public void CustomTypeToString() { var sb = new StringFormatter(); sb.Append(new Age(56)); sb.Append(new Age(14, inMonths: true)); Assert.Equal(sb.ToString(), "56y14m"); }
public void CompositeFormattingEscapingMissingStartBracket() { var pool = new ManagedBufferPool<byte>(1024); var formatter = new StringFormatter(pool); Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => formatter.Format("{0}}", 1)); }
public void FormatGuid() { var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var sb = new StringFormatter(); sb.Append(guid); Assert.Equal(guid.ToString(), sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append(guid, 'D'); Assert.Equal(guid.ToString("D"), sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append(guid, 'N'); Assert.Equal(guid.ToString("N"), sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append(guid, 'B'); Assert.Equal(guid.ToString("B"), sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append(guid, 'P'); Assert.Equal(guid.ToString("P"), sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); }
public void CompositeFormattingFormatStrings() { var formatter = new StringFormatter(pool); formatter.Format("Hello{0:x}{1:X}{2:G}", 10, 255, 3); Assert.Equal("HelloaFF3", formatter.ToString()); }
public void CustomCulture() { var sb = new StringFormatter(); sb.Encoding = EncodingProvider.CreateEncoding("pl-PL"); sb.Append(-10000, TextFormat.Parse('N')); Assert.Equal("-10\u00A0000,00", sb.ToString()); // \u00A0 is a space group separator }
public void CompositeFormattingEscaping() { var format = "}}a {0} b {0} c {{{0}}} d {{e}} {{"; var formatter = new StringFormatter(pool); formatter.Format(format, 1); Assert.Equal(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, 1), formatter.ToString()); }
public void CustomCulture() { var sb = new StringFormatter(ArrayPool<byte>.Shared); sb.FormattingData = FormattingDataProvider.CreateFormattingData("pl-PL"); sb.Append(-10000, Format.Parse('N')); Assert.Equal("-10\u00A0000,00", sb.ToString()); // \u00A0 is a space group separator }
public void CompositeFormattingFormatStrings() { var pool = new ManagedBufferPool<byte>(1024); var formatter = new StringFormatter(pool); formatter.Format("Hello{0:x}{1:X}{2:G}", 10, 255, 3); Assert.Equal("HelloaFF3", formatter.ToString()); }
public void CustomCulture() { var sb = new StringFormatter(); sb.Encoding = Culture5; sb.Append(-1234567890); Assert.Equal("_?BBBBBCCCCCDDDDDEEEEEFFFFFGGGGGHHHHHIIIIIJJJJJAAAAA", sb.ToString()); }
public void FormatDateTimeG() { var time = DateTime.UtcNow; var sb = new StringFormatter(); sb.Append(time, 'G'); Assert.Equal(time.ToString("G"), sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); }
public void CompositeFormattingBasics() { var time = DateTime.UtcNow; using (var formatter = new StringFormatter(pool)) { formatter.Format("{2} - Error {0}. File {1} not found.", 404, "index.html", time); Assert.Equal(time.ToString("G") + " - Error 404. File index.html not found.", formatter.ToString()); } }
public void FormatTimeSpan() { var time = new TimeSpan(1000, 23, 40, 30, 12345); var sb = new StringFormatter(); sb.Append(time); Assert.Equal(time.ToString("", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); }
public void CompositeFormattingBasics() { var time = DateTime.UtcNow; var pool = new ManagedBufferPool<byte>(1024); var formatter = new StringFormatter(pool); formatter.Format("{2} - Error {0}. File {1} not found.", 404, "index.html", time); Assert.Equal(time.ToString("G") + " - Error 404. File index.html not found.", formatter.ToString()); }
public void CheckTimeSpan(TimeSpan value, string format) { var parsed = Format.Parse(format); var formatter = new StringFormatter(pool); formatter.Append(value, parsed); var result = formatter.ToString(); var clrResult = value.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Assert.Equal(clrResult, result); }
public void CompositeFormattingBasics() { var time = new DateTime(2016, 2, 9, 4, 1, 59, DateTimeKind.Utc); using (var formatter = new StringFormatter(pool)) { formatter.Format("{2:G} - Error {0}. File {1} not found.", 404, "index.html", time); Assert.Equal("2/9/2016 4:01:59 AM - Error 404. File index.html not found.", formatter.ToString()); } }
public void BasicStringFormatter() { var sb = new StringFormatter(); sb.Append("hi"); sb.Append(1); sb.Append("hello"); sb.Append((sbyte)-20); Assert.Equal("hi1hello-20", sb.ToString()); }
public void FormatDateTimeOffsetR() { var time = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; var sb = new StringFormatter(pool); sb.Append(time, 'R'); Assert.Equal(time.ToString("R"), sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); }
