//making export from database to csv file private async void ExportToCSVFile(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string dictionary = StringOperation.LanguagesToTable(ChosenDictionary.Text); string path = Path.Combine(ChosenPathText.Text, dictionary + ".csv"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Word, Translation"); DatabaseConnection dbCon = new DatabaseConnection(); List <string> words = dbCon.GettingRows(dictionary); foreach (string word in words) { sb.AppendLine(word.Replace(" ➤", ",")); } try { await folder.GetFileAsync(dictionary + ".csv"); } catch { await folder.CreateFileAsync(dictionary + ".csv"); } StorageFile csvFile = await folder.GetFileAsync(dictionary + ".csv"); await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(csvFile, sb.ToString(), Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8); }
public void ItShouldPossibleToInvokeStringCompare() { const string expected = @"public System.Int32 Call(System.String par1, System.String par2) { System.Int32 result; result = System.String.Compare(par1, par2, CurrentCulture); return result; }"; var newExpression = Function.Create() .WithParameter <string>("par1") .WithParameter <string>("par2") .WithBody( CodeLine.CreateVariable <int>("result"), CodeLine.Assign(Operation.Variable("result"), StringOperation.Compare("par1", "par2")) ) .Returns("result"); AssertString.AreEqual(expected, newExpression.ToString()); var lambda = newExpression.ToLambda <Func <string, string, int> >(); Assert.IsNotNull(lambda); var result = lambda("a", "a"); Assert.AreEqual(0, result); result = lambda("a", "b"); Assert.AreEqual(-1, result); }
public void ItShouldPossibleToInvokeStringFormat() { const string expected = @"public System.String Call(System.String par1, System.String par2) { System.String result; result = System.String.Format(""{0}-{1}"", par1, par2); return result; }"; var newExpression = Function.Create() .WithParameter <string>("par1") .WithParameter <string>("par2") .WithBody( CodeLine.CreateVariable <string>("result"), CodeLine.Assign(Operation.Variable("result"), StringOperation.Format( "{0}-{1}", Operation.Variable("par1"), Operation.Variable("par2"))) ) .Returns("result"); AssertString.AreEqual(expected, newExpression.ToString()); var lambda = newExpression.ToLambda <Func <string, string, string> >(); Assert.IsNotNull(lambda); var result = lambda("a", "b"); Assert.AreEqual("a-b", result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPasswordViaSMS(ForgotPasswordViaEmailViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user == null) { model.ModelStateValid = false; ModelState.AddModelError("", $"We can't find an account with email:`{model.Email}`!"); return(View(model)); } if (user.PhoneNumberConfirmed == false) { model.ModelStateValid = false; ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your account did not bind a valid phone number!"); return(View(model)); } var code = StringOperation.RandomString(6); user.SMSPasswordResetToken = code; await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user); await _smsSender.SendAsync(user.PhoneNumber, code + " is your Aiursoft password reset code."); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(EnterSMSCode), new { model.Email })); } return(View(model)); }
public void ItShouldPossibleToInvokeToString() { const string expected = @"public System.String Call(System.Int32 par) { System.String result; result = par.ToString(); return result; }"; var newExpression = Function.Create() .WithParameter <int>("par") .WithBody( CodeLine.CreateVariable <string>("result"), CodeLine.Assign(Operation.Variable("result"), StringOperation.ToString("par")) ) .Returns("result"); AssertString.AreEqual(expected, newExpression.ToString()); var lambda = newExpression.ToLambda <Func <int, string> >(); Assert.IsNotNull(lambda); var result = lambda(1); Assert.AreEqual("1", result); }
