/// <summary>
 /// Enables working with smart search index from Kentico web application.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="kenticoRootPath">The absolute path to the folder with Kentico web application.</param>
 private static void ConfigureSmartSearchStorageMapping(string kenticoRootPath)
     var storageProvider = new StorageProvider
         CustomRootPath = kenticoRootPath
     StorageHelper.MapStoragePath("~/App_Data/CMSModules/SmartSearch", storageProvider);
Example #2
 public StorageProvider GetStorageProvider()
     if (_storageProvider == null)
         _storageProvider = StorageProviders.Resolve(StorageProviderName);
        public CheckContainerInfo GetCheckContainerInfo(string id)
            var container = StorageProvider.GetWopiContainer(id);

            return(new CheckContainerInfo
                Name = container.Name
        public async Task ListBlobs_Test()
            var fileName = await CreateTestFile();

            var result = await StorageProvider.ListBlobs(ContainerName);

 public static IStorage Get(StorageProvider provider)
     switch (provider)
         case StorageProvider.Azure: return new Azure();
         case StorageProvider.OneDrive: return new OneDrive();
         case StorageProvider.Local: return new LocalStorage();
         default: throw new ArgumentNullException("Set StorageProvider in config");
        public void Get_storage()
            /* all testing will be touching just a single storage cell */
            var storageCell = new StorageCell(TestItem.AddressA, 1);

            /* to start with we need to create an account that we will be setting storage at */
            _stateProvider.CreateAccount(storageCell.Address, UInt256.One);

            /* at this stage we have an account with empty storage at the address that we want to test */

            byte[] initialValue = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 };
            _storageProvider.Set(storageCell, initialValue);

            var retrieved =
                _blockchainBridge.GetStorage(storageCell.Address, storageCell.Index, _stateProvider.StateRoot);


            /* at this stage we set the value in storage to 1,2,3 at the tested storage cell */

            /* Now we are testing scenario where the storage is being changed by the block processor.
            *  To do that we create some different storage / state access stack that represents the processor.
            *  It is a different stack of objects than the one that is used by the blockchain bridge. */

            byte[] newValue = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            StateProvider processorStateProvider =
                new StateProvider(_dbProvider.StateDb, _dbProvider.CodeDb, LimboLogs.Instance);

            processorStateProvider.StateRoot = _stateProvider.StateRoot;

            StorageProvider processorStorageProvider =
                new StorageProvider(_dbProvider.StateDb, processorStateProvider, LimboLogs.Instance);

            processorStorageProvider.Set(storageCell, newValue);

            /* At this stage the DB should have the storage value updated to 5.
             * We will try to retrieve the value by taking the state root from the processor.*/

            retrieved =
                _blockchainBridge.GetStorage(storageCell.Address, storageCell.Index, processorStateProvider.StateRoot);

            /* If it failed then it means that the blockchain bridge cached the previous call value */
Example #7
        public override void Initialize()
            var deviceProvider = new DeviceProvider();

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <IDeviceProvider>(deviceProvider);

            var notificationsProvider = new NotificationsProvider();

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <INotificationsProvider>(notificationsProvider);

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <IUserDialogs>(UserDialogs.Instance);

            string externalDirPath     = deviceProvider.DataPath();
            string dbPath              = PortablePath.Combine(externalDirPath, FilesNames.databaseFile);
            var    dbConnectionFactory = new DbConnectionFactory(dbPath);

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <IDbConnectionFactory>(dbConnectionFactory);

            var storageProvider = new StorageProvider(Mvx.Resolve <IDeviceProvider>(), Mvx.Resolve <IDbConnectionFactory>());

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <IStorageProvider>(storageProvider);

            var sessionProvider = new SessionProvider(Mvx.Resolve <IStorageProvider>());

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <ISessionProvider>(sessionProvider);

            //api interfaces
            var carrierOrdersApi = RestService.For <ICarrierOrdersApi>(sessionProvider.HttpClient);

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <ICarrierOrdersApi>(carrierOrdersApi);

            var routesApi = RestService.For <IRoutesApi>(sessionProvider.HttpClient);