public void CustomCulture() { var pool = new ManagedBufferPool<byte>(1024); var sb = new StringFormatter(pool); sb.FormattingData = FormattingDataProvider.CreateFormattingData("pl-PL"); sb.Append(-10000, Format.Parse('N')); Assert.Equal("-10\u00A0000,00", sb.ToString()); // \u00A0 is a space group separator }
public void FormatDateTimeO() { var time = DateTime.UtcNow; var sb = new StringFormatter(); sb.Append(time, 'O'); Assert.Equal(time.ToString("O", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); }
public void StringFormatter_CanFormatByteArgument() { var formatter = new StringFormatter(); var buffer = new StringBuilder(); formatter.Reset(); formatter.AddArgument((Byte)123); formatter.Format("this is a Byte value: {0}", buffer); TheResultingString(buffer).ShouldBe("this is a Byte value: 123"); }
public void StringFormatter_CanFormatCharArgument() { var formatter = new StringFormatter(); var buffer = new StringBuilder(); formatter.Reset(); formatter.AddArgument('Z'); formatter.Format("this is a Char value: {0}", buffer); TheResultingString(buffer).ShouldBe("this is a Char value: Z"); }
public void StringFormatter_CanFormatDoubleArgumentWithDecimalsCommand() { var formatter = new StringFormatter(); var buffer = new StringBuilder(); formatter.Reset(); formatter.AddArgument(123.456789); formatter.Format("this is a Double value: {0:decimals:2}", buffer); TheResultingString(buffer).ShouldBe("this is a Double value: 123.46"); }
public void StringFormatter_CanFormatInt32Argument() { var formatter = new StringFormatter(); var buffer = new StringBuilder(); formatter.Reset(); formatter.AddArgument(12345); formatter.Format("this is an Int32 value: {0}", buffer); TheResultingString(buffer).ShouldBe("this is an Int32 value: 12345"); }
public void StringFormatter_CanFormatStringArgument() { var formatter = new StringFormatter(); var buffer = new StringBuilder(); formatter.Reset(); formatter.AddArgument("world"); formatter.Format("hello {0}", buffer); TheResultingString(buffer).ShouldBe("hello world"); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override void HandleCommandLocalizedString(StringFormatter formatter, StringBuilder output, StringSegment command, StringFormatterCommandArguments arguments, LocalizedString value) { if (value == null) throw new FormatException(NucleusStrings.FmtCmdInvalidForGeneratedStrings.Format("variant")); var variantName = arguments.GetArgument(0).Text; var variant = value.GetVariant(ref variantName); output.Append(variant); }
public void StringFormatter_CanFormatSingleArgument() { var formatter = new StringFormatter(); var buffer = new StringBuilder(); formatter.Reset(); formatter.AddArgument(123.45f); formatter.Format("this is a Single value: {0}", buffer); TheResultingString(buffer).ShouldBe("this is a Single value: 123.45000"); }
public void StringFormatter_CanFormatBooleanArgument() { var formatter = new StringFormatter(); var buffer = new StringBuilder(); formatter.Reset(); formatter.AddArgument(true); formatter.AddArgument(false); formatter.Format("this is {0} and this is {1}", buffer); TheResultingString(buffer).ShouldBe("this is True and this is False"); }
private void CheckByte(byte value, string format, string expected) { var formatter = new StringFormatter(pool); var parsed = Format.Parse(format); formatter.Clear(); formatter.Append(value, parsed); var result = formatter.ToString(); Assert.Equal(expected, result); var clrResult = value.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Assert.Equal(clrResult, result); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override void HandleCommandLocalizedString(StringFormatter formatter, StringBuilder output, StringSegment command, StringFormatterCommandArguments arguments, LocalizedString value) { var targetArgumentArg = arguments.GetArgument(0); var targetArgumentIndex = targetArgumentArg.GetValueAsInt32(); var targetMatchRuleArg = arguments.GetNextArgument(ref targetArgumentArg); var targetMatchRule = targetMatchRuleArg.Text; // Make sure our target is a localized string variant. var target = formatter.GetArgument(targetArgumentIndex); if (target.Reference == null || !(target.Reference is LocalizedStringVariant)) throw new FormatException(NucleusStrings.FmtCmdInvalidForArgument.Format("match", target.Reference?.GetType())); // Run the specified match evaluator. var match = Localization.MatchVariant(value, (LocalizedStringVariant)target.Reference, targetMatchRule); output.Append(match ?? "???"); }