//translate two string with translate google app public async void GTranslateText() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ToTranslateText.Text)) { try { //erasing white spaces from string thats appear more then one time Regex regex = new Regex("[ ]{2,}"); string toTranslateText = regex.Replace(ToTranslateText.Text.Trim(), " "); //creating language pair to translation string languagePair = StringOperation.CreatingLangugePair(fromLanguageButton.Content.ToString(), toLanguageButton.Content.ToString()); //translation GTranslator translator = new GTranslator(toTranslateText, languagePair); //added translation to textblock TranslatedText.Text = translator.translation; ToTranslateText.Text = toTranslateText; } catch { //if no internet connection MessageDialog msg = new MessageDialog("You don't have an internet connection!"); await msg.ShowAsync(); ToTranslateText.Text = ""; TranslatedText.Text = ""; } } }
//adding words to database private async void AddToDatabase(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TranslatedText.Text)) { string [] words = { ToTranslateText.Text.ToLower(), TranslatedText.Text.ToLower() }; string languagePair = StringOperation.CreatingLangugePair(fromLanguageButton.Content.ToString(), toLanguageButton.Content.ToString()); languagePair = languagePair.Replace("|", ""); DatabaseConnection dbCon = new DatabaseConnection(languagePair); dbCon.InsertingValue(words[0], words[1]); if (dbCon.SearchingForWord(languagePair, words[0])) { dbCon.IncreasingValue(languagePair, words[0]); } MessageDialog msg = new MessageDialog(String.Format("Added '{0} ➤ {1}' to {2} database!", words[0], words[1], languagePair)); await msg.ShowAsync(); ToTranslateText.Text = ""; TranslatedText.Text = ""; } else { MessageDialog msg = new MessageDialog("You can't add empty translation to database!"); await msg.ShowAsync(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Technique technique = new Technique(100); SemiTechnique semiTechnique = new SemiTechnique(30, 100); Boss.Upgrade(technique.AddVoltage100); technique.TurnOn(500); Boss.Upgrading += semiTechnique.AddVoltage100; semiTechnique.TurnOn(100, 350); semiTechnique.TurnOn(100, 350); String str = "Лабораторная,., ,,,номер:! 9;...?"; StringOperation stringOperation = null; stringOperation += DeletePunctuationMark; stringOperation += FerstToApperCase; stringOperation += AddDote; stringOperation += AddAuthor; Action_ColorPrint(ref str, CorrectString); Console.ReadLine(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPasswordViaSms(ForgotPasswordViaEmailViewModel model) { var mail = await _dbContext.UserEmails.SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.EmailAddress == model.Email.ToLower()); if (mail == null) { return(NotFound()); } var user = await _dbContext .Users .Include(t => t.Emails) .SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Id == mail.OwnerId); if (user.PhoneNumberConfirmed == false) { return(NotFound()); } var code = StringOperation.RandomString(6); user.SMSPasswordResetToken = code; await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user); _cannonService.FireAsync <APISMSSender>(async(sender) => { await sender.SendAsync(user.PhoneNumber, code + " is your Aiursoft password reset code."); }); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(EnterSmsCode), new { model.Email })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Generate(GenerateAddressModel model) { var app = await _coreApiService.ValidateAccessTokenAsync(model.AccessToken); var appLocal = await _dbContext.Apps.SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.AppId == app.AppId); var file = await _dbContext.OSSFile.Include(t => t.BelongingBucket).SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.FileKey == model.Id); if (file == null || file.BelongingBucket.BelongingAppId != appLocal.AppId) { return(NotFound()); } // Generate secret var newSecret = new Secret { Value = StringOperation.RandomString(15), FileId = file.FileKey }; _dbContext.Secrets.Add(newSecret); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Json(new AiurValue <string>(newSecret.Value) { Code = ErrorType.Success, Message = "Successfully created your onetime secret!" })); }
