protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Buffer = true; Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1); Response.Expires = 0; Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"; try { StimulationCheck stimuche = StimulationCheck.getNew(); string SQLWhere = "StimulatedType='2' and StimulationId='" + stimuche.Id + "'"; stimtype = StimulationType.SelecByWhere(SQLWhere); stimuappexist = StimulationAppliction.GetStimuAppWhere("StimulationAndTypeId='" + stimtype.Id + "'"); if (!IsPostBack) { this.SubmitApp.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return checkfill()"); BindPage(); } } catch { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('页面加载错误!将返回网站主页');window.location = '../../Home.aspx'</script>"); return; } }
protected void DeleApp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StimulationCheck stimuche = StimulationCheck.getNew(); string SQLWhere = "StimulatedType='3' and StimulationId='" + stimuche.Id + "'"; stimtype = StimulationType.SelecByWhere(SQLWhere); stiforsub_coop = StimulationApplicationForSubCenterAndCollaborateUnit.FindUnitNewestAppforSub_Coop(stimtype.Id, u.UnitID); StimulationAppliction stiappexist = StimulationAppliction.Load(stiforsub_coop.Id); stiappexist.Deleted(); stiforsub_coop.Deleted(); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('成功删除考评申请记录!');window.location = 'StimuFP.aspx'</script>"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Buffer = true; Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1); Response.Expires = 0; Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"; try { SetID = Request.QueryString["SetID"]; System.Guid Setid = System.Guid.Empty; if (SetID != null && CY.Utility.Common.StringUtility.IsGuid(SetID.ToString()) && (Setid = new Guid(SetID.ToString())) != System.Guid.Empty) { CY.CSTS.Core.Business.MACHINESET mset = CY.CSTS.Core.Business.MACHINESET.Load(Setid); if (mset != null) { if (mset.JointreviewStateName == "未申请") { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('未申请');this.close();</script>"); return; } if (mset.UnitID != null) { IList<CY.CSTS.Core.Business.User> users = CY.CSTS.Core.Business.User.GetUnitUserList(mset.UnitID); for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++) { if (users[i].UserType == 6 || users[i].UserType == 7) { lbUserName.Text = users[i].Name; lbUserTel.Text = users[i].Phone; break; } } } } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('未申请');window.location = 'StimuFP.aspx';</script>"); return; } } StimulationCheck stimuche = StimulationCheck.getNew(); string sqlwhere = "StimulationId='" + stimuche.Id.ToString() + "' and [StimulatedType]='1'"; stimtype = StimulationType.SelecByWhere(sqlwhere); stiforcrew = StimulationApplicationForCrew.FindMachineGroupNewestAppforCrew(stimtype.Id, SetID); if (stiforcrew != null) { CY.CSTS.Core.Business.MACHINESET mset = CY.CSTS.Core.Business.MACHINESET.Load(stiforcrew.CrewId); if (mset != null) { lbSetName.Text = mset.SETNAME; lbUnit.Text = mset.Unit.UnitName; lbInsCode.Text = mset.InsSysCode.ToString(); lbSetLinkman.Text = mset.LINKMAN; lbTel.Text = mset.PHONE; } //获取附件 attachmentList = CY.CSTS.Core.Business.Annex.SelectAnnexByContentID(stiforcrew.Id); } if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["User"] != null) { BindPage(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('页面加载错误!将返回网站主页');window.location = '../../home.aspx'</script>"); //return; throw ex; } }
static StimulationType() { AssistUnit = new StimulationType() { cate = 0, name = "协助单位" }; SubCenter = new StimulationType() { cate = 1, name = "分中心" }; Center = new StimulationType() { cate = 2, name = "中心" }; EquipSet = new StimulationType() { cate = 3, name = "机组" }; }