private void InvariantFormatIntHex() { timer.Restart(); for (int itteration = 0; itteration < itterationsInvariant; itteration++) { StringFormatter sb = new StringFormatter(numbersToWrite, pool); for (int i = 0; i < numbersToWrite; i++) { sb.Append(((int)(i % 10)), Format.Parsed.HexUppercase); } var text = sb.ToString(); if (text.Length != numbersToWrite) { throw new Exception("test failed"); } } PrintTime(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the value of the property as a String, throws UnsetPropertyException if the value is null /// </summary> /// <returns>Value of the property as string</returns> public override string GetString() { Nullable <int> obj = this.GetValue(); if (obj.HasValue == false) { return(String.Empty); } // Get integer value as string: string value = StringFormatter.IntegerStringFormatter(obj, this.Length); // Validating length: if (value.Length != Length) { throw new LenghtMismatchException(this.Name + " : \"" + value + "\" is " + value.Length + " long while it should be " + Length + " long."); } return(value); }
/// <summary> /// Clear folder with logs /// </summary> public static void ClearLogsFolder() { var logsFolder = StringFormatter.GetLogsFolderPath(); try { LogProvider.Log.Info($"Clearing '{logsFolder}'"); var logsDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(logsFolder); if (!logsDirectory.Exists) { return; } foreach (var logPatternKeyValue in logsPatterns) { var logFilesToDelete = logsDirectory.GetFiles(logPatternKeyValue.Key) .GroupBy(x => x.LastWriteTime.Date) .Select(x => new { Day = x.Key, Files = x.ToArray() }) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Day) .Skip(logPatternKeyValue.Value) .SelectMany(x => x.Files) .ToArray(); logFilesToDelete.ForEach(x => { try { x.Delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogProvider.Log.Error(nameof(LogCleaner), $"Failed to delete log file: {x.FullName}", ex); } }); } } catch (Exception e) { LogProvider.Log.Error(nameof(LogCleaner), $"Failed to clear log folder: {logsFolder}", e); } }
private IEnumerable <Dictionary <InterKey, List <InterValue> > > doMap(InputTextCunk chunk, int thread_num = 0) { Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); var input_records = chunk.Records; var char_count = chunk.CharCount; watch.Restart(); var dics = new ConcurrentBag <Dictionary <InterKey, List <InterValue> > >(); ParallelOptions option = new ParallelOptions(); if (thread_num != 0) { option.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = thread_num; } Parallel.ForEach(Partitioner.Create(0, input_records.Count), option, (range) => { var dic = new Dictionary <InterKey, List <InterValue> >(); var context = new MapContext <InterKey, InterValue>(dic); for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++) { mapFunc.Invoke(input_records[i], context); } dics.Add(dic); Interlocked.Add(ref mapperInfo.MapEmits, context.EmitCount); }); watch.Stop(); mapperInfo.ProcessedRecords += input_records.Count; mapperInfo.ProcessedChars += char_count; if (watch.Elapsed > maxWorkPeriod) { maxChunkSize = Math.Min(maxChunkSize / 2, maxCharsToMap); } if (watch.Elapsed < minWorkPeriod) { maxChunkSize = Math.Min(maxChunkSize * 2, maxCharsToMap); } logger.Debug("Mapped a chunk with {0} chars in {1}", StringFormatter.DigitGrouped(char_count), watch.Elapsed); return(dics); }
public StringFormatter FormatPp(PPTuple?pp = null) { var formatter = StringFormatter.GetPPFormatter(); var tuple = pp ?? Pp; var ctx = s_exprCtx.Value; var ppExpressionDict = s_ppAstDict.Value; lock (_mtx) { UpdateContextVariablesFromPpTuple(ctx, tuple); UpdateContextVariablesFromHitCountTuple(ctx, HitCount); } foreach (var arg in formatter) { if (!ppExpressionDict.TryGetValue(arg, out var root)) { var parser = new ExpressionParser(); try { root = parser.Parse(arg.ExprString); } catch (ExprssionTokenException e) { Sync.Tools.IO.CurrentIO.WriteColor($"[RTPP:Expression]{e.Message}", ConsoleColor.Yellow); } ppExpressionDict[arg] = root; } try { formatter.Fill(arg, ctx.ExecAst(root)); } catch (ExpressionException e) { Sync.Tools.IO.CurrentIO.WriteColor($"[RTPP:Expression]{e.Message}", ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } return(formatter); }
