Example #1
        public static List <LogInfo> StrFormat(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd)
            List <LogInfo> logs = new List <LogInfo>();

            Debug.Assert(cmd.Info.GetType() == typeof(CodeInfo_StrFormat));
            CodeInfo_StrFormat info = cmd.Info as CodeInfo_StrFormat;

            StrFormatType type = info.Type;

            switch (type)
            case StrFormatType.IntToBytes:
            case StrFormatType.Bytes:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_IntToBytes));
                StrFormatInfo_IntToBytes subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_IntToBytes;

                string byteSizeStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.ByteSize);
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt64(byteSizeStr, out long byteSize))
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{byteSizeStr}] is not a valid integer");

                if (byteSize < 0)
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{byteSize}] must be positive integer");

                string destStr = NumberHelper.ByteSizeToHumanReadableString(byteSize);

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr);

            case StrFormatType.BytesToInt:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_BytesToInt));
                StrFormatInfo_BytesToInt subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_BytesToInt;

                string  humanReadableByteSizeStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.HumanReadableByteSize);
                decimal dest = NumberHelper.HumanReadableStringToByteSize(humanReadableByteSizeStr);

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, decimal.Ceiling(dest).ToString());

            case StrFormatType.Hex:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_Hex));
                StrFormatInfo_Hex subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_Hex;

                string intStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.Integer);
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(intStr, out int intVal))
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{intStr}] is not a valid integer");

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, intVal.ToString("X8"));

            case StrFormatType.Ceil:
            case StrFormatType.Floor:
            case StrFormatType.Round:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_CeilFloorRound));
                StrFormatInfo_CeilFloorRound subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_CeilFloorRound;

                // subInfo.SizeVar;
                string roundToStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.RoundTo);
                // Is roundToStr number?
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt64(roundToStr, out long roundTo))
                {         // Is roundToStr is one of K, M, G, T, P?
                    if (roundToStr.Equals("K", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        roundTo = KB;
                    else if (roundToStr.Equals("M", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        roundTo = MB;
                    else if (roundToStr.Equals("G", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        roundTo = GB;
                    else if (roundToStr.Equals("T", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        roundTo = TB;
                    else if (roundToStr.Equals("P", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        roundTo = PB;
                        throw new ExecuteException($"[{roundToStr}] is not a valid integer");

                if (roundTo < 0)
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{roundTo}] must be positive integer");

                string srcIntStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SizeVar);
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt64(srcIntStr, out long srcInt))
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{srcIntStr}] is not a valid integer");
                long destInt;
                if (type == StrFormatType.Ceil)
                    long remainder = srcInt % roundTo;
                    destInt = srcInt - remainder + roundTo;
                else if (type == StrFormatType.Floor)
                    long remainder = srcInt % roundTo;
                    destInt = srcInt - remainder;
                else         // if (type == StrFormatType.Round)
                    long remainder = srcInt % roundTo;
                    if ((roundTo - 1) / 2 < remainder)
                        destInt = srcInt - remainder + roundTo;
                        destInt = srcInt - remainder;

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.SizeVar, destInt.ToString());

            case StrFormatType.Date:
            {         // <yyyy-mmm-dd hh:nn am/pm>
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_Date));
                StrFormatInfo_Date subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_Date;

                string formatStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.FormatString);

                string destStr = DateTime.Now.ToString(formatStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr);

            case StrFormatType.FileName:
            case StrFormatType.DirPath:
            case StrFormatType.Path:
            case StrFormatType.Ext:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_Path));
                StrFormatInfo_Path subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_Path;

                string srcStr  = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.FilePath);
                string destStr = string.Empty;

                if (srcStr.Trim().Equals(string.Empty, StringComparison.Ordinal))         // Empty or Whitespace string
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Info, $"Source string [{srcStr}] is empty"));
                    if (type == StrFormatType.FileName)
                        destStr = Path.GetFileName(srcStr);
                        logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"Path [{srcStr}]'s file name is [{destStr}]"));
                    else if (type == StrFormatType.DirPath || type == StrFormatType.Path)
                    {         // Includes Last Seperator - Default WB082 Behavior
                        int bsIdx = srcStr.LastIndexOf('\\');
                        int sIdx  = srcStr.LastIndexOf('/');

                        if (bsIdx != -1 && sIdx != -1)
                        {         // Slash and BackSlash cannot exist at same time
                            logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Path [{srcStr}] is invalid"));

                        if (bsIdx != -1)
                        {         // Normal file path
                            // destStr = Path.GetDirectoryName(srcStr) + '\\';
                            destStr = srcStr.Substring(0, bsIdx + 1);
                        {         // URL
                            if (sIdx == -1)
                                destStr = string.Empty;
                                destStr = srcStr.Substring(0, sIdx + 1);