private DataSet HandMachine(DataSet manchineDS, StimulationType stimulationType) { manchineDS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("Apply"); manchineDS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("View"); for (int i = 0; i < manchineDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { try { string MachineID = manchineDS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Id"].ToString(); StimulationApplicationForCrew stiappforcrew = StimulationApplicationForCrew.FindMachineGroupNewestAppforCrew(stimulationType.Id, MachineID); if (stimulationType.State == 2) { if (stiappforcrew != null) { manchineDS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["View"] = "true"; manchineDS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Apply"] = "false"; } else { manchineDS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["View"] = "false"; manchineDS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Apply"] = "true"; } } else { if (stiappforcrew != null) { manchineDS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["View"] = "true"; manchineDS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Apply"] = "false"; } else { manchineDS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["View"] = "false"; manchineDS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Apply"] = "false"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } return manchineDS; }
private void BindBtn(StimulationType stimulationType, int StimulatedType) { StimulationAppliction stimuappexist = new StimulationAppliction(); switch (StimulatedType) { case 1: try { bindSetGv(); //DataSet manchineDS = CY.Utility.Common.ListToDS.ToDataSet(manchinelist); //manchineDS = HandMachine(manchineDS, stimulationType); //this.RpMachinegroup.DataSource = manchineDS; //this.RpMachinegroup.DataBind(); } catch { clickenable = "false"; } break; case 2: stimuappexist = StimulationAppliction.GetStimuAppWhere("StimulationAndTypeId='" + stimulationType.Id + "'"); if (u.UserType == 5) { if (stimulationType.State == 2) { if (stimuappexist == null) { this.btn_ServerApp.Enabled = true; this.btn_ServeView.Enabled = false; } else { this.btn_ServerApp.Enabled = false; this.btn_ServeView.Enabled = true; } } else { this.btn_ServerApp.Enabled = false; if (stimuappexist == null) { this.btn_ServeView.Enabled = false; } else { this.btn_ServeView.Enabled = true; } } } else { this.btn_ServerApp.Enabled = false; this.btn_ServeView.Enabled = false; } break; case 3: StimulationApplicationForSubCenterAndCollaborateUnit stiforsub_coop = StimulationApplicationForSubCenterAndCollaborateUnit.FindUnitNewestAppforSub_Coop(stimulationType.Id, u.UnitID); if (u.UserType == 6 || u.UserType == 7) { if (stimulationType.State == 2 || stimulationType.State == 3) { if (stiforsub_coop == null) { this.btn_ServerApp.Enabled = false; this.btn_ServeView.Enabled = false; this.btn_SubApp.Enabled = true; this.btn_SubView.Enabled = false; } else { this.btn_ServerApp.Enabled = false; this.btn_ServeView.Enabled = false; this.btn_SubApp.Enabled = false; this.btn_SubView.Enabled = true; } } else { if (stiforsub_coop == null) { this.btn_SubView.Enabled = false; } else { this.btn_SubView.Enabled = true; } } } else { this.btn_SubApp.Enabled = false; this.btn_SubView.Enabled = false; } break; } }
private void forsubaddquestion(StimulationApplicationForSubCenterAndCollaborateUnit stiforsub_coop) { try { StimulationCheck stimuche = StimulationCheck.getNew(); string SQLWhere = "StimulatedType='3' and StimulationId='" + stimuche.Id + "'"; stimtype = StimulationType.SelecByWhere(SQLWhere); stiforsub_coop = StimulationApplicationForSubCenterAndCollaborateUnit.FindUnitNewestAppforSub_Coop(stimtype.Id, u.UnitID); List<StimulationCriterionQuestion> questlist = StimulationCriterionQuestion.GetAllStimulationCriterionQuestion() as List<StimulationCriterionQuestion>; questlist = questlist.Where(Item => Item.StimulationContentType == 2).ToList(); List<StimulationCriterionAnswer> stianswerlist = new List<StimulationCriterionAnswer>(); for (int i = 0; i < questlist.Count; i++) { StimulationCriterionAnswer stianswer = StimulationCriterionAnswer.GetAnseerByQuest(questlist[i].Id, stiforsub_coop.Id); if (stianswer == null) { stianswer = new StimulationCriterionAnswer(); stianswer.QuestionID = questlist[i].Id; stianswer.ApplicationId = stiforsub_coop.Id; } stianswerlist.Add(stianswer); } stianswerlist[0].Content = this.tb_instrument.