static int queryAthlete(string aid, string clientId, StravaXApi stravaXApi, StravaXApiContext db, bool doVerbose) { int ret = 0; IList <ActivityRangeQuery> q0 = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId == aid && a.Status == QueryStatus.Created).OrderByDescending(a => a.DateFrom).Take(12).ToList(); while (q0.Count > 0 && ret == 0) { // Mark all queries with "RESERVED" IList <ActivityRangeQuery> queries = new List <ActivityRangeQuery>(); foreach (ActivityRangeQuery arq in q0) { try { arq.Status = QueryStatus.Reserved; arq.StatusChanged = DateTime.Now; arq.Message = $"Reserved by {clientId}"; queries.Add(arq); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { // Just skip this entry if some conflict exists. logger.LogInformation($"skip: Can't reserve query {arq.AthleteId} at {arq.DateFrom.Year:D4}/{arq.DateFrom.Month:D2} for {clientId}"); continue; } } db.SaveChanges(); // Run for all reserved queries try { ret = queryRange(stravaXApi, db, queries, doVerbose); } catch (CancelExecution e) { // just to clarify that it may happend. // finally will also call in that case. throw e; } finally { // integrity check, status should not be Reserved anymore foreach (ActivityRangeQuery arq in q0) { if (arq.Status == QueryStatus.Reserved) { logger.LogInformation($"WARN: remove reservation on {arq}"); } } db.SaveChanges(); } // retrieve next queries for max one year. q0 = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId == aid && a.Status == QueryStatus.Created).OrderByDescending(a => a.DateFrom).Take(12).ToList(); } return(ret); }
static internal int ReadAthleteConnectionsForAthlete(StravaXApi stravaXApi, string[] args) { int ret = -1; Console.WriteLine("Read athlete connections with Strava-X-API."); String AthleteId = null; var p = new OptionSet() { { "a|athleteid=", v => { AthleteId = v; } }, }; p.Parse(args); if (AthleteId == null) { p.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); throw new ArgumentException("missing athlete id"); } try { stravaXApi.signIn(); AthleteShort AthleteMasterShort; using (StravaXApiContext db = new StravaXApiContext()) { AthleteMasterShort = db.AthleteShortDB.Find(AthleteId); if (AthleteMasterShort == null) { AthleteMasterShort = new AthleteShort(); // create a dummy master AthleteMasterShort.AthleteId = AthleteId; // [TODO] other parameters should be retrieved with selenium AthleteMasterShort = db.AthleteShortDB.Add(AthleteMasterShort).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } else { // Eagerly Loading prevent the list to be loaded at creation // db.Entry(AthleteMasterShort).Collection(p => p.Connections).Load(); Console.WriteLine($"Athlete {AthleteMasterShort.AthleteId} allready enterred with {AthleteMasterShort.Connections.Count} connections {string.Join(',',AthleteMasterShort.Connections)}"); } string FollowType = "following"; var AthleteShortList = stravaXApi.getConnectedAthetes(AthleteMasterShort, FollowType); Console.WriteLine($"Athlete {AthleteId} has {AthleteShortList.Count} connections"); foreach (AthleteShort _AthleteShort in AthleteShortList) { AthleteShort AthleteShortfromDb; // Console.WriteLine($"JSON={ActivityShort.SerializePrettyPrint(ActivityShort)}"); AthleteShortfromDb = db.AthleteShortDB.Find(_AthleteShort.AthleteId); if (AthleteShortfromDb == null) { // add athlete to the db if need. AthleteShortfromDb = db.AthleteShortDB.Add(_AthleteShort).Entity; } else { Console.WriteLine($"{AthleteShortfromDb.AthleteId} allready in database"); } Console.WriteLine($"Enterred Activities: {db.AthleteShortDB.OrderBy(b => b.AthleteId).Count()}"); // such the connected athlete with they id. AthleteConnection _ConnectedAthleteShort = AthleteMasterShort.Connections.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ToId.Equals(_AthleteShort.AthleteId)); if (_ConnectedAthleteShort == null) { // add connection if needed. AthleteConnection ac = new AthleteConnection(); ac.FromId = AthleteMasterShort.AthleteId; ac.ToId = AthleteShortfromDb.AthleteId; ac.Type = FollowType; ac.ConnectionState = ((ConnectedAthlete)_AthleteShort).ConnectionState; AthleteMasterShort.Connections.Add(ac); Console.WriteLine($"athlete {AthleteMasterShort.AthleteId} has {AthleteMasterShort.Connections.Count} connection(s). Added: {_AthleteShort.AthleteId}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"athlete {AthleteMasterShort.AthleteId} already connected to {_AthleteShort.AthleteId} with {AthleteMasterShort.Connections.Count} connection(s)"); } } db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine($"total read = {AthleteShortList.