Example #1
        public void AddToDirectory_ShouldGetCorrectBoolean()
            StreamingContent content = new StreamingContent();//creating new instance of the streamingContent named content

            //create instance of our repository so we can test that we can calll that instance
            StreamingContentRepoistory repo = new StreamingContentRepoistory(); // creates new streaming content repoistory named repo

            bool addResult = repo.AddContentToDirectory(content);

Example #2
        public void GetContents_ShouldReturnContents()
            StreamingContent           content = new StreamingContent();           // new instance
            StreamingContentRepoistory repo    = new StreamingContentRepoistory(); // new instance of repository


            List <StreamingContent> contents = repo.GetContents();

            bool directoryHasContent = contents.Contains(content);


Example #3
 public void Arrange()
     _repo    = new StreamingContentRepoistory();                                                                    // this field _repo has all the methods available to us, which we set up in the repository
     _content = new StreamingContent("Mr. Right", "Hitman falls in love", MaturityRating.R, 55.5, GenreType.Action); // the field _content is given all the same values of the the new instance of streaming content so the field _content(string title="Mr. Right", string description="Hitman Falls in love",MaturityRating =MaturityRating.R, double rating = 55.5, GenreType genre = GenreType.Action)
     _repo.AddContentToDirectory(_content);                                                                          //this adds sll of our streamingContent values to our repository // the content _content are now within callable in our repository