Example #1
        public ActionResult SendTestEmail()
            UserProfile profile = CurrentUserProfileOrThrow;

            if (!profile.AspNetIdentityUser().EmailConfirmed)
                AddUserMessage("Test Email not sent", "You must confirm your email address before you can receive email.", UserMessageType.Warning);

            Client     client     = CurrentClientOrThrow;
            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;

            string subject  = "Test Email from " + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name + " - " + Request.BindingHostName();
            string textBody = "Test Email from " + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name + " - " + Request.BindingHostName();
            string htmlBody = "Test Email from " + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name + " - " + Request.BindingHostName();

            bool result = this.SendEmail(profile.Email, profile.FullName, subject, textBody, htmlBody);

            if (result)
                AddUserMessage("Test Email Sent!", "Test Email was sent to '" + profile.Email.ToHtml() + "'.", UserMessageType.Success);
                GStoreDb.LogUserActionEvent(HttpContext, RouteData, this, UserActionCategoryEnum.Profile, UserActionActionEnum.Profile_SendTestEmail, profile.Email, true, emailAddress: profile.Email);
                AddUserMessage("Test Email not sent", "Test Email was NOT sent. This store does not have Email send activated.", UserMessageType.Warning);
                GStoreDb.LogUserActionEvent(HttpContext, RouteData, this, UserActionCategoryEnum.Profile, UserActionActionEnum.Profile_SendTestEmail, "Email Disabled", false, emailAddress: profile.Email);

        public List <SelectListItem> StoreFrontConfigList(StoreFront storeFront)
            if (storeFront == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storeFront");

            StoreFrontConfiguration currentConfig = storeFront.CurrentConfig();
            int currentconfigId = 0;

            if (currentConfig != null)
                currentconfigId = currentConfig.StoreFrontConfigurationId;

            List <SelectListItem>          list           = new List <SelectListItem>();
            List <StoreFrontConfiguration> orderedConfigs = storeFront.StoreFrontConfigurations.AsQueryable().ApplyDefaultSort().ToList();
            List <SelectListItem>          listItemQuery  = orderedConfigs.Select(c => new SelectListItem()
                Value = c.StoreFrontConfigurationId.ToString(),
                Text  = (c.StoreFrontConfigurationId == currentconfigId ? " [Current Active] " : "")
                        + c.ConfigurationName + " [" + c.StoreFrontConfigurationId + "]"
                        + (c.IsPending ? " [INACTIVE]" : " [" + c.StartDateTimeUtc.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString() + " to " + c.EndDateTimeUtc.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString() + "]"),
                Selected = (c.StoreFrontConfigurationId == currentconfigId)


        public List<SelectListItem> StoreFrontConfigList(StoreFront storeFront)
            if (storeFront == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("storeFront");

            StoreFrontConfiguration currentConfig = storeFront.CurrentConfig();
            int currentconfigId = 0;
            if (currentConfig != null)
                currentconfigId = currentConfig.StoreFrontConfigurationId;

            List<SelectListItem> list = new List<SelectListItem>();
            List<StoreFrontConfiguration> orderedConfigs = storeFront.StoreFrontConfigurations.AsQueryable().ApplyDefaultSort().ToList();
            List<SelectListItem> listItemQuery = orderedConfigs.Select(c => new SelectListItem()
                    Value = c.StoreFrontConfigurationId.ToString(),
                    Text = (c.StoreFrontConfigurationId == currentconfigId ? " [Current Active] " : "")
                        + c.ConfigurationName + " [" + c.StoreFrontConfigurationId + "]"
                        + (c.IsPending ? " [INACTIVE]" : " [" + c.StartDateTimeUtc.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString() + " to " + c.EndDateTimeUtc.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString() + "]"),
                    Selected = (c.StoreFrontConfigurationId == currentconfigId)


            return list;
Example #4
        public CatalogViewModel(StoreFront storeFront, List <TreeNode <ProductCategory> > categoryTree, int maxLevels, ProductCategory currentCategoryOrNull, Product currentProductOrNull, ProductBundle currentProductBundleOrNull, ProductBundleItem currentProductBundleItemOrNull, TreeNode <ProductCategory> currentCategoryNodeOrNull = null, List <Product> productListOrNull = null, List <ProductBundle> productBundleListOrNull = null)
            this.StoreFront           = storeFront;
            this.StoreFrontConfig     = storeFront.CurrentConfig();
            this.CategoryTree         = categoryTree;
            this.MaxLevels            = maxLevels;
            this._currentCategoryNode = currentCategoryNodeOrNull;

            this.CurrentCategoryOrNull          = currentCategoryOrNull;
            this.CurrentProductOrNull           = currentProductOrNull;
            this.CurrentProductBundleOrNull     = currentProductBundleOrNull;
            this.CurrentProductBundleItemOrNull = currentProductBundleItemOrNull;

            this._products = productListOrNull;
            this._bundles  = productBundleListOrNull;
Example #5
        public static StoreFrontConfiguration CurrentConfigOrAny(this StoreFront storefront)
            if (storefront == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storeFront");
            if (storefront.StoreFrontConfigurations == null || storefront.StoreFrontConfigurations.Count == 0)

            StoreFrontConfiguration activeConfig = storefront.CurrentConfig();

            if (activeConfig != null)

            return(storefront.StoreFrontConfigurations.OrderBy(c => c.Order).FirstOrDefault());
Example #6
        public static StoreBinding AutoMapBindingSeedBestGuessStoreFront(this SystemAdminBaseController controller)
            StoreBinding binding = controller.GStoreDb.AutoMapBinding(controller);

            StoreFront storeFront = binding.StoreFront;
            string     message    = string.Empty;

            if (Settings.AppEnableBindingAutoMapCatchAll)
                message = " to catch-all binding";
                message = " to current Url";
            string storeFrontName = storeFront.CurrentConfig() == null ? "No config found for Store Front Id: " + storeFront.StoreFrontId  : storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name;

            controller.AddUserMessage("AutoMapBindingSeedBestGuessStoreFront Success!", "Auto-mapped" + message.ToHtml() + " store binding to best guess store front '" + storeFrontName.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", AppHtmlHelpers.UserMessageType.Success);