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"total stored = {db.AthleteShortDB.OrderBy(b => b.AthleteId).Count()}"); AthleteShortList.Clear(); } using (StravaXApiContext db = new StravaXApiContext()) { AthleteMasterShort = db.AthleteShortDB.Find(AthleteId); if (AthleteMasterShort == null) { AthleteMasterShort = new AthleteShort(); // create a dummy master AthleteMasterShort.AthleteId = AthleteId; // [TODO] other parameters should be retrieved with selenium AthleteMasterShort = db.AthleteShortDB.Add(AthleteMasterShort).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } else { // Eagerly Loading prevent the list to be loaded at creation // db.Entry(AthleteMasterShort).Collection(p => p.Connections).Load(); Console.WriteLine($"Athlete {AthleteMasterShort.AthleteId} allready enterred with {AthleteMasterShort.Connections.Count} connections {string.Join(',',AthleteMasterShort.Connections)}"); } string FollowType = "followers"; var AthleteShortList = stravaXApi.getConnectedAthetes(AthleteMasterShort, FollowType); Console.WriteLine($"Athlete {AthleteId} has {AthleteShortList.Count} connections"); foreach (AthleteShort _AthleteShort in AthleteShortList) { AthleteShort AthleteShortfromDb; // Console.WriteLine($"JSON={ActivityShort.SerializePrettyPrint(ActivityShort)}"); AthleteShortfromDb = db.AthleteShortDB.Find(_AthleteShort.AthleteId); if (AthleteShortfromDb == null) { // add athlete to the db if need. AthleteShortfromDb = db.AthleteShortDB.Add(_AthleteShort).Entity; } else { Console.WriteLine($"{AthleteShortfromDb.AthleteId} allready in database"); } Console.WriteLine($"Enterred Activities: {db.AthleteShortDB.OrderBy(b => b.AthleteId).Count()}"); // such the connected athlete with they id. AthleteConnection _ConnectedAthleteShort = AthleteMasterShort.Connections.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ToId.Equals(_AthleteShort.AthleteId)); if (_ConnectedAthleteShort == null) { // add connection if needed. AthleteConnection ac = new AthleteConnection(); ac.FromId = AthleteMasterShort.AthleteId; ac.ToId = AthleteShortfromDb.AthleteId; ac.Type = FollowType; AthleteMasterShort.Connections.Add(ac); Console.WriteLine($"athlete {AthleteMasterShort.AthleteId} has {AthleteMasterShort.Connections.Count} connection(s). Added: {_AthleteShort.AthleteId}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"athlete {AthleteMasterShort.AthleteId} already connected to {_AthleteShort.AthleteId} with {AthleteMasterShort.Connections.Count} connection(s)"); } } db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine($"total read = {AthleteShortList.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"total stored = {db.AthleteShortDB.OrderBy(b => b.AthleteId).Count()}"); AthleteShortList.Clear(); } ret = 0; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR:{e.ToString()}"); ret = 1; } finally { stravaXApi.Dispose(); } return(ret); }
static void WriteQueriesForAthlete(StravaXApi stravaXApi, StravaXApiContext db, string AthleteId) { DateTime Now = DateTime.Now; lastStravaHttpRequest = DateTime.Now; int ToYear = Now.Year; int ToMonth = Now.Month; // // Verify if queries have to be generated // // Retrieve all entered queries or the wanted athlete. List <ActivityRangeQuery> queriesForAthlete = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId == AthleteId).OrderBy(a => a.DateFrom).ToList(); int FromYear; int FromMonth; // If we already have an entry, we assume that the entry contains the first activity date, as it is expensive to retrieve its value with Selenium. if (queriesForAthlete.Count == 0) { // Retrieve the first activity date with selenium. // may throw PrivateAthleteException. // be sure of a one seconde intervall between to requests int dt = DateTime.Now.Millisecond - lastStravaHttpRequest.Millisecond; if (dt < 2000) { System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(dt).Wait(); } DateTime FirstActivityDate = stravaXApi.getActivityRange(AthleteId); lastStravaHttpRequest = DateTime.Now; System.Console.WriteLine($"First activity at {FirstActivityDate.Year}/{FirstActivityDate.Month}"); FromYear = FirstActivityDate.Year; FromMonth = FirstActivityDate.Month; } else { // retrieve first and last date DateTime minDT = queriesForAthlete.First().DateFrom; // DateTime maxDT = queriesForPatient.Last().DateFrom; FromYear = minDT.Year; FromMonth = minDT.Month; } Console.WriteLine($"queries enterred:{queriesForAthlete.Count}/total:{db.ActivityQueriesDB.Count()}"); if (FromYear == ToYear) { for (int month = FromMonth; month <= ToMonth; month++) { AddQuery(db, AthleteId, new DateTime(FromYear, month, 1), new DateTime(FromYear, month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1), queriesForAthlete); } } else { // first year for (int month = FromMonth; month <= 12; month++) { AddQuery(db, AthleteId, new DateTime(FromYear, month, 1), new DateTime(FromYear, month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1), queriesForAthlete); } // all years after for (int year = FromYear + 1; year <= ToYear - 1; year++) { for (int month = 01; month <= 12; month++) { AddQuery(db, AthleteId, new DateTime(year, month, 1), new DateTime(year, month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1), queriesForAthlete); } } // last year for (int month = 01; month <= ToMonth; month++) { // from first day of month to last day of the month AddQuery(db, AthleteId, new DateTime(ToYear, month, 1), new DateTime(ToYear, month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1), queriesForAthlete); } } int qCount = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.AthleteId == AthleteId).Count(); Console.WriteLine($"✅ enterred:{qCount}/total:{db.ActivityQueriesDB.Count()}"); }
static internal int WriteQueriesForAthletes(StravaXApi stravaXApi) { int ret = -1; Console.WriteLine("Create range queries."); using (StravaXApiContext db = new StravaXApiContext()) { stravaXApi.signIn(); try { // // First retrieve all query objects to avoid "New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session." // Not best praxis but enought for Strava.XApi. IList <AthleteShort> AllAthletes = db.AthleteShortDB.ToList(); Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); foreach (AthleteShort Athlete in AllAthletes) { TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; try { WriteQueriesForAthlete(stravaXApi, db, Athlete.AthleteId); Console.WriteLine($"Athlete:{Athlete} run since:{ts.TotalSeconds}s"); } catch (PrivateAthleteException e) { // TODO AB#27 athlete should be marked as private to avoid second visit. // create a dummy Query to prevent next search ActivityRangeQuery arq = new ActivityRangeQuery(); arq.AthleteId = Athlete.AthleteId; arq.DateFrom = new DateTime(2019, 12, 01); arq.DateTo = new DateTime(2019, 12, 31); arq.Status = QueryStatus.Done; arq.Message = $"private athlete {Athlete.AthleteId}"; arq.StatusChanged = DateTime.Now; db.ActivityQueriesDB.Add(arq); Console.WriteLine($"SKIP: private athlete {Athlete.AthleteId} {e.Message}"); } catch (TooManyStravaRequestException e) { Console.WriteLine($"Too Many Queries detected {e.Message} need to wait some hours"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"SKIP:{Athlete.AthleteId} {e.ToString()}"); } db.SaveChanges(); } ret = 0; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR:{e.ToString()}"); ret = -1; } finally { stravaXApi.Dispose(); } } return(ret); }
static internal int Downloader(StravaXApi stravaXApi, string[] args) { var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => { builder .AddFilter("Microsoft", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Warning) .AddFilter("System", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Warning) .AddFilter("Strava.XApi.Tools.GpxDownloader", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Debug) .AddFilter("StravaXApi", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Information) .AddProvider(new CustomLoggerProvider()); //.AddEventLog(); }); var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <StravaXApi>(); logger.LogDebug("Log ImageDownloader"); bool doGpx = false; string maxCountStr = null; string AthleteId = null; string ActivityTypeStr = null; string gpxDir = "gpx"; var p = new OptionSet() { { "g|gpx", v => { doGpx = true; } }, { "a|athleteid=", v => { AthleteId = v; } }, { "at|activity_type=", v => { ActivityTypeStr = v; } }, { "m|max_count=", v => { maxCountStr = v; } }, { "d|dirname=", v => { gpxDir = v; } }, }; p.Parse(args); int ret = -1; try { List <ActivityShort> activities; using (StravaXApiContext db = new StravaXApiContext()) { IQueryable <ActivityShort> dbs = db.ActivityShortDB.OrderByDescending(b => b.ActivityDate); if (ActivityTypeStr != null) { ActivityType ActivityType = (ActivityType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActivityType), ActivityTypeStr); dbs = dbs.Where(a => a.ActivityType == ActivityType); } if (AthleteId != null) { dbs = dbs.Where(a => a.AthleteId == AthleteId); } // Ignore Activities without image map. They have probably been enterred without gps-track. dbs = dbs.Where(a => a.ActivityImageMapUrl != null); // retrieve the activities from the database. activities = dbs.ToList(); } logger.LogInformation($"BEGIN GPX Download for {(AthleteId==null?"all athletes":AthleteId)}/{(ActivityTypeStr==null?"all types":ActivityTypeStr)} :{activities.Count()}"); int countSkipped = 0; int countDownload = 0; if (doGpx && activities.Count > 0) { bool needTracksDownload = false; // detect if any activity needs a gpx file foreach (ActivityShort activity in activities) { string outputDir = $"{gpxDir}/{activity.AthleteId}"; string outputFilename = $"{activity.ActivityId}_{activity.AthleteId}.gpx"; if (!File.Exists($"{outputDir}/{outputFilename}")) { needTracksDownload = true; break; } } // if no track is needed, we could exit without signin in Strava. if (needTracksDownload) { // signin stravaXApi.signIn(); // go throw all activities. foreach (ActivityShort activity in activities) { string outputDir = $"{gpxDir}/{activity.AthleteId}"; // fi.MoveTo($"{fi.Directory.FullName}/{ActivityId}_{fi.Name}"); string outputFilename = $"{activity.ActivityId}_{activity.AthleteId}.gpx"; string outputFilenameGZip = $"{outputFilename}.gz"; string outputFilenameErr = $"{outputFilename}.err"; // download only if the gpx, gz or the err file do not exists. if (!File.Exists($"{outputDir}/{outputFilename}") && !File.Exists($"{outputDir}/{outputFilenameGZip}") && !File.Exists($"{outputDir}/{outputFilenameErr}")) { // create directory if needed if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir)) { DirectoryInfo DirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir); logger.LogDebug($"directory for GPX created at {DirInfo.FullName}"); } try { stravaXApi.getActivityGpxSelenium(activity.ActivityId, $"{outputDir}/{outputFilenameGZip}"); countDownload++; } catch (PrivateGpxException e) { logger.LogDebug($"GPX Track private for {activity.AthleteId}: {e.ActivityId} {e.Message}"); // write error file, do prevent a second try. using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(outputDir, outputFilenameErr))) { outputFile.WriteLine($"Error while downloading GPX for athlete:{activity.AthleteId} activity{activity.ActivityId}"); outputFile.WriteLine($"{e.Message}"); outputFile.WriteLine($"{e.StackTrace}"); } countSkipped++; } } else { logger.LogDebug($"GPX Track already downloaded for {activity.AthleteId}"); countSkipped++; } } } } else if (!doGpx) { // just retrieve without retrieving the gpx files. int countToDownload = 0; int countDownloaded = 0; foreach (ActivityShort activity in activities) { // logger.LogInformation($"activity {activity.StatShortString} -> {Utils.extractActivityTime(activity)}."); string outputDir = $"{gpxDir}/{activity.AthleteId}"; // fi.MoveTo($"{fi.Directory.FullName}/{ActivityId}_{fi.Name}"); string outputFilename = $"{activity.ActivityId}_{activity.AthleteId}.gpx"; if (!File.Exists($"{outputDir}/{outputFilename}")) { countToDownload++; } else { countDownloaded++; } } logger.LogInformation($"GPX Track to download:{countToDownload} already downloaded:{countDownloaded}"); } logger.LogInformation($"DONE GPX Download {countDownload} (skipped: {countSkipped})for {(AthleteId==null?"all athletes":AthleteId)}/{(ActivityTypeStr==null?"all types":ActivityTypeStr)} :{activities.Count()}"); // everything done, with return 0 we are telling the container, that there's no need to restart. ret = 0; } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError($"ERROR:{e.ToString()}"); // return error code, container should restart. ret = 1; } finally { stravaXApi.Dispose(); } return(ret); }