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <IRoutesApi>(routesApi);

            var salepointOrdersApi = RestService.For <ISalepointOrdersApi>(sessionProvider.HttpClient);

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <ISalepointOrdersApi>(salepointOrdersApi);

            var carrierOrdersService = new CarrierOrdersService(Mvx.Resolve <ICarrierOrdersApi>(), Mvx.Resolve <INotificationsProvider>());

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <ICarrierOrdersService>(carrierOrdersService);

            var salepointOrdersService = new SalepointOrdersService(Mvx.Resolve <ISalepointOrdersApi>(), Mvx.Resolve <IStorageProvider>(), Mvx.Resolve <INotificationsProvider>());

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <ISalepointOrdersService>(salepointOrdersService);

            var routesService = new RoutesService(Mvx.Resolve <IRoutesApi>(), Mvx.Resolve <INotificationsProvider>(), Mvx.Resolve <ISessionProvider>());

            Mvx.RegisterSingleton <IRoutesService>(routesService);

            RegisterNavigationServiceAppStart <SignInViewModel>();
        public void Can_collect_stats()
            MemDb memDb = new MemDb();
            ISnapshotableDb stateDb = new StateDb(memDb);
            StateTree stateTree = new StateTree(stateDb);
            StateProvider stateProvider = new StateProvider(stateTree, stateDb, LimboLogs.Instance);
            StorageProvider storageProvider = new StorageProvider(stateDb, stateProvider, LimboLogs.Instance);

            stateProvider.CreateAccount(TestItem.AddressA, 1);
            Keccak codeHash = stateProvider.UpdateCode(new byte[] {1, 2, 3});
            stateProvider.UpdateCodeHash(TestItem.AddressA, codeHash, Istanbul.Instance);
            stateProvider.CreateAccount(TestItem.AddressB, 1);
            Keccak codeHash2 = stateProvider.UpdateCode(new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
            stateProvider.UpdateCodeHash(TestItem.AddressB, codeHash2, Istanbul.Instance);

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                StorageCell storageCell = new StorageCell(TestItem.AddressA, (UInt256)i);
                storageProvider.Set(storageCell, new byte[] {(byte)i});    


            memDb.Delete(codeHash2); // missing code
            Keccak storageKey = new Keccak("0x345e54154080bfa9e8f20c99d7a0139773926479bc59e5b4f830ad94b6425332");
            memDb.Delete(storageKey); // deletes some storage

            TrieStatsCollector statsCollector = new TrieStatsCollector(stateDb, LimboLogs.Instance);
            stateTree.Accept(statsCollector, stateTree.RootHash, true);
            string stats = statsCollector.Stats.ToString();
Example #9
        public IList <SeriesValue> GetSeries(Unit eenheid, DateTime from, DateTime to, SeriesResolution resolution, bool negate, bool smoothing)
            Logger.LogTrace("Enter, counter = {0}, unit = {1}, from = {2}, to = {3}, resolution = {4}, negate = {5}, smoothing = {6}",
                            CounterId, eenheid, from, to, resolution, negate, smoothing);

            Guard.IsBefore(from, to, "From cannot be later than to");

            if (resolution == SeriesResolution.FiveMinutes && CounterId == 2421)
                resolution = SeriesResolution.Hour;
            var values = SeriesValueListBuilder.BuildSeries(from, to, resolution);

            if (CounterId == 2421)
                //todo: refactor hack, this can be properly handled when we have Energy and Power as units.
                eenheid = Unit.M3;

            var result = StorageProvider.GetRecords(from, to, eenheid, values, negate);

            if (smoothing)
                var data         = values.OrderByDescending(o => o.Begin).ToList();
                var currentIndex = 0;
                foreach (var rec in data)
                    if (rec != null && rec.Value != null)
                        if (rec.Value == 0m)
                            var distance = 1;
                            while (currentIndex + distance < data.Count && data[currentIndex + distance].Value == 0m)
                            rec.Value = Math.Round(1m / FormulaForTime(rec.Begin) * 60m * 1000m) / (distance + 1m);
                        else if (currentIndex + 1 < data.Count && data[currentIndex + 1].Value == 0m)
                            var distance = 1;
                            while (currentIndex + distance < data.Count && data[currentIndex + distance].Value == 0m)
                            rec.Value = rec.Value / distance;

