Example #1
		// Function from file: musician.dm
		public void playnote( int note = 0, string acc = null, int oct = 0 ) {
			dynamic soundfile = null;
			dynamic source = null;
			dynamic M = null;

			if ( acc == "b" && ( note == 3 || note == 6 ) ) {
				if ( note == 3 ) {
				acc = "n";
			} else if ( acc == "#" && ( note == 2 || note == 5 ) ) {
				if ( note == 2 ) {
				acc = "n";
			} else if ( acc == "#" && note == 7 ) {
				note = 1;
				acc = "b";
			} else if ( acc == "#" ) {
				acc = "b";

			if ( oct < 1 || ( note == 3 ? oct > 9 : oct > 8 ) ) {
			soundfile = "sound/" + this.instrumentDir + "/" + String13.GetCharFromCode( note + 64 ) + acc + oct + "." + this.instrumentExt;
			soundfile = new File( soundfile );

			if ( !File13.Exists( soundfile ) ) {
			source = GlobalFuncs.get_turf( this.instrumentObj );

			foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate( GlobalFuncs.get_hearers_in_view( 15, source ) )) {
				M = _a;

				if ( !Lang13.Bool( M.client ) || !Lang13.Bool( M.client.prefs.toggles & 128 ) ) {
				((Ent_Static)M).playsound_local( source, soundfile, 100, null, null, 5 );
Example #2
        // Function from file: map_template.dm
        public void preload_size(string path = null)
            string quote    = null;
            string map_file = null;
            int    key_len  = 0;
            int    mapstart = 0;
            string content  = null;
            int    line_len = 0;

            quote       = String13.GetCharFromCode(34);
            map_file    = File13.Read(path);
            key_len     = Lang13.Length(String13.SubStr(map_file, 2, String13.FindIgnoreCase(map_file, quote, 2, 0)));
            mapstart    = String13.FindIgnoreCase(map_file, "\n(1,1,", 1, 0);
            content     = String13.SubStr(map_file, String13.FindIgnoreCase(map_file, quote + "\n", mapstart, 0) + 2, String13.FindIgnoreCase(map_file, "\n" + quote, mapstart, 0) + 1);
            line_len    = Lang13.Length(String13.SubStr(content, 1, String13.FindIgnoreCase(content, "\n", 2, 0)));
            this.width  = line_len / key_len;
            this.height = Lang13.Length(content) / (line_len + 1);
Example #3
        public void load_map(string dmm_file = null, bool x_offset = false, bool y_offset = false, int z_offset = 0)
            string  quote          = null;
            string  tfile          = null;
            int     tfile_len      = 0;
            int     lpos           = 0;
            ByTable grid_models    = null;
            int     key_len        = 0;
            string  tline          = null;
            string  model_key      = null;
            string  model_contents = null;
            int     zcrd           = 0;
            double  ycrd           = 0;
            int     xcrd           = 0;
            int?    zpos           = null;
            string  zgrid          = null;
            int     z_depth        = 0;
            int     x_depth        = 0;
            double  x_tilecount    = 0;
            double  y_depth        = 0;
            int?    gpos           = null;
            string  grid_line      = null;
            double  mpos           = 0;
            string  model_key2     = null;

            if (!(z_offset != 0))
                z_offset = Game13.map_size_z + 1;

            if (!x_offset)
                x_offset = false;

            if (!y_offset)
                y_offset = false;
            quote       = String13.GetCharFromCode(34);
            tfile       = File13.Read(dmm_file);
            tfile_len   = Lang13.Length(tfile);
            lpos        = 1;
            grid_models = new ByTable();
            key_len     = Lang13.Length(String13.SubStr(tfile, 2, String13.FindIgnoreCase(tfile, quote, 2, 0)));
            lpos        = 1;

            while (lpos < tfile_len)
                tline = String13.SubStr(tfile, lpos, String13.FindIgnoreCase(tfile, "\n", lpos, 0));

                if (String13.SubStr(tline, 1, 2) != quote)
                model_key              = String13.SubStr(tline, 2, key_len + 2);
                model_contents         = String13.SubStr(tline, String13.FindIgnoreCase(tfile, "=", 1, 0) + 3, Lang13.Length(tline));
                grid_models[model_key] = model_contents;
                lpos = String13.FindIgnoreCase(tfile, "\n", lpos, 0) + 1;
            zcrd = -1;
            ycrd = y_offset ?1:0;
            xcrd = x_offset ?1:0;
            zpos = null;
            zpos = String13.FindIgnoreCase(tfile, "\n(1,1,", lpos, 0);

