/* * If ContinueOnError argument is 'true', return the exception else nope. */ private void DeleteBlobFromAzureStorage(CodeActivityContext context) { try { AzureParamHelper azureStorageHelper = new AzureParamHelper(StorageConnectionString.Get(context), StorageBlobContainer.Get(context)); IsDeleted.Set(context, AzureHelper.DeleteBlobFromAzureStorage(BlobReference.Get(context))); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Convert.ToBoolean((int)ContinueOnError)) { } else { throw ex; } } }
/* * If ContinueOnError argument is 'true', return the exception else nope. */ private void CrateContainerInAzureStorage(CodeActivityContext context) { try { AzureParamHelper azureStorageHelper = new AzureParamHelper(StorageConnectionString.Get(context), StorageBlobContainer.Get(context)); IsContainerCreated.Set(context, AzureHelper.CrateContainerInAzureStorage()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Convert.ToBoolean((int)ContinueOnError)) { } else { throw ex; } } }
/* * If ContinueOnError argument is 'true', return the exception else nope. * Used storage space size will return in bytes */ private void GetUsedSpaceOfAzureStorage(CodeActivityContext context) { try { AzureParamHelper azureStorageHelper = new AzureParamHelper(StorageConnectionString.Get(context), StorageBlobContainer.Get(context)); UsedSpace.Set(context, AzureHelper.GetUsedSpaceOfAzureStorage(FileExtension.Get(context))); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Convert.ToBoolean((int)ContinueOnError)) { } else { throw ex; } } }
/* * If ContinueOnError argument is 'true', return the exception else nope. * useFlatBlobListing is true to ensure loading all files in virtual blob sub-folders as a plain list */ private void GetBlobNamesFromAzureStorage(CodeActivityContext context) { try { AzureParamHelper azureStorageHelper = new AzureParamHelper(StorageConnectionString.Get(context), StorageBlobContainer.Get(context)); BlobNameList.Set(context, AzureHelper.GetBlobNamesFromAzureStorage(Convert.ToBoolean((int)IsIncludedSubfolder))); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Convert.ToBoolean((int)ContinueOnError)) { } else { throw ex; } } }
/* * If ContinueOnError argument is 'true', return the exception else nope. */ private void UploadToAzureStorage(CodeActivityContext context) { try { AzureParamHelper azureStorageHelper = new AzureParamHelper(StorageConnectionString.Get(context), StorageBlobContainer.Get(context)); BlobUri.Set(context, AzureHelper.UploadToAzureStorage(SourceFile.Get(context), BlobReference.Get(context), Convert.ToBoolean((int)DeleteSourceAfterUpload))); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Convert.ToBoolean((int)ContinueOnError)) { } else { throw ex; } } }