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增仓库
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Add()
            string   StorageNum  = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("StorageNum");
            string   StorageName = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("StorageName");
            int      StorageType = WebUtil.GetFormValue <int>("StorageType");
            double   Length      = WebUtil.GetFormValue <double>("Length");
            double   Width       = WebUtil.GetFormValue <double>("Width");
            double   Height      = WebUtil.GetFormValue <double>("Height");
            string   Action      = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("Action");
            string   Remark      = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("Remark");
            string   Contact     = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("Contact");
            string   Phone       = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("Phone");
            string   Address     = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("Address");
            double   Area        = WebUtil.GetFormValue <double>("Area");
            string   DepartNum   = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("DepartNum");
            string   CreateUser  = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("CreateUser");
            string   CompanyID   = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("CompanyID");
            DateTime LeaseTime   = WebUtil.GetFormValue <DateTime>("LeaseTime", DateTime.Now.AddYears(1));

            StorageEntity entity = new StorageEntity();

            entity.StorageName = StorageName;
            entity.StorageType = StorageType;
            entity.Length      = Length;
            entity.Width       = Width;
            entity.Height      = Height;
            entity.Action      = Action;
            entity.IsDelete    = (int)EIsDelete.NotDelete;
            entity.CreateTime  = DateTime.Now;
            entity.Remark      = Remark;
            entity.Contact     = Contact;
            entity.Phone       = Phone;
            entity.Address     = Address;
            entity.Area        = Area;
            entity.DepartNum   = DepartNum;
            entity.LeaseTime   = LeaseTime;
            entity.CreateUser  = CreateUser;
            entity.CompanyID   = CompanyID;

            StorageProvider provider = new StorageProvider(CompanyID);
            int             line     = provider.Add(entity);
            DataResult      result   = new DataResult();

            if (line > 0)
                result.Code    = (int)EResponseCode.Success;
                result.Message = "仓库新增成功";
                result.Code    = (int)EResponseCode.Exception;
                result.Message = "仓库新增失败";
Example #11
        public static void ProviderIsNot(StorageProvider disallowedProviders, string reason = null)
            var info = StorageProviderInfo.Instance;

            if (!info.CheckProviderIsNot(disallowedProviders))
                    "This test requires any provider except the following: {0}",
                    disallowedProviders.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), reason);
Example #12
        public static void ProviderIs(StorageProvider allowedProviders, string reason = null)
            var info = StorageProviderInfo.Instance;

            if (!info.CheckProviderIs(allowedProviders))
                    "This test requires one of the following providers: {0}",
                    allowedProviders.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), reason);
        public async Task SaveBlobStream_Test()
            var testFileName = GetTestFileName();
            await StorageProvider.SaveBlobStream(ContainerName, testFileName, TestStream);

            var result = await StorageProvider.GetBlobFileInfo(ContainerName, testFileName);

Example #14
        public void Same_address_different_index(int snapshot)
            StorageProvider provider = BuildStorageProvider();

            provider.Set(new StorageAddress(_address1, 1), _values[1]);
            provider.Set(new StorageAddress(_address1, 2), _values[2]);
            provider.Set(new StorageAddress(_address1, 3), _values[3]);

            Assert.AreEqual(_values[Math.Min(snapshot + 1, 1)], provider.Get(new StorageAddress(_address1, 1)));
Example #15
        public void Disposing()
            using (StorageProvider provider = Provider)

            RdbmsProvider rdbmsProvider = Provider;

            Assert.That(rdbmsProvider.IsConnected, Is.False);
Example #16
        public void Reset_resets_transient_state()
            Context         ctx      = new();
            StorageProvider provider = BuildStorageProvider(ctx);

            provider.SetTransientState(new StorageCell(ctx.Address1, 2), _values[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(_values[1], provider.GetTransientState(new StorageCell(ctx.Address1, 2)));