Example #7
        public ActionResult SendTestSms()
            UserProfile profile = CurrentUserProfileOrThrow;

            string smsPhone = profile.AspNetIdentityUser().PhoneNumber;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(smsPhone))
                AddUserMessage("Test Text Message not sent", "You must add a phone number before you can receive SMS text messages.", UserMessageType.Warning);
                GStoreDb.LogUserActionEvent(HttpContext, RouteData, this, UserActionCategoryEnum.Profile, UserActionActionEnum.Profile_SendTestSms, "No Phone Number", false, smsPhone: smsPhone);

            if (!profile.AspNetIdentityUser().PhoneNumberConfirmed)
                AddUserMessage("Test Text Message not sent", "You must confirm your phone number before you can receive SMS text messages.", UserMessageType.Warning);
                GStoreDb.LogUserActionEvent(HttpContext, RouteData, this, UserActionCategoryEnum.Profile, UserActionActionEnum.Profile_SendTestSms, "Phone Number Not Confirmed", false, smsPhone: smsPhone);

            Client     client     = CurrentClientOrThrow;
            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;

            string textBody = "Test Text Message from " + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name + " - " + Request.BindingHostName();

            bool result = this.SendSms(smsPhone, textBody);

            if (result)
                AddUserMessage("Test Text Message Sent!", "Test SMS Text Message was sent to '" + profile.AspNetIdentityUser().PhoneNumber.ToHtml() + "'.", UserMessageType.Success);
                GStoreDb.LogUserActionEvent(HttpContext, RouteData, this, UserActionCategoryEnum.Profile, UserActionActionEnum.Profile_SendTestSms, smsPhone, true, smsPhone: smsPhone);
                AddUserMessage("Test Text Message Not Sent!", "Test Text Message was NOT sent. This store does not have SMS Text send activated.", UserMessageType.Warning);
                GStoreDb.LogUserActionEvent(HttpContext, RouteData, this, UserActionCategoryEnum.Profile, UserActionActionEnum.Profile_SendTestSms, "Sms Disabled", false, smsPhone: smsPhone);
Example #8
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id, string Tab)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("PageId = null"));

            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            Page       page       = storeFront.Pages.Where(p => p.PageId == id.Value).SingleOrDefault();

            if (page == null)
                AddUserMessage("Page not found", "Sorry, the page you are trying to Delete cannot be found. Page id: [" + id.Value + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);

            PageEditViewModel viewModel = new PageEditViewModel(page, isStoreAdminEdit: true, isReadOnly: true, isDeletePage: true, activeTab: Tab);

            return(View("Delete", viewModel));
Example #9
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id, ProductBundleEditAdminViewModel viewModel, List <ProductBundleItemEditAdminViewModel> bundleItems, string saveAndView, string addProductId, int?removeItemId, int?removeAltCategoryId)
            if (viewModel == null || viewModel.ProductBundleId == 0)
                return(HttpBadRequest("Product Bundle Id = 0"));
            if (viewModel.ProductBundleId != (id ?? 0))
                return(HttpBadRequest("Product Bundle Id mismatch Request id: " + (id.HasValue ? id.Value.ToString() : "(null)") + " viewModel.ProductBundleId: " + viewModel.ProductBundleId));

            StoreFrontConfiguration config = CurrentStoreFrontConfigOrThrow;
            StoreFront storeFront          = config.StoreFront;

            bool nameIsValid = GStoreDb.ValidateProductBundleUrlName(this, viewModel.UrlName, storeFront.StoreFrontId, storeFront.ClientId, viewModel.ProductBundleId);

            ProductBundle productBundle = storeFront.ProductBundles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductBundleId == viewModel.ProductBundleId);

            if (productBundle == null)
                AddUserMessage("Product Bundle not found", "Sorry, the Product Bundle you are trying to edit cannot be found. Product Bundle Id: [" + viewModel.ProductBundleId + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewBundleByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = viewModel.UrlName }));
                if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Bundles_Manager))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));

            if (bundleItems != null && bundleItems.Count != 0)
                if (!bundleItems.All(bi => productBundle.ProductBundleItems.Any(pb => pb.ProductBundleItemId == bi.ProductBundleItemId)))
                    return(HttpBadRequest("bundle items do not all have the same ProductBundleId"));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addProductId))
                int productIdToAdd = 0;
                if (!int.TryParse(addProductId, out productIdToAdd))
                    return(HttpBadRequest("product id invalid"));

                if (productBundle.ProductBundleItems.Any(pbi => pbi.ProductId == productIdToAdd))
                    AddUserMessage("Product already exists in bundle", "Product id " + productIdToAdd + " already exists in this bundle.", UserMessageType.Info);
                    ProductBundleItem newItem = GStoreDb.CreateProductBundleItemFastAdd(productBundle, productIdToAdd, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, 1);
                    AddUserMessage("Added Item!", "Product '" + newItem.Product.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + newItem.ProductId + "] was added to the bundle '" + productBundle.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + productBundle.ProductBundleId + "]", UserMessageType.Info);

            if (ModelState.IsValid && nameIsValid)
                bool removedItem = false;
                ProcessFileUploads(viewModel, storeFront);
                productBundle = GStoreDb.UpdateProductBundle(viewModel, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                AddUserMessage("Product Bundle updated successfully!", "Product Bundle updated successfully. Product Bundle '" + productBundle.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + productBundle.ProductBundleId + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);

                if (bundleItems != null && bundleItems.Count != 0)
                    GStoreDb.UpdateProductBundleItems(productBundle, bundleItems, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                if (removeItemId.HasValue && removeItemId.Value != 0)
                    removedItem = true;
                    RemoveItem(productBundle, removeItemId.Value);

                if (removeAltCategoryId.HasValue && removeAltCategoryId.Value != 0)
                    ProductCategoryAltProductBundle removeAltProductBundle = productBundle.CategoryAltBundles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductCategoryId == removeAltCategoryId.Value);
                    if (removeAltProductBundle == null)
                        AddUserMessage("Error removing cross-sell Category", "Category Id [" + removeAltCategoryId.Value + "] could not be found in bundle alt categories.", UserMessageType.Danger);
                        string oldName = removeAltProductBundle.Category.Name;
                        AddUserMessage("Removed cross-sell Catergory", oldName.ToHtml() + " was removed.", UserMessageType.Info);

