public async Task AvailableProductsShouldReturnView()
            // arrange
            var mockRepo = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();

            mockRepo.Setup(x => x.StoreRepository.All())
            .ReturnsAsync(new List <Store> {
                new Store {
                    StoreId = 1

            var controller = new StoresController(mockRepo.Object, null);

            // act
            IActionResult result = await controller.Index();

            // assert
            // ...that the result is a ViewResult
            var viewResult = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ViewResult>(result);
            // ...that the model of the view is a List<Store>
            var list = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <List <Store> >(viewResult.Model);
            // ...that the list has one element with ID 1 (based on the MockRepo's data)
            Store store = Assert.Single(list);

            Assert.Equal(1, store.StoreId);
            // we might also test that the correct view was chosen (DailyTasks/Index)

            mockRepo.Verify(x => x.StoreRepository.All(), Times.Once); // verify that the method was called once
Example #2
 public void Index_GetStores()
     using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
         var dataProtectionProvider = new EphemeralDataProtectionProvider();
         storeController = new StoresController(context, dataProtectionProvider, mockHttpContextAccessor.Object, mockEnvironment.Object);
         var resultTask = storeController.Index();
         var model = (List <Store>)((ViewResult)resultTask.Result).Model;
         Assert.AreEqual(1, model.Count);
Example #3
        public async Task Index_DisplayStores()
            // ARRANGE

            var mockRepository = new Mock <IRepository>();

            // create a moq that returns store
            mockRepository.Setup(r => r.GetAllStoresAsync()).ReturnsAsync(GetTestSessions());

            // make a using my mock
            var controller = new StoresController(mockRepository.Object);

            // ACT
            var result = await controller.Index("");

            // assert
            var viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);
        public async Task IndexShouldReturnViewWithData()
            // arrange
            var mockRepo = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();

            // Moq gives us Mock class
            // which can implement interfaces at runtime
            // 1. you create the Mock
            // 2. you Setup the mock (giving it behavior)
            // 3. you give mock.Object to your test subject object
            // (4. you can use methods like Verify ot make sure that things were called on the mock object)
            mockRepo.Setup(x => x.StoreRepository.All())
            .ReturnsAsync(new List <Store> {
                new Store {
                    StoreId = 1

            // mockRepo.Setup(x => x.Delete(It.IsAny<int>()))
            // mockRepo.Setup(x => x.Delete(It.IsInRange<int>(-99999, 0, Moq.Range.Inclusive)))
            // mockRepo.Setup(x => x.Delete(5))
            //     .ThrowsAsync(new InvalidOperationException());

            var controller = new StoresController(mockRepo.Object, null);

            // act
            IActionResult result = await controller.Index();

            // assert
            // ...that the result is a ViewResult
            var viewResult = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ViewResult>(result);
            // ...that the model of the view is a List<Store>
            var list = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <List <Store> >(viewResult.Model);
            // ...that the list has one element with ID 1 (based on the MockRepo's data)
            Store store = Assert.Single(list);

            Assert.Equal(1, store.StoreId);
            // we might also test that the correct view was chosen (DailyTasks/Index)

            mockRepo.Verify(x => x.StoreRepository.All(), Times.Once); // verify that the method was called once
        public void ReturnIndexViewWithStoresList_WithActionIndex()
            // Arrange
            IEnumerable <Store> storeList = new List <Store> {
                new Store {
                    Id = 1, Name = "Auchan"
            Mock <IRepository <Store> > mockRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Store> >();

            mockRepo.Setup(repo => repo.FindAll()).Returns(storeList);

            StoresController sut = new StoresController(mockRepo.Object);

            // Act
            var result = sut.Index();

            // Assert
            var viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);
            var model      = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <IEnumerable <Store> >(viewResult.Model);

            Assert.Equal(storeList.Count(), model.Count());
 public void Index_ReturnsCorrectView_True()
     Assert.IsInstanceOfType(_controller.Index(), typeof(ViewResult));