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[0].Save(); stianswerlist[1].Content = tb_instru_scale.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[1].Save(); stianswerlist[2].Content = tb_instru_worktime.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[2].Save(); stianswerlist[3].Content = tb_external.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[3].Save(); stianswerlist[4].Content = tb_income.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[4].Save(); stianswerlist[5].Content = tb_sample.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[5].Save(); stianswerlist[6].Content = tb_project.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[6].Save(); if (this.affiche_badly.Checked) { stianswerlist[7].Content = "较差"; } else if (this.affiche_all_right.Checked) { stianswerlist[7].Content = "一般"; } else if (this.affiche_excellent.Checked) { stianswerlist[7].Content = "很好"; } stianswerlist[7].Save(); stianswerlist[8].Content = tb_long_distance.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[8].Save(); stianswerlist[9].Content = tbdistancemanage.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[9].Save(); stianswerlist[10].Content = tbAppraise.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[10].Save(); //if (long_distance_manage_verybad.Checked) //{ // stianswerlist[9].Content = "差"; //} //if (this.long_distance_manage_badly.Checked) //{ // stianswerlist[9].Content = "较差"; //} //else if (this.long_distance_manage_normal.Checked) //{ // stianswerlist[9].Content = "一般"; //} //else if (this.long_distance_manage_excillent.Checked) //{ // stianswerlist[9].Content = "很好"; //} //stianswerlist[9].Save(); //if (appraise_none.Checked) //{ // stianswerlist[10].Content = "无"; //} //if (this.appraise_badly.Checked) //{ // stianswerlist[10].Content = "差"; //} //else if (this.appraise_normal.Checked) //{ // stianswerlist[10].Content = "良"; //} //else if (this.appraise_excellent.Checked) //{ // stianswerlist[10].Content = "优"; //} //stianswerlist[10].Save(); if (examname == "协作单位") { if (this.share_badly.Checked) { stianswerlist[11].Content = "较差"; } else if (this.share_normal.Checked) { stianswerlist[11].Content = "较好"; } else if (this.share_good.Checked) { stianswerlist[11].Content = "好"; } stianswerlist[11].Save(); } else { if (subshare_badly.Checked) { stianswerlist[11].Content = "差"; } if (this.subshare_normal.Checked) { stianswerlist[11].Content = "较差"; } else if (this.subshare_good.Checked) { stianswerlist[11].Content = "较好"; } else if (this.subshare_exellent.Checked) { stianswerlist[11].Content = "好"; } stianswerlist[11].Save(); } if (Rb_noneset.Checked) { stianswerlist[12].Content = "未建设"; } if (this.Rb_noneupdate.Checked) { stianswerlist[12].Content = "未更新"; } else if (this.Rb_update.Checked) { stianswerlist[12].Content = "有更新"; } else if (this.Rb_updatequarterly.Checked) { stianswerlist[12].Content = "每季度有更新"; } else if (this.Rb_updatemonthly.Checked) { stianswerlist[12].Content = "每月有更新"; } stianswerlist[12].Save(); stianswerlist[13].Content = tb_submit.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[13].Save(); stianswerlist[14].Content = tb_thesis.Text.Trim(); stianswerlist[14].Save(); //添加附件 UploadFile(stiforsub_coop.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void BindPage() { StimulationCheck stimuche = StimulationCheck.getNew(); string SQLWhere = "StimulatedType='3' and StimulationId='" + stimuche.Id + "'"; stimtype = StimulationType.SelecByWhere(SQLWhere); stiforsub_coop = StimulationApplicationForSubCenterAndCollaborateUnit.FindUnitNewestAppforSub_Coop(stimtype.Id, u.UnitID); if (stiforsub_coop != null) { AnnexDataBind(); List<StimulationCriterionQuestion> questlist = StimulationCriterionQuestion.GetAllStimulationCriterionQuestion() as List<StimulationCriterionQuestion>; questlist = questlist.Where(Item => Item.StimulationContentType == 2).ToList(); List<StimulationCriterionAnswer> stianswerlist = new List<StimulationCriterionAnswer>(); for (int i = 0; i < questlist.Count; i++) { StimulationCriterionAnswer stianswer = StimulationCriterionAnswer.GetAnseerByQuest(questlist[i].Id, stiforsub_coop.Id); if (stianswer == null) { stianswer = new StimulationCriterionAnswer(); } stianswerlist.Add(stianswer); } this.tb_instrument.Text = stianswerlist[0].Content; this.tb_instru_scale.Text = stianswerlist[1].Content; tb_instru_worktime.Text = stianswerlist[2].Content; tb_external.Text = stianswerlist[3].Content; tb_income.Text = stianswerlist[4].Content; tb_sample.Text = stianswerlist[5].Content; tb_project.Text = stianswerlist[6].Content; switch (stianswerlist[7].Content) { case "较差": affiche_badly.Checked = true; break; case "一般": affiche_all_right.Checked = true; break; case "很好": affiche_excellent.Checked = true; break; } tb_long_distance.Text = stianswerlist[8].Content; tbdistancemanage.Text = stianswerlist[9].Content; tbAppraise.Text = stianswerlist[10].Content; //switch (stianswerlist[9].Content) //{ // case "差": long_distance_manage_verybad.Checked = true; break; // case "较差": long_distance_manage_badly.Checked = true; break; // case "一般": long_distance_manage_normal.Checked = true; break; // case "很好": this.long_distance_manage_excillent.Checked = true; break; //} //switch (stianswerlist[10].Content) //{ // case "无": appraise_none.Checked = true; break; // case "差": appraise_badly.Checked = true; break; // case "良": appraise_normal.Checked = true; break; // case "优": this.appraise_excellent.Checked = true; break; //} if (examname == "协作单位") { switch (stianswerlist[11].Content) { case "较差": share_badly.Checked = true; break; case "较好": share_normal.Checked = true; break; case "好": share_good.Checked = true; break; } } else if (examname == "分中心") { switch (stianswerlist[11].Content) { case "差": subshare_badly.Checked = true; break; case "较差": subshare_normal.Checked = true; break; case "较好": subshare_good.Checked = true; break; case "好": this.subshare_exellent.Checked = true; break; } switch (stianswerlist[12].Content) { case "未建设": Rb_noneset.Checked = true; break; case "未更新": Rb_noneupdate.Checked = true; break; case "有更新": Rb_update.Checked = true; break; case "每季度有更新": this.Rb_updatequarterly.Checked = true; break; case "每月有更新": this.Rb_updatemonthly.Checked = true; break; } tb_submit.Text = stianswerlist[13].Content; tb_thesis.Text = stianswerlist[14].Content; } } if (stimtype.State == 2) { this.SubmitApp.Visible = true; this.SaveApp.Visible = true; if (stiforsub_coop == null) { this.DeleApp.Visible = false; } else { this.DeleApp.Visible = true; } if (u != null) { int countThisYear = CY.CSTS.Core.Business.view_INSTRUMENT.getUnitAuditInsCount(u.UnitID); int count = CY.CSTS.Core.Business.view_INSTRUMENT.getUnitInsCount(u.UnitID); tb_instrument.Text = count.ToString(); if (count == 0) { tb_instru_scale.Text = "0"; } else { float persents = ((((float)countThisYear) / count) * 100); if (persents.ToString().Length > (persents.ToString().LastIndexOf('.') + 3)) { tb_instru_scale.Text = persents.ToString().Substring(0, persents.ToString().LastIndexOf('.') + 3); } else { tb_instru_scale.Text = persents.ToString(); } } } } else if (stimtype.State == 3) { if (stiforsub_coop == null) { this.SubmitApp.Visible = true; this.SaveApp.Visible = true; this.DeleApp.Visible = false; if (u != null) { int countThisYear = CY.CSTS.Core.Business.view_INSTRUMENT.getUnitAuditInsCount(u.UnitID); int count = CY.CSTS.Core.Business.view_INSTRUMENT.getUnitInsCount(u.UnitID); tb_instrument.Text = count.ToString(); if (count == 0) { tb_instru_scale.Text = "0"; } else { float persents = ((((float)countThisYear) / count) * 100); if (persents.ToString().Length > (persents.ToString().LastIndexOf('.') + 3)) { tb_instru_scale.Text = persents.ToString().Substring(0, persents.ToString().LastIndexOf('.') + 3); } else { tb_instru_scale.Text = persents.ToString(); } } } } else if (stiforsub_coop.State == 1) { this.SubmitApp.Visible = true; this.SaveApp.Visible = true; this.DeleApp.Visible = true; } else if (stiforsub_coop.State == 4) { this.SubmitApp.Visible = true; this.SaveApp.Visible = false; this.DeleApp.Visible = false; } else { this.SubmitApp.Visible = false; this.SaveApp.Visible = false; this.DeleApp.Visible = false; } } else { this.SubmitApp.Visible = false; this.SaveApp.Visible = false; this.DeleApp.Visible = false; } }