                if (removeAltCategoryId.HasValue)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = productBundle.ProductBundleId, returnToFrontEnd = viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd, Tab = viewModel.ActiveTab }));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addProductId) || removedItem)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = productBundle.ProductBundleId, returnToFrontEnd = viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd, Tab = viewModel.ActiveTab }));
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(saveAndView))
                    return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = productBundle.ProductBundleId, returnToFrontEnd = viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd, Tab = viewModel.ActiveTab }));
                if (viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewBundleByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = viewModel.UrlName }));
                if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Bundles_Manager))
                    return(RedirectToAction("Manager", new { ProductCategoryId = productBundle.ProductCategoryId }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));

            if (Request.HasFiles())
                AddUserMessage("Files not uploaded", "You must correct the form values below and re-upload your files", UserMessageType.Danger);

            ViewData.Add("ReturnToFrontEnd", viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd);
            return(View("CreateOrEdit", viewModel));
Example #10
        public static bool ActivateStoreFrontClientBindingAndConfig(this SystemAdminBaseController controller, StoreBinding binding)
            if (controller == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("controller");
            if (binding == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("binding");

            if (binding.StoreFront.CurrentConfigOrAny() == null)
                controller.AddUserMessage("Store Front Config Not Found", "No Configuration was found for Store Front Id: " + binding.StoreFrontId, AppHtmlHelpers.UserMessageType.Warning);

            StoreFrontConfiguration config = binding.StoreFront.CurrentConfigOrAny();

            if (!config.IsActiveDirect())
                config.IsPending        = false;
                config.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
                config.EndDateTimeUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
                config = controller.GStoreDb.StoreFrontConfigurations.Update(config);
                controller.AddUserMessage("Activated Store Config", "Activated Store Front Configuration '" + config.ConfigurationName.ToHtml() + "' [" + config.StoreFrontConfigurationId + "]", AppHtmlHelpers.UserMessageType.Info);

            if (!binding.IsActiveDirect())
                binding.IsPending        = false;
                binding.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
                binding.EndDateTimeUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
                controller.AddUserMessage("Activated Store Binding", "Activated Store Binding Id: " + binding.StoreBindingId, AppHtmlHelpers.UserMessageType.Info);

            if (!binding.Client.IsActiveDirect())
                Client client = binding.Client;
                client.IsPending        = false;
                client.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
                client.EndDateTimeUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
                controller.AddUserMessage("Activated Client", "Activated Client '" + client.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + client.ClientId + "]", AppHtmlHelpers.UserMessageType.Info);

            if (!binding.StoreFront.IsActiveDirect())
                StoreFront storeFront = binding.StoreFront;
                storeFront.IsPending        = false;
                storeFront.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
                storeFront.EndDateTimeUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
                controller.AddUserMessage("Activated Store Front", "Activated Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.ClientId + "]", AppHtmlHelpers.UserMessageType.Info);

Example #11
        public static bool ActivateStoreFrontOnly(this SystemAdminBaseController controller, int storeFrontId)
            StoreFront storeFront = controller.GStoreDb.StoreFronts.FindById(storeFrontId);

            if (storeFront == null)
                controller.AddUserMessage("Activate Store Front Failed!", "Store Front not found by id: " + storeFrontId, AppHtmlHelpers.UserMessageType.Danger);

            if (storeFront.IsActiveDirect())
                controller.AddUserMessage("Store Front is already active.", "Store Front is already active. id: " + storeFrontId, AppHtmlHelpers.UserMessageType.Info);

            storeFront.IsPending        = false;
            storeFront.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
            storeFront.EndDateTimeUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
            controller.AddUserMessage("Activated Store Front", "Activated Store Front '" + (storeFront.CurrentConfig() == null ? "" : storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml()) + "' [" + storeFront.ClientId + "]" + " - Client '" + storeFront.Client.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.Client.ClientId + "]", AppHtmlHelpers.UserMessageType.Info);

Example #12
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int?id)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("PageId = null"));

            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            Page       page       = storeFront.Pages.Where(p => p.PageId == id.Value).SingleOrDefault();

            if (page == null)
                AddUserMessage("Page not found", "Sorry, the page you are trying to Delete cannot be found. It may have been deleted already. Page id: [" + id.Value + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);

            string pageName = page.Name;

                List <PageSection> sectionsToDelete = page.Sections.ToList();
                foreach (PageSection section in sectionsToDelete)

                List <NavBarItem> navBarItemsToDelete = page.NavBarItems.ToList();
                foreach (NavBarItem navBarItem in navBarItemsToDelete)

                bool deleted = GStoreDb.Pages.DeleteById(id.Value);
                if (deleted)
                    AddUserMessage("Page Deleted", "Page '" + pageName.ToHtml() + "' [" + id + "] was deleted successfully. Sections deleted: " + sectionsToDelete.Count + " Menu Items Deleted: " + navBarItemsToDelete.Count + ".", UserMessageType.Success);
                AddUserMessage("Page Delete Error", "There was an error deleting Page '" + pageName.ToHtml() + "' [" + id + "]. It may have already been deleted.", UserMessageType.Warning);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string errorMessage = "There was an error deleting Page '" + pageName + "' [" + id + "]. <br/>Error: '" + ex.GetType().FullName + "'";
                if (CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                    errorMessage += " \nException.ToString(): " + ex.ToString();
                AddUserMessage("Page Delete Error", errorMessage.ToHtml(), UserMessageType.Danger);
        public ActionResult AdvancedDeleteConfirmed(int?id, bool returnToManager = false)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("NavBarItemId = null"));

