public TradeHistoryResponse GetTradeHistory(int?maxTrades, long?startAfterTime, string startAfterTradeId, bool navigatingBack = false, bool getDescriptions = false, string lanugage = "en", bool includeFailed = false) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startAfterTradeId)) { startAfterTime = null; } var options = GetOptions( ("key", _apiKey), ("max_trades", maxTrades), ("start_after_tradeid", startAfterTradeId), ("get_descriptions", BoolConverter(getDescriptions)), ("language", lanugage), ("include_failed", BoolConverter(includeFailed)), ("start_after_time", startAfterTime), ("navigating_back", BoolConverter(navigatingBack)) ); var url = string.Format(BaseUrl, "GetTradeHistory", "v1", options); var response = SteamWeb.Request(url, "GET", data: null); try { var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ApiResponse <TradeHistoryResponse> >(response); return(result.Response); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Error on get trade history", ex); } return(new TradeHistoryResponse()); }
public OffersResponse GetTradeOffers(bool getSentOffers, bool getReceivedOffers, bool getDescriptions, bool activeOnly, bool historicalOnly, string timeHistoricalCutoff = "1389106496", string language = "en_us") { if (!getSentOffers && !getReceivedOffers) { throw new ArgumentException("getSentOffers and getReceivedOffers can't be both false"); } var options = string.Format( "?key={0}&get_sent_offers={1}&get_received_offers={2}&get_descriptions={3}&language={4}&active_only={5}&historical_only={6}", _apiKey, BoolConverter(getSentOffers), BoolConverter(getReceivedOffers), BoolConverter(getDescriptions), language, BoolConverter(activeOnly), BoolConverter(historicalOnly)); if (timeHistoricalCutoff != "1389106496") { options += $"&time_historical_cutoff={timeHistoricalCutoff}"; } var url = string.Format(BaseUrl, "GetTradeOffers", "v1", options); var response = SteamWeb.Request(url, "GET", data: null); try { var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ApiResponse <OffersResponse> >(response); return(result.Response); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Error on get rdade offers", ex); } return(new OffersResponse()); }
public static void BreakOnGems(string sessionId, string appId, string assetId, string contextId, int expectedGemsValue, ulong steamId, CookieContainer cookies, WebProxy proxy) { var response = SteamWeb.Request( $"{steamId}/ajaxgrindintogoo/", "POST", new NameValueCollection { { "sessionid", sessionId }, { "appid", appId }, { "assetid", assetId }, { "contextid", contextId }, { "goo_value_expected", expectedGemsValue.ToString() }, }, cookies, referer: $"{steamId}/inventory/", proxy: proxy); if (response == null) { throw new WebException("Steam response is empty"); } var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BreakGemsResponse>(response); if (json.Success != 1) { throw new WebException($"Response success is {json.Success}"); } }
public MyInventoryRootModel LoadMyInventoryPage( SteamID steamid, int appid, int contextid, CookieContainer cookies = null, string startAssetid = "", int count = 5000) { Logger.Log.Debug($"Loading {steamid.ConvertToUInt64()} {appid}-{contextid} inventory page"); var url = "https://" + $"{appid}/{contextid}?l=english&count={count}&start_assetid={startAssetid}"; var response = SteamWeb.Request(url, "GET", dataString: null, cookies: cookies, proxy: this.Proxy); MyInventoryRootModel inventoryRoot; try { inventoryRoot = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MyInventoryRootModel>(response); } catch (JsonException ex) { Logger.Log.Error($"Error on inventory loading - {ex.Message}", ex); inventoryRoot = null; } return(inventoryRoot); }
internal bool Request(string url, NameValueCollection data, string referer, string tradeOfferId, out string newTradeOfferId) { newTradeOfferId = ""; var resp = SteamWeb.Request(url, "POST", data, _cookies, referer: referer); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp)) { try { var offerResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NewTradeOfferResponse>(resp); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(offerResponse.TradeOfferId)) { newTradeOfferId = offerResponse.TradeOfferId; return(true); } Error = offerResponse.TradeError; Logger.Error($"Error on decline trade offer - {Error}"); } catch (JsonException ex) { Logger.Error("Error on decline trade offer", ex); } } return(false); }