protected void SubmitApp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StimulationAppliction stimuapp = new StimulationAppliction(); try { StimulationCheck stimuche = StimulationCheck.getNew(); string SQLWhere = "StimulatedType='3' and StimulationId='" + stimuche.Id + "'"; stimtype = StimulationType.SelecByWhere(SQLWhere); stiforsub_coop = StimulationApplicationForSubCenterAndCollaborateUnit.FindUnitNewestAppforSub_Coop(stimtype.Id, u.UnitID); if (stiforsub_coop == null) { stimuapp.StimulationAndTypeId = stimtype.Id; stimuapp.Save(); stiforsub_coop = new StimulationApplicationForSubCenterAndCollaborateUnit(); stiforsub_coop.Id = stimuapp.Id; stiforsub_coop.UintId = u.UnitID; stiforsub_coop.DraftWriter = u.Name;//改 stiforsub_coop.FillDate = DateTime.Now; stiforsub_coop.State = 2; stiforsub_coop.Save(); forsubaddquestion(stiforsub_coop); } else { stiforsub_coop.DraftWriter = u.Name;//改 stiforsub_coop.FillDate = DateTime.Now; if (stiforsub_coop.State == 1) { stiforsub_coop.State = 2; } else if (stiforsub_coop.State == 4) { stiforsub_coop.State = 3; } stiforsub_coop.Save(); forsubaddquestion(stiforsub_coop); } Response.Redirect("StimuAppSub_CoopView.aspx"); } catch (Exception ex) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('考评申请提交失败!');"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Context.Request.QueryString["state"] != null) { state = Request.QueryString["state"]; } if (Context.Request.QueryString["type"] != null) { type = Request.QueryString["type"]; } if (Session["User"] != null) { U = (CY.CSTS.Core.Business.User)Session["User"]; } else { } StimulationCheck stimuche = StimulationCheck.getNew(); string SQLWhere = "StimulatedType='2' and StimulationId='" + stimuche.Id + "'"; stimtype = StimulationType.SelecByWhere(SQLWhere); StimulationAppliction stimuappexist = StimulationAppliction.GetStimuAppWhere("StimulationAndTypeId='" + stimtype.Id + "'"); if (stimuappexist != null) { attachmentList = CY.CSTS.Core.Business.Annex.SelectAnnexByContentID(stimuappexist.Id); appforcenter = StimulationApplicationForCenter.Load(stimuappexist.Id); if (appforcenter != null) { if (!IsPostBack) { hdAppId.Value = appforcenter.Id.ToString(); bindCtr(); Bindpage(); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Buffer = true; Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1); Response.Expires = 0; Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"; if (Request.QueryString["SetID"] != null && Request.QueryString["SetID"] != "") { SetID = Request.QueryString["SetID"]; if (Request.QueryString["type"] != null && Request.QueryString["type"] == "1") { System.Guid Setid = System.Guid.Empty; if (SetID != null && CY.Utility.Common.StringUtility.IsGuid(SetID.ToString()) && (Setid = new Guid(SetID.ToString())) != System.Guid.Empty) { CY.CSTS.Core.Business.MACHINESET mset = CY.CSTS.Core.Business.MACHINESET.Load(Setid); if (mset != null) { if (mset.JointreviewStateName != "未申请") { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('已申请!');window.location = 'StimuFP.aspx';</script>"); return; } } } } StimulationCheck stimuche = StimulationCheck.getNew(); string sqlwhere = "StimulationId='" + stimuche.Id.ToString() + "'" + "and StimulatedType='1'"; stimtype = StimulationType.SelecByWhere(sqlwhere); appforcrew = StimulationApplicationForCrew.FindMachineGroupNewestAppforCrew(stimtype.Id, SetID); if (!IsPostBack) { this.SubmitApp.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return checkfill()"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Context.Request.QueryString["SetID"]) || !CY.Utility.Common.StringUtility.IsGuid(Request.QueryString["SetID"])) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('参数错误!');</script>"); return; } BindPage(); } } }