            Assert.True(provider.GetTransientState(new StorageCell(ctx.Address1, 2)).IsZero());
Example #17
 public void TestDelete()
     using (_provider = new StorageProvider(PathToStorageDir))
         _provider.DeleteAll <int>();
         _provider.Write <int>(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
         _provider.Delete <int>(i => i == 2);
         Assert.AreEqual(new[] { 1, 3, 4, 5 }, _provider.GetTable <int>().ToArray());
         _provider.DeleteAll <int>();
        public void Same_address_same_index_different_values_restore(int snapshot)
            StorageProvider provider = BuildStorageProvider();

            provider.Set(new StorageCell(_address1, 1), _values[1]);
            provider.Set(new StorageCell(_address1, 1), _values[2]);
            provider.Set(new StorageCell(_address1, 1), _values[3]);

            Assert.AreEqual(_values[snapshot + 1], provider.Get(new StorageCell(_address1, 1)));
Example #19
        void StartWaitSendThread(TcpSocketClient client)
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((obj) =>
                var spNumber = spClientPool.First(i => i.Socket == client).SPNumber;
                var deliverDao  = StorageProvider <DeliverStorage> .GetStorage();
                var deliverList = deliverDao.GetList(spNumber);

                if (deliverList.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var deliver in deliverList)
                        var d = new Deliver
                            SPNumber       = deliver.SPNumber,
                            UserNumber     = deliver.UserNumber,
                            TP_pid         = 0,
                            TP_udhi        = 0,
                            MessageCoding  = MessageCodes.GBK,
                            MessageContent = deliver.Content

                        MapSequeue(d.SequenceNumberString, deliver.SequenceNumber);

                var reportDao  = StorageProvider <ReportStorage> .GetStorage();
                var reportList = reportDao.GetList(spNumber);

                if (reportList.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var report in reportList)
                        var r = new Report
                            SubmitSequenceNumber = report.TargetSubmitSequenceNumber,
                            ReportType           = (uint)report.ReportType,
                            State      = (uint)report.State,
                            ErrorCode  = (uint)report.ErrorCode,
                            UserNumber = report.UserNumber

                        MapSequeue(r.SequenceNumberString, report.SubmitSequenceNumber);
        public async Task GetBlobFileInfo_Test()
            var fileName = await CreateTestFile();

            var result = await StorageProvider.GetBlobFileInfo(ContainerName, fileName);

Example #21
        private static void MapMediaLibraries(StorageProvider provider)
            // Map all site media libraries to azure
            var siteNames = SiteInfo.Provider.Get()
                            .Select(site => site.SiteName)

            foreach (var siteName in siteNames)
                StorageHelper.MapStoragePath($"~/{siteName}/media", provider);
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a <see cref="IUpdateInfoModel" /> for create a new captcha.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller">
        ///     The specified <see cref="ControllerBase" />.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parameterContainer">
        ///     The specified <see cref="IParameterContainer" />.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     An instance of <see cref="IUpdateInfoModel" />.
        /// </returns>
        public virtual IUpdateInfoModel GenerateNew(ControllerBase controller, IParameterContainer parameterContainer)
            Validate.ArgumentNotNull(controller, "controller");
            Validate.ArgumentNotNull(parameterContainer, "parameterContainer");
            KeyValuePair <string, ICaptchaValue> captchaPair = CreateCaptchaPair(parameterContainer, null);

            var    urlHelper = new UrlHelper(controller.ControllerContext.RequestContext);
            string imgUrl    = ImageUrlFactory(urlHelper, captchaPair);

            return(new DefaultUpdateInfoModel(TokenElementName, captchaPair.Key, imgUrl, ImageElementName));
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置仓库
        /// </summary>
        private void SetStorage()
            StorageProvider      provider = new StorageProvider();
            List <StorageEntity> list     = provider.GetList();

            list = list.IsNull() ? new List <StorageEntity>() : list;
            ViewBag.MenuStorage = list;
            string storageNum = DefaultStore;

            storageNum = storageNum.IsEmpty() ? ResourceManager.GetSettingEntity("STORE_DEFAULT_PRODUCT").Value : storageNum;
            ViewBag.MenuStorageName = list.First(a => a.StorageNum == storageNum).StorageName;
Example #24
        public static IStorage Get(StorageProvider provider)
            switch (provider)
            case StorageProvider.Azure: return(new Azure());