                        logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"Path [{srcStr}]'s directory path is [{destStr}]"));
                    else if (type == StrFormatType.Ext)
                        destStr = Path.GetExtension(srcStr);
                        logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"Path [{srcStr}]'s extension is [{destStr}]"));

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr);

            case StrFormatType.PathCombine:
            {         // StrFormat,PathCombine,<DirPath>,<FileName>,<DestVar>
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_PathCombine));
                StrFormatInfo_PathCombine subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_PathCombine;

                string dirPath  = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.DirPath).Trim();
                string fileName = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.FileName).Trim();

                if (Regex.IsMatch(dirPath, @"^([a-zA-Z]:)$", RegexOptions.Compiled))
                    dirPath = dirPath + @"\";

                string destStr = Path.Combine(dirPath, fileName);

                logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"Path [{dirPath}] and [{fileName}] combined into [{destStr}]"));

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr);

            case StrFormatType.Inc:
            case StrFormatType.Dec:
            case StrFormatType.Mult:
            case StrFormatType.Div:
            {         // Why, why arithmetic is in StrFormat...
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_Arithmetic));
                StrFormatInfo_Arithmetic subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_Arithmetic;

                string srcStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.DestVar);
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt64(srcStr, out long src))
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{srcStr}] is not a valid integer");

                string operandStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.Integer);
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt64(operandStr, out long operand))
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{operandStr}] is not a valid integer");

                long dest = src;
                if (type == StrFormatType.Inc)         // +
                    dest += operand;
                else if (type == StrFormatType.Dec)         // -
                    dest -= operand;
                else if (type == StrFormatType.Mult)         // *
                    dest *= operand;
                else if (type == StrFormatType.Div)         // /
                    dest /= operand;

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, dest.ToString());

            case StrFormatType.Left:
            case StrFormatType.Right:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_LeftRight));
                StrFormatInfo_LeftRight subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_LeftRight;

                string srcStr    = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SrcStr);
                string cutLenStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.CutLen);

                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(cutLenStr, out int cutLen))
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{cutLenStr}] is not a valid integer");
                if (cutLen < 0)
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{cutLen}] must be positive integer");

                string destStr = string.Empty;
                    if (type == StrFormatType.Left)
                        if (cutLen <= srcStr.Length)
                            destStr = srcStr.Substring(0, cutLen);
                            destStr = srcStr;
                    else if (type == StrFormatType.Right)
                        if (cutLen <= srcStr.Length)
                            destStr = srcStr.Substring(srcStr.Length - cutLen, cutLen);
                            destStr = srcStr;

                    logs.AddRange(Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr));
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                {         // Correct WB082 behavior : Not error, but just empty string
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Ignore, $"[{cutLen}] is not valid index"));
                    logs.AddRange(Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, string.Empty));

            case StrFormatType.SubStr:
            {         // Index start from 1, not 0!
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_SubStr));
                StrFormatInfo_SubStr subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_SubStr;

                string srcStr      = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SrcStr);
                string startPosStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.StartPos);

                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(startPosStr, out int startPos))
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{startPosStr}] is not a valid integer");
                if (startPos <= 0)
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{startPos}] must be positive integer");
                string lenStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.Length);
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(lenStr, out int len))
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{lenStr}] is not a valid integer");
                if (len <= 0)
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{len}] must be positive integer");

                // Error handling
                if (srcStr.Length <= (startPos - 1))
                    throw new ExecuteException($"Start position [{startPos}] cannot be bigger than source string's length [{srcStr.Length}]");
                if (srcStr.Length - (startPos - 1) < len)
                    throw new ExecuteException($"Length [{len}] cannot be bigger than [{srcStr.Length - startPos}]");

                string destStr = srcStr.Substring(startPos - 1, len);

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr);

            case StrFormatType.Len:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_Len));
                StrFormatInfo_Len subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_Len;

                string srcStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SrcStr);

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, srcStr.Length.ToString());

            case StrFormatType.LTrim:
            case StrFormatType.RTrim:
            case StrFormatType.CTrim:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_Trim));
                StrFormatInfo_Trim subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_Trim;

                string srcStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SrcStr);
                string toTrim = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.ToTrim);

                string destStr = string.Empty;
                    if (type == StrFormatType.LTrim)         // string.Substring
                        if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(toTrim, out int cutLen))
                            logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"[{toTrim}] is not a valid integer"));

                        // Error handling
                        if (srcStr.Length < cutLen)
                            cutLen = srcStr.Length;
                        else if (cutLen < 0)
                            cutLen = 0;

                        destStr = srcStr.Substring(cutLen);
                    else if (type == StrFormatType.RTrim)         // string.Substring
                        if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(toTrim, out int cutLen))
                            logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"[{toTrim}] is not a valid integer"));

                        // Error handling
                        if (srcStr.Length < cutLen)
                            cutLen = srcStr.Length;
                        else if (cutLen < 0)
                            cutLen = 0;