static void Main(string[] args) { List <string> ptr = new List <string>(); AlphaNumbericCollector alphaCollector = new AlphaNumbericCollector(); StringCollector stringCollector = new StringCollector(); while (true) { ptr.Add(Console.ReadLine()); if (ptr[ptr.Count - 1] != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ptr[ptr.Count - 1].Length; i++) { if (ptr[ptr.Count - 1][i] >= 0x30 && ptr[ptr.Count - 1][i] <= 0x39) { AlphaOperation alpha_operation = alphaCollector.CollectingMethod; alpha_operation(ptr[ptr.Count - 1]); alphaCollector.Show(); break; } else if (i == ptr[ptr.Count - 1].Length - 1) { StringOperation string_operation = stringCollector.CollectingMethod; string_operation(ptr[ptr.Count - 1]); stringCollector.Show(); break; } } } else { ptr.Remove(ptr[ptr.Count - 1]); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateChannel([FromForm] CreateChannelAddressModel model) { var token = await _dbContext.AccessTokens.Include(t => t.ApplyApp).SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Value == model.AccessToken); if (token == null || token.ApplyApp == null) { return(Protocal(ErrorType.Unauthorized, "Invalid accesstoken!")); } //Create and save to database var newChannel = new Channel { Description = model.Description, ConnectKey = StringOperation.RandomString(20), AppId = token.ApplyAppId }; _dbContext.Channels.Add(newChannel); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); //return model var viewModel = new CreateChannelViewModel { ChannelId = newChannel.Id, ConnectKey = newChannel.ConnectKey, code = ErrorType.Success, message = "Successfully created your channel!" }; return(Json(viewModel)); }
void QueryPolicy(Pagination pagination) { try { var paramer = GetCondition(pagination); var list_query = ChinaPay.B3B.Service.PolicyMatch.PolicyMatchServcie.GetSpecialPolicies(this.CurrentCompany.CompanyId, paramer, item => item.Rebate, OrderMode.Descending); var list = from item in list_query let item_special = item.OriginalPolicy as SpecialPolicyInfo select new { //政策编号 id = item_special.Id, //航空公司 Airline = item_special.Airline, //出发城市 Departure = paramer.Departure, //到达城市 Arrival = paramer.Arrival, //排除日期 DepartureDateFilter = item_special.DepartureDateFilter, //适用班期 DepartureWeekFilter = StringOperation.TransferToChinese(item_special.DepartureWeekFilter), //航班限制 Include = item_special.DepartureFlightsFilterType == LimitType.None ? "不限" : (item_special.DepartureFlightsFilterType == LimitType.Include ? ("适用:" + item_special.DepartureFlightsFilter) : "不适用:" + item_special.DepartureFlightsFilter), //发布价格 Price = item_special.Price == -1 ? "" : item_special.Price.TrimInvaidZero(), //提前天数 BeforehandDays = item_special.BeforehandDays == -1 ? "" : item_special.BeforehandDays + "", //去程日期 DepartureDates = item_special.DepartureDateStart.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "<br />" + item_special.DepartureDateEnd.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Commission_link = item_special.Owner == this.CurrentCompany.CompanyId ? "<a href=\"javascript:ModifyCommission('" + item_special.Id + "','" + item_special.Price.TrimInvaidZero() + "','" + item_special.PriceType + "','" + item_special.Type + "','" + item_special.IsInternal + "','" + item_special.IsPeer + "','" + item_special.InternalCommission.TrimInvaidZero() + "','" + (CurrentCompany.CompanyType == CompanyType.Provider || (CurrentCompany.CompanyType == CompanyType.Supplier && OEM != null) ? item_special.SubordinateCommission.TrimInvaidZero() : "-1") + "','" + item_special.ProfessionCommission.TrimInvaidZero() + "','" + item_special.IsBargainBerths + "');\">修改返佣</a>" : "同行政策", Policy_link = item_special.Owner == this.CurrentCompany.CompanyId ? "<a href='special_policy_edit.aspx?Id=" + item_special.Id + "&Type=Update&Check=view'>修改详细</a>" : " ", //操作人 Opearor = item_special.Owner == this.CurrentCompany.CompanyId ? item_special.Creator : " ", Sudit = item_special.Audited == true ? "已审" : "未审", Hang = item_special.Suspended == true ? "挂起" : "未挂" }; this.grv_specical.DataSource = list; this.grv_specical.DataBind(); if (list.Count() > 0) { this.pager.Visible = true; if (pagination.GetRowCount) { this.pager.RowCount = list_query.RowCount; } showempty.Visible = false; } else { this.pager.Visible = false; showempty.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowExceptionMessage(ex, "查询"); } }