public async Task <List <GameDetailsModel> > Get(string value) { _address = new Uri(""); string queryName = StringFormatter.ReturnFormattedValue(value); #region HttpClient Settings //Clear HttpClient HttpStaticClient.GetInstance.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); HttpStaticClient.GetInstance.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear(); //Set HttpClient HttpStaticClient.GetInstance.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); HttpStaticClient.GetInstance.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Client-ID", "3yo2gt2qjjburcphl30wfyt0e64vxx"); HttpStaticClient.GetInstance.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + AuthManager.GetToken(nameof(TwitchAuthClient))); HttpContent requestMessage = null; #endregion #region Api Call requestMessage = new StringContent(($"fields id,name,first_release_date,summary,platforms; where name ~ *\"{queryName}\"* & version_parent = null; limit 500; sort name asc;"), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (snder, cert, chain, error) => true; try { HttpResponseMessage response = await HttpStaticClient.GetInstance.PostAsync(_address, requestMessage).ConfigureAwait(false); var result = await HttpStaticClient.GetInstance.PostAsync(_address, null).ConfigureAwait(false); var jsonOutput = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; List <GameDetailsModel> game = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <GameDetailsModel> >(jsonOutput); return(game); } catch (HttpRequestException) { throw new HttpRequestException(); } #endregion }
public void FormatX() { var x = ParsedFormat.Parse("x"); var X = ParsedFormat.Parse("X"); var sb = new StringFormatter(); sb.Append((ulong)255, x); sb.Append((uint)255, X); Assert.Equal("ffFF", sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append((int)-1, X); Assert.Equal("FFFFFFFF", sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append((int)-2, X); Assert.Equal("FFFFFFFE", sb.ToString()); }
public void FormatXPrecision() { var x = ParsedFormat.Parse("x10"); var X = ParsedFormat.Parse("X10"); var sb = new StringFormatter(); sb.Append((ulong)255, x); sb.Append((uint)255, X); Assert.Equal("00000000ff00000000FF", sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append((int)-1, X); Assert.Equal("00FFFFFFFF", sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append((int)-2, X); Assert.Equal("00FFFFFFFE", sb.ToString()); }
public void deposit_amount_should_be_in_the_right_formatn() { List <HistoryLine> historyLines = new List <HistoryLine> { new HistoryLine(new DateTime(2012, 1, 10), 1000, null, new Balance(1000)) }; string[] message = new StringFormatter().Format(historyLines).Split(Environment.NewLine); string firstHistoryFormattedLine = message[1]; string[] splittedHistoryline = firstHistoryFormattedLine.Split("||"); char space = ' '; splittedHistoryline[0].Should().Be("10/01/2012" + space); splittedHistoryline[1].Should().Be(space + "1000.00" + space); splittedHistoryline[2].Should().Be(space.ToString()); splittedHistoryline[3].Should().Be(space + "1000.00"); firstHistoryFormattedLine.Should().Be("10/01/2012 || 1000.00 || || 1000.00"); }
public T Delete <T>(string uuid) where T : EntityBase, new() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uuid)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("uuid"); } T model = new T(); var query = new StringFormatter(QueryTemplates.TEMPLATE_DELETE); query.Add("@label", model.Label); query.Add("@Uuid", uuid); query.Add("@updatedAt", DateTime.UtcNow.ToTimeStamp()); IStatementResult result = ExecuteQuery(query.ToString()); return(result.Map <T>()); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new instance of <see cref="YoutubeDumper"/> /// </summary> public YoutubeExperimentalDumper(YoutubeExperimentalConfig config) { _config = config; _pool = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared; _client = config.HttpClient ?? new HttpClient(); //Chrome User-Agent if (config.UseChromeUserAgent) { _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.UserAgent)) { _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", config.UserAgent); } sb = new StringFormatter(); sw_parsing = config.MeasureTime ? new Stopwatch() : null; sw = config.MeasureTime ? new Stopwatch() : null; }
public object Convert(object[] value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { if (value.Length < 2) { throw new ArgumentException("2 values should be provided: string and int length."); } if (value[0] is not string str) { throw new ArgumentException("First value should be a string (string to shorten)."); } if (value[1] is not int chars) { throw new ArgumentException("Second value should be an int (number of chars)."); } return(StringFormatter.CutStart(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(str), chars)); }