public bool BuyOnMarket( double averagePrice, int appid, string hashName, double?ratio, bool buyPackages, int currency) { // the ratio is a value client is ready to accept the difference between average and current price ratio += 1; var order = this.FindBuyingOrder(averagePrice, appid, hashName, ratio); var data = new NameValueCollection { { "sessionid", this.SteamClient.Session.SessionID }, { "currency", currency.ToString() }, { "appid", appid.ToString() }, { "market_hash_name", hashName } }; var quantity = 1; if (buyPackages) { quantity *= order.Count; } // "G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture - use these as arguments to convert double into string with dots data["price_total"] = (order.Price * 100 * quantity).ToString("G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); data["quantity"] = quantity.ToString(); var response = SteamWeb.Request( "", "POST", data, this.Cookies, proxy: this.Proxy); var responseJson = (NameValueCollection)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response); var success = responseJson["success"]; if (success == null) { Logger.Log.Error("Invalid response from createbuyorder request"); return(false); } var buyOrderId = responseJson["buy_orderid"]; if (success != "1") { Logger.Log.Debug(responseJson["message"]); if (responseJson["message"].Contains("You already have an active buy order")) { this.CancelBuyOrder(buyOrderId); return(false); } } return(true); }
private InventoryRootModel LoadInventoryPage(SteamID steamid, int appid, int contextid, string startAssetid = "", int count = 5000) { var url = "https://" + $"{steamid.ConvertToUInt64()}/{appid}/{contextid}?l=english&count={count}&start_assetid={startAssetid}"; var response = SteamWeb.Request(url, "GET", dataString: null); var inventoryRoot = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InventoryRootModel>(response); return(inventoryRoot); }
/// <summary> /// Adds or removes the provided workshop item from the collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="workshopid">The WorkshopID of the workshopitem.</param> /// <param name="remove">If true the workshopitem will be removed instead of being addded.</param> public static void ModifyCollection(ulong workshopid, bool remove) { var login = Globals.SteamLogin; var data = "sessionID=" + login.Session.SessionID + "&publishedfileid=" + workshopid + "&collections%5B1377816355%5D%5B" + (remove ? "remove" : "add") + "%5D=true&collections%5B1377816355%5D%5Btitle%5D=Die+Unausstehlichen+-+TTT"; CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer(); login.Session.AddCookies(cookies); var response = SteamWeb.Request("", "POST", data, cookies); Console.WriteLine(response); }
public string Fetch(string url, string method, NameValueCollection data = null, bool ajax = false, string referer = "") { try { HttpWebResponse response = SteamWeb.Request(url, method, data, Cookies, ajax, referer); return(ReadWebStream(response)); } catch (WebException we) { Debug.WriteLine(we); return(ReadWebStream(we.Response)); } }
public bool DeclineTradeOffer(ulong tradeofferid) { var options = $"?key={this._apiKey}&tradeofferid={tradeofferid}"; var url = string.Format(BaseUrl, "DeclineTradeOffer", "v1", options); var response = SteamWeb.Request(url, "POST", data: null, proxy: this._proxy); dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response); if (json == null || json.success != "1") { return(false); } return(true); }
public static int GetGemsCount(FullRgItem item, CookieContainer steamCookies, WebProxy proxy = null) { var ownerTag = item.Description.OwnerActions?.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name.Equals("Turn into Gems...", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); int gemsCount = 0; if (ownerTag == null) { Gems.Add(item.Description.MarketHashName, gemsCount); return(gemsCount); } if (TryGetGemsCount(item, out gemsCount)) { return(gemsCount); } //javascript:GetGooValue( '%contextid%', '%assetid%', 603770, 3, 1 ) var regex = Regex.Match(ownerTag.Link, "javascript:GetGooValue\\( '%contextid%', '%assetid%', (\\d+), (\\d+), (\\d+) \\)"); var appId = regex.Groups[1].Value; var itemType = regex.Groups[2].Value; var border = regex.Groups[3].Value; var response = SteamWeb.Request( $"{appId}&item_type={itemType}&border_color={border}", "GET", data: null, cookies: steamCookies, proxy: proxy); var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GooResponse>(response); if (json.Success != 1) { throw new WebException($"Success status is {json.Success}"); } gemsCount = int.Parse(json.GooValue); Gems.Add(item.Description.MarketHashName, gemsCount); if (++_updateFileCounter == 5) { _updateFileCounter = 0; UpdateFile(); } return(gemsCount); }