            //case StorageProvider.OneDrive: return new OneDrive();
            case StorageProvider.Local: return(new LocalStorage());

            default: throw new ArgumentNullException("Set StorageProvider in config");
        public void Setup()
            _specProvider = MainNetSpecProvider.Instance;
            StateDb stateDb = new StateDb();

            _stateProvider = new StateProvider(stateDb, new MemDb(), LimboLogs.Instance);
            StorageProvider storageProvider = new StorageProvider(stateDb, _stateProvider, LimboLogs.Instance);
            VirtualMachine  virtualMachine  = new VirtualMachine(_stateProvider, storageProvider, Substitute.For <IBlockhashProvider>(), _specProvider, LimboLogs.Instance);

            _transactionProcessor = new TransactionProcessor(_specProvider, _stateProvider, storageProvider, virtualMachine, LimboLogs.Instance);
            _ethereumEcdsa        = new EthereumEcdsa(_specProvider, LimboLogs.Instance);
        public void Commit_no_changes()
            StorageProvider provider = BuildStorageProvider();

            provider.Set(new StorageAddress(_address1, 1), _values[1]);
            provider.Set(new StorageAddress(_address1, 2), _values[2]);
            provider.Set(new StorageAddress(_address1, 3), _values[3]);

            Assert.AreEqual(Keccak.EmptyTreeHash, provider.GetRoot(_address1));
        public void Commit_no_changes()
            StorageProvider provider = BuildStorageProvider();

            provider.Set(new StorageCell(_address1, 1), _values[1]);
            provider.Set(new StorageCell(_address1, 2), _values[2]);
            provider.Set(new StorageCell(_address1, 3), _values[3]);

            Assert.IsTrue(provider.Get(new StorageCell(_address1, 1)).IsZero());
Example #28
        public ConsoleCommandsProcessor()
            var storage = new StorageProvider();

            commandsList = new Dictionary <string, ICommand>
                { "add", new AddCommand(storage) },
                { "remove", new RemoveCommand(storage) },
                { "update", new UpdateCommand(storage) },
                { "list", new ListCommand(storage) }
Example #29
        public static void Execute()
            Console.WriteLine($"// Count Ids by Index");

            var count =

            Console.WriteLine($"UPLOAD Count: {count}");
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询仓库列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetList()
            string                         CompanyID = WebUtil.GetFormValue <string>("CompanyID");
            StorageProvider                provider  = new StorageProvider(CompanyID);
            List <StorageEntity>           list      = provider.GetList();
            DataListResult <StorageEntity> result    = new DataListResult <StorageEntity>()
                Code = (int)EResponseCode.Success, Message = "响应成功", Result = list

Example #31
         * also need to test:
         * BALANCE
         * EXTCODECOPY
         * GASPRICE
         * CREATE

        private static GethLikeTxTracer RunVirtualMachine(byte[] code)
            GethLikeTxTracer txTracer = new GethLikeTxTracer(GethTraceOptions.Default);

            IDb stateDbDevice = new MemDb();
            IDb codeDbDevice  = new MemDb();

            ISnapshotableDb stateDb = new StateDb(stateDbDevice);
            ISnapshotableDb codeDb  = new StateDb(codeDbDevice);

            IStateProvider   stateProvider   = new StateProvider(stateDb, codeDb, LimboLogs.Instance);
            IStorageProvider storageProvider = new StorageProvider(stateDb, stateProvider, LimboLogs.Instance);

            IStateUpdateHashProvider stateUpdateHashProvider = new StateUpdateHashProvider();
            ISpecProvider            specProvider            = new CatalystSpecProvider();

            // these values will be set by the tx processor within the state update logic
            ExecutionEnvironment env = new ExecutionEnvironment();

            env.Originator       = Address.Zero;         // tx sender
            env.Sender           = Address.Zero;         // sender of this call for a given call depth
            env.ExecutingAccount = Address.Zero;         // account in which context the code is executed, it may be different from the code source when invoking a lib
            env.Value            = 1.Kat();              // sometimes the value is just a description of an upper level call to be used by a an invoke library method
            env.TransferValue    = 1.Kat();              // this is the actual value transferred from sender to recipient
            env.GasPrice         = 0;                    // conversion from gas units to FULs
            env.InputData        = new byte[0];          // only needed for contracts requiring input (ensure that this is not limited to 60bytes)
            env.CallDepth        = 0;                    // zero when starting tx

