Example #1
 public PercentChange(StrategyParameters _parameters, List<StrategyAdditionalParameter> _additional, ref Data _data, ref IndicatorPortfolio _indicators)
     parameters = _parameters;
     additional = _additional;
     bars = _data.Bars;
     indicators = _indicators;
Example #2
 public OptimizerReport(List <IIStrategyParameter> paramaters)
     for (int i = 0; i < paramaters.Count; i++)
         StrategyParameters.Add(paramaters[i].Type + "$" + paramaters[i].GetStringToSave() + "$" + paramaters[i].Name);
Example #3
 public AntiEmaPrcBL(StrategyParameters _parameters, List<StrategyAdditionalParameter> _additional, ref Data _data, ref IndicatorPortfolio _indicators)
     parameters = _parameters;
     additional = _additional;
     bars = _data.Bars;
     indicators = _indicators;
     MaxIntradayIndex = _data.GetIndexDictionary().Values.ToList<int>().Max();
Example #4
        public OptimizerReport(int fazeUid, string securityName, List <IIStrategyParameter> paramaters)
            Uid          = NumberGen.GetNumberDeal(StartProgram.IsOsOptimizer);
            FazeUid      = fazeUid;
            SecurityName = securityName;

            for (int i = 0; i < paramaters.Count; i++)
Example #5
        public void Message_ShouldSetAndGetTheSameValue()
            var parameters = new StrategyParameters();

            parameters.Message = null;

            var result1 = parameters.Message;

            parameters.Message = "TEST";

            Assert.Equal("TEST", parameters.Message);
Example #6
    /// <param name="parameters">Parameters of the strategy specifying input coins, the target and final selection restrictions.</param>
    /// <param name="bestSelection">Best selection so far.</param>
    public SelectionStrategy(StrategyParameters parameters, CoinSelection bestSelection)
        Parameters    = parameters;
        BestSelection = bestSelection;

        RemainingAmounts = new long[InputValues.Length];
        long accumulator = InputValues.Sum();

        for (int i = 0; i < InputValues.Length; i++)
            accumulator        -= InputValues[i];
            RemainingAmounts[i] = accumulator;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public override object Clone()
     return(new GeneticOptimizer
         Parameters = (ParameterCollection)Parameters.Clone(),
         StrategyParameters = StrategyParameters != null ? (Chromosomes)StrategyParameters.Clone() : null,
         MaxGenerations = MaxGenerations,
         PopulationSize = PopulationSize,
         MutationRate = MutationRate,
         MutationStrength = MutationStrength,
         StabilitySize = StabilitySize,
         ResetSize = ResetSize,
         MinimumPerformance = MinimumPerformance,
         CrossoverRate = CrossoverRate
Example #8
        public void Constructor_ShouldNotThrow()
            var result = new StrategyParameters();

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the optimizer on a given parameter set.
        /// Beware: this method might be called in a non-main, worker thread. E.g. driving GUI logic from here forward would cause issues.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Optimize()
            Individual supremeIndividual = null;

                var realStabilitySize          = (int)Math.Ceiling(populationSize * stabilitySize);
                var realResetSize              = (int)Math.Ceiling(populationSize * resetSize);
                var numberOfStrategyParameters = StrategyParameters.Count;
                var combinations       = StrategyParameters.CountCombinations;
                var siblings           = new Dictionary <Individual, bool>();
                var children           = new List <Individual>();
                var parents            = new List <Individual>();
                var prevStabilityScore = double.NaN;

                // Start optimization process
                for (int generation = 1; generation <= maxGenerations; generation++)
                    //If Initial generation, seed the population with random individuals
                    while (children.Count < populationSize && siblings.Count < combinations)
                        ValidateIndividual(children, siblings, CreateRandomIndividual());

                    foreach (Individual individual in children)
                        if (UserAbort)
                            throw new AbortException();
                        StrategyParameters.SetStrategyParameters(individual, Strategy, Parameters);
                        RunIteration(IterationCompleted, individual);

                    WaitForIterationsCompleted(false);                     //Make sure that each individual completed its iteration