/// <summary> /// Fetches the inventory for the given Steam ID using the Steam API. /// </summary> /// <returns>The give users inventory.</returns> /// <param name='steamId'>Steam identifier.</param> /// <param name='apiKey'>The needed Steam API key.</param> /// <param name="appid"></param> public Inventory FetchInventory(ulong steamId, string apiKey, int appid) { var attempts = 1; InventoryResponse result = null; while ((result?.result.Items == null) && attempts <= 3) { var url = $"{appid}/GetPlayerItems/v0001/?key={apiKey}&steamid={steamId}"; var response = SteamWeb.Request(url, "GET", data: null, referer: ""); result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InventoryResponse>(response); attempts++; } return(new Inventory(result?.result)); }
public string FetchTradeToken() { this.IsSessionUpdated = true; Logger.Log.Debug("Parsing trade token from - ''"); try { var response = SteamWeb.Request( "", "GET", string.Empty, this.Cookies, proxy: this.Proxy); if (response == null) { Logger.Log.Warn( "Error on parsing trade token. Steam privacy page cant not be loaded. Try to scrap it manually from - ''"); return(null); } var token = Regex.Match( response, @"https://steamcommunity\.com/tradeoffer/new/\?partner=.+&token=(.+?)""").Groups[1].Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { Logger.Log.Warn( "Error on parsing trade token. Steam privacy page cant not be loaded. Try to scrap it manually from - ''"); return(null); } Logger.Log.Debug($"'{token}' trade token was successfully parsed"); return(token); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log.Warn( $"Error on parsing trade token. {e.Message}. Try to scrap it manually from - ''"); return(null); } }
public OfferResponse GetTradeOffer(string tradeofferid) { var options = string.Format("?key={0}&tradeofferid={1}&language={2}", this._apiKey, tradeofferid, "en_us"); var url = string.Format(BaseUrl, "GetTradeOffer", "v1", options); try { var response = SteamWeb.Request(url, "GET", data: null, proxy: this._proxy); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ApiResponse <OfferResponse> >(response); return(result.Response); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log.Error("Error on getting trade offers", ex); } return(new OfferResponse()); }
public TradeOffersSummary GetTradeOffersSummary(uint timeLastVisit) { var options = string.Format("?key={0}&time_last_visit={1}", this._apiKey, timeLastVisit); var url = string.Format(BaseUrl, "GetTradeOffersSummary", "v1", options); try { var response = SteamWeb.Request(url, "GET", data: null, proxy: this._proxy); var resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ApiResponse <TradeOffersSummary> >(response); return(resp.Response); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log.Error("Error on getting trade offer summary", ex); } return(new TradeOffersSummary()); }
private string FetchApiKey() { this.IsSessionUpdated = true; Logger.Log.Debug("Parsing steam api key from - ''"); while (true) { var response = SteamWeb.Request( "", "GET", data: null, cookies: this.Cookies, proxy: this.Proxy); if (response != null) { var keyParse = Regex.Match(response, @"Key: (.+)</p").Groups[1].Value.Trim(); if (keyParse.Length != 0) { Logger.Log.Debug($"{keyParse} api key was successfully parsed"); return(keyParse); } } Logger.Log.Debug("Seems like account do not have api key. Trying to regenerate it"); var data = new NameValueCollection { { "domain", "" }, { "agreeToTerms", "agreed" }, { "sessionid", this.Guard.Session.SessionID }, { "Submit", "Register" } }; SteamWeb.Request( "", "POST", data: data, cookies: this.Cookies, proxy: this.Proxy); } }
public TradeOfferAcceptResponse Accept(string tradeOfferId) { var data = new NameValueCollection { { "sessionid", this._sessionId }, { "serverid", "1" }, { "tradeofferid", tradeOfferId } }; var url = $"{tradeOfferId}/accept"; var referer = $"{tradeOfferId}/"; var resp = SteamWeb.Request(url, "POST", data, this._cookies, referer: referer, proxy: this._proxy); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp)) { try { var res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TradeOfferAcceptResponse>(resp); // steam can return 'null' response if (res != null) { res.Accepted = string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.TradeError); return(res); } } catch (JsonException) { return(new TradeOfferAcceptResponse { TradeError = "Error parsing server response: " + resp }); } } // if it didn't work as expected, check the state, maybe it was accepted after all var state = this._webApi.GetOfferState(tradeOfferId); return(new TradeOfferAcceptResponse { Accepted = state == TradeOfferState.TradeOfferStateAccepted }); }
