Example #1
    private void ReadInTextDocs()
        // ========================================
        // ================= BIOS =================
        // ========================================

        bool   lastLineSaidName  = false;
        bool   lastLineSaidStats = false;
        string line;
        string kidName    = "";
        Bio    currentBio = null;

        StreamReader biosStreamReader = File.OpenText(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Bios.txt");

            // Assign the next line to the string variable "line"
            line = biosStreamReader.ReadLine();

            // If this line isn't blank...
            if (line != null && line.Length > 0 && line[0] != '@')
                // If the last line started with "Name" (meaning this is the stats)...
                if (lastLineSaidName)
                    // Flag that the last line wasn't a name and add the name and line to our bios dict
                    lastLineSaidName  = false;
                    lastLineSaidStats = true;
                    currentBio.stats  = line;
                // Otherwise, if the last line was our stats (meaning this is the description)...
                else if (lastLineSaidStats)
                    lastLineSaidStats      = false;
                    lastLineSaidName       = false;
                    currentBio.description = line;
                    gameManager.biosDict.Add(kidName, currentBio);
                    currentBio = null;

                    // This line isn't technically necessary, but may help us with debugging if something messes up
                    kidName = "-EMPTY-";
                // Otherwise, this is the name for the kid
                    // If this line DOES start with name, then record the name and flag that the next line will be the bio
                    if (line.Substring(0, 4).ToLower() == "name")
                        lastLineSaidName = true;

                        currentBio = new Bio();
                        kidName    = StringManipulator.ExtractStringAfterChar(line, ':');
            // Keep doing this as long as there's still lines to be read
        } while (line != null);

        // =======================================
        // ============== SCENARIOS (OBSOLETE) ==============
        // =======================================
        StreamReader scenariosStreamReader = File.OpenText(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Scenarios.txt");
        Question     currentQuestion       = null;
        Option       currentOption         = null;
        bool         lastLineWasOption     = false;
        bool         lastLineWasPoints     = false;

            line = scenariosStreamReader.ReadLine();

            // If this line isn't blank...
            if (line != null && line.Length > 0 && line[0] != '@')
                // If it's a scenario description line...
                if (line.Contains(":") && Char.IsNumber(line[0]))
                    // Take not of some stuff and set a new currentScenario that we can add things to
                    lastLineWasPoints = false;
                    currentOption     = null;
                    currentQuestion   = new Question();

                    // Add this to the scenarios dictionary and add the description to that scenario
                    gameManager.scenariosDict.Add(StringManipulator.ExtractStringBeforeChar(line, ':'), currentQuestion);
                    currentQuestion.text = StringManipulator.ExtractStringAfterChar(line, ':');
                // If it's the points for an option...
                else if (lastLineWasOption)
                    lastLineWasOption = false;
                    lastLineWasPoints = true;
                    string pointsString;

                    // If there's an F on this line, then it's a failure
                    if (line.ToLower().Contains("f"))
                        currentOption.pointsWorth = -1;
                        // Get the points for this line
                        if (line.Contains(":"))
                            pointsString = StringManipulator.ExtractStringAfterChar(line, ':');
                            pointsString = line;

                        // Assign those points to the option we're currently dealing with
                        int points = int.Parse(pointsString);
                        currentOption.pointsWorth = points;

                    // Now that the option we're working with has some points assigned, add it to the options list for the current scenario
                // If this line is a comment, add this comment to the option
                else if (lastLineWasPoints && line[0] == '"')
                    currentOption.comment = StringManipulator.ExtractStringAfterChar(line, '"');
                // If it's an option line...
                else if (line[1] == ')')
                    lastLineWasOption = true;
                    lastLineWasPoints = false;

                    // Add this option with its text and letter
                    currentOption        = new Option(StringManipulator.ExtractStringAfterChar(line, ')'));
                    currentOption.letter = line[0];
        } while (line != null);


        // ==============================================
        // ============== SCENARIOS LINEAR ==============
        // ==============================================

        StreamReader scenariosLinearStreamReader = File.OpenText(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/ScenariosLinear.txt");
        currentQuestion = null;
        currentOption   = null;
        int    currentGroup        = 0;
        string currentQuestionText = "";
        bool   lastLineWasQuestion = false;

            line = scenariosLinearStreamReader.ReadLine();

            // If this line isn't blank...
            if (line != null && line.Length > 0 && line[0] != '@')
                // If it's a group line...
                if (line.Contains(":") && StringManipulator.ExtractStringBeforeChar(line, ':').ToLower() == "scenario")
                    lastLineWasQuestion = false;

                    // Set the currentGroup we're in
                    string groupString = StringManipulator.ExtractStringAfterChar(line, ':');
                    currentGroup = int.Parse(groupString);
                // If it's a question...
                else if (line.Contains(":") && Char.IsNumber(line[0]))
                    lastLineWasQuestion = true;
                    currentQuestionText = StringManipulator.ExtractStringAfterChar(line, ':');
                    string keyString = currentGroup.ToString() + "-" + StringManipulator.ExtractStringBeforeChar(line, ':');

                    currentQuestion = new Question();
                    gameManager.scenariosLinearDict.Add(keyString, currentQuestion);
                    currentQuestion.text = currentQuestionText;
                // If it's an option line...
                else if (line.Length > 1 && line[1] == ':' && Char.IsLetter(line[0]))
                    // Add this option with its text and letter
                    currentOption        = new Option(StringManipulator.ExtractStringAfterChar(line, ':'));
                    currentOption.letter = line[0];
                // If this line is a comment, add this comment to the option
                else if (line.Contains(":") && StringManipulator.ExtractStringBeforeChar(line, ':').ToLower() == "comment")
                    currentOption.comment = StringManipulator.ExtractStringAfterChar(line, ':');
                else if (Char.IsNumber(line[0]))
                    currentOption.pointsWorth = int.Parse(line);
                else if (lastLineWasQuestion)
                    currentQuestionText += "/n" + line;
                    currentQuestion.text = currentQuestionText;
        } while (line != null);