            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            NavBarItem navBarItem = storeFront.NavBarItems.Where(p => p.NavBarItemId == id.Value).SingleOrDefault();

            if (navBarItem == null)
                AddUserMessage("Menu Item not found", "Sorry, the Menu Item you are trying to Delete cannot be found. It may have been deleted already. Menu Item Id: [" + id.Value + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (returnToManager)

            string navBarItemName = navBarItem.Name;

                bool deleted = GStoreDb.NavBarItems.DeleteById(id.Value);
                if (deleted)
                    AddUserMessage("Menu Item Deleted", "Menu Item '" + navBarItemName.ToHtml() + "' [" + id + "] was deleted successfully.", UserMessageType.Success);
                    if (returnToManager)
                AddUserMessage("Menu Item Delete Error", "There was an error deleting Menu Item '" + navBarItemName.ToHtml() + "' [" + id + "]. It may have already been deleted.", UserMessageType.Warning);
                if (returnToManager)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string errorMessage = "There was an error deleting Menu Item '" + navBarItemName + "' [" + id + "]. <br/>Error: '" + ex.GetType().FullName + "'";
                if (CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                    errorMessage += " \nException.ToString(): " + ex.ToString();
                AddUserMessage("Menu Item Delete Error", errorMessage.ToHtml(), UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (returnToManager)
Example #14
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id, string Tab, bool returnToFrontEnd = false)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("ProductId = null"));

            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            Product    product    = storeFront.Products.Where(p => p.ProductId == id.Value).SingleOrDefault();

            if (product == null)
                AddUserMessage("Product not found", "Sorry, the Product you are trying to Delete cannot be found. Product id: [" + id.Value + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (returnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Catalog", new { area = "" }));
                if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Products_Manager))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));

            ProductEditAdminViewModel viewModel = new ProductEditAdminViewModel(product, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, isDeletePage: true, activeTab: Tab);

            viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd = returnToFrontEnd;
            ViewData.Add("ReturnToFrontEnd", returnToFrontEnd);
            return(View("Delete", viewModel));
Example #15
        public ActionResult PreviewDigitalDownload(int?id)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("ProductId = null"));

            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            Product    product    = storeFront.Products.Where(p => p.ProductId == id.Value).SingleOrDefault();

            if (product == null)
                AddUserMessage("Product not found", "Sorry, the Product you are trying to view cannot be found. Product Id: [" + id.Value + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Products_Manager))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.DigitalDownloadFileName))
                string errorMessage = "There is no Digital Download File linked to this product";
                return(View("DigitalDownload_Error", new DigitalDownloadFileError(product, errorMessage)));

            string filePath = product.DigitalDownloadFilePath(Request.ApplicationPath, RouteData, Server);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                string errorMessage = "Digital Download File '" + product.DigitalDownloadFileName + "' could not be found in store front, client, or server digital download files.\n"
                                      + "Be sure file exists, and it is located in the file system 'DigitalDownload/Products/[file name]";
                return(View("DigitalDownload_Error", new DigitalDownloadFileError(product, errorMessage)));

            string mimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(filePath);

            return(new FilePathResult(filePath, mimeType)
                FileDownloadName = product.DigitalDownloadFileName
Example #16
        public virtual PartialViewResult UpdatePageAjax(int?PageId, PageEditViewModel pageEditViewModel)
            if (!PageId.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequestPartial("Page id parameter is null"));

            if (pageEditViewModel.PageId == 0)
                return(HttpBadRequestPartial("Page id in viewmodel is 0"));

            if (PageId.Value != pageEditViewModel.PageId)
                return(HttpBadRequestPartial("Page id mismatch. PageId Parameter " + PageId.Value + " != " + pageEditViewModel.PageId));

            if (pageEditViewModel.PageTemplateId == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("PageTemplateId", "Page Template must be selected");

            if (pageEditViewModel.ThemeId == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("ThemeId", "Page Theme must be selected");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageEditViewModel.Url))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Url", "Url is invalid. Example: '/' or '/Contact'");
                if (pageEditViewModel.Url.Trim('/').Trim() == ".")
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Url", "Url '" + pageEditViewModel.Url.ToHtml() + "' is invalid. Example: '/' or '/Contact'");
                if (pageEditViewModel.Url.Contains('?'))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Url", "Url '" + pageEditViewModel.Url.ToHtml() + "' is invalid. Question mark is not allowed in URL. Example: '/' or '/Contact'");

            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            bool       urlIsValid = GStoreDb.ValidatePageUrl(this, pageEditViewModel.Url, storeFront.StoreFrontId, storeFront.ClientId, pageEditViewModel.PageId);

            if (urlIsValid && ModelState.IsValid)
                Page page = null;
                    page = GStoreDb.UpdatePage(pageEditViewModel, this, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                    AddUserMessage("Page Changes Saved!", "Page '" + page.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + page.PageId + "] saved successfully for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);
                    pageEditViewModel = new PageEditViewModel(page, isStoreAdminEdit: true, activeTab: pageEditViewModel.ActiveTab);
                    return(PartialView("_PageEditPartial", pageEditViewModel));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errorMessage = "An error occurred while saving your changes to page '" + pageEditViewModel.Name + "' Url: '" + pageEditViewModel.Url + "' [" + pageEditViewModel.PageId + "] for Store Front: '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "] \nError: '" + ex.GetType().FullName + "'";

                    if (CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                        errorMessage += " \nException.ToString(): '" + ex.ToString() + "'";
                    AddUserMessage("Error Saving Page!", errorMessage.ToHtmlLines(), UserMessageType.Danger);
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Ajax", errorMessage);
                AddUserMessage("Page Edit Error", "There was an error with your entry for page " + pageEditViewModel.Name.ToHtml() + " [" + pageEditViewModel.PageId + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]. Please correct it.", UserMessageType.Danger);

            pageEditViewModel.IsStoreAdminEdit = true;
            pageEditViewModel.FillListsIfEmpty(CurrentClientOrThrow, CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow);
            return(PartialView("_PageEditPartial", pageEditViewModel));
Example #17
        public virtual ActionResult Create(PageEditViewModel pageEditViewModel)
            if (pageEditViewModel.PageTemplateId == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("PageTemplateId", "Page Template must be selected");

            if (pageEditViewModel.ThemeId == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("ThemeId", "Page Theme must be selected");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageEditViewModel.Url))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Url", "Url is blank. Enter a valid Url for this page. Example: '/' or '/Contact'");
                if (pageEditViewModel.Url.Trim('/').Trim() == ".")
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Url", "Url '" + pageEditViewModel.Url.ToHtml() + "' is invalid. Example: '/' or '/Contact'");
                if (pageEditViewModel.Url.Contains('?'))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Url", "Url '" + pageEditViewModel.Url.ToHtml() + "' is invalid. Question mark is not allowed in URL. Example: '/' or '/Contact'");