static internal int SendQueriesForActivities(StravaXApi stravaXApi, string[] args) { var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => { builder .AddFilter("Microsoft", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Warning) .AddFilter("System", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Warning) .AddFilter("Strava.XApi.Tools.GpxDownloader", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Debug) .AddFilter("StravaXApi", Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Information) .AddProvider(new CustomLoggerProvider()); //.AddEventLog(); }); logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <StravaXApi>(); logger.LogDebug("Log Query Activities"); string clientId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); int TimerSeconds = -1; int TimerExitCode = 2; bool doVerbose = false; var p = new OptionSet() { { "t|timer_sec=", v => { TimerSeconds = int.Parse(v); } }, { "e|timer_exit_code=", v => { TimerExitCode = int.Parse(v); } }, { "v|verbose", v => { doVerbose = true; } }, }; p.Parse(args); int ret = -1; logger.LogInformation($"Query activities. Client:{clientId}"); using (StravaXApiContext db = new StravaXApiContext()) { stravaXApi.signIn(); // 1) find an athlete with opened queries and without reserved queries. // string aid =db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status==QueryStatus.Created).First().AthleteId; // select distinct AthleteId from [dbo].[ActivityQueriesDB] where Status=2 // intersect // select distinct AthleteId from [dbo].[ActivityQueriesDB] where (Status<>0 AND Status<>3) var qAthleteCreated = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status == QueryStatus.Created).Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct(); var qAthleteReserved = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status != QueryStatus.Reserved).Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct(); List <string> AthleteIdList = qAthleteCreated.Intersect(qAthleteReserved).Take(100).ToList(); if (AthleteIdList.Count == 0) { logger.LogInformation($"no more athlete to search for. created:{qAthleteCreated.Count()} reserved:{qAthleteReserved.Count()}"); // TODO some queries may have been reserved, but no Thread is working on it. It should be usefull to detect and reset. } else { Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); ret = 0; try { while (AthleteIdList.Count > 0 && ret == 0) { string aid = AthleteIdList.ElementAt(new Random().Next(AthleteIdList.Count)); logger.LogInformation($"retrieve activity for athlete {aid}"); // // First retrieve all query objects to avoid "New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session." // Not best praxis but enought for Prototype. // // IList<ActivityRangeQuery> queries = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status==QueryStatus.Created).OrderByDescending(a => a.DateFrom).Take(50).ToList(); ret = queryAthlete(aid, clientId, stravaXApi, db, doVerbose); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; if (TimerSeconds > 0 && ts.TotalSeconds > TimerSeconds) { ret = TimerExitCode; logger.LogInformation($"Timer reached after {ts.ToString()} now exit with {ret}."); // exit with error code, container should restart break; } Boolean KeepRunning = true; if (!KeepRunning || File.Exists("QueryActivities.quit")) { logger.LogInformation($"break {KeepRunning} {Count}"); // regular exit, container should ended. ret = 0; break; } // search for a new athlete. qAthleteCreated = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status == QueryStatus.Created).Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct(); qAthleteReserved = db.ActivityQueriesDB.Where(a => a.Status != QueryStatus.Reserved).Select(a => a.AthleteId).Distinct(); AthleteIdList = qAthleteCreated.Intersect(qAthleteReserved).Take(100).ToList(); } } catch (CancelExecution e) { logger.LogInformation($"Execution has been canceled: {e.Message}"); } } } return(ret); }
static int queryRange(StravaXApi stravaXApi, StravaXApiContext db, IList <ActivityRangeQuery> queries, bool doVerbose) { int ret = 0; foreach (ActivityRangeQuery arq in queries) { try { // try { // reserve query, mark it as run. arq.Status = QueryStatus.Run; arq.StatusChanged = DateTime.Now; db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { // Just skip this entry if some conflict exists. logger.LogInformation($"skip conflicted entry for {arq.AthleteId} at {arq.DateFrom.Year:D4}/{arq.DateFrom.Month:D2}"); continue; } var ActivitiesList = stravaXApi.getActivities(arq.AthleteId, $"{arq.DateFrom.Year:D4}", $"{arq.DateFrom.Month:D2}"); int EnterredActivityCount = 0; foreach (ActivityShort ActivityShort in ActivitiesList) { // Console.WriteLine($"JSON={ActivityShort.SerializePrettyPrint(ActivityShort)}"); if (db.ActivityShortDB.Find(ActivityShort.ActivityId) == null) { db.ActivityShortDB.Add(ActivityShort); try{ // do it better after foreach, but first check how it works with the concurrentcy exception db.SaveChanges(); EnterredActivityCount++; } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { // Just skip this entry if