Example #1
        public StockWeights AdjustWeights(StockWeights currentWeights, StockWeights targetWeights, decimal toBuyInverseRatio)
            // Starting from: cn * C + bn * B = tn * T
            // , where cn - weight for stock 'n', C - total current stock value
            // , bn - to buy weight for stock 'n', B - to buy available amount
            // , tn - target weight for stock 'n', T - total final stock value
            // We get: bn = tn * (C / B + 1) - cn * (C / B), where C / B is the to buy inverse ratio
            // With first constraint that bn >= 0 which results in: cn <= tn * (1 + B / C)
            // With second constraint that b1 + b2 + ... + bn = 1

            // Apply the first constraint and remove the target weights that don't fulfill it
            var allowedWeights = targetWeights
                                 .Where(w => toBuyInverseRatio == 0 || // 0 only on the first buy
                                        SafeGetCurrentWeight(w.Key) <= w.Value * (1 + 1 / toBuyInverseRatio))
                                 .OrderByDescending(w => w.Value)

            // Redistribute the removed weights to the other weights
            allowedWeights = allowedWeights.Redistribute();

            var toBuyWeights = allowedWeights
                               .Select(w => (w.Key, w.Value * (toBuyInverseRatio + 1) - SafeGetCurrentWeight(w.Key) * toBuyInverseRatio))

            // Enforce the second constraint

            decimal SafeGetCurrentWeight(string symbol)
                if (currentWeights.ContainsKey(symbol))