            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            bool       urlIsValid = GStoreDb.ValidatePageUrl(this, pageEditViewModel.Url, storeFront.StoreFrontId, storeFront.ClientId, null);

            if (urlIsValid && ModelState.IsValid)
                    Page page = null;
                    page = GStoreDb.CreatePage(pageEditViewModel, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                    AddUserMessage("Page Created!", "Page '" + page.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + page.PageId + "] was created successfully for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);

                    if (pageEditViewModel.CreateMenuItemWithPage)
                        NavBarItem navBarItem = GStoreDb.CreateNavBarItemForPage(page, CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                        AddUserMessage("Site Menu Updated!", "Page '" + page.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + page.PageId + "] was added to the site menu for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);
                    if (CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Pages_View))
                        return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = page.PageId }));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errorMessage = "An error occurred while Creating page '" + pageEditViewModel.Name + "' Url: '" + pageEditViewModel.Url + "' for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "] \nError: " + ex.GetType().FullName;

                    if (CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                        errorMessage += " \nException.ToString(): " + ex.ToString();
                    AddUserMessage("Error Creating Page!", errorMessage.ToHtmlLines(), UserMessageType.Danger);
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Ajax", errorMessage);
                AddUserMessage("Page Create Error", "There was an error with your entry for new page '" + pageEditViewModel.Name.ToHtml() + "' for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]. Please correct it below and save.", UserMessageType.Danger);

            pageEditViewModel.IsStoreAdminEdit = true;
            pageEditViewModel.FillListsIfEmpty(storeFront.Client, storeFront);
            pageEditViewModel.IsCreatePage = true;
            return(View("Create", pageEditViewModel));
Example #18
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int?id, int?moveToCategoryId, bool returnToFrontEnd = false)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("ProductCategoryId = null"));

            StoreFront      storeFront      = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            ProductCategory productCategory = storeFront.ProductCategories.Where(pc => pc.ProductCategoryId == id.Value).SingleOrDefault();

            if (productCategory == null)
                AddUserMessage("Category not found", "Sorry, the Category you are trying to Delete cannot be found. It may have been deleted already. Category Id: [" + id.Value + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (returnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Catalog", new { area = "" }));

            string productCategoryName = productCategory.Name;

                ProductCategory moveToCategory = null;
                if (moveToCategoryId.HasValue)
                    moveToCategory = storeFront.ProductCategories.Where(pc => pc.ProductCategoryId == moveToCategoryId.Value).SingleOrDefault();

                if (moveToCategory != null)
                    List <ProductCategory> childCategories = GStoreDb.ProductCategories.Where(pc => pc.ProductCategoryId == productCategory.ProductCategoryId).ToList();
                    foreach (ProductCategory childCategory in childCategories)
                        childCategory.ParentCategoryId = moveToCategory.ProductCategoryId;

                    List <ProductBundle> childBundles = productCategory.ProductBundles.ToList();
                    foreach (ProductBundle bundle in childBundles)
                        bundle.ProductCategoryId = moveToCategory.ProductCategoryId;

                    List <ProductCategoryAltProductBundle> childAltBundles = productCategory.CategoryAltProductBundles.ToList();
                    foreach (ProductCategoryAltProductBundle altBundle in childAltBundles)
                        altBundle.ProductCategoryId = moveToCategory.ProductCategoryId;

                    List <Product> childProducts = productCategory.Products.ToList();
                    foreach (Product product in childProducts)
                        product.ProductCategoryId = moveToCategory.ProductCategoryId;

                    List <ProductCategoryAltProduct> childAltProducts = productCategory.CategoryAltProducts.ToList();
                    foreach (ProductCategoryAltProduct altProduct in childAltProducts)
                        altProduct.ProductCategoryId = moveToCategory.ProductCategoryId;

                    AddUserMessage("Child Items are being moved to Category '" + moveToCategory.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + moveToCategory.ProductCategoryId + "]", "Category '" + productCategoryName.ToHtml() + "' [" + id + "] was deleted successfully.", UserMessageType.Success);

                bool deleted = GStoreDb.ProductCategories.DeleteById(id.Value);
                if (deleted)
                    AddUserMessage("Category Deleted", "Category '" + productCategoryName.ToHtml() + "' [" + id + "] was deleted successfully.", UserMessageType.Success);
                    if (returnToFrontEnd)
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Catalog", new { area = "" }));
                AddUserMessage("Category Delete Error", "There was an error deleting Category '" + productCategoryName.ToHtml() + "' [" + id + "]. It may have already been deleted.", UserMessageType.Warning);
                if (returnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Catalog", new { area = "" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string errorMessage = "There was an error deleting Category '" + productCategoryName + "' [" + id + "]. <br/>Error: '" + ex.GetType().FullName + "'";
                if (CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                    errorMessage += " \nException.ToString(): " + ex.ToString();
                AddUserMessage("Category Delete Error", errorMessage.ToHtml(), UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (returnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Catalog", new { area = "" }));
Example #19
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id, string Tab, bool returnToFrontEnd = false)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("ProductCategoryId = null"));

            StoreFront      storeFront      = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            ProductCategory productCategory = storeFront.ProductCategories.Where(pc => pc.ProductCategoryId == id.Value).SingleOrDefault();

            if (productCategory == null)
                AddUserMessage("Category not found", "Sorry, the Category you are trying to Delete cannot be found. Category id: [" + id.Value + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (returnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewCategoryByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = productCategory.UrlName }));