private void onClickBankChange(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Error = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field_CardNumber.Text)) { Error = "Ви не заповнили поле 'Номер карти'"; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field_ExpireDate.Text)) { Error = "Ви не заповнили поле 'Термін придатності'"; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field_CVV.Text)) { Error = "Ви не заповнили поле 'CVV-код'"; return; } if (field_CardNumber.Text.Length != 16) { Error = "Допущена помилка в полі 'Номер карти'"; return; } if (!StringOperation.IsOnlyDigit(field_CardNumber.Text)) { Error = "Допущена помилка в полі 'CVV-код'"; return; } if (field_ExpireDate.Text.Length != 5) { Error = "Допущена помилка в полі 'Термін придатності'"; return; } if (field_CVV.Text.Length != 3) { Error = "Допущена помилка в полі 'CVV-код'"; return; } if (!StringOperation.IsOnlyDigit(field_CVV.Text)) { Error = "Допущена помилка в полі 'CVV-код'"; return; } Client.User.CardNumber = field_CardNumber.Text; Client.User.ExpireDate = field_ExpireDate.Text; Client.User.CVV = Convert.ToInt32(field_CVV.Text); Client.Server.ConnectProvider.SaveUser(Client.User); }
public void AddFriend(string userId1, string userId2) { this.PrivateConversations.Add(new PrivateConversation { RequesterId = userId1, TargetId = userId2, AESKey = StringOperation.RandomString(30) }); }
private void AddSuggestion(string str) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) { return; } Buffer = StringOperation.ReplaceLastOccurrence(Buffer, StringOperation.LastWord(Buffer), str); }
public App(string seed, string name, string description, Category category, Platform platform) { this.AppId = (seed + DateTime.Now.ToString()).GetMD5(); this.AppSecret = (seed + this.AppId + DateTime.Now.ToString() + StringOperation.RandomString(15)).GetMD5(); this.AppName = name; this.AppDescription = description; this.AppCategory = category; this.AppPlatform = platform; }
public static void Run() { StringOperation invert = delegate(string s){ char[] charArray = s.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(charArray); return(new string(charArray)); }; System.Console.WriteLine(invert("C# is amazing!")); }
public void SettingRows() { DatabaseConnection conDB = new DatabaseConnection(); List <string> rows = conDB.GettingRows(StringOperation.LanguagesToTable(Tables.SelectedItem.ToString())); foreach (string item in rows) { CreatingListItems(Words, item); } }
//setting dictionary names in menuflyoutitem private void SettingDictionaries() { DatabaseConnection conDB = new DatabaseConnection(); List <string> dictionaries = conDB.GettingTables(); foreach (string dictionary in dictionaries) { CreatingMenuFlyoutItem(DictionariesMenu, StringOperation.TableToLanguages(dictionary)); } }
public void Should_RaiseException_When_SingleWord_IsPassed() { //arrange IStringOperation opertaion = new StringOperation(); //act IEnumerable <WordDataDto> data = (opertaion.CountFrequentWords("AlphaFX")); //assert Assert.Single(data); }
public void Should_RaiseException_When_Whitespace_IsPassed() { //arrange IStringOperation opertaion = new StringOperation(); //act void act() => opertaion.CountFrequentWords(" "); //assert Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(act); }
public void Should_ReturnAllWordWithAlphaCount2_When_StringWithLessThan10Word_And_1RepeatingWord_IsPassed() { //arrange IStringOperation opertaion = new StringOperation(); //act IEnumerable <WordDataDto> data = opertaion.CountFrequentWords("Alpha Alpha FX - Count of Word"); //assert Assert.Equal(6, data.Count()); Assert.Equal(2, data.Single(b => b.Word.Equals("Alpha")).Count); }
