");
                                        //By what percentage is the constraint being missed by (as ratio)?
                                        double percentageOff = 1 - (dose - value) / value; //negative because negative numerator

                                        int newPriority = Math.Max((int)(priority * percentageOff), priority + 10);
                                        newPriority = Math.Min(priorityUpper, newPriority);
                                        newPriority = Math.Max(priorityLower, newPriority);
                                        log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " Failed. Updating priority from " + string.Format("{0}", priority) + " to " + string.Format("{0}", newPriority));
                                        hnPlan.ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Priority = newPriority;
                                    log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + "-Could not understand the relation given in the constraint.");
                        else if (type == "V")
                                double             sub    = Convert.ToDouble(subscript); //need to analyze DVH data if a number.
                                double             frac   = prescriptionDose;            //ad hoc fix for ptv string output
                                VolumePresentation vp     = VolumePresentation.Relative;
                                double             volume = matchingStructures[s][match].Volume;

                                if (format.ToLower() == "abs")
                                    value = (value / volume) * 100;
                                    sub   = Convert.ToDouble(subscript);
                                //But if PTV, then this is not relative to the prescription dose.
                                if (ROIs[s].Name.ToLower().Contains("ptv"))
                                    frac = StringOperations.FindPTVNumber(ROIs[s].Name.ToLower());
                                    sub  = Convert.ToDouble(subscript) * frac / 100; //frac in Gy and subscript percentage, so factor of 100 cancels out
                                    vp   = VolumePresentation.Relative;

                                DoseValue dose = new DoseValue(sub, "cGy");
                                //Need dose in cGy for calculation:
                                double volumeQuant = p.GetVolumeAtDose(matchingStructures[s][match], dose, vp);
                                //Now check the inequality:
                                if (relation == "<")
                                    if (volumeQuant < value)
                                        log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " SATISFIED.");
                                        //By what percentage is the constraint being missed by (as ratio)?
                                        double percentageOff = 1 + (volumeQuant - value) / value;

                                        int newPriority = Math.Max((int)(priority * percentageOff), priority + 10);
                                        //Also don't want to adjust any constraint by more than 20 at a time:
                                        newPriority = Math.Min(newPriority, priority + 20);
                                        newPriority = Math.Min(priorityUpper, newPriority);
                                        newPriority = Math.Max(priorityLower, newPriority);
                                        hnPlan.ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Priority = newPriority;
                                        log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " Failed. Updating priority from" + string.Format("{0}", priority) + " to " + string.Format("{0}", newPriority));
                                else if (relation == ">")
                                    if (volumeQuant > value)
                                        log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " SATISFIED.");
                                        double percentageOff = 1 - (volumeQuant - value) / value;

                                        int newPriority = Math.Max((int)(priority * percentageOff), priority + 10);
                                        newPriority = Math.Min(priorityUpper, newPriority);
                                        newPriority = Math.Max(priorityLower, newPriority);
                                        hnPlan.ROIs[s].Constraints[i].Priority = newPriority;
                                        log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + " Failed. Updating priority from" + string.Format("{0}", priority) + " to " + string.Format("{0}", newPriority));
                                    log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + "-Could not understand the relation given in the constraint.");
                                log.Add(ROIs[s].Name + ": Constraint " + (i + 1).ToString() + "-Could not understand the relation given in the constraint.");
            //Now need to delete and reset all constraints
            OptObjectivesEditing.SetConstraints(ref plan, hnPlan, optimizedStructures);
Example #3
        public static void BeamMaker(ref ExternalPlanSetup plan, StructureSet ss, double prescriptionDose, Tuple <string, string, bool> beamParams)
            //First check if beams already exist
            foreach (Beam beam in plan.Beams.ToList())
            string treatmentCenter = beamParams.Item1;
            string treatmentArea   = beamParams.Item2;
            string beamName        = "";
            int    doseRate        = 600;

            //Get the right beam name
            if (treatmentCenter == "BC Cancer - Surrey")
                beamName = "fv" + treatmentArea.Replace(" ", "") + "TB";
                beamName = beamName.ToUpper();
                doseRate = 400;
            else if (treatmentCenter == "BC Cancer - Vancouver")
                beamName = "Va" + treatmentArea.Replace(" ", "");

            //need to create two arc beams, and make sure they fit to PTVs.
            ExternalBeamMachineParameters ebmp = new ExternalBeamMachineParameters(beamName, "6X", doseRate, "ARC", null);
            //First need to find the isocentre, which will be in the main PTV

            //find all the ptvs
            List <Structure> ptvs     = new List <Structure>();
            List <Structure> mainPTVs = new List <Structure>();

            foreach (Structure structure in ss.Structures)
                if (structure.Name.ToLower().Contains("ptv"))
                    if (StringOperations.FindPTVNumber(structure.Name) == prescriptionDose / 100)
                    //Check if receiving prescription dose
            //Check if it's receiving the prescription dose. If so, set isocentre here. If there is more than
            //One receiving the prescription dose, set at the average between the two.
            VVector isocentre;

            if (mainPTVs.Count > 0)
                double x = 0;
                double y = 0;
                double z = 0;
                //Find average x,y,z
                for (int i = 0; i < mainPTVs.Count; i++)
                    x += Math.Round(mainPTVs[i].CenterPoint.x / 10.0f) * 10.0f / mainPTVs.Count;
                    y += Math.Round(mainPTVs[i].CenterPoint.y / 10.0f) * 10.0f / mainPTVs.Count;
                    z += Math.Round(mainPTVs[i].CenterPoint.z / 10.0f) * 10.0f / mainPTVs.Count;
                isocentre = new VVector(x, y, z);
                isocentre = new VVector(0, 0, 0);
            //Create two VMAT beams

            //First get the right jaw dimensions:
            VRect <double> jaws1 = FitJawsToTarget(isocentre, plan, ptvs, 30, 0);
            VRect <double> jaws2 = FitJawsToTarget(isocentre, plan, ptvs, 330, 0);
            Beam           vmat1 = plan.AddArcBeam(ebmp, jaws1, 30, 180.1, 179.9, GantryDirection.Clockwise, 0, isocentre);
            Beam           vmat2 = plan.AddArcBeam(ebmp, jaws2, 330, 179.9, 180.1, GantryDirection.CounterClockwise, 0, isocentre);

            vmat1.Id = "PC_vmat1";
            vmat2.Id = "PC_vmat2";