            CategoryEditAdminViewModel viewModel = new CategoryEditAdminViewModel(productCategory, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, isDeletePage: true, activeTab: Tab);

            viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd = returnToFrontEnd;
            return(View("Delete", viewModel));
Example #20
        public ActionResult Edit(CategoryEditAdminViewModel viewModel, string Tab, string saveAndView, int?addCrossSellProductId, int?addCrossSellBundleId, int?removeAltProductId, int?removeAltBundleId)
            StoreFrontConfiguration config = CurrentStoreFrontConfigOrThrow;
            StoreFront storeFront          = config.StoreFront;

            bool nameIsValid = GStoreDb.ValidateProductCategoryUrlName(this, viewModel.UrlName, storeFront.StoreFrontId, storeFront.ClientId, viewModel.ProductCategoryId);

            ProductCategory productCategory = storeFront.ProductCategories.SingleOrDefault(pc => pc.ProductCategoryId == viewModel.ProductCategoryId);

            if (productCategory == null)
                AddUserMessage("Category not found", "Sorry, the Category you are trying to edit cannot be found. Category Id: [" + viewModel.ProductCategoryId + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewCategoryByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = productCategory.UrlName }));

            if (ModelState.IsValid && nameIsValid)
                ProcessFileUploads(viewModel, storeFront);
                productCategory = GStoreDb.UpdateProductCategory(viewModel, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                AddUserMessage("Category updated successfully!", "Category updated successfully. Category '" + productCategory.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + productCategory.ProductCategoryId + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);

                if (addCrossSellProductId.HasValue && addCrossSellProductId.Value != 0)
                    if (!productCategory.CategoryAltProducts.Any(p => p.ProductId == addCrossSellProductId.Value))
                        Product crossSellProduct = storeFront.Products.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == addCrossSellProductId.Value);
                        if (crossSellProduct == null)
                            AddUserMessage("Error adding cross-sell " + productCategory.ProductTypeSingleOrSystemDefault(config).ToHtml(), "Product Id [" + addCrossSellProductId.Value + "] could not be found in products.", UserMessageType.Danger);
                            ProductCategoryAltProduct newAltProduct = GStoreDb.CreateProductCategoryAltProductFastAdd(productCategory, crossSellProduct, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                            AddUserMessage("Added cross-sell " + productCategory.ProductTypeSingleOrSystemDefault(config).ToHtml(), newAltProduct.Product.Name.ToHtml() + " added", UserMessageType.Info);
                if (addCrossSellBundleId.HasValue && addCrossSellBundleId.Value != 0)
                    if (!productCategory.CategoryAltProductBundles.Any(b => b.ProductBundleId == addCrossSellBundleId.Value))
                        ProductBundle crossSellProductBundle = storeFront.ProductBundles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductBundleId == addCrossSellBundleId.Value);
                        if (crossSellProductBundle == null)
                            AddUserMessage("Error adding cross-sell " + productCategory.BundleTypeSingleOrSystemDefault(config).ToHtml(), "Product Bundle Id [" + addCrossSellBundleId.Value + "] could not be found in product bundles.", UserMessageType.Danger);
                            ProductCategoryAltProductBundle newAltProductBundle = GStoreDb.CreateProductCategoryAltProductBundleFastAdd(productCategory, crossSellProductBundle, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                            AddUserMessage("Added cross-sell " + productCategory.BundleTypeSingleOrSystemDefault(config).ToHtml(), newAltProductBundle.ProductBundle.Name.ToHtml() + " added", UserMessageType.Info);

                if (removeAltProductId.HasValue && removeAltProductId.Value != 0)
                    ProductCategoryAltProduct removeAltProduct = productCategory.CategoryAltProducts.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == removeAltProductId.Value);
                    if (removeAltProduct == null)
                        AddUserMessage("Error removing cross-sell " + productCategory.ProductTypeSingleOrSystemDefault(config).ToHtml(), "Product Id [" + removeAltProductId.Value + "] could not be found in category alt products.", UserMessageType.Danger);
                        string oldName = removeAltProduct.Product.Name;
                        AddUserMessage("Removed cross-sell " + productCategory.ProductTypeSingleOrSystemDefault(config).ToHtml(), oldName.ToHtml() + " was removed.", UserMessageType.Info);

                if (removeAltBundleId.HasValue && removeAltBundleId.Value != 0)
                    ProductCategoryAltProductBundle removeAltBundle = productCategory.CategoryAltProductBundles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductBundleId == removeAltBundleId.Value);
                    if (removeAltBundle == null)
                        AddUserMessage("Error removing cross-sell " + productCategory.BundleTypeSingleOrSystemDefault(config).ToHtml(), "Product Bundle Id [" + removeAltBundleId.Value + "] could not be found in category alt product bundles.", UserMessageType.Danger);
                        string oldName = removeAltBundle.ProductBundle.Name;
                        AddUserMessage("Removed cross-sell " + productCategory.BundleTypeSingleOrSystemDefault(config).ToHtml(), oldName.ToHtml() + " was removed.", UserMessageType.Info);

                if (addCrossSellProductId.HasValue || addCrossSellBundleId.HasValue || removeAltProductId.HasValue || removeAltBundleId.HasValue)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = productCategory.ProductCategoryId, returnToFrontEnd = viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd, Tab = viewModel.ActiveTab }));
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(saveAndView))
                    return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = productCategory.ProductCategoryId, returnToFrontEnd = viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd, Tab = viewModel.ActiveTab }));
                if (viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewCategoryByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = productCategory.UrlName }));

            if (this.ModelState.ContainsKey("UrlName"))
                ModelState["UrlName"].Value = new ValueProviderResult(viewModel.UrlName, viewModel.UrlName, null);
            if (Request.HasFiles())
                AddUserMessage("Files not uploaded", "You must correct the form values below and re-upload your files", UserMessageType.Danger);

            viewModel.FillListsIfEmpty(storeFront.Client, storeFront);

            return(View("CreateOrEdit", viewModel));
        public ActionResult Create(NavBarItemEditAdminViewModel viewModel)
            StoreFront storeFront  = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            bool       nameIsValid = GStoreDb.ValidateNavBarItemName(this, viewModel.Name, storeFront.StoreFrontId, storeFront.ClientId, null);

            if (nameIsValid && ModelState.IsValid)
                    NavBarItem navBarItem = GStoreDb.CreateNavBarItem(viewModel, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                    AddUserMessage("Menu Item Created!", "Menu Item '" + navBarItem.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + navBarItem.NavBarItemId + "] was created successfully for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errorMessage = "An error occurred while Creating Menu Item '" + viewModel.Name + "' for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "] \nError: " + ex.GetType().FullName;