public void Should_ReturnAllWordWithSingleAppearance_When_StringWithLessThan10Word_And_AllUniqueWord_IsPassed() { //arrange IStringOperation opertaion = new StringOperation(); //act IEnumerable <WordDataDto> data = (opertaion.CountFrequentWords("Alpha FX - Count of Word")); //assert Assert.Equal(6, data.Count()); Assert.True(data.All(a => a.Count == 1)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SendConfirmationEmail(SendConfirmationEmailAddressModel model)//User Id { var accessToken = await _dbContext .AccessToken .SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Value == model.AccessToken); var app = await _developerApiService.AppInfoAsync(accessToken.ApplyAppId); var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(model.Id); var useremail = await _dbContext.UserEmails.SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.EmailAddress == model.Email.ToLower()); if (useremail == null) { return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.NotFound, $"Can not find your email:{model.Email}")); } if (useremail.OwnerId != user.Id) { return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.Unauthorized, $"The account you tried to authorize is not an account with id: {model.Id}")); } if (useremail.Validated) { return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.HasDoneAlready, $"The email :{model.Email} was already validated!")); } if (!_dbContext.LocalAppGrant.Exists(t => t.AppID == accessToken.ApplyAppId && t.APIUserId == user.Id)) { return(Json(new AiurProtocal { Code = ErrorType.Unauthorized, Message = "This user did not grant your app!" })); } if (!app.App.ConfirmEmail) { return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.Unauthorized, "You app is not allowed to send confirmation email!")); } //limit the sending frenquency to 3 minutes. if (DateTime.Now > useremail.LastSendTime + new TimeSpan(0, 3, 0)) { var token = StringOperation.RandomString(30); useremail.ValidateToken = token; useremail.LastSendTime = DateTime.Now; await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); var callbackUrl = new AiurUrl(_serviceLocation.API, "User", nameof(EmailConfirm), new { userId = user.Id, code = token }); await _emailSender.SendEmail(useremail.EmailAddress, $"{Values.ProjectName} Account Email Confirmation", $"Please confirm your email by clicking <a href='{callbackUrl}'>here</a>"); } return(this.Protocal(ErrorType.Success, "Successfully sent the validation email.")); }
static void CorrectString(string str) { StringOperation stringOperation = null; stringOperation += DeletePunctuationMark; stringOperation += FerstToApperCase; stringOperation += AddDote; stringOperation += AddAuthor; stringOperation(ref str); Console.WriteLine(str); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int strLen = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string[] names = Console.ReadLine() .Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); StringOperation getCharSum = str => str.Select(ch => (int)ch).Sum(); Func <string, int, bool> isValid = (str, len) => getCharSum(str) >= len; string result = FindFirstValid(names, strLen, isValid); Console.WriteLine(result); }
private void buttonSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string sendstring = this.textBoxSend.Text; sendstring = sendstring.Replace(" ", ""); byte[] bs = StringOperation.HexstringToHexBytes(sendstring); socketControl.Send(bs, bs.Length, 0); SendCnt += bs.Length; this.labelSendCnt.Text = SendCnt.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
public async Task TestGetOutter() { var http = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <APIProxyService>(); var random = StringOperation.RandomString(100); var result = await http.Get(new AiurUrl("https://postman-echo.com/get", new { a = random })); dynamic resultObject = JObject.Parse(result); Assert.AreEqual(resultObject.args.a.ToString(), random); Assert.IsTrue(resultObject.url.ToString().StartsWith("https://")); }
public void Should_ReturnTop10Words_When_String_IsPassed() { //arrange IStringOperation opertaion = new StringOperation(); //act string fileData = File.ReadAllText("Lord of the Ring.txt"); List <WordDataDto> data = new List <WordDataDto>( opertaion.CountFrequentWords(fileData)); //assert int count = data.Count(); Assert.Equal(10, count); }