public int DropByProperties <T>(Dictionary <string, object> props) where T : EntityBase, new() { if (props == null || !props.Any()) { throw new ArgumentNullException("props"); } dynamic properties = props.AsQueryClause(); dynamic clause = properties.clause; Dictionary <string, object> parameters = properties.parameters; var query = new StringFormatter(QueryTemplates.TEMPLATE_DROP_BY_PROPERTIES); query.Add("@label", new T().Label); query.Add("@clause", clause); IStatementResult result = ExecuteQuery(query.ToString(), parameters); return(result.Summary.Counters.NodesDeleted); }
public override string GetSummary() { string displaySummary = ""; if (display != StageDisplayType.None) { displaySummary = StringFormatter.SplitCamelCase(display.ToString()); } else { return("Error: No display selected"); } string stageSummary = ""; if (stage != null) { stageSummary = " \"" + + "\""; } return(displaySummary + stageSummary); }
private void InvariantFormatStruct() { ManagedBufferPool <byte> pool = new ManagedBufferPool <byte>(1024); timer.Restart(); for (int itteration = 0; itteration < itterationsInvariant; itteration++) { StringFormatter sb = new StringFormatter(numbersToWrite * 2, pool); for (int i = 0; i < numbersToWrite; i++) { sb.Append(new Age(i % 10)); } var text = sb.ToString(); if (text.Length != numbersToWrite * 2) { throw new Exception("test failed"); } } PrintTime(); }
private void InvariantFormatIntHex() { StandardFormat format = new StandardFormat('X', StandardFormat.NoPrecision); timer.Restart(); for (int itteration = 0; itteration < itterationsInvariant; itteration++) { StringFormatter sb = new StringFormatter(numbersToWrite, pool); for (int i = 0; i < numbersToWrite; i++) { sb.Append(((int)(i % 10)), format); } var text = sb.ToString(); if (text.Length != numbersToWrite) { throw new Exception("test failed"); } } PrintTime(); }
public IActionResult Index() { var events = _eventData.GetEventsWithOrganizer(); var model = new List <EventViewModel>(); foreach (var e in events) { model.Add(new EventViewModel { Id = e.Id, Author = string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Organizer.Name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Organizer.Surname)? e.Organizer.UserName:$"{e.Organizer.Name} {e.Organizer.Surname}", ImageUrl = e.ImageUrl, ReleaseTime = e.Time, TextPreview = StringFormatter.FormatForPreview(e.Text), Title = e.Name, }); } return(View(model)); }
private void InvariantFormatIntHex() { ManagedBufferPool <byte> pool = new ManagedBufferPool <byte>(1024); timer.Restart(); for (int itteration = 0; itteration < itterationsInvariant; itteration++) { StringFormatter sb = new StringFormatter(numbersToWrite, pool); for (int i = 0; i < numbersToWrite; i++) { sb.Append(((int)(i % 10)), Format.Parsed.HexUppercase); } var text = sb.ToString(); if (text.Length != numbersToWrite) { throw new Exception("test failed"); } } PrintTime(); }
private void RenderBaseClass(ITable table) { hdrUtil.WriteClassHeader(output); output.autoTabLn("using System;"); output.autoTabLn("using System.Collections.Generic;"); output.autoTabLn("using System.Linq;"); output.autoTabLn("using System.Text;"); output.autoTabLn("using System.Data.Linq;"); output.autoTabLn(""); output.autoTabLn("using " + _script.Settings.BusinessObjects.BusinessObjectsNamespace + ";"); output.autoTabLn("using " + _script.Settings.DataOptions.DataObjectsNamespace + ".Interfaces;"); output.autoTabLn("using " + _script.Settings.DataOptions.DataObjectsNamespace + ".EntityFramework;"); output.autoTabLn(""); output.autoTabLn("namespace " + _script.Settings.DataOptions.DataObjectsNamespace + ".SQLServer"); output.autoTabLn("{"); output.tabLevel++; output.autoTabLn("public class " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "BaseDao : ICRUDDao<" + _context.Utility.BuildModelClassWithNameSpace(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name)) + ">"); output.autoTabLn("{"); output.tabLevel++; output.autoTabLn("#region CRUD Methods"); output.autoTabLn(""); output.tabLevel--; output.autoTabLn(""); _dataStore.GetAll(table); _dataStore.Insert(table); _dataStore.Update(table); _dataStore.Delete(table); output.autoTabLn(""); output.tabLevel++; output.autoTabLn("#endregion"); output.tabLevel--; output.autoTabLn("}"); output.tabLevel--; output.autoTabLn("}"); _context.FileList.Add(" " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "Base" + _script.Settings.DataOptions.ClassSuffix.Name + ".cs"); SaveOutput(CreateFullPath(_script.Settings.DataOptions.DataObjectsNamespace + "\\" + _script.Settings.DataOptions.DataStore.Selected + "\\Generated", StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "Base" + _script.Settings.DataOptions.ClassSuffix.Name + ".cs"), SaveActions.Overwrite); }