                    if (CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                        errorMessage += " \nException.ToString(): " + ex.ToString();
                    AddUserMessage("Error Creating Menu Item!", errorMessage.ToHtmlLines(), UserMessageType.Danger);
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Ajax", errorMessage);
                AddUserMessage("Create Menu Item Error", "There was an error with your entry for new menu item '" + viewModel.Name.ToHtml() + "' for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]. Please correct it below and save.", UserMessageType.Danger);

            viewModel.FillListsIfEmpty(storeFront.Client, storeFront);
            viewModel.UpdateParentNavBarItem(CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow.NavBarItems.SingleOrDefault(nb => nb.NavBarItemId == viewModel.ParentNavBarItemId));

            viewModel.IsSimpleCreatePage = true;

            return(View("Create", viewModel));
        public virtual ActionResult AdvancedCreate(NavBarItemEditAdminViewModel navBarItemEditViewModel)
            StoreFront storeFront  = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            bool       nameIsValid = GStoreDb.ValidateNavBarItemName(this, navBarItemEditViewModel.Name, storeFront.StoreFrontId, storeFront.ClientId, null);

            if (nameIsValid && ModelState.IsValid)
                    NavBarItem navBarItem = GStoreDb.CreateNavBarItem(navBarItemEditViewModel, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                    AddUserMessage("Menu Item Created!", "Menu Item '" + navBarItem.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + navBarItem.NavBarItemId + "] was created successfully for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);
                    if (CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.NavBarItems_View))
                        return(RedirectToAction("AdvancedDetails", new { id = navBarItem.NavBarItemId, ReturnToManager = navBarItemEditViewModel.ReturnToManager }));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errorMessage = "An error occurred while Creating Menu Item '" + navBarItemEditViewModel.Name + "' for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "] \nError: " + ex.GetType().FullName;

                    if (CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                        errorMessage += " \nException.ToString(): " + ex.ToString();
                    AddUserMessage("Error Creating Menu Item!", errorMessage.ToHtmlLines(), UserMessageType.Danger);
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Ajax", errorMessage);
                AddUserMessage("Create Menu Item Error", "There was an error with your entry for new menu item '" + navBarItemEditViewModel.Name.ToHtml() + "' for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]. Please correct it below and save.", UserMessageType.Danger);

            navBarItemEditViewModel.FillListsIfEmpty(storeFront.Client, storeFront);
            navBarItemEditViewModel.IsCreatePage = true;

            return(View("AdvancedCreate", navBarItemEditViewModel));
Example #23
        public ActionResult Edit(ProductEditAdminViewModel viewModel, string saveAndView, int?addToBundleId, string addTobundle, int?addToBundleQty, int?removeAltCategoryId)
            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;

            bool nameIsValid = GStoreDb.ValidateProductUrlName(this, viewModel.UrlName, storeFront.StoreFrontId, storeFront.ClientId, viewModel.ProductId);

            Product product = storeFront.Products.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == viewModel.ProductId);

            if (product == null)
                AddUserMessage("Product not found", "Sorry, the Product you are trying to edit cannot be found. Product Id: [" + viewModel.ProductId + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewProductByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = viewModel.UrlName }));
                if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Products_Manager))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));

            if (ModelState.IsValid && nameIsValid)
                ProcessFileUploads(viewModel, storeFront);
                bool addedToBundle = false;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addTobundle) && addToBundleId.HasValue && addToBundleId.Value != 0)
                    ProductBundleItem newItem = GStoreDb.CreateProductBundleItemFastAdd(addToBundleId.Value, product, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, addToBundleQty ?? 1);
                    addedToBundle = true;

                product = GStoreDb.UpdateProduct(viewModel, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                AddUserMessage("Product updated successfully!", "Product updated successfully. Product '" + product.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + product.ProductId + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);

                if (removeAltCategoryId.HasValue && removeAltCategoryId.Value != 0)
                    ProductCategoryAltProduct removeAltProduct = product.CategoryAltProducts.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductCategoryId == removeAltCategoryId.Value);
                    if (removeAltProduct == null)
                        AddUserMessage("Error removing cross-sell Category", "Category Id [" + removeAltCategoryId.Value + "] could not be found in product alt categories.", UserMessageType.Danger);
                        string oldName = removeAltProduct.Category.Name;
                        AddUserMessage("Removed cross-sell Catergory", oldName.ToHtml() + " was removed.", UserMessageType.Info);

                if (removeAltCategoryId.HasValue)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = product.ProductId, returnToFrontEnd = viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd, Tab = viewModel.ActiveTab }));
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(saveAndView) || addedToBundle)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = product.ProductId, returnToFrontEnd = viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd, Tab = viewModel.ActiveTab }));
                if (viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewProductByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = viewModel.UrlName }));
                if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Products_Manager))
                    return(RedirectToAction("Manager", new { productCategoryId = viewModel.ProductCategoryId }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));

            if (Request.HasFiles())
                AddUserMessage("Files not uploaded", "You must correct the form values below and re-upload your files", UserMessageType.Danger);
            ViewData.Add("ReturnToFrontEnd", viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd);
            return(View("CreateOrEdit", viewModel));
        public ActionResult AdvancedEdit(NavBarItemEditAdminViewModel viewModel, string Tab)
            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;

            bool nameIsValid = GStoreDb.ValidateNavBarItemName(this, viewModel.Name, storeFront.StoreFrontId, storeFront.ClientId, viewModel.NavBarItemId);

            NavBarItem navBarItem = storeFront.NavBarItems.SingleOrDefault(nb => nb.NavBarItemId == viewModel.NavBarItemId);

            if (navBarItem == null)
                AddUserMessage("Menu Item not found", "Sorry, the Menu Item you are trying to edit cannot be found. Menu Item Id: [" + viewModel.NavBarItemId + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (viewModel.ReturnToManager)

            if (ModelState.IsValid && nameIsValid)
                navBarItem = GStoreDb.UpdateNavBarItem(viewModel, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                AddUserMessage("Menu Item updated successfully!", "Menu Item updated successfully. Menu Item '" + navBarItem.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + navBarItem.NavBarItemId + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);
                if (viewModel.ReturnToManager)

            return(View("AdvancedEdit", viewModel));
Example #25
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int?id, bool returnToFrontEnd = false)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("ProductId = null"));