                        destStr = srcStr.Substring(0, srcStr.Length - cutLen);
                    else if (type == StrFormatType.CTrim)         // string.Trim
                        if (toTrim.Length == 0)
                            throw new ExecuteException("No characters to trim");

                        char[] chArr = toTrim.ToCharArray();
                        destStr = srcStr.Trim(chArr);
                        throw new InternalException("Internal Logic Error at StrFormat,Trim");

                    List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVarName, destStr);
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"[{toTrim}] is not valid index"));

            case StrFormatType.NTrim:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_NTrim));
                StrFormatInfo_NTrim subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_NTrim;

                string srcStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SrcStr);

                Match  match = Regex.Match(srcStr, @"([0-9]+)$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                string destStr;
                if (match.Success)
                    destStr = srcStr.Substring(0, match.Index);
                    destStr = srcStr;

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr);

            case StrFormatType.UCase:
            case StrFormatType.LCase:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_ULCase));
                StrFormatInfo_ULCase subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_ULCase;

                string srcStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SrcStr);

                string destStr;
                if (type == StrFormatType.UCase)
                    destStr = srcStr.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                else if (type == StrFormatType.LCase)
                    destStr = srcStr.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    throw new InternalException("Internal Logic Error at StrFormat,ULCase");

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr);

            case StrFormatType.Pos:
            case StrFormatType.PosX:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_Pos));
                StrFormatInfo_Pos subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_Pos;

                string srcStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SrcStr);
                string subStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SubStr);

                StringComparison comp = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
                if (type == StrFormatType.PosX)
                    comp = StringComparison.Ordinal;

                // 0 if not found
                int idx = 0;
                if (!subStr.Equals(string.Empty, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    idx = srcStr.IndexOf(subStr, comp) + 1;

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, idx.ToString());

            case StrFormatType.Replace:
            case StrFormatType.ReplaceX:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_Replace));
                StrFormatInfo_Replace subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_Replace;

                string srcStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SrcString);
                string subStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.ToBeReplaced);
                string newStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.ReplaceWith);

                StringComparison comp = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
                if (type == StrFormatType.ReplaceX)
                    comp = StringComparison.Ordinal;

                string destStr = StringHelper.ReplaceEx(srcStr, subStr, newStr, comp);

                 * if (subStr.Equals(string.Empty, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                 * {
                 *  destStr = srcStr;
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
                 *  int startIdx = 0;
                 *  int newIdx = srcStr.Substring(startIdx).IndexOf(subStr, comp);
                 *  if (newIdx != -1)
                 *  {
                 *      while (newIdx != -1)
                 *      {
                 *          string tmpStr = srcStr.Substring(startIdx, newIdx);
                 *          b.Append(tmpStr);
                 *          b.Append(newStr);
                 *          startIdx += tmpStr.Length + subStr.Length;
                 *          newIdx = srcStr.Substring(startIdx).IndexOf(subStr, comp);
                 *          if (newIdx == -1)
                 *          {
                 *              b.Append(srcStr.Substring(startIdx));
                 *              break;
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *      destStr = b.ToString();
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      destStr = srcStr;
                 *  }
                 * }

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr);

            case StrFormatType.ShortPath:
            case StrFormatType.LongPath:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_ShortLongPath));
                StrFormatInfo_ShortLongPath subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_ShortLongPath;

                // Will be deprecated
                logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Warning, $"Command [StrFormatType,{info.Type}] is deprecated"));

                string srcStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SrcString);

                string destStr;
                if (type == StrFormatType.ShortPath)
                    destStr = FileHelper.GetShortPath(srcStr);
                    destStr = FileHelper.GetLongPath(srcStr);

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr);

            case StrFormatType.Split:
                Debug.Assert(info.SubInfo.GetType() == typeof(StrFormatInfo_Split));
                StrFormatInfo_Split subInfo = info.SubInfo as StrFormatInfo_Split;

                string srcStr   = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.SrcString);
                string delimStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.Delimeter);
                string idxStr   = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, subInfo.Index);
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(idxStr, out int idx))
                    throw new ExecuteException($"[{idxStr}] is not a valid integer");

                char[] delim = delimStr.ToCharArray();

                List <LogInfo> varLogs = null;
                if (idx == 0)
                    int delimCount = srcStr.Split(delim).Length;
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"String [{srcStr}] is split to [{delimCount}] strings."));
                    varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, delimCount.ToString());
                    string[] slices = srcStr.Split(delim);
                    if (idx - 1 < slices.Length)
                        string destStr = slices[idx - 1];
                        logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"String [{srcStr}]'s split index [{idx}] is [{destStr}]"));
                        varLogs = Variables.SetVariable(s, subInfo.DestVar, destStr);
                        logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Info, $"Index [{idx}] out of bound [{slices.Length}]"));

            // Error
                throw new InvalidCodeCommandException($"Wrong StrFormatType [{type}]");