public bool Decline(string tradeOfferId) { var data = new NameValueCollection { { "sessionid", this._sessionId }, { "serverid", "1" }, { "tradeofferid", tradeOfferId } }; var url = string.Format("{0}/decline", tradeOfferId); // should be{0}/{1}/tradeoffers - id/profile persona/id64 ideally var referer = string.Format("{0}/", tradeOfferId); var resp = SteamWeb.Request(url, "POST", data, this._cookies, referer: referer, proxy: this._proxy); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp)) { try { var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NewTradeOfferResponse>(resp); if (json.TradeOfferId != null && json.TradeOfferId == tradeOfferId) { return(true); } } catch (JsonException ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Error on decline trade offer" + ex.Message); } } else { var state = this._webApi.GetOfferState(tradeOfferId); if (state == TradeOfferState.TradeOfferStateDeclined) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public bool Cancel(string tradeOfferId) { var data = new NameValueCollection { { "sessionid", _sessionId }, { "tradeofferid", tradeOfferId }, { "serverid", "1" } }; var url = string.Format("{0}/cancel", tradeOfferId); //should be{0}/{1}/tradeoffers/sent/ - id/profile persona/id64 ideally var referer = string.Format("{0}/", tradeOfferId); var resp = SteamWeb.Request(url, "POST", data, _cookies, referer: referer); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp)) { try { var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NewTradeOfferResponse>(resp); if (json.TradeOfferId != null && json.TradeOfferId == tradeOfferId) { return(true); } } catch (JsonException ex) { Logger.Error("Error on cancel trade offer", ex); } } else { var state = _webApi.GetOfferState(tradeOfferId); if (state == TradeOfferState.TradeOfferStateCanceled) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void CancelBuyOrder(string orderid) { var data = new NameValueCollection { { "sessionid", this.SteamClient.Session.SessionID }, { "buy_orderid", orderid } }; while (true) { var response = SteamWeb.Request( "", "GET", data, this.Cookies, proxy: this.Proxy); var success = ((NameValueCollection)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response))["success"]; if (success == "1") { return; } Thread.Sleep(1000 * 3); } }
public bool FetchTradeToken() { var response = SteamWeb.Request( "", "GET", string.Empty, this.Cookies); if (response == null) { return(false); } var token = string.Empty; try { token = Regex.Match(response, @"https://steamcommunity\.com/tradeoffer/new/\?partner=.+&token=(.+?)""") .Groups[1].Value; } catch (Exception) { // ignored } if (token != string.Empty) { var acc = SavedSteamAccount.Get().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Login == this.Guard.AccountName); if (acc != null) { acc.TradeToken = token; SavedSteamAccount.UpdateAll(SavedSteamAccount.Get()); } } return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)); }
public static string RetryWebRequest(SteamWeb steamWeb, string url, string method, NameValueCollection data, bool ajax = false, string referer = "") { //(_steamWeb, url, "GET", null, false, ""); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try { var response = steamWeb.Request(url, method, data, ajax, referer); using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { if (responseStream == null) { continue; } using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(responseStream)) { var result = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { Console.WriteLine("Web request failed (status: {0}). Retrying...", response.StatusCode); Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { return(result); } } } } catch (WebException ex) { try { using (var responseStream = ex.Response.GetResponseStream()) { if (responseStream == null) { continue; } using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(responseStream)) { var result = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { return(result); } if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) { Console.WriteLine("Status Code: {0}, {1} for {2}", (int)((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).StatusCode, ((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).StatusDescription, url); } } } } catch { // ignored } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } return(""); }