            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            Product    product    = storeFront.Products.Where(p => p.ProductId == id.Value).SingleOrDefault();

            if (product == null)
                AddUserMessage("Product not found", "Sorry, the Product you are trying to Delete cannot be found. It may have been deleted already. Product Id: [" + id.Value + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (returnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Catalog", new { area = "" }));
                if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Products_Manager))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));

            string productName     = product.Name;
            string categoryUrlName = product.Category.UrlName;

                bool deleted = GStoreDb.Products.DeleteById(id.Value);
                if (deleted)
                    AddUserMessage("Product Deleted", "Product '" + productName.ToHtml() + "' [" + id + "] was deleted successfully.", UserMessageType.Success);
                    if (returnToFrontEnd)
                        return(RedirectToAction("ViewCategoryByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = categoryUrlName }));
                    if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Products_Manager))
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));
                AddUserMessage("Product Delete Error", "There was an error deleting Product '" + productName.ToHtml() + "' [" + id + "]. It may have already been deleted.", UserMessageType.Warning);
                if (returnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewCategoryByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = categoryUrlName }));
                if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Products_Manager))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string errorMessage = "There was an error deleting Product '" + productName + "' [" + id + "]. <br/>Error: '" + ex.GetType().FullName + "'";
                if (CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                    errorMessage += " \nException.ToString(): " + ex.ToString();
                AddUserMessage("Product Delete Error", errorMessage.ToHtml(), UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (returnToFrontEnd)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewCategoryByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = categoryUrlName }));
                if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Products_Manager))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));
        public ActionResult AdvancedDelete(int?id, string Tab, bool returnToManager = false)
            if (!id.HasValue)
                return(HttpBadRequest("NavBarItemId = null"));

            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            NavBarItem navBarItem = storeFront.NavBarItems.Where(p => p.NavBarItemId == id.Value).SingleOrDefault();

            if (navBarItem == null)
                AddUserMessage("Menu Item not found", "Sorry, the Menu Item you are trying to Delete cannot be found. Menu Item id: [" + id.Value + "] for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Danger);

            NavBarItemEditAdminViewModel viewModel = new NavBarItemEditAdminViewModel(navBarItem, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, isDeletePage: true, activeTab: Tab, returnToManager: returnToManager);

            return(View("AdvancedDelete", viewModel));
Example #27
        public ActionResult Create(ProductEditAdminViewModel viewModel, string createAndView)
            StoreFront storeFront = CurrentStoreFrontOrThrow;
            bool       urlIsValid = GStoreDb.ValidateProductUrlName(this, viewModel.UrlName, storeFront.StoreFrontId, storeFront.ClientId, null);

            if (urlIsValid && ModelState.IsValid)
                    ProcessFileUploads(viewModel, storeFront);
                    Product product = GStoreDb.CreateProduct(viewModel, storeFront, CurrentUserProfileOrThrow);
                    AddUserMessage("Product Created!", "Product '" + product.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + product.ProductId + "] was created successfully for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(createAndView))
                        return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = product.ProductId, returnToFrontEnd = viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd, tab = viewModel.ActiveTab }));
                    if (viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd)
                        return(RedirectToAction("ViewProductByName", "Catalog", new { area = "", urlName = viewModel.UrlName }));
                    if (storeFront.Authorization_IsAuthorized(CurrentUserProfileOrThrow, GStoreAction.Products_Manager))
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CatalogAdmin"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errorMessage = "An error occurred while Creating Product '" + viewModel.Name + "' for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "] \nError: " + ex.GetType().FullName;

                    if (CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                        errorMessage += " \nException.ToString(): " + ex.ToString();
                    AddUserMessage("Error Creating Product!", errorMessage.ToHtmlLines(), UserMessageType.Danger);
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Ajax", errorMessage);
                AddUserMessage("Create Product Error", "There was an error with your entry for new Product '" + viewModel.Name.ToHtml() + "' for Store Front '" + storeFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "]. Please correct it below and save.", UserMessageType.Danger);

            if (Request.HasFiles())
                AddUserMessage("Files not uploaded", "You must correct the form values below and re-upload your files", UserMessageType.Danger);
            viewModel.FillListsIfEmpty(storeFront.Client, storeFront);

            viewModel.IsCreatePage = true;
            ViewData.Add("ReturnToFrontEnd", viewModel.ReturnToFrontEnd);
            return(View("CreateOrEdit", viewModel));
Example #28
        public static void CreatePasswordChangedNotification(this IGstoreDb db, StoreFront storeFront, UserProfile userProfile, Uri requestUrl, string notificationBaseUrl)
            if (storeFront == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storeFront");
            if (userProfile == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userProfile");

            UserProfile profile = userProfile;
            UserProfile accountAdmin = storeFront.CurrentConfig().AccountAdmin;
            Notification notification = db.Notifications.Create();

            notification.StoreFront = storeFront;
            notification.ClientId = storeFront.ClientId;
            notification.From = (accountAdmin == null ? "System Administrator" : accountAdmin.FullName);
            notification.FromUserProfileId = (accountAdmin == null ? 0 : accountAdmin.UserProfileId);
            notification.ToUserProfileId = profile.UserProfileId;
            notification.To = profile.FullName;
            notification.Importance = "Normal";
            notification.Subject = "FYI - Your password has been changed";
            notification.UrlHost = requestUrl.Host;
            if (!requestUrl.IsDefaultPort)
                notification.UrlHost += ":" + requestUrl.Port;
            notification.BaseUrl = notificationBaseUrl;
            notification.Message = "FYI - Your password was changed on " + requestUrl.Host
                + " \n - This is just a courtesy message to let you know.";
            notification.Message = notification.Message.ToHtmlLines();

            notification.IsPending = false;
            notification.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
            notification.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
