public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { var gizmos = base.GetGizmos(); // StorageTabVisible is not virtual, so check if we need to still apply it if (!base.StorageTabVisible && this.StorageTabVisible) { foreach (Gizmo g2 in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(this.GetStoreSettings())) { yield return(g2); } } /* * Kind of a hack, because we don't want the assign owner gizmo that simply using base.GetGizmos() would give us. Instead iterate through all the gizmos * produced by base classes of Building_Grave and only return them if they're not labeled 'Assign colonist'. */ foreach (Gizmo giz in gizmos) { if ((giz as Command_Action)?.defaultLabel != "CommandGraveAssignColonistLabel".Translate()) { yield return(giz); } } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { //yield return new Command_Action() { // icon = GizmoShadeFor(zoneType), // defaultLabel = Static.GizmoShadeLabel, // defaultDesc = Static.GizmoShadeDesc, // activateSound = SoundDefOf.Click, // action = () => { // color = NextZoneColor; // for (int c = 0; c < Cells.Count; c++) { // Map.mapDrawer.MapMeshDirty(Cells[c], MapMeshFlag.Zone); // } // } //}; foreach (Gizmo giz in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(giz); } foreach (Gizmo giz in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(settings)) { yield return(giz); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (var g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } foreach (Gizmo g2 in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(settings)) { yield return(g2); } yield return(new Command_Action { icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/SetTargetFuelLevel"), defaultLabel = "SmartHopper_SetTargetAmount".Translate(), action = () => Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_OutputMinMax(OutputSettings)), }); if (this.def.GetModExtension <ModExtension_Settings>()?.GetByName <bool>("pickupFromGround") ?? false) { yield return(new Command_Toggle { icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/PickupFromGround"), defaultLabel = "SmartHopper_PickupFromGround".Translate(), toggleAction = () => this.pickupFromGround = !this.pickupFromGround, isActive = () => this.pickupFromGround }); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { foreach (Gizmo g in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(FuelSettings)) { yield return(g); } yield break; }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { return(base.CompGetGizmosExtra().Concat( Option(this.parent as IStorageSetting) .Select(s => s.StorageSettings) .Select(x => StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(x)) .GetOrDefault(Enumerable.Empty <Gizmo>()))); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } foreach (Gizmo g2 in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(this.settings)) { yield return(g2); } yield break; }
public static void Copy(Building_Shelf shelf) { StorageSettingsClipboard.Copy(shelf.settings); StockingSettingsClipboard.copiedShelf = shelf; StockingSettingsClipboard.copied = true; //As both this and StorageSettingsClipboard are static without constructors // I have a timing issue setting up callbacks. I will do so during the first copy if (!setupCallback) { SetupCallback(); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { //Log.Message( string.Format( "{0}.GetGizmos()", this.ThingID ) ); var copyPasteGizmos = StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(settings); foreach (var gizmo in copyPasteGizmos) { yield return(gizmo); } foreach (var gizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(gizmo); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } foreach (Gizmo g2 in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(settings)) { yield return(g2); } if (Prefs.DevMode) { yield return(new Command_Action { icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Buttons/Drop", true), defaultLabel = "DEBUG: Drop all items", defaultDesc = "Drops all items stored in internal storage and disallows the item in storage. WARNING: Some items will be lost if storage exceeds ~300 stacks.", action = () => DropAll(), activateSound = SoundDefOf.Click, }); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "DEBUG: Add 1 million of current item", defaultDesc = "If no item stored, adds Steel.", action = delegate { if (storedDef == null) { storedDef = ThingDefOf.Steel; } ThingCount += 1000000; }, activateSound = SoundDefOf.Click, }); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "DEBUG: Reset without dropping items", action = delegate { storedDef = null; ThingCount = 0; }, activateSound = SoundDefOf.Click, }); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (var g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } foreach (Gizmo g2 in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(settings)) { yield return(g2); } yield return(new Command_Action { icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/SetTargetFuelLevel"), defaultLabel = "SmartHopper_SetTargetAmount".Translate(), action = () => Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_OutputMinMax(OutputSettings)), }); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (var g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } foreach (Gizmo g2 in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(settings)) { yield return(g2); } yield return(new Command_Toggle() { isActive = () =>, toggleAction = () => = !, defaultLabel = "PRF.AutoMachineTool.Puller.SwitchActiveLabel".Translate(), defaultDesc = "PRF.AutoMachineTool.Puller.SwitchActiveDesc".Translate(), icon = RS.PlayIcon }); yield return(new Command_Toggle() { isActive = () => this.takeForbiddenItems, toggleAction = () => this.takeForbiddenItems = !this.takeForbiddenItems, defaultLabel = "PRF.Puller.TakeForbiddenItems".Translate(), defaultDesc = "PRF.Puller.TakeForbiddenItemsDesc".Translate(), icon = TexCommand.ForbidOff }); if (this.OutputSides) { yield return(new Command_Action() { action = () => this.right = !this.right, defaultLabel = "PRF.AutoMachineTool.Puller.SwitchOutputSideLabel".Translate(), defaultDesc = "PRF.AutoMachineTool.Puller.SwitchOutputSideDesc".Translate(), icon = RS.OutputDirectionIcon }); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandThingSetOwnerLabel".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/AssignOwner", true), defaultDesc = "ArmorRacks_ArmorRackSetOwnerDescription".Translate(), action = delegate() { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_AssignBuildingOwner(this.GetComp <CompAssignableToPawn_ArmorRacks>())); }, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc3 }); foreach (Gizmo g2 in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(Settings)) { yield return(g2); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { foreach (Gizmo gizmo in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(settings)) { yield return(gizmo); } if (loaded) { if (SoftWarmBedsSettings.manuallyUnmakeBed) { Props.commandTexture = Props.beddingDef.graphicData.texPath; foreach (Gizmo gizmo in base.CompGetGizmosExtra()) { yield return(gizmo); } } else { Command_Action unmake = new Command_Action { defaultLabel = Props.commandLabelKey.Translate(), defaultDesc = Props.commandDescKey.Translate(), icon = LoadedBedding.uiIcon, iconAngle = LoadedBedding.uiIconAngle, iconOffset = LoadedBedding.uiIconOffset, iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(LoadedBedding), action = delegate() { Unmake(); } }; yield return(unmake); } } yield break; }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo gizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(gizmo); } foreach (Gizmo item in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(allowedCorpseFilterSettings)) { yield return(item); } if (Prefs.DevMode) { yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "DEBUG: Empty", action = delegate { corpseRemainingMass = 0; } }); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "DEBUG: -10kg", action = delegate { corpseRemainingMass = (corpseRemainingMass > 10) ? (corpseRemainingMass - 10) : 0; } }); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "DEBUG: -1kg", action = delegate { corpseRemainingMass = (corpseRemainingMass > 1) ? (corpseRemainingMass - 1) : 0; } }); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "DEBUG: +1kg", action = delegate { if (Empty) { corpseInitialMass = ThingDefOf.Human.BaseMass; } corpseRemainingMass = (corpseInitialMass - corpseRemainingMass > 1) ? (corpseRemainingMass + 1) : corpseInitialMass; } }); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "DEBUG: +10kg", action = delegate { if (Empty) { corpseInitialMass = ThingDefOf.Human.BaseMass; } corpseRemainingMass = (corpseInitialMass - corpseRemainingMass > 10) ? (corpseRemainingMass + 10) : corpseInitialMass; } }); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "DEBUG: Load Corpse", action = delegate { corpseInitialMass = ThingDefOf.Human.BaseMass; corpseRemainingMass = corpseInitialMass; } }); } }
// Token: 0x06007DD8 RID: 32216 RVA: 0x00054920 File Offset: 0x00052B20 public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo gizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(gizmo); } IEnumerator <Gizmo> enumerator = null; if (this.CanExtractShell) { AERIALChangeableProjectile compChangeableProjectile = this.gun.TryGetComp <AERIALChangeableProjectile>(); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandExtractShell".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandExtractShellDesc".Translate(), icon = compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells[compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells.Count - 1].uiIcon, iconAngle = compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells[compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells.Count - 1].uiIconAngle, iconOffset = compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells[compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells.Count - 1].uiIconOffset, iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells[compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells.Count - 1]), action = delegate() { this.ExtractShell(); } }); } AERIALChangeableProjectile compChangeableProjectile2 = this.gun.TryGetComp <AERIALChangeableProjectile>(); if (compChangeableProjectile2 != null) { StorageSettings storeSettings = compChangeableProjectile2.GetStoreSettings(); foreach (Gizmo gizmo2 in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(storeSettings)) { yield return(gizmo2); } enumerator = null; } if (this.CanSetForcedTarget) { Command_VerbTarget command_VerbTarget = new Command_VerbTarget(); command_VerbTarget.defaultLabel = "CommandSetForceAttackTarget".Translate(); command_VerbTarget.defaultDesc = "CommandSetForceAttackTargetDesc".Translate(); command_VerbTarget.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Attack", true); command_VerbTarget.verb = this.AttackVerb; command_VerbTarget.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4; command_VerbTarget.drawRadius = false; if (base.Spawned && this.IsMortarOrProjectileFliesOverhead && base.Position.Roofed(base.Map)) { command_VerbTarget.Disable("CannotFire".Translate() + ": " + "Roofed".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); } yield return(command_VerbTarget); } if (this.forcedTarget.IsValid) { Command_Action command_Action = new Command_Action(); command_Action.defaultLabel = "CommandStopForceAttack".Translate(); command_Action.defaultDesc = "CommandStopForceAttackDesc".Translate(); command_Action.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Halt", true); command_Action.action = delegate() { this.ResetForcedTarget(); SoundDefOf.Tick_Low.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); }; if (!this.forcedTarget.IsValid) { command_Action.Disable("CommandStopAttackFailNotForceAttacking".Translate()); } command_Action.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5; yield return(command_Action); } if (this.CanToggleHoldFire) { yield return(new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "CommandHoldFire".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandHoldFireDesc".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/HoldFire", true), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc6, toggleAction = delegate() { this.holdFire = !this.holdFire; if (this.holdFire) { this.ResetForcedTarget(); } }, isActive = (() => this.holdFire) }); } yield break; yield break; }