public void WriteTable(StringTable table, int columnSpacing = 3, bool addVerticalSeparation = false) { if (table == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("table", "table is null."); } if (IsWordWrapEnabled) { int indent = m_indent; if (indent >= Console.WindowWidth - columnSpacing - 2) { indent = 0; } int maxWidth = Console.WindowWidth - indent; int col1Width = Math.Min(table.Labels.Max(text => text.Length), maxWidth / 2); int colSpacing = columnSpacing; int col2Width = maxWidth - col1Width - colSpacing - 1; for (int i = 0; i < table.Count; i++) { if (i > 0 && addVerticalSeparation) { Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine( StringFormatter.FormatInColumns(indent, colSpacing, new StringFormatter.ColumnInfo(col1Width, table.Labels[i]), new StringFormatter.ColumnInfo(col2Width, table.Values[i]))); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < table.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}{3}", new String(' ', m_indent), table.Labels[i], new String(' ', columnSpacing), table.Values[i]); } } }
public void Render(string modelName) { _output.tabLevel--; foreach (string tableName in _script.Tables) { _output.tabLevel++; _output.autoTabLn("#region " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + " Mappers"); _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.autoTabLn("public static " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + modelName + " ToModel(this " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + " entity)"); _output.autoTabLn("{"); _output.tabLevel++; _output.autoTabLn("return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + ", " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + modelName + ">(entity);"); _output.tabLevel--; _output.autoTabLn("}"); _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.autoTabLn("public static List<" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + modelName + "> ToModel(this List<" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + "> " + StringFormatter.CamelCasing(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName)) + "List)"); _output.autoTabLn("{"); _output.tabLevel++; _output.autoTabLn("var models = new List<" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + modelName + ">();"); _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.autoTabLn("if (" + StringFormatter.CamelCasing(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName)) + "List != null && " + StringFormatter.CamelCasing(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName)) + "List.Count > 0)"); _output.tabLevel++; _output.autoTabLn(StringFormatter.CamelCasing(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName)) + "List.ForEach(b => models.Add(b.ToModel()));"); _output.tabLevel--; _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.autoTabLn("return models;"); _output.tabLevel--; _output.autoTabLn("}"); _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.autoTabLn("public static " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + " FromModel(this " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + modelName + " model)"); _output.autoTabLn("{"); _output.tabLevel++; _output.autoTabLn("return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + modelName + ", " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(tableName) + ">(model);"); _output.tabLevel--; _output.autoTabLn("} "); _output.autoTabLn("#endregion"); _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.tabLevel--; } _output.tabLevel++; }
public IList <T> GetByProperty <T>( string propertyName, object propertValue) where T : EntityBase, new() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propertyName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyName"); } if (propertValue == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("propertValue"); } var entites = new Lazy <List <T> >(); var query = new StringFormatter(QueryTemplates.TEMPLATE_GET_BY_PROPERTY); query.Add("@label", new T().Label); query.Add("@property", propertyName); query.Add("@result", TAG); query.Add("@relatedNode", string.Empty); query.Add("@relationship", string.Empty); IStatementResult result = ExecuteQuery(query.ToString(), new { value = propertValue }); foreach (IRecord record in result) { var node = record[0].As <INode>().Properties; var relatedNodes = FetchRelatedNode <T>(node["Uuid"].ToString()); var nodes = node.Concat(relatedNodes).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); T nodeObject = nodes.Map <T>(); entites.Value.Add(nodeObject); } return(entites.Value); }
