void ConstructQuestDescription(QuestBaseClass updatedQuest)
        if (updatedQuest != null)//this is NOT redundant, it is needed here because computers are weird and choose when they want to do something in order i guess???
            int    index         = -1;
            int[]  currAmt       = new int[20];//assumed you wont have a goal over that needs you to interact 20 times
            int[]  reqAmt        = new int[20];
            string currVsReq     = "<br><br>";
            string lastQuestWord = StringHelperClass.DetermineLastQuestWord(updatedQuest.QuestType.ToString());

            if (descriptionText == null)
                descriptionText = questDescriptionPanel.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            if (active)
                foreach (QuestGoalBaseClass q in updatedQuest.QuestGoal) //May you always remember that time you freaked out about reference vs value and really it was just a problem of "++"
                {                                                        //sept 24 - i am paying my respects to ^ this ^ comment. My god, I really did freak out.
                    if (q != null)
                        currAmt[++index] = q.CurrentAmount;
                        reqAmt[index]    = q.RequiredAmount;

                        currVsReq += currAmt[index] + " / " + reqAmt[index] + " " + q.QuestObjectiveObject;
                if (!updatedQuest.QuestCompletedAndTurnedIn)
                    descriptionText.SetText(updatedQuest.QuestDescription + currVsReq + lastQuestWord + "<br>"); //use html tags here bc we are inputting into a text thingy that eats those instead of "\n"
            if (!active)