            while (zpos != 0)
                Game13.map_size_z = Num13.MaxInt(Game13.map_size_z, zcrd + z_offset);
                zgrid             = String13.SubStr(tfile, String13.FindIgnoreCase(tfile, quote + "\n", zpos ?? 0, 0) + 2, String13.FindIgnoreCase(tfile, "\n" + quote, zpos ?? 0, 0) + 1);
                z_depth           = Lang13.Length(zgrid);
                x_depth           = Lang13.Length(String13.SubStr(zgrid, 1, String13.FindIgnoreCase(zgrid, "\n", 2, 0)));
                x_tilecount       = x_depth / key_len;

                if (Game13.map_size_x < x_tilecount)
                    Game13.map_size_x = ((int)(x_tilecount));
                y_depth = z_depth / (x_depth + 1);

                if (Game13.map_size_y < y_depth)
                    Game13.map_size_y = ((int)(y_depth));
                ycrd = y_depth;
                gpos = null;
                gpos = 1;

                while (gpos != 0)
                    grid_line = String13.SubStr(zgrid, gpos ?? 0, String13.FindIgnoreCase(zgrid, "\n", gpos ?? 0, 0));
                    xcrd      = 0;

                    foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.IterateRange(1, x_depth, key_len))
                        mpos = _a;

                        model_key2 = String13.SubStr(grid_line, ((int)(mpos)), ((int)(mpos + key_len)));
                        this.parse_grid(grid_models[model_key2], xcrd + (x_offset ?1:0), ycrd + (y_offset ?1:0), zcrd + z_offset);

                    if ((gpos ?? 0) + x_depth + 1 > z_depth)
                    gpos = String13.FindIgnoreCase(zgrid, "\n", gpos ?? 0, 0) + 1;

                if (String13.FindIgnoreCase(tfile, quote + "}", zpos ?? 0, 0) + 2 == tfile_len)
                zpos = String13.FindIgnoreCase(tfile, "\n(1,1,", (zpos ?? 0) + 1, 0);
Example #4
        // Function from file: other_reagents.dm
        public override double reaction_mob(dynamic M = null, int?method = null, double?reac_volume = null, bool?show_message = null, dynamic touch_protection = null, Mob_Camera_Blob O = null)
            method       = method ?? GlobalVars.TOUCH;
            show_message = show_message ?? true;

            dynamic N        = null;
            string  newcolor = null;
            int?    len      = null;
            int?    i        = null;
            int     ascii    = 0;

            if (M is Mob_Living_Carbon_Human)
                if (method == GlobalVars.PATCH || method == GlobalVars.VAPOR)
                    N = M;

                    if (N.dna.species.id == "human")
                        dynamic _a = N.skin_tone;                         // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.
                        if (_a == "african1")
                            N.skin_tone = "african2";
                        else if (_a == "indian")
                            N.skin_tone = "african1";
                        else if (_a == "arab")
                            N.skin_tone = "indian";
                        else if (_a == "asian2")
                            N.skin_tone = "arab";
                        else if (_a == "asian1")
                            N.skin_tone = "asian2";
                        else if (_a == "mediterranean")
                            N.skin_tone = "african1";
                        else if (_a == "latino")
                            N.skin_tone = "mediterranean";
                        else if (_a == "caucasian3")
                            N.skin_tone = "mediterranean";
                        else if (_a == "caucasian2")
                            N.skin_tone = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "caucasian3", "latino" });
                        else if (_a == "caucasian1")
                            N.skin_tone = "caucasian2";
                        else if (_a == "albino")
                            N.skin_tone = "caucasian1";

                    if (N.dna.species.specflags.Contains(1))
                        newcolor = "";
                        len      = Lang13.Length(N.dna.features["mcolor"]);
                        i        = null;
                        i        = 1;

                        while ((i ?? 0) <= (len ?? 0))
                            ascii = String13.GetCharCode(N.dna.features["mcolor"], i);

                            dynamic _b = ascii;                             // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.
                            if (49 <= _b && _b <= 57)
                                newcolor += String13.GetCharFromCode(ascii - 1);
                            else if (98 <= _b && _b <= 102)
                                newcolor += String13.GetCharFromCode(ascii - 1);
                            else if (66 <= _b && _b <= 70)
                                newcolor += String13.GetCharFromCode(ascii + 31);
                            else if (_b == 48)
                                newcolor += "0";
                            else if (_b == 97)
                                newcolor += "9";
                            else if (_b == 65)
                                newcolor += "9";
                            i += 1;

                        if (Convert.ToDouble(GlobalFuncs.ReadHSV(newcolor)[3]) >= Convert.ToDouble(GlobalFuncs.ReadHSV("#7F7F7F")[3]))
                            N.dna.features["mcolor"] = newcolor;

                if (method == GlobalVars.INGEST)
                    if (show_message == true)
                        M.WriteMsg("<span class='notice'>That tasted horrible.</span>");
            base.reaction_mob((object)(M), method, reac_volume, show_message, (object)(touch_protection), O);