private void RenderClass(ITable table) { var output = _context.Zeus.Output; output.clear(); try { _hdrUtil.WriteClassHeader(output); output.autoTabLn("using System;"); output.autoTabLn("using System.Collections.Generic;"); output.autoTabLn("using System.Runtime.Serialization;"); output.autoTabLn(""); output.autoTabLn("namespace " + _script.Settings.ServiceLayer.ServiceNamespace + ".DataTransferObjects"); output.autoTabLn("{"); output.autoTabLn(" [DataContract(Name = \"" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "\", Namespace = \"" + _script.Settings.ServiceLayer.DataContract + "\")]"); output.autoTabLn(" public class " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "Dto "); output.autoTabLn(" {"); output.autoTabLn(" #region Properties"); output.autoTabLn(""); output.tabLevel++; RenderProperties(table); output.tabLevel--; output.autoTabLn(""); output.autoTabLn(""); output.autoTabLn(" #endregion"); output.autoTabLn(" }"); output.autoTabLn("}"); _context.FileList.Add(" " + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "Dto.cs"); SaveOutput(CreateFullPath(@"BusinessObjects", StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "Dto.cs"), SaveActions.DontOverwrite); output.clear(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 订阅消息队列 /// </summary> /// <param name="chanels">消息队列</param> public void Subscribe <T>(string chanels, Action <T> handler) where T : class, new() { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("handler"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chanels)) { throw new ArgumentException("chanels"); } lock (m_contexts) { if (m_contexts.FirstOrDefault((i) => i.MqChanels == chanels) != null) { throw new ArgumentException("repeat"); } MqSubscribeContext context = new MqSubscribeContext { EventHandler = (message) => { T value = null; if (typeof(string) != typeof(T)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { value = StringFormatter.Deserialize <T>(message); } } else { object obj = message; value = (T)obj; } handler(value); }, EventType = typeof(T), MqChanels = chanels }; m_contexts.Add(context); } }
public static void AddMessenger(this IMutableDependencyResolver services) { // messenger services.RegisterLazySingleton <IBasicMessageModelFactory>(() => { return(new BasicMessageModelFactory()); }); services.RegisterLazySingleton <INoteMessageModelFactory>(() => { return(new NoteMessageModelFactory()); }); services.RegisterLazySingleton <ISpecialMessageModelFactory>(() => { var stringFormatter = new StringFormatter(); return(new SpecialMessageModelFactory(stringFormatter)); }); services.RegisterLazySingleton <IVisualMessageModelFactory>(() => { return(new VisualMessageModelFactory()); }); services.RegisterLazySingleton <IMessageModelFactory>(() => { var basicMessageModelFactory = services.GetService <IBasicMessageModelFactory>(); var noteMessageModelFactory = services.GetService <INoteMessageModelFactory>(); var specialMessageModelFactory = services.GetService <ISpecialMessageModelFactory>(); var visualMessageModelFactory = services.GetService <IVisualMessageModelFactory>(); var stringFormatter = new StringFormatter(); return(new MessageModelFactory( basicMessageModelFactory, noteMessageModelFactory, specialMessageModelFactory, visualMessageModelFactory, stringFormatter)); }); }
public void RenderDaoInterface(ITable table) { _output.autoTabLn("using System;"); _output.autoTabLn("using System.Linq;"); _output.autoTabLn("using System.Collections.Generic;"); _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.autoTabLn("using " + _script.Settings.BusinessObjects.BusinessObjectsNamespace + ";"); _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.autoTabLn("namespace " + _script.Settings.DataOptions.DataObjectsNamespace + ".Interfaces"); _output.autoTabLn("{"); _output.tabLevel++; _output.autoTabLn("public interface I" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + _script.Settings.DataOptions.ClassSuffix.Name + " : ICRUD" + _script.Settings.DataOptions.ClassSuffix.Name + "<" + _context.Utility.BuildModelClassWithNameSpace(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name)) + ">"); _output.autoTabLn("{"); _output.tabLevel++; _output.autoTabLn("" + _context.Utility.BuildModelClassWithNameSpace(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name)) + " GetById(" + StringFormatter.CamelCasing(_context.Utility.RenderConcreteMethodParameters(table)) + ");"); _output.autoTabLn("List<" + _context.Utility.BuildModelClassWithNameSpace(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name)) + "> GetAll(string sortExpression, int startRowIndex, int maximumRows);"); _output.tabLevel--; _output.autoTabLn("}"); _output.tabLevel--; _output.autoTabLn("}"); }