some conflict exists. logger.LogInformation($"❌ skip conflicted activity {ActivityShort}"); continue; } } else { logger.LogInformation($"❌ {ActivityShort.ActivityId} allready in database"); } } arq.Status = QueryStatus.Done; arq.StatusChanged = DateTime.Now; // should not have to save anything. db.SaveChanges(); if (doVerbose) { logger.LogInformation($"enterred activity count: {EnterredActivityCount}/{db.ActivityShortDB.Count()} for {arq.AthleteId} at {arq.DateFrom.Year:D4}/{arq.DateFrom.Month:D2}"); } else // '.Count()' is pretty expensive, skip it if verbose should be minimal. { logger.LogInformation($"enterred activity count: {EnterredActivityCount} for {arq.AthleteId} at {arq.DateFrom.Year:D4}/{arq.DateFrom.Month:D2}"); } ErrorCountConsecutive = 0; } catch (Exception e) { ErrorCountConsecutive++; ErrorCount++; logger.LogInformation($"Error: {ErrorCountConsecutive}/3 total:{ErrorCount} -> skip:{arq} {e.Message}"); arq.Status = QueryStatus.Error; arq.StatusChanged = DateTime.Now; arq.Message = $"Error: {ErrorCountConsecutive}/3 total:{ErrorCount} -> skip:{arq} {e.Message}"; if (ErrorCountConsecutive > 2) { // After 3 consecutive errors, I assume the selenium driver is down. Stop it all. throw e; } } if (doVerbose) { logger.LogInformation($"activities stored:{db.ActivityShortDB.Count()}/{QueryStatus.Created}:{db.ActivityQueriesDB.Count(a => a.Status==QueryStatus.Created)}/{QueryStatus.Reserved}:{db.ActivityQueriesDB.Count(a => a.Status==QueryStatus.Reserved)}"); } Count++; // Exist when KeepRunning is false (from the debugger), // or the file 'QueryActivities.quit' exists. // *Program will exit with "touch QueryActivities.quit" in /app directory in container. Boolean KeepRunning = true; if (!KeepRunning || File.Exists("QueryActivities.quit.immediatly")) { logger.LogInformation($"break {KeepRunning} {Count}"); // regular exit, container should ended. throw new CancelExecution("break {KeepRunning} {Count}"); } } return(ret); }
static internal int ReadActivitiesForAthlete(StravaXApi stravaXApi, string[] args) { int ret = -1; Console.WriteLine("Read athlete activities with Strava-X-API."); String AthleteId = null; var p = new OptionSet() { { "a|athleteid=", v => { AthleteId = v; } }, }; p.Parse(args); if (AthleteId == null) { p.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); throw new ArgumentException("missing athlete id"); } try { stravaXApi.signIn(); List <ActivityShort> ActivitiesList = new List <ActivityShort>(); DateTime FirstActivityDate = stravaXApi.getActivityRange(AthleteId); System.Console.WriteLine($"First activity at {FirstActivityDate.Year}/{FirstActivityDate.Month}"); int FromYear = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FROM_YEAR")); int FromMonth = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FROM_MONTH")); int ToYear = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TO_YEAR")); int ToMonth = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TO_MONTH")); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; for (int year = FromYear; year <= ToYear; year++) { for (int month = 01; month <= 12; month++) { if ((year <= FromYear && month < FromMonth) || (year >= ToYear && month > ToMonth)) { continue; } List <ActivityShort> ActivitiesMonthList; try { ActivitiesMonthList = stravaXApi.getActivities(AthleteId, $"{year:D4}", $"{month:D2}"); } catch (StaleElementReferenceException) { // Wait and try again. Thread.Sleep(2000); ActivitiesMonthList = stravaXApi.getActivities(AthleteId, $"{year:D4}", $"{month:D2}"); } ActivitiesList.AddRange(ActivitiesMonthList); using (StravaXApiContext db = new StravaXApiContext()) { foreach (ActivityShort ActivityShort in ActivitiesList) { Console.WriteLine($"JSON={ActivityShort.SerializePrettyPrint(ActivityShort)}"); if (db.ActivityShortDB.Find(ActivityShort.ActivityId) == null) { db.ActivityShortDB.Add(ActivityShort); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine($"Enterred Activities: {db.ActivityShortDB.OrderBy(b => b.ActivityId).Count()}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{ActivityShort.ActivityId} allready in database"); } } Console.WriteLine($"total read = {ActivitiesList.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"total stored = {db.ActivityShortDB.OrderBy(b => b.ActivityId).Count()}"); ActivitiesList.Clear(); } } } ret = 0; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR:{e.ToString()}"); ret = 1; } finally { stravaXApi.Dispose(); } return(ret); }