            StateUpdate stateUpdate = new StateUpdate(); // Catalyst single state update context (all phases together)

            stateUpdate.Difficulty     = 1;              // some metric describing the state update that is relevant for consensus
            stateUpdate.Number         = 1;              // state update sequence number
            stateUpdate.Timestamp      = 1;              // state update T0
            stateUpdate.GasLimit       = 1_000_000;      // max gas units to be available for this tx inside the kvm
            stateUpdate.GasBeneficiary = Address.Zero;   // will get all the gas fees
            stateUpdate.GasUsed        = 0L;             // zero if this is the first transaction in the update (accumulator over txs)
            env.CurrentBlock           = stateUpdate;

            // this would be loaded by the tx processor from the recipient's code storage
            CodeInfo codeInfo = new CodeInfo(code);

            env.CodeInfo   = codeInfo;
            env.CodeSource = Address.Zero;

            // this would be set by the tx processor that understands the type of transaction
            VmState vmState = new VmState(1_000_000L, env, ExecutionType.Transaction, false, true, false);

            KatVirtualMachine virtualMachine = new KatVirtualMachine(stateProvider, storageProvider, stateUpdateHashProvider, specProvider, LimboLogs.Instance);

            virtualMachine.Run(vmState, txTracer);
 private void HandleRekeyResponse(IEnumerable <object> args)
     SockIO.EmitAsync("rekeyed", new
         plugin = AppName,
         data   = new
             origin = AppName,
             appkey = StorageProvider.GetAppkey()
        public AddStorageProviderResult AddStoragePreferences(StorageProvider provider, byte[] token)
            var parameters = new NameValueCollection() { { "userId", this.UserId }, { "provider", provider.ToString() } };
            var template = UserManagementUriTemplates.BuildUriTemplate(UserManagementUriTemplates.AddStorageProvider);
            var providerInfo = new StorageProviderInfo { Provider = provider, Token = token };

            using (var content = HttpContentNetExtensions.CreateJsonNetDataContract<StorageProviderInfo>(providerInfo))
                var response = SubmitRequest<AddStorageProviderResponse>(template, parameters, "POST", content);

                if (response.Code != ResponseCode.Ok)
                    throw new GroupdocsServiceException(response.ErrorMessage);

                return response.Result;
        public async Task SerializeDocuments(object obj)
            var documents = obj as ObservableCollection<Document>;

            var storageProvider = new StorageProvider();

            await storageProvider.WriteToFile<ObservableCollection<Document>>(
                FileNameDocuments, documents);
        public async Task SerializeCategories(object obj)
            var categories = obj as ObservableCollection<Category>;

            var storageProvider = new StorageProvider();

            await storageProvider.WriteToFile<ObservableCollection<Category>>(FileNameCategories, categories);
        public async Task<ObservableCollection<Document>> DeserializeDocuments()
            ObservableCollection<Document> deserializedData = null;

            var storageProvider = new StorageProvider();

            deserializedData = await storageProvider.ReadFromFile<ObservableCollection<Document>>(FileNameDocuments);

            if (deserializedData == null)
                deserializedData = new ObservableCollection<Document>();

            return deserializedData;
        public async Task<ObservableCollection<Category>> DeserializeCategories()
            ObservableCollection<Category> deserializedData = null;

            var storageProvider = new StorageProvider();

            deserializedData = 
                await storageProvider.ReadFromFile<ObservableCollection<Category>>(FileNameCategories);

            if (deserializedData == null)
                deserializedData = new ObservableCollection<Category>();

            return deserializedData;
        public async Task SerializePages(object obj)
            var pages = obj as ObservableCollection<Page>;

            var storageProvider = new StorageProvider();

            await storageProvider.WriteToFile<ObservableCollection<Page>>(FileNamePages, pages);