public void RenderServiceInterface(ITable table) { _output.autoTabLn("using System;"); _output.autoTabLn("using System.Collections.Generic;"); _output.autoTabLn("using System.Linq;"); _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.autoTabLn("namespace " + _script.Settings.ServiceLayer.ServiceNamespace + ".Interfaces"); _output.autoTabLn("{"); _output.tabLevel++; _output.autoTabLn("public interface I" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "Service : ICRUDService<" + _context.Utility.BuildModelClassWithNameSpace(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name)) + ">"); _output.autoTabLn("{"); _output.tabLevel++; _output.autoTabLn(_context.Utility.BuildModelClassWithNameSpace(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name)) + " GetById(" + _context.Utility.RenderConcreteMethodParameters(table) + ");"); _output.autoTabLn("List<" + _context.Utility.BuildModelClassWithNameSpace(StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name)) + "> GetAll(string sortExpression, int startRowIndex, int maximumRows);"); _output.autoTabLn("int GetCount();"); _output.tabLevel--; _output.autoTabLn("}"); _output.tabLevel--; _output.autoTabLn("}"); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a string consisting of the program name, version and copyright notice. /// </summary> /// <param name="width">The total width in characters in which the string should be fitted</param> /// <returns>a string consisting of the program name, version and copyright notice.</returns> /// <remarks>This string is suitable for printing as the first output of a console application.</remarks> public string GetHeaderAsString(int width) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.Append(ApplicationName ?? "Unnamed application"); if (ApplicationVersion != null) { result.Append(" "); result.Append(CommandLineStrings.Version); result.Append(' '); result.Append(ApplicationVersion); } result.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (ApplicationCopyright != null) { result.Append(ApplicationCopyright); result.Append(Environment.NewLine); } return(StringFormatter.WordWrap(result.ToString(), width)); }
private void FormatGuid() { var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var guidsToWrite = numbersToWrite / 10; timer.Restart(); for (int itteration = 0; itteration < itterationsInvariant; itteration++) { StringFormatter sb = new StringFormatter(guidsToWrite * 36, pool); for (int i = 0; i < guidsToWrite; i++) { sb.Append(guid); } var text = sb.ToString(); if (text.Length != guidsToWrite * 36) { throw new Exception("test failed"); } } PrintTime(); }
private void RenderInterface(ITable table) { _hdrUtil.WriteClassHeader(_output); _output.autoTabLn("using System;"); _output.autoTabLn("using System.Linq;"); _output.autoTabLn("using " + _script.Settings.BusinessObjects.BusinessObjectsNamespace + ";"); _output.autoTabLn("using " + _script.Settings.ServiceLayer.ServiceNamespace + ".Generated;"); _output.autoTabLn(""); _output.autoTabLn("namespace " + _script.Settings.ServiceLayer.ServiceNamespace + ".Interfaces"); _output.autoTabLn("{"); _output.tabLevel++; _output.autoTabLn("public interface I" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "Service : IService<" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + ">"); _output.autoTabLn("{"); _output.autoTabLn("}"); _output.tabLevel--; _output.autoTabLn("}"); _context.FileList.Add(" I" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "Service.cs"); SaveOutput(CreateFullPath(_script.Settings.ServiceLayer.ServiceNamespace + "\\Interfaces", "I" + StringFormatter.CleanUpClassName(table.Name) + "Service.cs"), SaveActions.DontOverwrite); }
public static string __repr__(CodeContext /*!*/ context, double self) { if (Double.IsNaN(self)) { return("nan"); } // first format using Python's specific formatting rules... StringFormatter sf = new StringFormatter(context, "%.17g", self); sf._TrailingZeroAfterWholeFloat = true; string res = sf.Format(); if (LiteralParser.ParseFloat(res) == self) { return(res); } // if it's not round trippable though use .NET's round-trip format return(self.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }