Example #1
        private bool TestBitmapFileHeader(StreamReaderHelper stream, out int offset)
            offset = 0;
            // File must start with "BM".
            if (stream.GetWord(0, true) == 0x424d)
                int filesize = (int)stream.GetDWord(2, false);
                // Integrity check: filesize set in BM header should match size of the stream.
                // We test "<" instead of "!=" to allow extra bytes at the end of the stream.
                if (filesize < stream.Length)
                    return false;

                offset = (int)stream.GetDWord(10, false);
                stream.CurrentOffset += 14;
                return true;
            return false;
Example #2
        private bool TestBitmapFileHeader(StreamReaderHelper stream, out int offset)
            offset = 0;
            // File must start with "BM".
            if (stream.GetWord(0, true) == 0x424d)
                int filesize = (int)stream.GetDWord(2, false);
                // Integrity check: filesize set in BM header should match size of the stream.
                // We test "<" instead of "!=" to allow extra bytes at the end of the stream.
                if (filesize < stream.Length)

                offset = (int)stream.GetDWord(10, false);
                stream.CurrentOffset += 14;
        private bool TestJfifHeader(StreamReaderHelper stream, ImportedImage ii)
            // The App0 header should be the first header in every JFIF file.
            if (stream.GetWord(0, true) == 0xffe0)
                // Now check for text "JFIF".
                if (stream.GetDWord(4, true) == 0x4a464946)
                    int blockLength = stream.GetWord(2, true);
                    if (blockLength >= 16)
                        int version  = stream.GetWord(9, true);
                        int units    = stream.GetByte(11);
                        int densityX = stream.GetWord(12, true);
                        int densityY = stream.GetWord(14, true);

                        switch (units)
                        case 0:     // Aspect ratio only.
                            ii.Information.HorizontalAspectRatio = densityX;
                            ii.Information.VerticalAspectRatio   = densityY;

                        case 1:     // DPI.
                            ii.Information.HorizontalDPI = densityX;
                            ii.Information.VerticalDPI   = densityY;

                        case 2:     // DPCM.
                            ii.Information.HorizontalDPM = densityX * 100;
                            ii.Information.VerticalDPM   = densityY * 100;

                        // More information here? More tests?
        private bool TestBitmapInfoHeader(StreamReaderHelper stream, ImportedImage ii, int offset)
            int size = (int)stream.GetDWord(0, false);

            if (size == 40 || size == 108 || size == 124) // sizeof BITMAPINFOHEADER == 40, sizeof BITMAPV4HEADER == 108, sizeof BITMAPV5HEADER == 124
                uint width           = stream.GetDWord(4, false);
                int  height          = (int)stream.GetDWord(8, false);
                int  planes          = stream.GetWord(12, false);
                int  bitcount        = stream.GetWord(14, false);
                int  compression     = (int)stream.GetDWord(16, false);
                int  sizeImage       = (int)stream.GetDWord(20, false);
                int  xPelsPerMeter   = (int)stream.GetDWord(24, false);
                int  yPelsPerMeter   = (int)stream.GetDWord(28, false);
                uint colorsUsed      = stream.GetDWord(32, false);
                uint colorsImportant = stream.GetDWord(36, false);
                // TODO Integrity and plausibility checks.
                if (sizeImage != 0 && sizeImage + offset > stream.Length)

                ImagePrivateDataBitmap privateData = (ImagePrivateDataBitmap)ii.Data;

                // Return true only for supported formats.
                if (compression == 0 || compression == 3) // BI_RGB == 0, BI_BITFIELDS == 3
                    ((ImagePrivateDataBitmap)ii.Data).Offset             = offset;
                    ((ImagePrivateDataBitmap)ii.Data).ColorPaletteOffset = stream.CurrentOffset + size;
                    ii.Information.Width         = width;
                    ii.Information.Height        = (uint)Math.Abs(height);
                    ii.Information.HorizontalDPM = xPelsPerMeter;
                    ii.Information.VerticalDPM   = yPelsPerMeter;
                    privateData.FlippedImage     = height < 0;
                    if (planes == 1 && bitcount == 24)
                        // RGB24
                        ii.Information.ImageFormat = ImageInformation.ImageFormats.RGB24;

                        // TODO: Verify Mask if size >= 108 && compression == 3.
                    if (planes == 1 && bitcount == 32)
                        // ARGB32
                        //ii.Information.ImageFormat = ImageInformation.ImageFormats.ARGB32;
                        ii.Information.ImageFormat = compression == 0 ?
                                                     ImageInformation.ImageFormats.RGB24 :

                        // TODO: tell RGB from ARGB. Idea: assume RGB if alpha is always 0.

                        // TODO: Verify Mask if size >= 108 && compression == 3.
                    if (planes == 1 && bitcount == 8)
                        // Palette8
                        ii.Information.ImageFormat = ImageInformation.ImageFormats.Palette8;
                        ii.Information.ColorsUsed  = colorsUsed;

                    if (planes == 1 && bitcount == 4)
                        // Palette8
                        ii.Information.ImageFormat = ImageInformation.ImageFormats.Palette4;
                        ii.Information.ColorsUsed  = colorsUsed;

                    if (planes == 1 && bitcount == 1)
                        // Palette8
                        ii.Information.ImageFormat = ImageInformation.ImageFormats.Palette1;
                        ii.Information.ColorsUsed  = colorsUsed;

                    // TODO Implement more formats!
Example #5
        private bool TestJfifHeader(StreamReaderHelper stream, ImportedImage ii)
            // The App0 header should be the first header in every JFIF file.
            if (stream.GetWord(0, true) == 0xffe0)
                // Now check for text "JFIF".
                if (stream.GetDWord(4, true) == 0x4a464946)
                    int blockLength = stream.GetWord(2, true);
                    if (blockLength >= 16)
                        int version = stream.GetWord(9, true);
                        int units = stream.GetByte(11);
                        int densityX = stream.GetWord(12, true);
                        int densityY = stream.GetWord(14, true);

                        switch (units)
                            case 0: // Aspect ratio only.
                                ii.Information.HorizontalAspectRatio = densityX;
                                ii.Information.VerticalAspectRatio = densityY;
                            case 1: // DPI.
                                ii.Information.HorizontalDPI = densityX;
                                ii.Information.VerticalDPI = densityY;
                            case 2: // DPCM.
                                ii.Information.HorizontalDPM = densityX * 100;
                                ii.Information.VerticalDPM = densityY * 100;

                        // More information here? More tests?
                        return true;
            return false;
Example #6
        private bool TestBitmapInfoHeader(StreamReaderHelper stream, ImportedImage ii, int offset)
            int size = (int)stream.GetDWord(0, false);
            if (size == 40 || size == 108 || size == 124) // sizeof BITMAPINFOHEADER == 40, sizeof BITMAPV4HEADER == 108, sizeof BITMAPV5HEADER == 124
                uint width = stream.GetDWord(4, false);
                int height = (int)stream.GetDWord(8, false);
                int planes = stream.GetWord(12, false);
                int bitcount = stream.GetWord(14, false);
                int compression = (int)stream.GetDWord(16, false);
                int sizeImage = (int)stream.GetDWord(20, false);
                int xPelsPerMeter = (int)stream.GetDWord(24, false);
                int yPelsPerMeter = (int)stream.GetDWord(28, false);
                uint colorsUsed = stream.GetDWord(32, false);
                uint colorsImportant = stream.GetDWord(36, false);
                // TODO Integrity and plausibility checks.
                if (sizeImage != 0 && sizeImage + offset > stream.Length)
                    return false;

                ImagePrivateDataBitmap privateData = (ImagePrivateDataBitmap)ii.Data;

                // Return true only for supported formats.
                if (compression == 0 || compression == 3) // BI_RGB == 0, BI_BITFIELDS == 3
                    ((ImagePrivateDataBitmap)ii.Data).Offset = offset;
                    ((ImagePrivateDataBitmap)ii.Data).ColorPaletteOffset = stream.CurrentOffset + size;
                    ii.Information.Width = width;
                    ii.Information.Height = (uint)Math.Abs(height);
                    ii.Information.HorizontalDPM = xPelsPerMeter;
                    ii.Information.VerticalDPM = yPelsPerMeter;
                    privateData.FlippedImage = height < 0;
                    if (planes == 1 && bitcount == 24)
                        // RGB24
                        ii.Information.ImageFormat = ImageInformation.ImageFormats.RGB24;

                        // TODO: Verify Mask if size >= 108 && compression == 3.
                        return true;
                    if (planes == 1 && bitcount == 32)
                        // ARGB32
                        //ii.Information.ImageFormat = ImageInformation.ImageFormats.ARGB32;
                        ii.Information.ImageFormat = compression == 0 ?
                            ImageInformation.ImageFormats.RGB24 :

                        // TODO: tell RGB from ARGB. Idea: assume RGB if alpha is always 0.

                        // TODO: Verify Mask if size >= 108 && compression == 3.
                        return true;
                    if (planes == 1 && bitcount == 8)
                        // Palette8
                        ii.Information.ImageFormat = ImageInformation.ImageFormats.Palette8;
                        ii.Information.ColorsUsed = colorsUsed;

                        return true;
                    if (planes == 1 && bitcount == 4)
                        // Palette8
                        ii.Information.ImageFormat = ImageInformation.ImageFormats.Palette4;
                        ii.Information.ColorsUsed = colorsUsed;

                        return true;
                    if (planes == 1 && bitcount == 1)
                        // Palette8
                        ii.Information.ImageFormat = ImageInformation.ImageFormats.Palette1;
                        ii.Information.ColorsUsed = colorsUsed;

                        return true;
                    // TODO Implement more formats!
            return false;