                    Individual generationBest = parents[0];                     //This is the best performing individual since stability reset
                    if (parents.Count > 0 && generationBest != null &&
                        (supremeIndividual == null || supremeIndividual.Performance < generationBest.Performance))
                        supremeIndividual = generationBest;

                    int    stabilityIndividuals = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(parents.Count, realStabilitySize));
                    double stabilityScore       = 0.0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < stabilityIndividuals; i++)
                        stabilityScore += parents[i].Performance;

                    if (supremeIndividual != null && minimumPerformance > 0 && supremeIndividual.Performance > minimumPerformance)

                    children.Clear();                     //Clearing up space for the next generation

                    if (siblings.Count >= combinations || generation == maxGenerations)

                    //Repopulating the next generation.

                    //If Population is stable, leave just best performing individuals
                    if (stabilityScore == prevStabilityScore)
                        if (realResetSize <= 0)
                        if (parents.Count > 0)
                            parents = parents.GetRange(0, Math.Min(parents.Count, realResetSize));

                    //Assign a weight for each parent

                    //Reproduce extra individuals mutated from the best
                    ShakeBestPerformer(children, siblings, combinations, generationBest, numberOfStrategyParameters);

                    //Reproduce children using Crossover, Mutation and totally random genomes
                    while (children.Count < populationSize && siblings.Count < combinations)
                        if (UserAbort)
                            throw new AbortException();
                        if (random.NextDouble() <= crossoverRate)
                            int[] chromosomeIndexesForSon;
                            int[] chromosomeIndexesForDaughter;
                            //Produce two children from two parents
                            //Parents are selected using Roulette Selection Method
                            //Note: There are many other selection algorithms (Google them out...)
                            //TODO: Implements some additional selection methods
                            //Crossover is performed using single break point
                            //TODO: implement 2 or 3 break points Crossover algorithms
                            Crossover(numberOfStrategyParameters, parents[RouletteSelection(parents)], parents[RouletteSelection(parents)], out chromosomeIndexesForSon, out chromosomeIndexesForDaughter);
                            for (var idx = 0; idx < numberOfStrategyParameters; idx++)
                                if (StrategyParameters[idx].Count <= 1)

                                //After children are produced from crossover, small part should be mutated
                                if (random.NextDouble() <= mutationRate)
                                    chromosomeIndexesForSon[idx] = Mutate(mutationStrength, StrategyParameters[idx].Count, chromosomeIndexesForSon[idx]);
                                if (random.NextDouble() <= mutationRate)
                                    chromosomeIndexesForDaughter[idx] = Mutate(mutationStrength, StrategyParameters[idx].Count, chromosomeIndexesForDaughter[idx]);
                            //Make sure that children are unique, so we wont waste any time for evaluation of their performance
                            ValidateIndividual(children, siblings, new Individual(chromosomeIndexesForSon));
                            ValidateIndividual(children, siblings, new Individual(chromosomeIndexesForDaughter));
                            //Create random children
                            //Make sure that children are unique, so we wont waste any time for evaluation of their performance
                            ValidateIndividual(children, siblings, CreateRandomIndividual());
                            ValidateIndividual(children, siblings, CreateRandomIndividual());
                    prevStabilityScore = stabilityScore;
                if (options != null)
                    options = null;
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public LessSelectionStrategy(StrategyParameters parameters, double minPaymentThreshold = MinPaymentThreshold)
     : base(parameters, new CoinSelection(long.MinValue, long.MinValue))
     MinimumTarget = (long)(parameters.Target * minPaymentThreshold);
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public MoreSelectionStrategy(StrategyParameters parameters, double maxExtraPayment = MaxExtraPayment)
     : base(parameters, new CoinSelection(long.MaxValue, long.MaxValue))
     MaximumTarget = (long)(parameters.Target * maxExtraPayment);
Example #12
 public StepChange(StrategyParameters _parameters, List<StrategyAdditionalParameter> _additional, ref Data _data)
     parameters = _parameters;
     additional = _additional;
     ticks = _data.Bars;
Example #13
 public StepChange()
     ticks = new List<Tick>();
     parameters = new StrategyParameters();