Example #1
        public ActionResult BrandIndex(string brand, string city, string area, string word, int page = 1)
            page = page <= 0 ? 1 : page;
            ViewBag.PageIndex  = page;
            ViewBag.PageSize   = 10;
            ViewData["brand"]  = brand;
            ViewData["city"]   = city;
            ViewData["area"]   = area;
            ViewData["word"]   = word;
            ViewBag.BrandModel = BrandList.List.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Py == brand);
            ViewBag.BrandName  = ViewBag.BrandModel?.Name ?? string.Empty;
            var request = new StoreSearchRequest
                Area      = area,
                Brand     = brand,
                City      = city,
                PageSize  = ViewBag.PageSize,
                PageIndex = ViewBag.PageIndex,
                SearchKey = word

            ViewBag.AreaList = HotCityList.List;
            var list = new List <StoreSearchModel>();
            var data = StoresAccess.GetStoreList(request);

            ViewBag.Total = data?.Count ?? 0;
            if (data != null && data.Any())
                data = data.Skip((request.PageIndex - 1) * request.PageSize).Take(request.PageSize).ToList();
                list = StoresAccess.ConvertList(data);
            ViewBag.List = list;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return stores using the request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <StoreSearchResponse> StoreSearchAsync(StoreSearchRequest request)
            StoreSearchResponse storeSearchResponse = null;
            string payload = string.Format(STORE_SEARCH_PAYLOAD, request.SearchText, string.Empty);
            int    tries   = 3;
            bool   failed  = false;

                failed = false;

                    IRestRequest restRequest = new RestRequest(STORES_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT, Method.POST);
                    restRequest.AddParameter("application/json", payload, ParameterType.RequestBody);
                    restRequest.AddCookie("_", "_"); //a cookie is required by the request contract,
                                                     //restsharp requires that this not be an empty string in order for the header be set

                    IRestResponse <StoreSearchResponse> restResponse =
                        await _client.ExecutePostTaskAsync <StoreSearchResponse>(restRequest);

                    storeSearchResponse = restResponse.Data;
                catch (JsonReaderException)
                    failed = true;
            }while (tries > 0 && failed);
Example #3
        public ActionResult Index()
            var mvcName = typeof(Controller).Assembly.GetName();
            var isMono  = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null;

            ViewData["Version"] = mvcName.Version.Major + "." + mvcName.Version.Minor;
            ViewData["Runtime"] = isMono ? "Mono" : ".NET";
            var ipCity = IPHelper.GetIPCitys()?.ToLower();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipCity) || ipCity == "未知" || ipCity == "内网ip")
                ipCity = "苏州";
            var request = new StoreSearchRequest
                City     = ipCity,
                PageSize = 4,
            var list = new List <StoreSearchModel>();
            var data = StoresAccess.GetStoreList(request);

            if (data != null && data.Any())
                data = data.Take(request.PageSize).ToList();
                list = StoresAccess.ConvertList(data);
            ViewBag.List     = list;
            ViewBag.AreaList = HotCityList.List;
Example #4
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = "KrogerCompare/StoreSearch/")] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            KrogerClient       client             = Startup.KrogerClient;
            StoreSearchRequest storeSearchRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StoreSearchRequest>(req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);

            StoreSearchResponse storeSearchResponse = await client.StoreSearchAsync(storeSearchRequest);

            return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, storeSearchResponse));
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 列表页
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetStoreList(StoreSearchRequest request)
            var list = new List <StoreSearchModel>();
            var data = StoresAccess.GetStoreList(request);

            if (data != null && data.Any())
                data = data.Take(request.PageSize).ToList();
                list = StoresAccess.ConvertList(data);
            return(Json(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Example #6
        public ActionResult CityIndex(string city, string area)
            var areaModel = new AreaFilteMobdel();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(area))
                areaModel = StoresAccess.GetAreaFilter(area);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(city))
                areaModel = StoresAccess.GetAreaFilter(city);
            if (areaModel == null || areaModel.AreaType == 0)
            ViewBag.CityName = areaModel?.CityName ?? string.Empty;
            ViewBag.CityPy   = areaModel?.CityNamePy ?? string.Empty;
            ViewBag.AreaPy   = areaModel?.AreaNamePy ?? string.Empty;
            ViewBag.AreaName = areaModel?.AreaName ?? string.Empty;
            ViewBag.AreaList = HotCityList.List;
            var request = new StoreSearchRequest
                Area = area,
                City = city,
            var cityList = new List <CityBrandModel>();
            var data     = StoresAccess.GetStoreList(request);

            if (data != null && data.Count > 0)
                BrandList.List.ForEach(x =>
                    var bData = data.Where(d => d.brand == x.Id).OrderBy(d => d.sortby).ToList();
                    if (bData != null && bData.Count > 0)
                        var cityModel = new CityBrandModel
                            Brand     = x.Id,
                            BrandName = x.Name,
                            List      = new List <StoreSearchModel>()
                        bData = bData.Take(4).ToList();
            ViewBag.CityList = cityList;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取店铺详情页面
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Detail(int id)
            var model = StoresAccess.GetStoresDetail(id);

            ViewBag.store      = model;
            ViewBag.BrandModel = BrandList.GetModel(model.brand);
            ViewBag.brand      = ViewBag.BrandModel.Py;
            var request = new StoreSearchRequest
                City     = model.city,
                Brand    = ViewBag.BrandModel.Py,
                PageSize = 4,
            var list = new List <StoreSearchModel>();
            var data = StoresAccess.GetStoreList(request);

            if (data != null && data.Any())
                data = data.Where(x => x.Id != id).Take(request.PageSize).ToList();
                list = StoresAccess.ConvertList(data);
            ViewBag.List = list;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取门店列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        public static List <StoresModel> GetStoreList(StoreSearchRequest request)
            var       list = new List <StoresModel>();
            var       bi   = GetBrandInt(request.Brand);
            DataTable dt   = new DataTable();

                StringBuilder getsql = new StringBuilder();
                getsql.Append(" SELECT * FROM  stores  WHERE  1=1 ");
                if (bi > 0)
                    getsql.Append($" AND  brand = {bi} ");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.City))
                    getsql.Append($" AND  city = '{request.City}' ");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Area))
                    getsql.Append($" AND  district = '{request.Area}' ");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.SearchKey))
                    getsql.Append($" AND  storeName Like '%{request.SearchKey}%' ");

                getsql.Append($" Order by sortby asc ");
                dt   = MySqlHelper.Query(getsql.ToString())?.Tables[0];
                list = GetStoresModelList(dt);
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Synchronously fetch stores using the request
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public StoreSearchResponse StoreSearch(StoreSearchRequest request)